Virginia Feeder Sales Richmond, VA Mon Sept 28,1998 USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market Newt Summary of Livestock Auctions by Areas: Northern Virginia Livestock Sum mary Including Front Royal, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Staunton Union and Winchester Virginia for the week of Sep tember 21-26, 1998 Feeder Cattle 2660 Head Steers Med&Lge 1 Small 1 MedALge 2 200-300 59.00 - 69.00 63.00 300400 60.00 - 77.00 60.50 - 64.50 Few 80.00 4OO-500 63.00 - 75.00 50.00 - 67.50 56.00 - 67.00 Few 83.00 500-600 63.00 - 76.00 5100 • 63.00 55.00 - 63.00 600-700 57.00 - 69.00 49.00 - 58.00 49.00 - 61.00 700-800 55.00 • 67 JO 5100 - 57.00 55.00 - 60.00 800-900 55.00 - 64.60 50.00 - 55.00 53.00 - 60.00 900-1000 56.00 - 61.00 5150 - 56.00 1000-1100 55.00 - 56.00 Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 200-300 47.00 - 51.00 300-500 45.00 - 51.00 500-700 42.00 - 46.00 Heifen Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 300-400 55.00 - 64.00 46.00 - 53.00 50.00 - 58.00 400-500 52.00 - 63.50 45.00 - 51.00 5000 -61 JO 500600 53.00 - 62.75 45.00 - 5000 49.00 - 59J0 600-700 52.00 - 61.00 42.00 - 48.00 45.00 - SSJO 700-800 51.00 - 60.25 5200 - 56.00 800-900 54.00 - 58.00 Bulls MedALge 1 MedALge 2 300400 67.00 - 8100 57.00 - 64.00 Few 55.00 • 65.00 400-500 57.00 - 71.00 5100 - 6100 Few 78.00 500400 53.00 - 66.00 53.00 - 63.25 600-700 53.00 - 6175 46 JO - 61.00 700-900 45.00 - 61.00 34.00 - 51.00 Slaughter Cattle 469 Head Slaughter Cows 392 Head Breaking Utility and Commercial 24 25.00 • 34.75 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-326.00-34J0 Carrier and Low Outer 1-2 21.00 - 31.75 Slaughter Bulls 62 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300 lbs 35.00 - 48.00 Yg 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 35.75 - 41.00 Yg 1-2 1600 lbs aid over 36 JO - 44.75 Slaughter Calves snd Vealets IS Head Calves Good and Choice 250-500 Lbs 48.00 - 56.00 Baby calves returned to Farms 81 head newborn to 4 weeks 9.0043.00 per head. Small 1.008.00 per head. Over 100 lbs 41.0069.00 per cwL Lambs Total Receipts 442 Head Slaugh ter Lambs 360 Head New Crap Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 81-116 lbs 60.00 - 64.00 Good and Few Choice 1-2 90 lbs 56.00 Good and Few Choice 1-2 82-100 lbs 60.00 - 64.00 Shorn Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 125 lbs 58.00 Bucks Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 104 lbs 55.75 Good and Few Choice 1-2 170 lbs 49 JO Feeder Lambs 58 Head Medium and Large Frame 1-2 70-85 lbs 64.00 - 69.50 Medium and Large Prime 1-2 60-70 lbs 6250 - 70.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-2 5060 lbs 62.50 Small Frame 1-2 90 lbs 63 JO Small Fnme 1-2 73 lb* 67.00 Slaughter Ewe* and Rami 24 Head Ewe* Choice 2-4 11.00 - 22.50 Utility «rd Good 1-3 23.00 - 25.00 Cull and Low Utility 1-2 2450 - 37.00 Richmond Va Mon Sept 28, 1998 USDA-VA Dept of Ag Maiket New* Summary of Live*lock Auction* by Area*; Southwe*t Virginia Liveatock Sum mary Including Abingdon Liveitock Exchange, Hollini and Wytheville Viigini a for the week of September 21-26, 1998 Feeder Cattle 2173 Head Steen MedALge 1 Small 1 MedALge 2 200-300 78.00 - 90.00 68.00 - 71.00 73.00 - 86.00 300-400 74.00 - 86.00 68.00 - 70.00 70.00 - 76.00 400-300 64.00 - 70.00 31.00 - 63.00 39.00 - 6550 500400 5950 - 68.00 49.00 - 61.00 55.00 - 66.00 600-700 5950 - 63.75 30.00 - 5350 SSSC - 64.00 700-800 39.00 - 63.00 56.00 61.00 800-900 3550 - 6150 34.00 39.00 900-1000 52.25 Holitein Steer MedALge 2 200-300 72.00 300-500 43.00 - 56.00 500-700 38.00 - 53.00 700-900 42.00 - 45.00 Heifen MedALge 1 Small 1 MedALge 2 200-300 58.00 - 60.00 55.00 - 60.00 300-400 55.00 - 60.00 55.00 - 57.00 400-500 56.00 - 64.00 48.00 - 53.00 51.00 - 56.00 500-600 53.50 - 62.00 48.00 - 54.00 SZOO - 56.50 600-700 51.50 - 58.00 47.00 - 54.00 50.00 - 55.50 700-800 54.00 - 60.00 800-900 53.00 - 56. 00 Bull! MedALge 1 MedALge 2 200-300 60.00 - 70.00 45.00 - 55.00 300-400 71.00 - 72.00 68.00 - 72.00 Few 50.00 - 61.00 50.00 - 62.00 400-500 70.00 - 72.00 67.00 - 69.00 ftw 52.00 - 66.00 48.00 500-600 50.00 - 66.00 61.00 - 64.00 600-700 52.50 - 61.00 700-900 50.00 - 52.00 Slaughter Cattle 400 Head Slaughter Cowi 362 Head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 27.00 - 35.50 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 29.00 - 34.00 Camter and Low Cutter 1-2 20.00 - 3200 Slaughter Bulla 38 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300 Ibi 30.00 - 40.00 Yg 1-2 1300-1600 Iba 3200 - 40.00 Yg 1-2 1600 lb* and over 33.75 - 40.00 Baby calve* returned u> farm* 55 head newborn to 4 week* 20.00-65.00 per head. Over 100 lb* 85.00-155.00 per cwt Lamb* Total Receipt* 108 Head Slaugh ter Lamb* 52 Head New Crap Choice ftw Prime 1-2 Few 3 111 lb* 60.00 Feeder Lamb* 17 Head Medium and Large Fnme 1-2 85-100 lb* 55.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-2 50- 60lb* 55.00 Slaughter Ewe* and Rama 39 Head Ewea Choice 2-4 127 lb* 20.00 Utility and Good 1-3 170 lb* 20.00 Cull and Low Utility 1-2 100 lb* 20.00 State Graded Feeder Cattle 460 head raid at Wytheville, Virginia On September 22, 1998. Steen 205 Head. Heifen 255 Head. Steen MedALge 1 MedALge 2 300-400 75.00 70.00 400-500 72.00 74.00 500-600 67.00 - 6850 66.00 - 68.00 600-700 58.00 - 60.00 60.00 700-800 54.00 - 56.00 SZOO - 54.00 Heifer* MedALge 1 MedALge 2 200-300 56.00 57.00 300-400 56.00 - 60.00 58.50 400-500 57.00 - 59.00 57.00 500-600 59.00 - 60.00 57.00 600-700 54.00 - 56.00 54.00 • 56.00 700-800 54.00 - 5650 51.00 800-900 35.00 - 55.00 3ZOO -35.00 Richmond, VA Mon Sept 28, 1998 USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market Newt Summary of Liver lock Audi oar by Areai; Central And Southeart Virginia Livestock Summary Including Southride (Blacknone) And Lynchburg Virginia For The Week of September 21-26, 1998 Feeder Cattle 1125 Head Steen Small 1 MedALge 2 300-400 55.00 - 68.00 68.50 - 84.00 400-500 5250 - 6200 67.00 - 74.00 500-600 5200 • 57.00 5200 - 64.50 600-700 52.00 - 63.00 Holstein Steer MedALge 2 300-500 47.00 - 50.00 500-700 41.00 - 46.00 Heifen MedALge 1 Small 1 MedALge 2 200-300 59.00 - 60.00 300-400 4200 - 55.00 52.00 - 61.00 400-500 - 46.00 - 5200 50.00 • 59.50 500-600 Fauquier Livestock Exchange, Inc. Marshall, Virginia (540) 364-1566 Graded Feeder Cattle Sales Monday. . . . October 5. . . 7:00 PM . . . Calf & Yearling Tuesday. . . . October 13 . .7:00 PM . . . Calf & Yearling Tuesday. . . . October 27 . . 7:00 PM . . . Calf & Yearling Monday. . . . November 2. 7:00 PM . . . Calf & Yearling Monday. . . . November 9.7:00 PM . . . Calf & Yearling Tuesday. . . . November 10. 7:00 PM . . . Calf & Yearling Tuesday. . . . December 8 . 7:00 PM . . . Calf & Yearling REGULAR SALES EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 PM “ Quality ' Feeder Cattle Our Specialty” ORDER BUYING AVAILABLE Contact Grey H. Puckett, Jr., Manager - (540) 364-1566 APi E ENTERPRISES, INC. * i V Lancaster Finning, Saturday, October 3, 1998-A9 59.00 45.00 - 50.00 50.00 • 54.00 600-700 58.00 47.00 - 53J0700-80055.25 Bulk Small 1 MedALge 2 300-400 48.00-63.0065.00- 81.00 Few 59.50 -61 JO 400-500 50.00 -58 JO 35.00 - 64.00 500-600 45.00 - 52J0 52.00 - 59J0 600-700 49.00 - 55J0 700-900 42.50 - 54.00 Slaughter Cattle 255 Head Slaughter Cowa 239 Head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 26.00 -31 JO Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 26.00 -31 JO Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 12.50 - 25.75 Slaughter Bulk 16 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300 Ibt 38 JO Yg 1-2 1300-1600 Iba 35.00 - 42.00 Yg 1-2 1600 Iba and Over 35.00 - 43.00 Cowa returned to fanna 12 bead - Medium 1, Large 1 And Large 2,800-1200 Iba 28.50-39.00 per cwL Baby calvea returned to fanna 6 head newborn to 4 weeka 17.00-31.00 per head. Stale Graded Feeder Cattle 570 head aold at Lynchburg, Virginia on September 21. 1998. Steen 297 head. Heifen 273 head. Steen MedALge 1 Small 1 MedALge 2 300-400 78.00 - 84.00 74.00 - 80.00 400-500 72.00 -78 JO 60.25 70.00 - 73J0 500-600 64.75 - 68.00 64.00 - 65.00 64.00 - 66.25 600-700 62.50 - 66.50 61.00 63.00 - 66.00 700-800 57.25 - 64.50 62.00 Steen Med&Lge 3 300-400 76.50 400-500 52.50 • 68.00 Heifen Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 300-400 60JO - 61.00 52.00 59.00 - 60.50 400-500 60.50 - 61.25 51.00 59.25 - 59.75 500-600 60.00 - 60.50 50.75 57.50 - 58.00 600-700 54.25 - 57.00 50.00 50.75 - 5175 Heifen Med&Lge 3 300-400 53.00 400-500 57.00 500-600 52.50 - 56.25 600-700 50.75 State Graded Feeder Cattle 168 head fold at Southaide (BUckitone) Virginia on September 23.1998. Steen 82 Head. Heif en 86 Head. B ■ B