Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1998, Image 71

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    rilte wants the name of a
will print the farm logo on
like to locate a John Deere
bine or a J.D. 105 Combine
t be in good condition.
iWoodyvard Court, Annapo
brmation on how old a two-
Road in Columbia (West
id tobacco shed once stood
iroximately 3/10 mile off the
il Forry) it was owned by the -
Elmer Garber, Paris H. Gar
,as possibly owned by Hen
(f (1853) Henry Hogendob
idrew Bowers (both 1856),
ohn Reitzell.
rkasie, would like to know
rry brambles. Is there any
itrol thistle without harming
ider would like to purchase
ipond. She wants to purch
ili area.
on, 153 Brick Church Rd.,
i old book, ‘Donkey John of
I Warner Morley and pub
lishing Co. Her dad, who
en in school and is now a
jecause it is about a wood-
filth’s Implements, Inc.
II Hall
inkle and Greib, Inc
>w Holland
B.C. Groff, Inc,
sw Alexandria
me Maple Sales &
srv., Inc.
ikland Mills
st Creek Implement,
QUESTION Barbara Fair, Mohrsville, remembers a
poem from her childhood, which is about a woman who spent
her whole life fighting dirt. The final lines are something about
“she lay down and died, and was buried in dirt." Does anyone
have the complete poem?
QUESTION —Paul Charles wants anterless deer licenses
for Montgomery County issued for the years 1951, 1952,
1953, and 1955. Willing to pay a very good price. Call (717)
QUESTION Rosalyn Miller, Honesdale, would like to
know where to get the book “The Practical Stock Doctor," in
good condition and for a resonable price, it was written about
1914 and included good remedies for animal sicknesses.
QUESTION Shirley Runk, Mount Union, would like to
know where to purchase plastic lids with a spout that are used
on one-gallon Sun-tea jars.
QUESTION —Peter Juerss writes that in the late 1970 s or
early 1980 s, J.C. Whitey had a book, which he thinks was
titled “How To Convert Your Car, Van, or Pickup to Diesel."
Also Diesel Engineering Service in Oregan had a book detail
ing how to install Perkins 4/6 cylinder diesels into pickups.
These books are no longer available. He’d like if someone
would sell him these book or tell him where to find other books
detailing gasoline to diesel engine swaps. Call him at (914)
QUESTION Amos Stoltzfus, 37510 Westham Lane,
Mechanicsville, Md., would like to find tracks and motor for a
TD6 International tractor in good condition or a Farmall M
diesel motor in good shape.
QUESTION —Matthew L. Stephens, Starrucca, would like
the address of the man who collects postcard with covered
Pikeville Equipment,
Deer Creek Implement,
Red Lion Tunkhannock
Waltemyer’s Sales & Barton Supply, Inc
Serv., Inc
Scheffel Equipment Co.
Elder Sales & Service,
S.P.E., Inc
Greenlme Supply, Inc,
Deerfield Ag & Turf
Center, Inc.
West Chester
M.S. Yearsley & Sons,
K&W Equipment, Inc
QUESTION Leon Stoltzfus, Leola, would like to know
where to purchase the round juicing disk for an Atlas Juicer
made by Juice Master Mfg., Co., Model 36. No. D 12041.
QUESTION Floy Eberly, Stevens, would like the com
plete words to a poem he had learned at West Stevens
School. Floy was deeply touched by the poem that ends every
verse with the words: “Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, lest
we forget."
QUESTION Herman Kinsinger, Stuarts Draft, Va.,
wants to know where to find new parts for the Zero milkers. He
heard the milkers are no longer manufactured.
QUESTION Jean Nestler, Halifax, would like the name
of a company that makes towels and washcloths and does
embrodiery work on them.
QUESTION Joelle Fischer would like to know where
Swiss cheese with a touch of ham can be purchased. Her
brother used to get it at market. She checked at different
places but no one has ever heard of it. Joelle said the cheese
is extremely delicious and has a taste all its own. It is not sharp
and is quite different from any flavor she ever tasted in
QUESTION Ben Kinsinger, Meyersdale, would like to
know where to get a Farmall pedal tractor like the Farmall M
Tractor. Doesn’t matter if the pedal tractor needs repair. He
would also like to know where if anyone has parts for a Far
mall Cub for sale.
QUESTION Don Miller, Summit Hill, wants to know who
can appraise the value of an antique goat cart. Call him at
(717) 645-9693.
QUESTION—Art Sholly Jr., Mt. Joy, wants to know where
to find a gas-fired Royal Peanut Roaster, any condition and
any size.
** “I
QUESTION Fannie Beiler, Lancaster, would like to
know where to purchase a Bio-Snacky sprouter of someone
who is willing to sell theirs.
ANSWER L.N., East Earl, wanted to know where to
mail-order Western-style shirts for men or boys. Thanks to D.
Fite, Peachbottom, for recommending two places. Request
catalogs from the following; Sheplers, Wichita, KS,
1-800-835-4004. Or, The Fort Western Outpost, Nebraska
City, NE. 1-800-556-3678.
ANSWER Elizabeth Beaver, Ringtown, wanted the
Latin name and information about a plant called Sweet Annie.
Thanks to a faithful reader who wrote that it is Artemisia annu
a. The Sweet Wormwood grows to a height of 4-5 feet. Plant in
full sun or light shade. It is an annual that often reseeds itself,
but it is not invasive.
ANSWER A reader wanted to know how to control
thripes from ruining glads. Thanks to a reader who writes that
just before planting bulbs in the spring, remove husks, check
for defects. Soak corms for three hours in one gallon water,
1 'A tablespoon Lysol, and 3 tablespoons wettable Captan-50.
Also for thripe control, spray three times a season with
Orthene. First time when leaves are 6-10 inches high, again
when most of the flower spikes begin to show, and the third
time after most of the flowers have bloomed.
ANSWER Walter Breen, Lancaster, wanted to know
where to purchase a Japanese mason-jar beetle trap. The
traps are available at Clark Supply, Inc., S. Queen St., Rising
Sun. MD 21911 or call (410) 658-6464.
ANSWER —Alan Roper, Shippensburg, wanted informa
tion on milk cows. For free information, check with the
Dauphin-Cumberland County Extension at (717) 921 -8803.
ANSWER Mrs. Norman Burkholder, Denver, sent this
recipe for making soap in an iron kettle, which had been
requested by Leona Leiby from Kutztown.
Homemade Soap
16 pounds raw fat
3 pounds caustic soda
TA gallons water
2 pints salt
Dissolve caustic soda in cold water (use only containers
such as crocks and stone jars). Put water and fat in the iron
kettle. Start fire. Add half of the caustic soda solution, cook
until fat is dissolved. Add 2 pints salt. Add remainder of solu
tion when fat is dissolved. Keep fire hot, but not too hot. Be
prepared with a bucket of water if mixture begins to rise to
high. Let cool overnight or until soap is hard. Cut into blocks.
For an unknown reason premelted lard will not turn out nice
soap with this cooking method.
ANSWER—CarI Calleari, Dußois, is restoring his Harry
Fergerson 1020 farm tractor and needs a left-side hood decal
that reads “Fergerson." Thanks to Kenneth Horning Repair
has decals available. Call him at (717) 335-3247 evenings.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17, IMB-827