C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17, 199) Diesel Engine Service 13 Pleasant Valley Road • Ephrata, PA 17522 PHONE: 717-733-3890 • FAX: 717-738-3146 I DETROIT DIESEL & JOHN DEERE • Parts • Service f j • Rebuilding , - • New JD Engines m fm & Power Units jB * Exchange Engines "i * Rockford Clutch 'y* , " & Parts • Funk Gear Reductions • Rebuild ” Kits • Gen Sets I Diesel Parte Detroit Diesel - 53, 71, 92, 8 2 John Deere - 300, 400, 500 Series Cummins - 4BT/6BT & 6CT Series Visa & Mastercard Accepted ,€4.€4€€tCCC€€€t&€€€C€4.C€€t€€C€4€€€€CCCCC€€€€Cl 5820 John Deere Forage Harvester (3) International Trucks With Diesei Engines & Automatic Transmissions With Self Unloading ; Boxes; Gehl Blower With 230 Cummins Engine, Self $30,000.00 XCC*XCCCC<.tCCCCCC<.<.CCVCtCC<.<XCCCCCCCCCCCCt*,€ H 4 Bflv* u ■■tc xmwmwm temmmwm wmmmwm smmmwm " m*wm RT TANEYTOWN FARM EQUIPMENT H Route 194 and Brown Road 410-751-1500 B Bush Hog s King Kutter Toll Free 877/751-1500 1 .ii mall 504. (..is, 5 I’l >2,050 81 Chew 4\4 Silverado 350. Auto. \ir->8.0(10 IRU I ORS \( ( im. ->W)( II B I tnn ill \ i mu ill ( ill'' u/Mmu i Nill Isl J 11 SO!i 1() ill I old 4s(IO II U IordWIODsI I’S 1 oid N \ \ 12m >2.600 I o ulu $3,495 W I ( mini C oiul $5,900 l»S $7,495 osESSD >4,00» OnL'in.il I’ iiiiimmm >2.000 lueC >2,005 Jill >2,000 4P U I I RAC I ORS 4\4 \k/\ o ulci 4 2S HP 4\4 I inukr \ (m Mrs I4MP ' Pi )() 4\4 >4 I o idu MOVVKRS 4 PulCElßl $1,750 DO 0 4 pi $095 .IS HalmiuzkMltl $1,495 120 10 Pull $1,995 IJUIv Mmui $BOO il Ik ui Nin $995 $595 $750 $495 $795 Inys 2(i I [ k’\ Wins! piitss si iiting at S 7 ( WS a**-* mmmmwz mm mm mmmmrn Contained Unit 717-898-0129 ** * - l-.irmall H w/Side Sickle S 1.75(1 Consignment October 26 >1,005 >11,500 >5OO >2.405 >1.050 >4,000 >6.005 houl I r 11 Itmersoll 51 IS I’S 5(1 His \iiens 11 HP N 1 224 F.mdem Spre.idu $1,005 NH7OI landemjjcji.idu 560 Bushel I \lr.i ( Is iiitel $3,405 M 555 520 Bushs I $2,750 NH 676 275 Bushel >2,500 C.ehl 250 250 Bushel $1,750 D.uuisLr Posl Huk IJiiigci Sh.i\ei (IDS All H\J I’OM Dnvci $1,500 SO Chev\ 1 Ton Uu.ilK 454 Aulo AC 79 000 One Miks $7,495 NH S5O Round B*iki NH 271 B dor w/Throw ei BH 120 MB H>d Rear Blade Bl ido Vork 7 liD (n hi Blowu #99 Oise C hisol Ini 5 Shank Olivli Om, Row PiekerETSTBI White 5400 No Jill Plainer While 12 Tianspoit Dist Oischme Krone 9 Messton 12 Havbine 'TOW4iS9,3»« S 5 495 SI 795 995 SS ()()() NI #M4 Sholkr w/#US 2RN Picker $1,500 JO XWO Drill I6\9DD Press wheels ( le in Ha\hinc (D 1209 Shaver Post Drivers; HDB - $1,250 HD 10-$1,950 We Can Deliver Anywhere MPI IBMH WHt ■ FARM EQUIPMENT CORN STALK CHOIVERS FOR RENT 2R& 3R Reasonable rates. We manufacture \ chppjJejrl* rotated parts 717-887-6186 betweeri am - Ottjo api- Joel King IOS MilTfid. RoftkSrPA 17572 Auction I \M!N & (.VRIUN MXMJRI- SI’RI-AIURS MI SC ~W«<L$3.5OO bush hoc S ALTZGI VERS TRACTOR REPAIR 1757 Baltimore Pike, Hanover, PA 17331 NEW & USED TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT BUSH HOG MOWERS & LOADERS NEW INLAND SNOWBLOWERS 717-632-91 19 Late Model Used Equipment Ford 655 E 4WD, Cab, Ext. Hoe, 750 Hrs. Ford 675 E, 780 hrs.. 4WD, Cab, Ext. Hoe JD 310 A TLB 8N Ford Heister Forklift, 3500 Lb Lift 2120 Ford 4 WD w/ 7109 Loader, Turf Tires 4000 Ford SU Diesel P.S., 1.P.T.0. - Cab 2 Ford 1953 Jubilee 2110 Ford Gas L.P.T.O. - P.S. Ford Jubilee 1953 - New Paint $495 $3,995 $495 $595 $1,995 $1,950 $2,495 $595 $395 $l,BOO $495 $595 $795 $3,995 $2,99S $2,495 $2,995 D. S. SPREADER • 750-1500 Gallon • Option: rear or • Tank 10 ga. front spinner Corten Steel • Special orders • Bulge Ends accepted We Also Sell Dry Hill Pumps Manure Pump Rental We Do Custom Fabricating D.S. Manufacturing 834 Pumping Station RcT Kirkwood, PA 17536 717-529-2282 Can 7:45-8:00 AM
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