d... r , Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998-C39 K| ~.. _ , . 9 Weaver cannot be V 96 NH LX565, New Bucket, Good Rubber, ' I H 1 976 John Deere 6600 Combine !■ beat for Quality & v iBooHrs.-$12,900 * 4J»‘Raw* 'WiJfvO _ t . IBj Hydro Dial-A-Mahc, New 28L26 Tires, AC, Chopper B Price »95 NH LXBBS, Good Rubber, Hand Controls, I H $7,000 080 ■ choking *" 1030 Hrs. - $17,500 ’ I 1 Warren County, NJ » 908/689-1231 j W * 8 ' n'-t r’ r i wnwrin ml BHHHHHHHI l-800-Weaver-D : 1 717/523-9598 - *. Fredr -8 ' 1 —--- ■ *—...t.—..-sr—... J.* Reel Time Savings to Real Farmers “We feed 100 milk cows and a total of ISO animals with four loads per day at three different locations We save 1 '/■ - 2 hours of feeding time every day with our Knight Reel Auggie tow ” “We feed a total of 140 head with 52 milking Before our Knight Reel Auggie, feeding a TMR took us IV; hours twice a day Now each feeding takes approximately 7- hour ” "We feed about 200 head per day with an average of 100 miling We owned a 4-auger midxer before Our Knight Reel Auggie has a shorter mixing lime with a superior blended ration " “We mix 5 loads per day to feed 650 head Our Knight-Reel Auggie mixes faster and unloads faster than the auger mixers that we previously owned Drive through feeding with our tow model has cut our feeding time by two-thirds ” MILLCREEK 2285 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 - (717) 396-8987 Russ and Kris Schroeder Agnpnre Holstems - Honcon, Wisconsin John and Harm Nooyen Brahanldale Farms - Naman, Ontario, Canada Wayne and Bradley Beidel Beidel Brothers - Hen bum. Pennsylvania Warren and Dave Otto Otto Farms - Valders, Wisconsin The 3000 Series KNIGHT Reel Auggie* is available in tow, truck, and stationary models. Mixing capacities from 147-600 cubic feet. USED EQUIPMENT •VD Lagoon Pump. Demo • Heavy Duty Post Drtver • 265 Henke portable • 3 Pt Lagoon Pump Rent or Sale • VD Slinger Spreader • Knight Portable 260 cu ft Good 3300 gal tank Condition • Demo Unit Mixer In Stock Call For A FREE Demonstration 425 cu. ft. Lucknow portable mixer w/J-Star scales. Excellent cond., 3 yrs. old lericksburg, PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers