Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1998, Image 14
Al4lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998 Kirkwood Ag Auction Produce Kirkwood, PA October 13, 10:00 A.M. Report Supplied by Auction APPLES: YELLOW DELICIOUS 4.00- MUTSU 7.00, ALL % BU. BEANS; OREEN 3.00-12.00 BU, LIMA SHELLED 2.50-3.00 PINT; LIMAS 33.00- BU. BROCCOLI; .21-50. CABBAGE: GREEN .45 HEAD. 4.50-550 50 LB. BOX. CANTALOPES: .85 EACH. CAULIFLOWER: 50-1.80 EACH. EGGPLANT: 450-550 'A BU. ORNAMENTALS: GOURDS 2.00-650 BOX; BIRDHOUSE GOURDS .25 EACH; JACK-BE-LITTLES 150-5.50 Vi BU; BABY PAMS .12-.40. INDIAN CORN: ■O5-.95 BUNCH; INDIAN FINGERS 5.00 BOX; BROOM CORN .30-.85 BUNCH; FACE PUMPKINS SM. .80-1.20. MED. 1.80-2.20, LRGE. 1.60-3.50; PRIZE 8.00 EACH. PEARS: ASIAN 17.00 25-LB. BOX. PEPPERS: GREEN MED. 3.50-9.00, LARGE 9.50-14.00, RED MED. 3.00-11.00; LARGE 6.00 BU. POTATOES: WHITE 4.50-5.50 BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .35-/75 EACH. RED BEETS: 5.50-6.00 % BU. SQUASH: BUTTERNUT .30 EACH, SWEET CORN: 1.35-3.50 DOZ. TOMATOES: SMALL 13.50 25 LB BOX., MED. 8.00-21.00, LRGE. 15.00-21.00, ALL 25 LBS.; PLUM 11.50 25 LB BOX. TURNIPS: 8.00-10.50 25 LBS, FLOWERS: MUMS 1.20-1.70 6-INCH POTS; 10-INCH 1.80-2.20; HANGING MUMS 1.70-2.50; FLOWERING KALE .90-1.60; FLOWERING CABBAGE 1.60-1.90; COXCOMB: 1.10-1.20. SALE DAYS TUES. AND THURS. AT 10 A.M. C! BVUBVPD ascmicmotors OuHlmHntn supply co. Pi" i lillii’r Oualllt) pimlutl', <111(1 S( n «<•> In hidusiii) /aim and Jlomi. ul i<a\i>nahh puns AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR - SALES & SERVICE 111111) • Hydraulic Hose Attemblie* A»» p ow., w ..h.' (ghemilizer — / xsy We Ship HI Daily. £$ SI iHMC 24 Hour Emergency Service Shop/On-Site A vaiiabie 1 -46 Penn St Washington Boro, Pa 17582 no tt (7i soso or 68*4—394-0 * •X' With the Hydro Cow Flotation System you can float a down cow back onto its legs harmlessly without using clamps, belts or chains. The Hydro Cow is a natural way to get a cow back on its legs using only warm water. Hydro Cow Flotation Service is available in Lancaster, York and Chester Counties, and northeastern Maryland From: Solaoco Veterinary Service 496 Solanco Rd., Quarryville, PA 717-7SC-1303.1-800-2C2-7331 717-716-5550 EveolofS Weaverland Produce Auction New Holland, PA Oct. 13 & Oct. IS, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction APPLES: 650-9.00 ‘A BU. BEANS: OREEN 4.00-7.00 % BU. BROCCOLI: .15-.65 HEAD. CABBAGE; GREEN .OS-.4S HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .25-.6S HEAD. ORNAMENTALS: GOOSE GOURDS 1.00-1.65 EACH; 1-B LITTLES 150-7.00 ■ABU; INDIAN CORN 1.20-2.35; INDIAN FINGERS .10-55. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 6.00- BU; RED SM. TO LRGE. 4.00- ’A BU. POTATOES: WHITE 5.00 50 LB., SWEET 4.00-5.00 ‘A BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .10-55 EACH, SQUASH: BUTTERNUT .12-.45. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LARGE 18.0022.00 25 LBS. FLOWERS: MUMS 55-4.10. NEXT AUCTION DAYS TUES., THURS., FRI. 9 A.M. HAY AND STRAW SALE THURS. 9 A.M., CRAFT SALE NOV. 14 9 A.M. Kutztown Produce Auction Fleetwood, PA Oct. 6 & OcL 8 Hay and Straw at 9:00 a.m. SaL followed by produce Report Supplied by Auction APPLES: 1.00-7.50 V, BU., 9.00-11.00 BU. BEANS: GREEN 4.00-7.50, YELLOW 5.00-8.50. GARLIC: .50-2.00 LB., BRAIDED 3.50. CRAPES: 2.50-11.00 'A BU. NECTARINES: 2.00-6.50 ‘A BU. POTATOES: WHITE 1.00-5.00 50 LBS.; SWEET 2.00-6.00 ‘A BU.. 12.50 BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .40230 EACH, WATERMELONS: SEEDLESS .10-.25; SANGRIA AND OTHERS .10-.45. ZUCCHINI; 330530 'A BU. FLOWERS: PERENNIALS 304.00; MUMS .50-1.85; BOUQUETS .50-2.75. NURSERY STOCK: SHRUBS .15-5.00; TREES 2.00-24.00. ORNAMENTALS: FACE SM. TO LROE. .402.50, .11-.l2‘A PER LB.; PRIZE WINNER/810 MAC 45.0090.00, GOURDS .50630 ‘A BU. .10.25 EA.; GOOSE GOURDS .10-2.00 EACH; lACK-B-UTTLES 2.00730 'A 8U.,8.00 BU.; BABY PAMS .10.40, INDIAN CORN .25-2.10; INDIAN FINGERS .10.70, POPCORN .15-.40. Laurel D£ Fruit PHILA FEDERAL-STATE SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 LAUREL DELAWARE AUCTION MARKET PRICES TO GROWERS FOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 -PUMPKINS: (368) EACH .25- 5.00 —CANTALOUPS: (541) PER MELON ATHENA .45- .90 —WATERMELONS: (6,466) PER MELON ALL SWEET 12-14 LB .90 15-19 LB .70- .85 CRIMSON SWEET 12-14 LB .50- .55 15-19 LB 1.00- 1.35 SANGRIA 12-14 LB 35- .55 15-19 LB .60 YELLOW MEAT (NO WEIGHT) .25 SEEDLESS SO- 1.25 LAST REPORT OF TEE SEASON Is Every Cattleman’s Business!! All Pennsylvania cattle producers are invited to attend one of the fall educational meetings sponsored by the Pennsylvania Beef Council, the Pennsylvania Cattleman’s Association, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the Pennsylvania Live stock Markets Association, Taylor Packing, and Moyer Packing. The meetings will bring cattle producers the latest information on targeting breeding for customer satisfaction, culling strategies, and enhancing beef quality and product value. The beef industry is going through tough times and facing increasing competition, but with good information, cattlemen can meet the challenges. October, 1998 18 (Sun.) - Somerset Somerset County Beef Producers’ Picnic Errer Hill Farm, 1:00 p.m. 19 (Fri) - Mercer Mercer Livestock Auction, 6:30 p.m. 22 (Thurs.) - Middleburg Middleburg Livestock Auction, 7:00 p.pi. November, 1998 11 (Wed.)-York Hosted by York & Adams Co. Cattleman’s Assn. York 4-H Center, 6:30 p.m. Beef Quality... Cumberland Valley Produce Auction Shlppeuburg, Pa. Week of October 5 - October 9 Report Supplied by Auction APPLES: 1.25-8.00 'A BU. BEANS: GREEN 5.0010.00 'A BU.; LIMAS 5.0018.00‘A BU. BROCCOLI: 4.006.00. CABBAGE: GREEN .55 HEAD. .08-.40 LB. CAULIFLOWER: .30.80 EACH. CUCUMBERS: 930. EGGPLANT: 2.006.00. PEARS: 53010.00. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 2.506.00 'A BU.; RED SM. TO LROE. 3.50-8.50; HOT 1.00; COLORED 3.25-5.00. POTATOES: SWEET 3.50. NECK PUMPKINS; .601.60 EACH. PUMPKINS: .407.50. RED BEETS: 5.006.00. SQUASH: YELLOW 4.50; ACORN 5.00-7.00 'A BU.; BUTTERNUT 530-7.00; PATTY PAN 1.00; SPA GHETTI 130. SWEET CORN: .60.80. TOMATOES: RED. SM. TO LRGE. 5.0021.00; YELLOW SM. TO LRGE. 2.008.00. WATERMELON: SANGRIA 1.102.00. ORNAMENTALS: PRIZE WINNER/ BIG MAC 2.00-9.50; GOURDS 1.75-7.00; GOOSE GOURDS .701.40; JACK-B-LTTTLES 2.00-12.00; BABY PAMS .08-.45; INDIAN CORN .25-1.60, FINGERS .10.90; POPCORN .40. FLOWERS: MUMS .403.90. SALE DAYS TUES. AND THURS, 9 A.M. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TREE St CRAFT SALE NOV. 24. 9 A.M. Refreshments will be served at all locations! Several more dates to be announced! This is a GREAT program for all beef producers! For further information contact: Tammy Weaver, PA Beef Council (717) 939-7000 Lebanon Produce Auction ReUtvllle, Pa. October 9-13 Report Supplied by Auction APPLES: 4.00-3.00 ‘A BU. BEANS: GREEN 11.30 ‘A BU., YEL LOW 11.50 ‘A BU. BROCCOLI: .15-.65 HEAD. CABBAGE: GREEN .27 .90 HEAD. CANTALOPES: MED. .33 .60 EACH. CAULIFLOWER: .45-1.50 HEAD. CIDER: 1.90-2.60 GAL. EGGPLANT: 2.00 % BU. PEPPERS: LRG. GREEN 4.25-6.00 1-1/9 BU.; LRG. RED 6.00 1-1/9 BU. POTATOES: WHITE 3.75-6.23 50 LBS. NECK PUMPKINS: .35-.90 EACH. RED BEETS: 2.25-4.00 ’A BU. TOMATOES: RED MED. 10.25-12.50 23 LBS. WATERMELONS; SANGRIA .25-.80 EACH SMALL. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS 35-1.40, MEDIUM .65-1.90, LARGE 1.75-2.50; PRIZE WINNERS/BIG MACS 2.25-5.50; GOURDS: GOOSE GOURDS 1.50 EACH; JACK-B-UTTLES 230-6.00 ‘A BU.; BABY PAMS .25 .27 EACH; INDIAN CORN .40-.80 BUNCH, FIN GERS A 0 BUNCH. FLOWERS: MUMS .75-1.80 EACH. NEXT WEEK’S SALE DAYS TUBS., OCT. 20 AND FRL, OCT. 23 930 A.M. Sponsored by: Pennsylvania rdlllb Beef Council Q| PENNSYLVANIA PRIDE Qutlltr Aom OurHoow 1b Knm In cooperation with: ‘ • PA CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION • MOPAC • TAYLOR PACKING COMPANY • PA LIVESTOCK MARKETS ASSOCIATION