fu NIVCWSAIf #0 size -1/8" holes #1 size - 3/16" holes #2 size - 5/16" holes #3 size - 7/16" holes #4 size - 9/16" holes 4 BLADE KNIFE #22 -$12.95 -Sausage Stuffnrs (Moldednylon) II -■ ... #32- $14.95 each #22 - $12.95 e|Ri m,m Antl-Fnctlun WASHERS (Fit ALL makes of grinders.) Specify #22 or #32 #32 - 3 per pkg - $6.00 #22 - 3 per pkg - $6.00 Some grinder parts for the ENTERPRISE, CHOP RITE, etc..mav or mav not interchange with the UNIVERSAL parts at right. NOTE; Parts can not be sent on trial as there is a \ ° MINIMUM $5.00 shipping/handling charge on HI ALL returns or exchanges of grinder parts. All pricesatrightincludeoriginalshippingcharges, but if a return or exchange is necessary, there is the re-ship/re-stock charge as per above. C4B Mas AHWCO UNIVERSAL MEAT GRINDERS Universal/Star meat grinders are once again available. These units are made of precision milled iron castings, sanitary rust resistant finish, easy to clean, sharp ground cutters. These are the heavy duty type! Built the same as they have been for years, but are made in China. ONE YEAR WARRANTY We have all these grinders at an affordable price! Available in 2 sizes; —#333sc & #32 at left #32 MEAT GRINDER. This one is made for grinding large quantities of meat such as sausage hamburger, etc. Base mount has provisions to BOLT TO PLANK OR TABLE TOP. Large craiil makes turning much easier. This monster grinds 5 lbs of meat per minute! Has the standard #1 mea grindingplate & cutter. Larger size plates also available. 12 in. long 10 in. high and 5 in. diameter. ONI YEAR WARRANTY Retail: $149.95 1 M>£A£C I EXTRA PLATES for #32 and #22 Grinders: #32 #22 $19.95 $14.95 $19.95 $14.95 $19.95 $14.95 $19.95 $14.95 $19.95 $14.95 #32 -$14.95 [£>iicount \j\icz: $74.95! , $69.95!! Complete set!! Knife for above #333 Grinder: $6.95 each JqC Plates - assortment of 4 plates & 3 staffers: $16.95 set KNIFF Auger Housing Complete Ring Nut Crank 10" DIAMOND COATED Rod Knii Sharpener! Made inU.S.A. Will nev< wear out! Lifetime Guarante Professional Quality throughout. More Dull Knives! Page 16 cHfce ovt we Dticovnr CWf>oH< tn tvk cmaice, #Xi !SC GOURMET Meat Grinder made of preci sion milled iron casting, sanitary, rust resistant, easy to clean, sharp ground cutters for clean cutting, comes complete with 3 sausage stuffing attachments, 4 cutters for coarse, medium, and fine cutting, chops 3 lbs. per minute. 8-1/2 in. long 7 in. high 3 in.diameter. Made in China. ONE YEAR Universal WARRANTY Retaiks4^.9p MISC. REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR #22 & #32 UNIVERSAL GRINDERS OAt'i. i J^'LiCOLUIt $19.95 ■ Andy H Weaver 2 ' 16891 Farmington Road West Farmington OH 44491 " awes'- 1958 5 r- O' \*f (440) 548-2981 - FAX: 1-440-548-2231 TOLL FREE ORDER LINES: 1-800-882-8799 or 1-888-A WEAVER #22 #32 $19.95 $29.95 N/A $29.95 $11.95 $16.95 $ 9.95 $12.95