The easiest operating, most convenient, longest warrantied HarvestoreP Products forage unloader eve. Consistent Delivery... Arm Advance Sentry™ Electro-Mechanical Actuator 3 Belleville. PA Everett, PA 800-310-9333 814-652-2934 Rory Peachey, Mgr. Frank Samuel, Jr., Mgr. The multi you may achieve with jour Harveitore® Sjitem depend primullj upon jour management ikllb and may vary from aucceaiful multi achieved bj othiri. Any application in a particular farming operation nqui advice of qualified experta and li lubject to limitation! of food management, weather or other condition! preient at the individual location. Harveitore li a registered trademark of AO. Smith Engineered Storage Producti Plus... Uncomplicated Operation and Maintenance Features • New optional flared nose trough for increased discharge capacity of the conveyor chain • New backbone design features built-in floor supports and backbone wear strips • New greasing system greases center post shafts and bearings plus all gears • New arm support wheel has a 33% greater width plus increased depth of hardness • New high torque 10 horsepower motor and control Alliance™ Forage Unloader o'* The Arm Advance Sentry™ automatically monitors the length of time the cutter chain arm advances into the forage, resulting in more consist ent delivery. For your convenience now accepting a Farm Plan. IjflßKt rtaP ASemceofFPCFiaioaal The Charge Account for Rural America rM PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAN PA 17557 • 717-354-4051 Berlin, PA 800-434-3308 Joe Simpson, Mgr. 1111 lIMI All if 9^ [mjjfi Imm jm /JFnfim ll r iwi iSfcwiy Immt Built-In Chain Oiling... Alliance Hydra Force™ H.P. Oil Unit 36-mo. 100% warranty on entire unloader except motor Newvllle, PA 717-776-3397 Maynard McCullough, Mgr. FORAGE UNLOADER The Hydra Force™ H.P. oil spray unit forces oil onto the cutter and con veyor chains. F . 0 t* On\° a^ e t® ceF ' mvoVsVUV® G xVMfi, mMb'N Columbus, NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr. In Marylani 800-354-401