Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1998, Image 219
¥ FERTILIZER Free Dry Chicken manure, will load 717-367-8091 Of 717-367-1401. Ufl PLANTS Hardy Garden Mums; 8' Pots. Retail/Wholesale: 50+ $2/Ea. Providence Farm, Fredericksburg, PA. Monday-Saturday, before 9 00pm (717)865-2050.- 11*1 FRUITS & WKM VEGETABLES 600 treated Cyprus I'x4B" tomato stakes 15«/ each. Challenger #lBOO plastic lifter $BOO. Water wheel planter $9OO and 7 wheels $5O/each. 8* enclosed shelved planter carrier trailer $lOO. 717/539-2272 No Sunday calls. Cabbage For Sauerkraut By The Head, Bushel or Truckload. (717)784-3396. Covered farm wagon- JD 14'x6'x9‘high canvas covered peaked roof, open sides, 5-ton adj. running gear w/7.00x15 tires, used to display produce, pump kins, etc. at farm market, $675. 6KV626-2555. E-ZY Grower green houses, in .stock, 21x48' $880; 21x96' $1,660; 24x96’ $1,886. Tufflite greenhouse plastic, Mod me gas heaters, potting soil, flats, inserts, plastic mulch and drip irrigation supplies. Write or call for FREE catalog. Martin's Produce Supplies, 625 Bri tian Rd., Shippensburg, PA. 17257 (717)532-5918. Face pumpkins, large. Lan caster County grown. Also, Reg. Howden type, $.lO/per pound. 717-354-0192 PUMPKINS Howdens & Spookies, Sprayed Regu larly, Excellent Quality. (410)833-8870. Uy NURSERY 1996 Friends Air Kadet 1 Air Blast Sprayer, great for Christmas Trees, Nurse ries, etc. Like new. (717)385-0381 after spm 2000 Spreading Yews, sizes from 18x18, up to 42x42. You dig. $5.00. I dig, $B.OO. All beautiful stock. 609-455-8424 300 acres of Pines, Spruces, Firs, Concolor Fir, 6'-12'. Grand Fir s’-B'. Scotch Pine 4'-B'. Douglas Fir 4-14'. Norway Spruce 4'-9'. 12 varieties of Everg reen seedlings and trans plants, Douglas Fir 2-0, 12"-18“, $l5O per 1,000 over 40 varieties for potted shrubbery and trees. ELLIOTT'S NURSERY AND CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 717-349-7319 717-349-9916 B&B Evergreens, Douglas Fir 4'-9’; Blue Norway and White Spruce A’-T; white Pine 4'-9‘. Conaways Pine Haven Farms, Newville, PA (717)486-5423. Blue Spruce trees up to 8’ mostly 6V4'. Bigger cut, any quantity. Quantity & Price negotiable. Southern Schuylkill Co. 717-754-3009 Caretree 30' Tree Spade Skip Loader Mount, Good Condition. $4,500. (717)872-1800. CHRISTMAS TREES; Pine, Spruce & Fir, PA Grown (302)834-9160. CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE; CUT Douglas Fir, 4'-10' Scotch Pine 6'-9'. 84 B Douglas Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Spruce, white Pine, S.W. White Pine, Austrian Pine. (Phone) 717-667-6447/(Fax )717-6 67-2229. ♦*♦•«**♦•••**♦«******»•♦*••***< Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. Carman's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. CHRISTMAS TREES! Douglas Fir, Conoolor Fir, White Pine, Blue Spruce #l's & *2’s. Also, Christ mas Greens (610)775-7682 CHRISTMAS WREATHS MADE WITH FRASER FIR. also White Pine (tap ing and Fraser Fir Greens. (410)836-2905 Chipper commercial drop feed, 20hp, 4' branch ca pacity, tow type, 3 sets knives, only 6 months old, asking $3995. 717/397-7368. Christmas Trees: Douglas Fir, 6'-9’. Greens & Branches available. 610-707-4960 610-434-3943 Christmas Trees. Concolor fir, premium 9-1 V $2O. #2 6-8’ $l4. Douglas Fir #1 6-7* $l4, *2 6-8' $ll, #3 6-8’ $9. Scotch Pina, pre mium 6-7* $10.7-B’sl2. All nice trees. 717/589-7253. COBBLESTONES- Au thentic. Great for Garden Boarders & Walkways. .50/Ea in Quantity. Call Wright's (610)626-2555. Cut & Dug Trees: Douglas Fir, Blue Spruce, Scotch & White Pine, Norway Spruce. Call 814-692-4110 Douglas Fir Tree branches for Town decorations or wreaths. Lehigh Co. 610-262-5709. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS i TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees 6 nursery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery. P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477 Frazer Fir Christmas Trees. 6’-12', Wholesale. EVERGREEN HILL CHRISTMAS TREES 717-784-2407 Howey Tree Baler- S* 90715. Model* 214-A, Only Used Two Boxes Bal ing Twine, Excellent Con dition. $4,000.; Sage Tree Shearer, Good Condition $500.; Shearer's, Loppers & Misc Items. (717)789-3483. LANDYSHADE MULCH PRODUCTS 717-898-7689. Mushroom Mulch lOObu, $7O; SOObu, $lOO, SOObu, $125, 900 bu $175, 1200 bu $l9B. Mulch delivered FREE within 25 miles of Lancaster. We carry Bark Mulch, Screened Topsoil Palmer Christmas Tree Farms. Wholesale Christ mas trees. Call for price list. 610-588-0223. North ampton County. PREMIUM CHRISTMAS TREES: Douglas Fir, 6’-10', $15.00. Canaan Fir, B'-10', $lB.OO. These are nice. Mosteller Farm of Quaker Hill (717)435-2042. Quality Blue Spruce Christ mas trees, wholesale only. Tabletop to 14', SI.2S/foot 100 or more $1 .00/por foot Delivery available. LAWER NURSERIES, Indiana Co. 724-254-2118 Quali Chr' *Tr juality v iristmas Trees, #1 Douglas Fir; Blue Spruce s’-10’. Also, Corn’) Grade Douglas Fir s'-10'. Trucking avail. Inspections welcomed. Conaway’s Pine Haven Farms 1765 Pine Rd., Newville, PA 717/486-5423. Railroad Ties- Genuine Used- Great for Walls, Steps & Boarders. Prices From $4-Up. Discounts for Quantity. Call Wright's (610)626-2555. TREE SPADES FOR SALE; Care Tree, 32" Com pact, Dug Less than 300 Trees. $6,000.; 30* Good Condition, $3,500.; Side Stabilizers w/Weights, $1,100.; Rear Stabilizers $250. (717)667-6447. Quality Christmas Trees Wholesale: Douglas Fir, J Scotch Pine, Blue Spruce. 717-248-3407 TREE SPADE 30’ Ver meer, Rotor mount Asking $l,BOO (610)838-2603 Tree Spades, 20' to 60*; Tree Planters, 3' shoe to 24’ shoe; Tree Boss, one man tree loading system. TREE EQUIPMENT DE SIGN INC. RO 1, Box 104, 1 New Ringgold, PA 17960 717/386-3515. Wholesale Christmas quality. Reasonable prices. Call for price list. (717)386-2855 GROFt' TREE MOVING SERVICE Contract Digging 24" to 84" Ball (B&B) Any Amount - Anywhere Bu'y/Sell Wholesale Call Don 717-664-4587 Barchik's Tree Farm Douglas Fir Blue Spruce Other Varieties Available Quality Trees RRI, Box W Benton, PA 17814 717-864-2527 "Think Green For Christmas" Crop King Hydroponic Greenhouse For Sale Complete with all: • Fans • Irrigation Equipment • Heaters • Computer Equipment • Etc... Greenhouse construction and grower assistance available. * Request your Free Pennsylvania Christmas Tree Grower's Association Wholesale Buyer's Guide A listing of over 90 producers of qualify Christmas Trees and suppliers of Christmas Tree related products. Also take advantage of the PCTGA Buyer/Seller Hotline Wholesale buyers may call for a list of PCTGA member producers that have reported on available inventory of specific types and sizes of trees Call 1 -800-547-2842 PCTGA Office hours: 8 AM to Noon, Monday through Friday or leave your complete mailing address on our voice mail, 24 hours a day. Indicate that you are requesting the Wholesale Buyer's Guide. MEISER’S TREE FARM RD x. Box 1308 New Ringgold, PA 17960 (717) 386-5888 $25 Doug & Concolor Fir Up to 8' $2B Blue Spruce Up to 8' Machine Dug & Wire Baskets Loading Available at No Fxtra Cost mas Trees For Sale Chris l Douglas Fir, 8-9’ $19.00 Premiums & No 1s Crawford Evergreens Wayne Crawford HCR67 80x1698 Mifflin, PA 17058 CONTAINER AND FIELD GROWN NURSERY STOCK Perennials 2 Gal 4,00 Ornamental Grasses, 3 Gal 5.90 Container and Field Grown Shrubs 15% Below Wholesale Price Fruit Trees: Apple, Pear, Peach - s'-6', 7 Gal. $lO.OO 1"-1 1/2" 1 1/2"-2" 2"-2 1/2" 2 1/2”-3” Maples-5 Species $45- $55 $65 SCS Birch-2 Species $45 $55 $65 $B5 Hawthorn $45 $55 $65 $B5 Ash-3 Species $35 $45 $55 $75 Honey Locust 2 Species Flw. Crabapple 5 Species $35 $4O $5O Flw. Cherry-3 Spec $45 $55 $65 Flw. Plum $45 $55 $65 Flw. Pear-2 Spec $45 $55 $65 Oak-2 Spec $45 $55 $65 Mt. Ash $45 $55 $65 STOUDT NURSERY RD 2, Box 1324, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 , > So. Schuylkill Co. 717/739-4650 $35 $45 $55 $75 (717) 527-4555 Day (717) 527-2589 Evening $65 $B5 $B5 $B5 $B5 $B5 Lancaster farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998-023 rrr For Wholesale Pricing of Poinsettias Call, Write or Fax Auchey’s Fairview Greenhouse 352 Fairview Drive Hanover, PA 17331 Hours: Mon.-Sun. BAM - 4 PM Phone (717) 632-6242 _ Home & Fax (717) 637-7959 «* «■> v#W ~10 I LANDYSHADE * ± MULCH t PRODUCTS Lancaster, PA 17601 717*898*7689 I %100 bu ? 300 bu X 500 bu ? 900 bu T Mushroom Mulch | 570.0 01 sloo.oo i sl2s.OO | 5175.00 £ 1200 bu $198.00 Mulch delivered FREE within 25 miles of Lancaster, PA Railroad Ties #1 (Very Nice) #2 $12.00 ...$B.OO Quantity Discounts - Delivery Available We Carry Bark Mulch and Topsoil. VUTj. w