Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1998, Image 220
D24-L«nc«ster Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998 Quarryville, PA. (717)786-3423 UJ NURSERY > A CHRISTMAS jIH TREES #D.F. & F.F. #l'/i-2's, 6-7 Vi'+ & D.F. $lO, F.F. $l2 #ls - $l5 All trees tagged for inspection. Millville, PA Area 410-666-8670 LAWN& GARDEN 76* Pre iarator power land scape rake, works like Rock Hound, universal mount for Bobcat, Case, NH, 1 year old, tike new, $4500. 717/739-4650 Sch. Co. Bolens 1220 tractor w/new engine, includes mower, snowthrower, rototiller, $BOO. 717-445-4541 Clearance Woods GTS2, 52', 3pt tiller w/slip clutch, Reg. $1909, Sale $1399. 717-445-4541 D R All-terrain field brush mower, elec, starter, 4-spd F/IR. 717/225-1407. JO 430 diesel garden trac tor, 60* mower, 675 hrs, $4750. 721 diesel Gras shopper. 61* mower, 1994 model. $5BOO. JO 312 hy dro, 46* deck, $975. JD STX3B, $BOO. 717/933-1600. John Deere 330 diesel lawn-8 garden tractor with snow plow & garden at tachments, $3OOO. 610-286-9883 after 6pm Leaf blower, Parker Bhp walk-behind w/pneumatic tires, used less than 25 hrs, $399. 717-397-7368 MF 1205, 4WD diesel trac tor, $8899. 717-445-4541 NEW Bhp Troy Bill Clone rear tine tiller, one only $ll5O. 717-445-4541 WANT TO BUY antique & old Gravelys, attachments, literature. Any condition. (610)942-4901. V Stone For Sale ' Pattern colonial stand-up SPENCER HILL FARM >717/942-646* HI SERVICES OFFERED MOBILE FEED GRINDING Lanchcstei Milling Toll licc KSB-27V3236 Local 610-273-1220 Call anytime to leave message, oi altei 7pm to speak to Jett Fcistei BILL’S Hoof Trimming TO Corrective and maintenance trim ming. Proper hoof care is essential for heat detection, milk production and overall herd health and longevity Will travel All new hydraulic tilt table (717) 247-7545 ATTENTION ALL LAND OWNERS! Get those fields limed & green NOW with no ruts. Summer rates. Call K&C TO DAYI 724-586-6336 ■? latfi'-"’' ±^HU=lHl±=lHlHlHli£ll=tHl!=U=Li=ll£tHU=U=l±=lH | CATTLE | I HOOF | | TRIMMING | 1(215) 345-08971 giLiiuiwiiitfiumuiuiirtumiL’immmamu Ovmp nutate U*t/t/»/e Stone, Sand, Dirt (717) 529-2330 Evenings Top Soil For Sale Cattle Care Services, Inc. PROFESSIONAL HOOF TRIMMING We Trim 40-100 Cows Per Day. Call 1-800-359-TRIM i&f i&f Nelson & Son Hoof Trimming g (717)933-5393 g After 5 years of hoof trimming We are now expanding with the second tilt table We will trim 5 cows ‘3-3F or your whole herd Nelson Nolt Kurt Nolt Martin Nolt Cattle Hoof Trimming Total Hoof Care * Hydraulic Tilt Table All Hand Tools Mark W. Beall (301) 845-4376 MOBILE 314-3007 HENRY’S WELDING CO. PORTABLE WELDING Repairs On Farm & Heavy Equipment Repairs Or Manufacturing In Shop 520 Galen Hall Rd Telephone (717) 484-2238 HAULING 4- Hay, Pumpkins, Machinery, Etc. T Local & Lory'Distance i tractor/trailer available . f Highlander Farm t 810-288-8839 T “Experienced Service with Quality Equipment” | Hoof Trimmin Danny Severson 610/932-3005 ‘Diitdi Country 'Egg. ‘favvym ‘ino. R.D.I, FREDERICKSBURG, PA 17026 BUYERS OF CORN We have dryer and scale Located at Intersection of Rts. 78 & 81 800-331-3811 Dave’s Roll Off Service 15, 30, 40 Yd. Containers Hauling Scrap Wood, Const. Waste Demolition, Mushroom Compost Shavings, 20 Ft. Flat Bed . David Martin (717) 733-3438 Hauling w/28' rollback truck. Lavern Run, Mt Joy. PA. (717)653-4725. CORN ROLLER MILL For Sale 9”x20” PTO or Hyd. Motor Powered. sl,9oo‘or Will Rent. $75/Day (610) 488-0595 EEI CUSTOM WORK COMBINING com & beans with hauling available. 717-534-1253 Custom Bagging, 6’&B’ bags. 717/949-2366, 800/782-1757. Custom combining in the Myerstown area & north ward. $2O/acre. Also would rent or sell JD 7720 com bine. Samuel Stalter 717/933-1600. Farmers, don’t take your logs to the sawmill, have the sawmill come to you. Magni's Millworks 717-865-23E4. Round Baling 4x5 Bales David Martin (717) 949-2411 Peerless? Roller Mill Rental $3.00 per ton 610/593-8034 Hickory Hollow Farms Custom Square Baling 3x4xB 610-932-8999 Custom Ag Bagging 6’ - 8’ Bags High moisture corn silage or haylage. Roskamp Roller Mill Rental 717-768-7005 HOLLER MILL RENTAL Auto, 6u; cap. Delivered. Melvin Oberholtzer (610) 589-5143 : Will square bale f ; your corn fodder . | 3x3 any length. 1 Call for price. ; ' Will travel for large amounts. 7t7/665-tSOO. i Nontoxic •Noncorrosive • Biodegradable I 5 I £ E H£ 'S e | S I e A SOYBEAN BASED DUST SUPPRESSANT | | • In door/Out door riding areans • I L • Gavel dnveways/Roads • I Toll Free In I 1-888-Dustkil (387-8545) | CUSTOM COMBINING 6RN & 15’ Flex Head Lititz & surrounding areas 717/626-0465 717/475-2805 Esh's Ag Bagging Corn Silage & High Moisture Corn 6'-8’ bags Haitimermill with bagger plus tractor available 717-687-8230 leave message ■■ ■■ ■ ■ Liquid Manure Hauling 4300 gallon Houle tank w/steering axle and flotation tires serving Washington and Franklin Counties. 717-328-4950 ■ ■ ■■ ■■ CUSTOM COMBINING 6RN& 15’ Flex Head Lititz & surrounding areas 717/626-0465 717/475-2805 Custom I Bagging/Qrinding ★ Truck mounted hammermill ★ 6’ - 8’ bagging machine ★ Skid Loader service available ★ Dust collector system for silage High Milling Inc. 717-628-2680 >. 610-589-1313 ROLLER MILL RENTAL Roller Mills for •Corn Silage •Shelled Corn • Ear Com 4 Mills Available Leonard Wise Perry County 717/536-3861 423^3^ ! Automatic Roller g Mill Blower g I for Corn Silage, g i Also, g used for High g I Moisture Corn, g g 717/933-5910 | 717/933-4951 g uiiauiuitfiutiauiuitautiinaiauiiaiataß £ Hickory \ j Hollow J K Farms \ p Custom j | Combining | £ 9500 w/6R corn fl head and 18’flex f (• head y t 610-93**8999 | SOYBEAN ROASTING ON YOUR FARM • Full fat roasted soybeans for maximum I feeding value • High-energy bypass protein and payability • Toxic ereymes and molds destroyed • Custom roasting in MD DE & PA HORST GRAIN UUSIDm Ctiaster Co., PA CUSTOM AG BAGGING Sealed Feed Storage Systems 100 Ton thru 300 ton Capacity 2 year black & white bags. Competitive Pricing PAT LEMIN 814-658-3874 James Creek, PA “WILL TRAVEL” Fine rolls Lebanon Co. & Surrounding Areas Delivered to your farm . 717/933-4952 717/270-8813 Custom Subsoiling with Sunflower V-Ripper Lancaster and Parts of Chester County 717/529-6359 or 717/529-2641 Leave Message BUYING • Shelled Corn ♦ Soybeans • Wheat Drying & Storing • Corn Silage Delivered For Sale! • Dry Shavings - WEBB’S I PRODUCTS. Mill Hall, PA 17751 (717) 726-4525 CUSTOM WELDING truck rack, general welding & manufacturing C. K. Manufacturing 99 E. White Oak Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 Directions: Long driveway beside A&A Rental, between Nickle Mine & Rt 896 FOR RENT Lancaster Silage Mill for Corn Silage & High Moisture Corn with a Power Unit Available. Paradise Mill Rentals (717) 687-8028 IMILI fING