Restaurant Equipment Auction Tues., Oct. 27,1998 9:00 a.m. Hinkletown Drive-In DIRECTIONS: Approximately midway between Lancaster and Reading. Take route 30 to route 222 N, Take the Ephrata exit and go east 1 mile to sale site. Phone number day of sale 610-909-4211. EQUIPMENT: 80 qt. Dough Mixer, 30 qt Hobart Mixer, Berkel Slicer, Electric Grills, 2 Hoods with Fans, Under Counter refrigerator, 2 Broasters, 6' Boiler, Electric Ovens, Upright Rotisserie, 2 Brotisserie Units, Ice Tea Machine, Coffee Machine, 2 Single Door Snapple Coolers, 2 Head jet Spray Juicer, Old Root Beer Barrel, Coke Machine, 2 Burner Electric Counter Top, 12“ Electric Grill, Dough Sheeter, 2 Henny Penny Roasters, 2 Revolving Toasters, Granita (3 Bowl), Convection Ovens, Salad Bar, Dish Machine and tables, Bakery Rack and Cases, 8' s/s Tables (1 with light), Pie Cases, Deli Case Star Electric Fryer, Sharp Cash Register, Assorted Table and Chairs, Formica Cabinets, Bottle Cooler, Dish Lowerator, Steamer, Assorted Small Wares. Auctioneers Note: Announcements day of sale take precedence over all other printed material. Terms: Cash or PA Check Refreshments Available Auctioneer Richard A. Kramer AU-003135-L (717) 933-8600 M PUBLIC AUCTION onnAM M. 4 Tp 9:00 AM Sat, Nov. 14,1998 ■ Pequea Battery Going Out Of Business Auction " Directions: From Lancaster take 30 east to Ronks turn left on Ronks Rd to sale on right From Gap take 30 west to Ronks turn right on Ronks Rd. to sale on right. Shop Equipment Alias Metal Lath with air Motor. Atlas Arbor Press, 40 Ton Red Arrow 850 Press, Universal Spot Welder. 2-Winco generators 3,000 watt and 4,000 watt, 2-5 H.P. Quincy air compressor, 5000 lbs Allis Chalmers Fork Lift (propane), Punch Press 3,000 lbs Pallet Jack, o H.P. Troybilt Chipper Shredder. Snap-on tool box and contents, Blue Streak Ignition cabinet and contents, Box Stabler Simpson 260 Ohn Meters, Misc Pullers, Schmmacher Load Tester, Sun Vat 40 Charging tester, Lancaster Threaded products and Display rack wheel display rack. Addressogruph Class 100 and Plate Stamper Mighty Mac lawn sprayer on trailer, 3,000 lbs. electric walk behind automatic lift truck, Sun generator and regulator tester with air motor. Walker Turner drill press with air motor, grinder with air motor, electric Hoist, Table Saw; 1/2 ton air Hoist, Power Hack saw with air motor, Stanley router, air sander; 1 in. to 2 in. ridgid pipe threader, Ridgid 300 pipe threader on. tri pod, 1 ton chain hoist, 10 in Delta table saw with air motor, 4,000 lbs. engine lift. Acetylene torch set on cart, sump pump with air motor, fan on stand with air motor, model 24-21 Rota - Clean Parts cleaner, Dock Plate, 2 AM air motors, 1000 lbs Fairbanks platform scales, sheet metal crimper, propane fired lead pot, Tropic-aire 7500 Ptu gas heater, 2-propane torch sets. Kerosene heater. Solo chain saw, chain binders, 2-10 ft. roller tracks on stand, 275 gal. fuel tank with pump, 150 gal. fuel tank with pump, Cash or Honorable PA Check Only All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertising. Not Responsible for Accidents Food on Premises fttA Sale ordered by Clair Sensenig Auctioneer: Mel Hoover AU-003111-L 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat at 2:23 P.M. SAT OCT. 24 -10 AM Old farm p™ g *|%L % * equip, furniture & prlmlfes. Mf Hartzells Auctlon Pocono, Pa. Follow signs off Rt „. 611 just S. of Ml Pocono, onto SAT - OCT 24 -10 AM Parts inventory and Mfq division only PUBLIC AUCTION Tin Workers Machinery Lumber, Contractors Equipment SAT., OCT. 24,1998 To be held at 22 North Race Street (in Rear), Richland, Lebanon Co., PA 30” Shear, 48" Brake, SRII2 Slip Roller, 18 & 30” Rolls, 30” Bar Folder, 18” Grooving Machine, Beading & Wiring Machines, Candle & Double Seaming Stakes, Twirl, Elbow, & Several Burring Machines, Various Other Hand Turning Machines, Belsaw 1x42 Belt Sander, Comb. 6” Belt & 9” Disc Sander, Berger Transit. 4” Craftsman Jointer, Hirsch Portable Saw Table w/Saw, B&D #Bl6 Hammer Drill w/Bits, 7-1/4” Saw w/Box, 4” Porter Cable Belt Sander, Makita, Rockwell & B&D Finish Sanders, 8 Ft. Straight Edge, Linoleum Roller, Slate Roofers Tools, 2 Old Style Screw Jacks, 2 Adj. Posts, 8 Ft. Alum. Brake. 40 Ft. Alum. Ladder, 32 Ft. Wood Ext. Ladder, Roof Ladders, 2A Ladders, 4 Pole Jacks, Ladder Jacks, 24 Adj. Roof Jacks, Asst. Scaffold Planks, Asst. Nails, Etc., Seasoned Lumber, Wide Pine Rough Cut 1-3/8” Thick to 24” W & 16 Ft. Long. Also Asst. Lumber - Walnut, Maple, Pine. 1500 Pmcor Generator, Etc. Sale Time: 9:00 AM Conducted For Ralph Yoder & Carl Shot! Clerks - Koch & Hurst Aucts. Weik & Weik #9BB-L Misc. Items 6-7 ft. hot water heating coils. Cyclone fertilizer spreader, pipe fittings, 10 H.P. Briggs & Stratton engine, barrel stand, misc. tools, shelving, shop carts. Warm Morning wood & coal stove (good condition), stove pipe, shop hot water heat exchanger with air motor & fans, stove pipe. Drum Dolly, desk, 2-fans with air motor, stools, 12 volt motors, vise, squirrel fan, handy man jack, misc. starters, generators, alternators, Dearborn propane heater, banding equipment, 50 gal. Cleaning Solvent, 2-Barrel pumps, air oper ated Clipper Blade sharpener, electric operated Clipper Blade sharpener, Misc. hydraulic pumps, motors, values, fiber glass line acid tank, chemical pump with air motor, Ridgid pipe cut ter, Ridgid pipe wrenches, propane tames, shop stove, radiator, fiberglass drum, air stream hel met, parts cabinet, time clock, lots of misc. weld ing cable. New Store Items Misc. Drydene Oil 15W-30, Hydraulic Drydene anti freeze, Drydene starting fluid, Parmec Fencers, Magnum Fencers, Ray-O-Vac water jugs, booster cable, flash lights, misc. fencers, lots and lots of new bolts and nuts and washer and lags, V Belts, shovels, forks, scrapers, dig ging irons, gasoline cans, new Winco electric generator, misc. 12 volt batteries, new electric cords, rolls of misc. air hose, AA, A, C, D, 6 volts, 9 volts battery, duct tape, eye bolts, alu minum shoves, rakes, forks, scrapers, gate hooks, fence posts, battery clamps, vise grips, adjustable wrenches, electric tape, Metal Master snips, air hose couplers, drill bits, water hoses, tarp straps, tape measures electric clippers, air clippers, clipper blades, air motors, filter regulators, coil air noses, misc bat tery charger parts, cooper tubing, galvanized pipe fitting, gate valves, and ball valves, misc Coleman lanterns, parts, gloves, inverters, hose clamps, Misc. Link and Miller welder parts, fencer parts, lots and lots of misc. shelving, lots and lots of battery cables, organizer. Terms by: Emanuel B & Nancy Fisher 103 A North Ronks Rd. Ronks Pa. 17572 Hamdam Products, 2 Poplar st.,*-ancaater Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998-831 comar of Wetmor Rd. & Poplar St., Kane, Pa Cambridge Indus trial Liquidators. Inc. SAT. OCT. 24 -10 AM. Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, PA Annual Fan Heifer Safe. For more Info- Gene Click, 717-667-2703 or Sate Bam. 717-935-2146 SAT. OCT 24-10 30AM Hilton, Monroe Co, NY. Fredar Farm sDispersal of Farm Mach & Dairy Bam Equip Plrrung Aucts.. Inc. SAT OCT 24 - 10 30AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 SAT OCT. 24 -11 AM Bred Heifer Dispersal - 60 Grade Holstelns, Daniel and Brenda Nowell, owner Norman Hill Cattle Co SAT. OCT. 24 -11 AM Fall Con signment Machinery Auction. Held at “Concord Ridge" located off Rt 6,4 miles W. of Cony, Pa H. Jamie Hammond, E Stephen Denny, aucts SAT OCT 24 - IPM Landis Auc tion service. 80 Acre Lane. Co Farm at 534 Graystone Rd, at Rt 72 midway between E Peters burg and Manheim, E Hampfield Twp For Stanley M Carpenter Landis Auction Service SAT OCT. 24 - IPM River Rd, Centre Twp., Berks Co, PA. 33 Acre Berks Co. Farm, Irg 2-1/2 sty frame home, bam, shop, garage, pavilion, swimming pool. By Bruce & Carol Hoffman Ken neth P Leiby, Auct, 610-562- 3929 SUN, OCT 25 - 9 30AM Former Residence of Sir Hubert Wilkins, Real Estate, Antiques, Book Auc tion Off RL 267 between Lawton & Meshoppen, Pa Susquehanna Co. 20 mi S of Vestal, NY on Rt 267,40 mi of Scranton, Pa onßt 6 to Rt 267 N Turn on Deer Lick Rd, go appro* 2mi follow auc tion arrows Shamrock Auction Service MON OCT 26-DumpTruck,car, ambulance van. chipper & surplus items At Exeter Twp Municipal Building Turn N off Rt 422 onto Gibraltar Rd, 1/2 mi Eof the end of the Reading By-Pass 2nd traf fic light For Exeter & Amity Town shni Supervisors MON OCT 26 - 9AM Taneytown Farm Equip, farmtractors, farm equip, trucks, lawn and garden and some industrial equip MON OCT 26 - 9AM Antiques, collectibles, household goods 601 Mundis Mill Rd , York, Pa between N Sherman St & Emig Rd Howard Shenberger, seller Rentzel's Auction Service MON OCT 26 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A S C Diffenbach Auction, Inc MON OCT 26 410 AM Grocery Store, Deli & Bakery, Meat Pro- Equip & Fixtures Chin chilla, Pa Clarks Summit Col Steve Sitar auct PUBLIC AUCTION 1863 CIVIL WAR ERA MUSKET • 1933 CATER PILLAR TRACTOR • ANTIQUES • GUNS • FUR NITURE • HISTORICAL BOOKS • TOOLS • PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., OCTOBER 31,1998 • 8:30 AM 6742 Div. Hwy., (Beartown), Narvon, PA DIRECTIONS: From Blue Ball, take Rt. 322 East, approx. 4 miles thru Beartown. Auction halfway up the hill on left. From Honeybrook, approx 4 miles west on 322. Auction on right before Beartown. Many Quality Items. See Full listing next week TERMS: Cash or PA Check AUCTtONBEkS: ** * » * BY: Joyce Burkey, POAFor Paul Z. Martin, Jr. AUIB63L » ♦ Roger Spencer AUI4S4L nlpl| * HENRY LONGABAUGH Patrick K. Morgan AU3SS7L Food by Blue Ball Fire Co 717-354-6671 mtitoUmu. %. Snowmobile Liquidation Auction Car-Van-Classic Mercedes-Motorcycle Schaeffer Enterprise 21 Washington Street Bernville October 24,1998 - 9:30 A.M. DIRECTIONS: Take route 183 to Bernville. Him onto Washington St. VEHICLES: 1990 CHRYSLER Fifth Avenue 3.3 V-6 114,000 mi (Sharp Car). 1987 Chrysler 250 Conversion Van 318 V-8 123,000 mi (New Tires Ready to Go), 1967 Mercedes 250 Finback 88,000 mi gas engine, Honda CL 360 Street Bike, 3 Wheeled Electric Cycle Chair (Similar to Rascal). SNOWMOBILE: 'B2 Yamaha SRV, 399 cc Ski Doo, 396 cc Yamaha, 340 cc Yamaha Enticer, 440 cc Artie Cat Panther, 297 cc Artie Cat Panther, 297 cc Ski Daddler, 25()cc Elan, Polars, 335 cc Olympic, Rupp Nitro, 644 cc Mercury Hurricane. Artie Cat Cheetah, Two '7O Ski Daddlers, '67 Ski Doo, 297 cc '7O Moto-Ski SNOWMOBILE PARTS: Engines (440 Artie Cat Hydraulic, 398 cc Rotax 330tc Kawaski, 1 Cyl Polaris, Chaparral, John Deere), Hoods, Crankshafts, Tracks. Skis Mufflers, ETC. PARTS SLEDS: 399 cc Ski Doo, Bolens, and much more Auctioneers Notes: We have little Misc items that do not pertain to snowmobiles so be on time and don't miss out. Vehicles are well maintained Phone numbci day ol sale (610) 488-7295. ANNOUNCEMENTS day of sale take precedence over printed material. Auctioneers: Terms: Cash or PA check. Richard A. Kramer f/*-* j J Sale Ordered by au-003135-l Gene Schaeffer Rick Kramer I 1 I AA-002278-L (717)933-8600 Marley Ross Estate Former Residence of Sir Hubert Wilkins Real Estate, Antiques, Book Auction Sun., October 25,9:30 A.M. Located off Rt. 267 between Lawton & Meshoppen, Pa. Susquehanna Co., 20 Mi. S. of Vestal, NY on Rt 267,40 Mi. N. of Scranton, Pa. on Rt 6 to Rt 267 N. Turn on Deer Lick Road go approx. 2 mi.-follow auction arrows. Real Estate: PARCEL 1. Large 2 Story home, 36x60 2 story recreation building, overlooking a 13+/- acre lake on 107 +/- acres, Ig. eat in kitchen w/new oak cabinets, Ig. music room w/stone fire place and track lighting, full bath and laundry area off kitchen, DR, LR, foyer w/open staircase leading upstairs, Ig. ballroom w/oak floors, high ceilings, chandeliers, and spotlights. UPSTAIRS: 5 BR's, 1 1/2 baths, outside balcony, enclosed front porch, 2 car attached garage, drilled well, recreation building w/36x60 stone foundation, concrete basement, wood floors, 2nd story w/full deck overlooking lake This beautiful home is located on 107 +/- acres of mostly wooded land off Rt 267. PARCEL 2: 2 story home w/2 Ig. apartments (up and down), plus store front and large artists studio w/separate entrance and deck, 2 story (40x45) older bam, all situated on 13+/- acres Located on Rt 706, Downtown Rush, Pa. TERMS: $10,000.00 down on each parcel by Cashier Check or Certified Bank Check at the con clusion of the bidding, balance due upon delivery of the deed within 45 days Any other terms or condi tions announced sale day INSPECTION: Sunday, Oct 11 12.00-2 00 PM Friday, Oct 16 4 00-5 00 PM Monday, Oct 19 4 00-5 00 PM This Home Is Filled With Antiques & Unusual Items. **Come and spend the day with us. Running 2 auc tions most of the day. **this is the former residence of Sir Hubert Wilkins & Lady Wilkins & this home has many unusual & historical items. The Ross Family was in the theatri cal business & have lived here for many years & have a qty. of costumes relating to the theater!! s '' TERMS: Cash/Visa/MC Lunch Tents EXEC: DARREN JOSEPH RE ALE ATTY: RAYMOND DAVIS A* SHAMROCK AUCTION SERVICE AU-116 AUCTIONEERS. Jerry Burke & Assoc phone (717) 833-5913 Fax (717)833-2186 ffISUL Members PAA/NAA/CAI/NYSAA EMail shamrod®eplx net
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