Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 10, 1998, Image 6
Ae-Lincwtw Farming, Saturday, October 10, 1998 Middleburg Hay Report Supplied By Auction October 6, 1996 49 LOADS TOTAL; 22 LOADS OF HAY. ALFALFA 4 LOTS, 67.50-130.00. MIXED HAY: 8 LOTS, 75.00-125.00. TIMOTHY: 8 LOTS. 52.50-120.00. TIMOTHY SEED: 21.00. ORCHARD GRASS: 2 LOTS. 77.50 AND 85.00. EAR CORN: 14 LOTS. 65.00-9730. RYE: 6 LOTS, 3.00-4.60. OATS; 1.65-2.35. BARLEY: 1.85-1.90. Kutztown Produce Auction Hay Auction Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, October 3, 1998 22 LOADS. ALFALFA HAY: 150.00-155.00. GRASS HAY: 120.00-126.00. MIXED HAY: 78.00-132.00. HAY: 2.25 BALE. WHEAT STRAW: 50.00-86.00. STRAW: 130-1.75 BALE. FIREWOOD: 35.00 LOAD. CONSIGNMENTS SOLD EVERY SAT. AT 9 A.M. Weekly Livestock Summary October 2, 1998 14 Livestock Auctions Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 5479 Compared with 5141 Diffenbach Auction Inc. 100 West Jackson Street • New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 Office: (717) 355-7253 • FAX: (717) 355-9547 HAY & GRAIN SALE EVERY MONDAY -10:00 A.M. WINROSS, HESS, FARM & TOYS WED NOV 4 FBI NOV 13 TRACS, FARM EQUIP, & SUPPLIES TUES NOV 24 QUILT, CRAFT & BUGGIES WED NOV 25 QUILT & CRAFT EQUIPPED FOR AN AUCTION AT YOUR PLACE OR OURS Apply compost and organic mulch to any row crop „. automatically z' ' From tree fruit to vegetable beds, from bramble crops 1 to vineyards, organic mulch and compost can reduce chemical input for weed suppression, retain soil moisture, and improve soil fertility by adding organic matter to sandy and clay soils Now Millcreek eliminates the costly labor needed for . organic mulch and compost application The remarkable new Millcreek Row Mulcher works with all types of organic material, and even lets you adjust the depth and width of the mulch rows The versatile Milkreek Row Mulcher makes different sized mulch beds as you need, from 18 to 48 wide, from 1/2' to 10" deep A mulching program can help you produce a healthier crop while reducing pesticide requirements mm Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 717-656-3050 head last week and 4981 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary slaughter steers and bulls 1 00 to 200 lower, si heifers steady to 150 lower, si cows 100 to 300 lower, in stances 400 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice & Prime 2-4 58 00-63 25, Choice 1-3 54 00-60 50, Select and Low Choice 2-3 52 00-58 25, Select 1-3 50 00-57 00, Standard 1-2 40 00-5100 HOLSTEINS High Choice and Prime 52 00-54 75, Choice 2-3 48 00-53 25, Select 1-2 44 50-50 00, Standard 1-2 39 00-45 00 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 53 50-59 10, Select 1-3 50 00-56 00, few to 47 00, tew Standard 1-2 40 00-50 00 COWS Breakers 75- 80% lean 28 00-42 00 mostly 32 00 38 00, Boners 80-85% lean 27 00 35 00, Lean 85-90% lean 23 00-30 00, few to 20 00 Shells down to 15 50 BULLOCKS few Select 1-3 44 00- 52 00 BULLS Yield Grade I 1000- 2400 lbs 40 00-52 00, Yield Grade 2 900-2000 lbs 34 00-4100 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 275-550 lbs 55 00-70 00, tew to 75 00, few 500-750 lbs 51 00 64 00. Medium and Large 2 290-800 lbs 40 00-57 00, Large 2 Holstems 300-700 lbs 42 DO -53 00, 600-1000 lbs 37 50-45 50, HEIFERS Medium and Large I 275-750 lbs 45 00-62 50, Medium and Large 2 300 600 lbs 35 00-61 00, 550-750 lbs 38 00-52 00, BULLS Medium and Large I 275 600 lbs 50 00-66 00, few to 74 00, Medium and Large 2 285-500 lbs 40 00-53 50, 550-900 lbs 36 GO -53 00 CALVES 5561 Compared with 5.5 head last week and 2967 head a year ago VEALERS mostly steady few Good 150-285 lbs 55 00 52 50, Standard and Good 70 115 lbs 18 00-50 00, few to ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT.-AU2258-L Starting under J5OOO, no other machine compares when it comes to capabilities, versatility, and cost effectiveness Rugged construction Five sizes, from 34t0 13 cubic yard capacity Custom designs Call today for a free color brochure, or to discuss your specific needs ■*s 00, Utility 55-100 lbs 8 00-23 00, few 500 FARM CALVES’ Holstein bull and heifer calves very uneven, mostly steady to 25 00 lower No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 50 00-80 00, No 2 85-125 25 00-60 00, few to 70 00, No I Holstein heifers 80-125 lbs 135 00-214 00 few to 115 00, No 2 75- 120 lbs 6000-139 00, few to 50 00 Bcel type bulls and heifers 80-120 lbs 45 00-90 00 HOGS 2183 Compared with 2108 head ast week and 1528 head a year ago Ba r ows and gilts steady, sows I 00 to I 50 ower BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% can 220-265 lbs 27 00-29 00 few to 13 00 45-50% 210-280 lbs 25 50- ’8 00 SOWS US 1-3 300-500 lbs 12 00-21 00, few to 27 00, 500-700 lbs i 6 sO-21 00 BOARS few 9 00-11 00 FEEDER PIGS 672 Compared with 413 head last week and 364 head a year ago Feeder pigs US 1-3 20-40 lbs 5 00-10 00, 35-55 lbs 8 00-16 00 per head SHEEP 2257 Compared with 2209 head last week and 1432 head a year ago Slaughter lambs steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 40-60 lbs 80 00- 110 00, few to 68 00, 60-80 lbs 67 GO -95 00, 80-110 lbs 65 00-80 00, few to 55 00, 105-130 lbs 55 00-75 00, Good and Choice 60-110 lbs 50 00-70 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 18 00-41 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 2536 Compared 1343 last week and 1618 head a year ago Feeder pigs un evenly steady US 1-2 25-30 lbs 25 00- 32 00, 30-40 lbs 30 00-55 00, 40-50 lbs 34 00-5100, 50-60 lbs 30 00- 50 00, 60-70 lbs 30 00-46 00, 70-80 lbs 35 00-42 00, few 2-3 30-50 lbs SE'l^EEEEETtilßKlEllil^lSlEl^lHiiiauiSlSUiEL^lHEiaiiliaiiEll-liiElSlS I WHAT’S AHEAD FOR | I CATTLE & HOG FUTURES I [E iu | •We Deal Exclusively in Commodity Futures | [c & Options | e n |• 25 Years of Trading & Hedging Experience | I •We Handle Commercial & Personal i c Accounts b fe E For Free Information or For A Personal Consultation, Please Ca 11... E „ I (610) 366-7979 or 800-543-8939 I i LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. | i Commerce Plaza, Suite 249, 5000 Tltghman Street, E | Allentown, Pa 181J4 c B The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be E substantial Futures and options trading mny not be suitable for E n everyone You should care'uily consider the risks in light of your S: b financial condition in deciding whether to trade E 6 30 PM 9 00 AM 9 00 AM 9 00 AM - SLAUGHTER HOGS EARLY BIRD HOG SALE 7:30 A.M. Sell Your Hogs At New Holland Sales Stables Inc See them weighed sold and pickup your check 10:00 A.M. U MV HORSES \\ MULES 9:00 A.M. ir SHEEP. GOATS & P CALVES fJJ 1:30 P.M. BEEF SALE W 1 NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. THE ACTION AUCTION Livestock Is Our Only Business * MONDAY J HEIFER SALE 10:30 A.M. COW SALE 12:00 NOON We have the usual run of 50 to 100 Heifers all ages Loads of fresh cows and springers from our regular shippers Also some local fresh cows and springers NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster Off Route 23, New Holland, Penna. MANAGERS Norman & David Kolb-717-397-5538 Roger Floyd- 717-354-4341 FAX #717-355-0706 Order Buyer: Paul Good • 215-445-6662 13 00-20.00, Slaughter 15-25 lbs 72 00-80 00, 25-35 lbs 30.00-40 00, few to 70 00 per hundredweight Eighty-Four Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. October 5, 1998 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 308 [PDA] Compared to last week's sale slaughter cows steady to 3 00 lower, bulls steady to 2 00 lower SLAUGHTER STEERS one Select 2 50 00, Standard 1-2 41 25-49 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS one Select 2 48 00, Standard 1-2 40 00-46 00 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 32 50- 38 00, one 40 00, Boners 80-85% 28 50-33 00, Lean 85-90% lean 22 GO -29 00 Shells 14 00-22 00 BULLS, Yield Grade I 1100-2355 lbs 39 00-46 25, Yield Grade 2 1020-1845 lbs 32 00-39 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Medium and Large I 400-600 lbs 60 00-72 00, Medium and Large 2 330-500 lbs 40 GO -57 00, 600-910 lbs 40 00-51 50, few to 30 00, HEIFERS Medium and Large I 35P-725 lbs 51 00-57 00, Medium and Large 2 300-775 lbs 40 00-49 00, BULLS Me dium and Large 1 310-600 lbs 54 00- 66 00, few to 73 00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 45 00-56 50, 510-875 lbs 38 00-52 00 CALVES 173 [All calves sold per cwt] VEALERS couple Choice 125- 225 lbs 62 50 & 66 00, few Good 140- 230 lbs 45 00-59 00, Standard and Good BULLS, STEERS, BBtf beef cows »■§ 1:00 P.M. STOCKERS & FEEDERS -A. 90-100 lbs 19 00-3100, 65-85 lbs 15 00-30 00, Utility 55-95 lbs 5 00- 15 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls steady to 15 00 lower No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 55.00-77 50, No 2 80 120 lbs 30 00-57 50. couple No I Hol stein heifer 100-110 lbs 175 00 & 235 00, couple No 2 80-95 lbs 80 00 & 132 50 Beef type bulls and heifers 90- 105 lbs 35 00-92 50, 175-285 lbs 40 00-65 00 HOGS 17 BARROWS AND GILTS few 45-50% lean 210-265 lbs 28 CO -35 00 SOWS US 1-3 375-565 lbs 17 00-19 75 BOARS one 230 lbs 15 00 FEEDER PIGS 8 US 1-3 40-45 lbs 12 00 17 00 per head SHEEP 110 Slaughter lambs steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS High Choice and Prime 110-145 lbs 45 00-57 00, Choice 40-60 lbs 80 00-88 00, 65-75 lbs 64 00-78 00, 80-IQO lbs 56 00-66 00, Good and Choice 40-65 lbs 58 00- 65 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 18 00- 37 00 GOATS 39 Laige Billies 84 00, Medium 35 00-65 00, Nannies 40 00-50 00, Medium 35 00, Large Kids 18 00-28 00 head Hay And Straw Sales Will Start At 10 A.M. Every Wed. WOLGEMUTH’S AUCTION formerly Good’s Auction 11 North Maple Ave. Leola, PA 17540 717-656-2947 717-656-9558 THURSDAY J BEEF AUCTION 10:00 A.M. -_*T IQIOO A.M. f J GOATS. SHEEP |M calves 11 « I:3Q PM FEEDER PIG SALE Pigs are accepted after 6 30 A M State graded from 8 to 12 Dairy Barn and Feeder Pig Barn are cleaned and disinfected weekly for your protection Luke Eberly - 610-267-6608,717-738-1865 Homer Eberly- 610-267-3047 Nevin Martin - 717-354-7186 Ronßanck - 717-656-9849 aid Representatives For Goats. Sheep & Calv Ken Smoker - 610-593-2123 74 00- Large 30 00- - per