Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1998, Image 62
818-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 17, 1988 Blair County Submits Roundup Show, Sale Results MORRISON COVE (Blair Co.) —ln August, about 60 Blair Coun ty youth paraded more than 100 animals in the show ring in front of judge Matt Sellers during the annual roundup. Grand champion swine was shown by Megan Bert, daughter of Ernest and Ann Bert, Martinsburg. Reserve was shown by Valerie Smith, daughter of Gerald and Li nda Smith, Martinsburg. The champion shown by Megan Bert was sold to First Union National Bank of Lancaster for $5.25 per pound. The reserve shown by Val erie Smith was sold for $3.50 a pound to Bedford Ford-Lincoln Mercury. Lamb grand champion of the roundup went to Elizabeth Biddle, with her heavyweight lamb. Eli zabeth is the daughter of Michael and Tammy Biddle, Williams burg. Amy Brumbaugh, daughter of Dennis and Caroline Brum baugh, Williamsburg, showed the reserve champion. At the sale, Biddle’s lamb was purchased by Bedford Chrysler for $4.75 a pound. The reserve shown by Brumbaugh was purchased for $3 a pound by the Blair-Bedford Auto Grand champion swine was shown by Megan Bert, daughter of Ernest and Ann Bert, Martlnsburg. The champion was sold to First Union National Bank of Lan caster for $5.25 per pound. Lamb grand champion of the roundup went to Elizabeth Biddle, with her heavyweight lamb. Elizabeth Is the daught er of Michael and Tammy Biddle, Williamsburg. Biddle's lamb was purchased by Bedford Chrysler for $4.75 a pound. Outlet. Grand champion steer was shown by Andrew Hilcman, son of Scot and Kathy Hileman. Holli daysburg. Reserve steer was shown by Elizabeth Biddle. The grand champion shown by Hile man was sold for $3.75 a pound to Hoss’s Steak and Sea House. The reserve shown by Biddle went for $1.15 per pound to Giant Eagle. Grand champion carcass hog was shown by Angela Mingle, daughter of Tina Mingle, Wil liamsburg. Reserve was shown by Scott Bowers, son of Randy Bow ers, Martinsburg. Grand champion was sold for $1.90 a pound to DelGrosso Foods, Upton. Reserve was sold for $1.40 a pound to Bil ger’s Breeding Service. Martinsburg. Auctioneer was Mark Glide, Reedsville. Altogether 119 ani mals sold for a grant total of $53,762. Following is a list of show placings. BLAIR COUNTY ROUNDUP RESULTS MARKET SWINE Claae 1:1. Ellen Bert. 2. Megan Byler. Grand champion steer was shown by Andrew Hlleman, right, son of Scott and Kathy Hlleman, Hollidaysburg. The steer was sold for $3.75 a pound to Hoss's Steak and Sea House. Blair County Livestock Roundup showmanship and fitting winners. Front row, from left, Scott Harclerode, beef senior showmanship; Andrew Eastep, swine first year fit ter; Chris Biddle, lamb Junior showmanship, beef Junior fitter; Josh Biddle, lamb senior showmanship; and Elizabeth Biddle, beef Junior showmanship. Back row, from left, Matt Biddle, lamb senior fitter; Christy Nau, swine senior fitter; Barb Hileman, beef senior fitter; Rebecca Nau, swine Junior fitter; Lee Bailey, swine senior showmanship; and Sarah Deli, lamb Junior fitter. Not pictured: Matt Forshey, swine first year show man and Josh Briggs, swine junior showman. Ciau 2; 1. Matt Brumbaugh. 2. Laura Gearhart. Clou 3:1. Josh Briggs. 2. Megan Byler. Class 4:1. Valerie Smith. 2. Scott Bowers. Gass 5; 1. Tracey Stock. 2. Andrew Eastep. Class 6: 1. Angela Mingle. 2. Ernest Bert. Class 7: 1. Megan Bert 2. Chris Biddle. Class 8: 1. Megan Bert. 2. Chris Sollenberger. Class B: 1. Jason Bechtel. 2. Matthew Forshey. Class 10; 1. Roger Stock. GRAND CHAMPION Megan Bert RESERVE Valerie Smith SHOWMANSHIP AND FITTING SHOWMANSHIP Pint Year; 1. Man Forshey. 2. Georgia Rhodaa. Junior*: 1. Joth Briggs. 2. Magan Byler. 3. Ambar Moya. Sanior*: 1. La* Bailay. 2. Elian Bart. 3. Roger Slock. FITTING Flr»t-Yaar; 1. Andraw Eattep. 2. Malt Forthay. Junior*; 1. Rebecca Nau. 2. Chris Biddla. 3. Angela Mingla. Senior*: 1. Christy Nau. 2. Lee Bailey. 3. Melissa Gearhart CHAMPION Scott Bowers RESERVE Valeria Smith MARKET STEERS Lightweight; 1. Bath Gearhart 2. Harry Smith. 3. Elian Bart Medium Lightweight 1. Tracy Bigelow. 2. Diana Bigalow. 3. Tracey Stock. Medium Weight 1. Andrew Hilaman. 2. Chris Biddla. 3. Scott Hardaroda. Warning To Gas Refrigerator Owners CLEVELAND, Ohio If your propane or natural gas refrigerator is a Servel brand manufactured between 1933 and 1957, it may be endangering your life. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) says that these old model Servel refrigerators have caused at least 14 deaths as the result ot carbon monoxide poisoning. These refrigerators continue to be used in hunting cabins, vaca tion cottages, and remote areas of the nation where there is no electricity, or where gas is a pre ferred energy source. To protect yourself and your family from potential hazard, stop using your old Servel gas refrigerator immediately. Over a period of time, espe cially if the refrigerator has not been used recently, the gas burner can be fouled by dust, dirt, rust, spider webs, or other obstructions. This can cause improper combustion of the fuel, Medium Heavyweight: 1. Tracy Bigelow, z. Carrie Shatzer. 3. Adam Shatzer. Heavyweight: 1. Barb Hileman. 2. David Bigelow. 3. Adam Longenecker. GRAND CHAMPION Andy Hileman RESERVE Elizabeth Biddle SHOWMANSHIP Junior*: 1. Elizabeth Biddle. 2. Chrii Biddle. 3. David Bigelow. Senior*; 1. Soon Herdetade. 2. Carrie Shatzer. 3. Diana Bigelow. FITTING Junior*: 1. Chrii Biddle. 2. Andrew Hile man. 3. Tracy Bigelow. Seniors; 1. Barb Hileman. 2. Soon Herder ode. 3. Dianb Bigelow. SHEEP SHOW MARKET LAMBS Lightweight 1. Sanya Hinish. 2. Valeria Smith. 3. Ambar Moya. Medium Lightweight 1. Elizabeth Biddla. 2. Sarah Dell. 3. Sonya Hinish. Medium Weight 1. Sarah Dell. 2. Amy Brumbaugh. 3. Josh Biddla. Medium Heavyweight 1. Amy Brum baugh. 2. Josh Biddle. 3. Sarah Biddle. Heavyweight 1. Elizabeth Biddla. 2. Ange la Greaser. 3. Chris Biddla. GRAND CHAMPION Elizabeth Biddl* RESERVE Amy Brumbaugh Pair of Lamb*: 1. Sarah Dell. 2. Chris Biddle. 3. Elizabeth Biddla. SHOWMANSHIP AND FITTING SHOWMANSHIP Juniors: 1. Chris Biddle. 2. Elizabeth Biddla. 3. Amy Brumbaugh. Seniors; 1. Josh Biddle. 2. Sarah Biddle. 3. Matt Biddla. leading to the production of car bon monoxide, a colorless, odor less and deadly gas. Any gas refrigerator with an improperly adjusted or partially plugged burner can produce enough carbon monoxide to kill the occupants of a cottage or house in just one night. Symptoms of carbon monox ide poisoning include nausea, headaches and dizziness. Receive Cash For Serval Refrigerator The CPSC has arranged for your to receive $lOO in exchange for your old Servel refrigerator. To qualify for the rebate, you must arrange to have your refrigerator disposed of and destroyed to ensure that the refrigerator will never be used again and place others at risk. In addition to the $lOO rebate, you will be fully reimbursed for all of your costs of disposal. Representatives Are Standing By If you have a Servel gas- Grand champion carcass hog was shown by Angela Mingle, daughter of Tina Mingle, Williamsburg. The hog sold for $1.90 a pound to DelGrosso Foods, Tipton. FITTING Junior*: 1. Sarah Del. 2. Chri* Biddle. 3. Angolft Gramr. Senior*: 1. Matt Biddle. 2. Jo«h Biddle. 3. Valeri* Smith. fueled refrigerator, call the Servel Hotline toll-free at 1-800- 782-7431. Operators are stand ing by 24 hours a day. Or write; Servel Rebate, P.O. Box 14874, Cleveland, OH 44114. Play It Safe For year round safety: • Any gas refrigerator should be cleaned and adjusted by a certified technician. Your nearby propane supplier may have fully trained personnel on staff to ser vice your refrigerator, or can direct you to a certified appli ance technician. • Never start your gas refrig erator at the beginning of a sea son without first having it ser viced. •Always adequately venti late any enclosed area where the refrigerator is in use. For opti mal safety, keep the refrigerator permanently located outdoors in a shed or garage not connected to your home or cottage.