Alf-Lancaater Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 OPINION Aquaculture Finally Agriculture We wish to be among the first to offer a welcome to Pennsylva nia’s aquaculture industry as a new official member of the state’s agricultural family. Up until now aquaculture was not legally regarded as agriculture in Pennsylvania. In fact, it was only within the past decade that the wet world of growing food and fiber received even federal recognition and status. But with the state Legislature coming through with its promise of legislation to send to the governor, and the quick signing by Gov. Tom Ridge on Oct. 16, the reasons why aquaculture has been slighted for so long are suddenly unimportant. It’s officially here. A rapidly dwindling supply of the world’s wild aquatic foods, a growing human population, and a tightening of space available for traditional agricultural species and practices have been some of the major forces supporting the growth of commercial-scale aquaculture. Aquaculture can provide solutions to problems that don’t get solved because of other people’s and business’s conflicts of interest. Technological advances, and, in most cases, low environmental impacts are some of the highly attractive features that aquaculture has always enjoyed, even if not always appreciated. Further, aquaculture provides a new entreprenuerial frontier for everyday people. It is a frontier because it is not yet locked up and price controlled. There is opportunity: not every aquatic species or product in demand has been produced in an aquacultural setting, much less produced in such great quantities as to prevent other small busines ses from becoming established. The state law has been amended to include aquaculture within the realm of agriculture, and though state officials and the Legisla ture have for some time provided aquaculture with some of the courtesys, respect and support provided the rest of the state’s agri cultural industry, the signing of law makes it clear what the farming of fish and aquatic life actually is agriculture. Welcome. Natural Habitats Workshop, Penn State Berks-Lehigh Valley Col lege, Reading, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. State Grange 126th Annual Ses sion, Crawford County Hosts, Days Inn, Allegheny College, Mcadville, thru Oct. 28. Farm and Natural Lands Trust of York County Annual Harvest Fesl. Brown’s Orchard Farm Market, Loganville, thru Oct. 25. Westmoreland County Cattle men’s Graded Feeder Calf Sale, Westmoreland Fairgrounds, 7 Fred and Kathy Fries Woodlot, Madison Township, Columbia Md. and Va. Milk Producers Meet ing, Port Royal Fire Hall, Port Royal, noon. Md. and Va. Milk Producers Meet ing, Penn Township Fire Hall, Huntsdale, 7 p.m. Susquehanna and Wyoming Counties Combined Annual Meetings, Montrose Bible Con- Lancaster County 4-H Recogni- ❖ Farm Calendar** 9 , * * don Night, Sherwood Knoll, Comfort Inn, Centerville, 6:30 p.m. Md. and Va. Milk Producers Meet- ing, United Methodist Church, Centerville, noon. Lancaster County Poultry Ban quet, Willow Valley, 6:30 p.m. Conservation Tillage and Preci sion Farming Field Day, George Snyder Farm, Red Lion, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday. October 2K Regional Cooperative Leadership Workshop, Altoona Ratnada, 9 a.m.-ll a.m. PCC Annual Meeting, Ramada Inn, Altoona, 11:30 a.m--5 p.m. Penn State Student Visitation Day, Penn State University, thru Oct, 29. Thursdav. October 29 Inaugural Project Ceremony, Berks and Lebanon counties conservation districts, Kissling Farm, Heidelberg Township, Saturday, October 31 Halloween Delmarva Driving Club Inc., Fall Harvest at Pepperbox, near Laurel, Del., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. N.Y. Beef Producers Tele- Auction, Empire Livestock, Bath, 1 p.m. To Understand Frost Damage If temperatures reach freezing before com or soybeans reach ma turity, damage will occur, accord ing to Robert Anderson, Lancaster County extension agronomy agent With com, maturity is reached when the black layer is formed at the base of the kernel. Soybeans reach maturity when the pods are no longer green. At maturity, com is roughly 35 percent moisture and soybeans are between 18 and 20 percent mois ture. At maturity neither crop will accumulate any mote dry matter. Frost before maturity will reduce both quality and yields. Frost damaged com will We small and misshapen soft kernels. The in complete development of the starch structure causes a pithy ker nel. A high percent of kernels break during handling. Low test weight, below 45 pounds per bushel, will result in low protein levcls and low digestion. Amino acid levels will be very variable. Frost-damaged soybeans will show green on elongated yel low beans that shrink to smaller than normal size after drying. Green beans are difficult to extract oil from and the oil content is re duced. To Manage Frosted Corn Appropriate management of frosted com may help reduce yield losses and maintain the feeding value, according to Robert Ander son, Lancaster County extension agronomy agent. Frost damage to com will occur whenever tem- Dynamic Duo Spotlight Sale, Fre derick Fairgrounds, Frederick, Workshop, Ramada Inn, ADADC Dist 18 meeting, Yod er's Restaurant, New Holland, 7:30 p.m. Md. and Va. Milk Producers Meet ing, Grcencastle Special Events Center, Grcencastle, 7 p.m. Northampton County Cooperative E ‘ S' Northeast Heifer Contract Raising Symposium, Binghamton Regency Hotel, Binghamton, N.Y., thru Nov. 5. Md. and Va. Milk Producers Meet ing, Fulton Grange Hall, Wake field, noon. Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Industiy Show, Plover, Wis., (Turn to Page A 35) pcraturcs remain below 32 de grees for 4 to 5 boms or anytime the temperature declines to 28 de grees, even if for only a few min utes. Negligible losses will occur if the grain has already dried to 35 percent moisture or lower, even with a severe host. If any green leaves remain after the frost, even leaves below the ear, the com plant will continue to live and mature. This will increase it s dry matter content. A good rule of thumb to re member let frosted com stand as long as there ate green leaves and the ear has not former the black layer. To Use Frosted Corn And Soybeans The best use of frosted com is for animal feed. Robert Anderson, Lancaster County extension agronomy agent, reminds us that frosted com should be tested so that your feed ing program may be supplemented THE “LITTLE PEOPLE” October 25, 1998 Background Scripture: 2 Kings 5 1-19 Devotional Reading: 2 Samuel 12:1-15 “He was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper. ” That was what people were say mg about the great Synan general, Na'aman. He was the most famous military figure m Syna and had the full confidence of the Syrian king. But, he had a flaw; he was a leper and leprosy was one of the most feared diseases in the ancient world. He had a promising career ahead of him, but now all that was thrown into doubt. In the case of Na’aman (NAY uh-mon) it was a physical afflic tion, but almost anything can rum a life, spoil a career, jeopardize a relationship or threaten a faith. “He would have been a great CEO, but he’s got that drinking problem!” “She has a great voice, but she's a hypochondriac!" ‘They’d be a great couple, if only they weren’t always putting each other down.” You probably can write some of your own “yes, hut's” and “if only’s.” What is it in your own life that keeps you from being the per son God created you to be, that keeps you from fulfilling your God-given potential, that spoils the good life that God gave you? What might people say of you; “He/she is fine, but...”? END OF A CAREER? That might have been the end of the great general’s career, ex cept for a little nobody who had no reason to help Na’aman, but did anyway. She is one of those little people, who at the right time and place can make an important difference, even if we never learn even their name. All we know of her is that she was an Israelite who had been kidnapped in one of Na’aman’s raids and made a slave in his household. From a strictly human stand point, she should have hated Na’aman and his wife But, struck by the plight of her master, she said “Would that my lord were with the prophet who is in Samana l He would cure him of his leprosy" (5:3). Something higher than “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” was at work in this little nameless Israelite maid with additional protein or acids. Fungi may present a problcg You will need to check for fuuj growth during storage. Expect storage time to be « duced by as much as SO peiceg The best use of frosted soybeans! also livestock feed. Processor will discount for green beans. green must be refined out of oil. Oil from immature beans ofe contains high levels of free fait acids which causes rancidity Meal from immature beans wj| contain more residual oil than tin normal O.S to 1.0 percent. Direct marketing from the fieli will usually result in the hlghcs discount for green soybeans, Cleaning and proper drying may improve the marketability of these beans. Feather Prof, ’s Footnote: *lt is what you learn after you know n all that counts." John Wooden How often does a prominent persons take advice from one of these “little people”? Not very often, unless... there’s nowhere else to go. Na’aman had obvi ously exhausted all his known al ternatives, including the Syrian religion But he was desperate and when people are desperate they may turn to anyone they can tor help I can’t imagine how often I have witnessed that Sometimes, that is the only way people come to God. INSECURE & PARANOID So, Na’aman goes off to Israel hoping for a cure from what oth erwise would seem a most un likely source. The reaction of Samaria’s king is human and hu morous. Self-centered and ex tremely insecure, he interprets Na’aman’s request a pretext by the Syrian king to cause him trouble: “Only consider, and see how he is seeking a quarrel with me” (5:7). There are some people who are so paranoid that they in terpret everything in life as a per sonal threat. Na’aman finally arrives at Elisha’s home with a grand en tourage of horses and chariots. So he is insulted when, instead of coming to meet him, the prophet sends a messenger with a simple prescription; “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh will be restored” (5:10). Na’aman was furious—didn’t Elisha know who he was? Did he not realize how important he was? Angry and petulant, he was ready to turn around and go home. Once again, however, one of those “little people” saved the day for Na’aman. Some nameless ser vants took considerable courage to say to this angry man: “My fa ther, if the prophet had com manded you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much rather, then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean?”’ (5:13). So, because he had nowhere else to go for help, Na’aman over came his pride and prejudice and let some of the “little people” lead him to the most important heal ing he would ever experience. Lancaster Farming Established 1955 Published Every Saturday Ephrata Review Building 1 E. Main St. Ephrata. PA 17522 -by Lancaster Farming, Inc. A Stemman Enterprise William J. Burgess General Manager Everett R. Newswanger Managing editor Copyright 1996 by Lancaster Faring
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