CS-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1998 JD 2640, 8 spd, diff lock, flattop fenders, old style, 70 hp, runs excellent, ONLY $7,500. 410-833-9091 JD 2955 2 WD tractor with roll guard $10,500 (717)445-6156. JD 300 Corn-Picker, 2R 30in. Good oond. Best of fer. Chester Co. (610)932-8382 JD 300 Corn-Picker, 2 Row Head, Reid Ready. Call evenings (717)776-6350 JO 3020 Gas, N.F. Syncro, Canopy $5,500 or Trade for Round Baler or Large Flat Dump Bed. Adams County. (717)642-9199. JO 3050, same as 2955, cab, MFWD, HiLo, high hours, $14,500. 717/336-7375 No Sunday Calls. JO 347 baler with #3O thrower, repainted, good condition, $5500. 304-274-3412 JO 4010, diesel, cab, 80 hp, WF, 2 hyd., duals, aux fuel, very clean Midwest tractor, $6,600. 410-833-9091 JO 4010, diesel, 85 hp, fender, 18.4x38, daily worker, clean, $6,600. 410-833-9091 JO 404 motor, complete with injection pump. $lB5O 800-919-3322. JO 40 S Model #1782-T 3pt Hook-Up, Wide-Front End, Good Mech. Shape, Rub ber Tires, EXCELLENT. (717)776-7621. JO 410 Backhoe/Loader 1976- $9,000 Good Run ning Cond. Must Sell, Call 6'oo-7:oopm (610)588-3664. JO 420 garden tractor w/5' belly mower. 1,000 hrs., mint condition, $4,000. 410-833-9091 JO 4240 4-post, power shift, 18x38 radiate, 18004 hours, excellent, $20,500. 814/634-5200 JD 4240 CAH, quad. 18 4x38 tires, 4700 hours, real nice condition, (215)679-2227. JD 4240, CAH, 18 4x38, synco range, recent exten sive engine & trans work, needs tires, paint & interior, ONLY $11,500 410-833-9091 JD 4400 Combine, Good Shape., 443 Cornhead., 213 Gramhead Excellent Condition, $12,500 Takes AIM (610)584-2088. JD 4400 combine, diesel, rotary screen, only 2300 hrs , $9OOO. 1971 JD 4020 diesel, PS, 8000 hrs, $BOOO JD 3020 diesel, PS, 5400 hrs., $7500. 215-679-8280 JD 4430 PS. 2WD, $20,500. Case grain drill soybean special, $5500. Csse 3-bottom auto reset plow. $2OOO. Brillion trans port 14' spring harrow. $BOO. Oliver transport disc, 12', $9OO. Bush Hog 6‘, $7OO. 908-439-2203 JD 6200 Cab. PQ Trans. 18x4x30 rear tires. I,6oohrs. $25,500 (717)776-7725 JO 630, 1959, fenders, weights, 3pth top link, tot ally dismantled and re stored, $6500; Century sprayer, 3pt 30' boom, 3yrs old, $1900; JO 11S scraper 9' blade, power offset, $lOOO, Farmec 30' eleva tor w/electric motor, $3OO, Snoflame corn stove Chester Co 610/857-3695. JO 630, PS, 3pt, NF, roll-a matic, good condition, $4200. 717-656-6621 JD 6600 combine w/643 corn head, good condition, $12,000 717-762-7362 af ter 7pm JD 6600 combine, 4RN head. JO 4430 OR, CHA 1600 IH gram truck, 1976 Kneiphide bed. 717-432-8587 Call Toll-Free 1-800-864-7723 “Lancaster County's Best Fuel Injection Shop" 1030 Main Street (Rt. 23), Blue Ball, PA 17506-0426 •717-354-2016 A.. 00 A __ STANDARD INJECTION qpoa Orr PUMP REB uilo Coupon Must Be Presented When Service Is Ordered. FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone:7l7-263-0705 Sales-Parts-Service NH 7411 Ldr NH 8160 4WD Cab NH 7410 HD Ldr NH 8160 4WD No Cab NH 7310 Ldr NH 8560 4WD Cab NH 4430 4WD Cab “ 35 NHTSIIO 4WD w/Cab LS 45 w/52 Deck NH TSIIO 4WD No Cab LS 55 w/48 Deck NHTSIOO 4WD w/Cab n,^ D i „ GT 65 w/48 Deck Diesel NHTSIOO 2WD w/Cab NH LX4BS Skid Loader NH LX 565 NH LX665 NH LXB6S NH LXBBS SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS 605 Trencher Hi-Flow Mini Backhoe NH 1725 NH 1920 MH 1925 NH TC33 NH TCIB Located: 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. 8:00-5:00 Mon. Thru Fri.; 8:00-12:00 Saturday Hours hb We Accept We Ship Parts mlmmm VISA & Master Card JWP UPS Daily Vertical Milling Machine Cincinnati vice & collets, clean & tight, very nice machine, $lB5O 080 610-779-3599 fCWHOUAUD NH 7308 Ldr NH 644 Round Baler NH 644 Auto Wrap Baler NH 654 Round Baler NH 575 Square Baler NH 1411 Discbme NH 1431 Discbme NH 617 Disc Mower NH 628 Blower NH 256 Rake NH 195 Manure Spreader NH 190 Manure Spreader NH 185 Manure Spreader NH 165 Manure Spreader NH 155 Manure Spreader NH 790 Forage Harvester, Metal Alert NH 824 Corn Head NH 990 W Hay Head NH 716 C 3 Pt Snowblower JD 1520 10' Plow Disc. $3,000.; Brillkm 15' Rotory Mower $1,500. (814)466-7074. JD 2020, diesel. 1,100 hrs. w/belly mower, no 3 pt, Live PTO, power steering, $5,000. 410-833-9091 JD 4055 Power Shift, 4800 Hrs. 525.500 717/336-7375 No Sunday Calls TOBIAS CO., INC. KM Halifax, PA 17032 I Phone:7l7-362-3132 1-800-362-3132 NEW EQMPIEiT li STOCK 9510 Sidehill 450 Drill 7810 MFWD Tractor 3970 Harvester 820 MoCo 1770 12 R Planter 1560 Drill ARANCE SPI JD 855, 220 Hrs., MFWD, 72” Mower, 70 Loader, 503 Rotary Mower ...Call Ford 500 Selectospeed w/7210 Loader, Joy Stick, 2 Buckets $10,500 JD 750 MFWD, 600 Hrs, 60” 3pt Mower, 60” Blade, Very Clean $9,000 Ford 3930 MFWD, Shuttle Shift, 2000 hrs $17,000 White 2-70 Open Station Tractor $11,500 Ford 1720 w/Loader & Backhoe $17,500 JO 650 MFWD, 650 Hrs. w/60", 3 pt. Grooming Mower $7,500 JD 5400 MFWD, Open Station $22,500 JD 345 w/54" Mower, Demo Machine JD 455 w/60" Mower, Demo Machine Troy 5 hp Chipper Vac JD 725 w/54" Mower, 60 Hrs JD LX 188 w/48" Mower JD 210 w/38" Mower. . . .. JD LXIBB w/48" Mower & Snow Thrower $3,700 JD 170 w/38” mower $1,995 Kwick Way loader for JD 400 senes garden tractor, new condition USED COMBINES JD 215 Flex Head . . .Call JD 213 Flex Head . . . 53,800 JD 4400 Combine. Dsl w/443 Corn Head $B,BOO JD 444 Corn Head , 54,800 1996 JD 9500 Contour Master, 4WD, 160 Separator Hrs , 5125,000 FALL CLEARANCE SALE NH 1495 12' SP Mower Conditioner, needs rolls $7,500 JD 450 Spreader $4,000 Woods 315 15’ Batwing Mower $5,500 Woods Model 315 15’ Batwing Mower SS?WO $4,950 JD 875 4R Minimum Till Cultivator, Like New. $3,850 JD 7200 12R Corn Planter w/Liquid, Unit Mounted Coulters $23,000 IH Model 700 sxlB plow, Side Hill Hitch $2,700 40’ Bale Elevator.... $650 Wu’s 4x4 Cart $2,600 JD KBA, 13’ Disc . $1,550 JD 8300 21x7 Drill $5,200 JD 8250 10’Drill . . $2,975 JD 8300 21x7 Drill $5,800 IH 5100 10’ Drill w/Fertilizer $3,900 (2) JD 653 A Row Crop Heads $2,000/pair USED HAY EQUIPMENT NH 469 Mower Conditioner ! Hesston Model 1090 Mower Conditioner 51,500 NH 411 Discbme $6,700 NH 499 Hydra Swing . $5,800 JD 1600 12’ Hydra Swing Mower Conditioner w/new Roll $7,500 JD 535 Round Baler $13,500 NH 271 Baler w/Thrower $2,200 H&S 3302 H.D Spreader w/Lid, 680 Bu Cap , New Condition New Landpnde 1550 Tiller . .. Ford 60" 3 pt flail mower, never used .$2,300 Landpnde 48" Over Seeder .. $5,600 $4,000 JD 213 flex head, plastic fingers, new skid plates w/ plastic and flex teals, $3960. 10' Brillion hi clearance chisle plow w/ Midwest Busteitar, $950. Wamer-Swassey backhoe, 4WD, needs engine, $750. York Co. 717-292-6821 Call Call $425 $7,900 $2,700 $1,850 $2,300 $1,500 $lB,OOO $1,675 IH 966 fender tractor, good JO 213 flex head, good condition, $6,900. condition tin and paint, (814)467-8839. $3500.610-756-6259 JD 24T baler w/#3O ejec- JD 2 ). 6 F,ex - Y «j, low ***• lor, good condition, service ,UBer & ready to 00l $l6OO. Fah- , P 7 i^JLi. afl3a u? nestock Farm Service (717)4634938 No Sunday 717-866-7066 CaHs , IH 766, Good Condition $8,900 Year Round Cabs for IH Iractors starting at $lOOO IH 1066, Good Rubber, Excellent Cond $11,900 IH Hydro 186, Cab & Air, Rebuilt Engine & Hydro, New Rubber & Paint, Showroom Condition $21,900 IH 454 Diesel w/Loader $7,200 IH 350 Utility w/PS, Very Nice IH 424 w/Loader, Very Good Condition IH 986, Cab & Air, 477 Original Hours, Showroom New Financing Available 717-776-5515 JEFF SHOWAKER Clean off-the-fann, field test tractors Most Reconditioned And Sold With War anty Positively no out-of-state Personal checks JOHN DEERE TRACTORS JD 7810, MFWD. power quad, 684 hrs w/left hand reverser JD 7810 MFWD, power shift, 966 hrs JD 7800 MFWD, PS, 3093 hrs JD 7410 MFWD, power quad. 406 hrs JD 4630 cab, power shift JD 4020 PS. roll guard & canopy. side console JD 755 MFWD. turf tlres/60" deck JD 770 MFWD w/60" mower JD 770 MFWD w/261 rear mower JD 435 Detroit diesel Case G3IOD track loader, gas, as is COMBINES JD 9500, 2WD, 1990, 3114 engine hrs 2264 separator hrs JD 7720 Titan 11, 1987 . . . . JD 7720. 2WD, 3800 hrs JD 7720. 1981 JD 7700 MFWD JD 6620 2WD, 1980, Reconditioned JD 215 flex head JD 218 flex head JD 918 Flex Head JD 222 Ilex head JD 224 flex head Jd 643 Lo-Tln, Oil Bath, Corn head JD 444 4RW Corn Head . . SKID LOADERS JD 6758 diesel, 300 hrs JD 675 B diesel, 2,950 hrs JD 125 diesel NH L 553 diesel, new bucket FORAGE EQUIPMENT JD 125 Forage Wagon JD 3RN Corn Chopper Head. CORN/SOYBEAN PLANTERS AC No Till 6 row narrow corn planter JD 7200 6R liquid fert JD 7000 6RN planter, dry fert., unit coulters, as Is .... $3,750 JD 7000, 6R frame coulters, dry fert as is $6,500 JD 7240 11R corn & soybean planter, dry fert ... JD 7000, 5R splitter . JD 7000 6R Planter, frame mounted Coulters . . JD 7240 11 Row Planter. Liquid Fert . GRAIN DRILLS Lilhslon 9680 no-till grain drill JD 8200 Conventional drill, single disc 14x7 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT JD 975, 3 bottom switch plow new JD 1450 sb, 18" semi-mount plow JD 635 disc harrow, 13'7", like new JD 235, wingfold disc, 20' Brillion roller harrow, 12' JD 970 roller harrow 12’ HAY EQUIPMENT JD 330 round baler JD 535 round baler w/net wrap NH 850 round baler. Hesston 1010 hydra swing mower conditioner JD 1209 Mo-Co JD 1209 Mo-Co JD 337 Square Baler w/30 Ejector JD 347 Square Baler w/30 Ejector .. . MISCELLANEOUS JD 100 silage blower Grove bale wagon JD 709 7ft heavy duty rotary cutter .. .. JD IF fertilizer spreader Woods Sl2l pull type mower 10' Oswalt 250 mix wagon . GLADHILL TRACTOR MART, INC. O 900 East Patrick St. Frederick, Maryland 21701 (301) 663-6060 1-800-245-0691 Clark Bryan .$4,000 .$6,200 $26,000 $74,635 $72,840 $57,560 $57,000 $18,500 $ll,OOO $11,500 $12,000 $lO,OOO $4,500 $2,000 $65,000 $45,000 $lB,OOO $22,500 $11,500 $25,000 . $4,500 $4,750 $B,OOO $3,750 $3,750 $lO,OOO $4,500 $15,000 $8,500 $6,500 $9,000 $l,BOO $4,500 $1,200 $14,500 $24,500 $6,500 $7,500 $25,000 $5,500 $1,650 $4,760 $1,500 $8,500 $5,500 $3,000 $4,250 $7,500 $18,500 . $2,500 $3,000 $2,000 $2,750 $4,500 $7,500 . $2,700 $BOO $2,500 .$250 $3,500 $14,000
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