Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 03, 1998, Image 65

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    UKC reg. Plott Coon Hound
pups & started dogs, $lOO
for pups, $2OO started dogs.
610-367-2721 Berks Co.
Gravelys 2L and LB. runs
but needs work, attach
ments, sicklebar snow plow,
30” mower. 717-529-6170
Lane. Co.
Butcher Boy B-14 meat saw,
real nice, plus 12 new
blades, 5 gal. new paint, pot
$lOO. 717-345-4015 Sch.
7 cute black lab mixed pups
bom 8/25/98, $2O. Amos R.
Lapp, 9658 Eisenberger
Rd.. Strasburg, RA 17579
Lane. Co.
JD rims 10x24M, 40 320
420 $155; 2 tires, 11.2x24
Goodyear Dyna Torque 11,
like new, $225. 717-677-
6703 Adams Co.
Approx. 1939 Ferguson
tractor, $2BOO. 717-244-
3530 York Co.
Ml 323 sgl. row com picker,
shed kept, good cond.,
$950, call eves, after 7 pm,
814-542-2220 Mifflin Co
1971 VWbus, nice cond.,
eng. needs work, $9OO
080. 717-352-3343 Frankl.
NH 489 haybme, 2 yr old,
rolls, exc NH 30 blower,
1000 rpm, good cond.,
$5OO 717-523-3328 Union
JD 7 ft rotary mower, trail
type, $750, Formen Rupp 3"
trash pump, $250 Myers 3/4
hp Jet pump, $25 717-834-
3882 Perry Co
13 pc 1-1/2”-1-1/4’’ pipe, 13
ft length, from well 717-
394-8725 Lane. Co.
130 acres comm’l 3 hous
es, Ig. ponds, 4 deep wells
w/ or w/o small mobile home
park, $275,000. 717-797-
4685 North'd. Co
Crawler tractor H 3 gas front
bucket loader needs minor
repairs, $1500; 1953 dump
truck, 1-1/2 ton, parts, $lOO.
610-689-5301 Berks Co
JD 350 C crawler loader
w/#93 backhde, 2 buckets,
new cond., will separate,
66 6 ft. round treated posts,
17 8 ft. posts used 6 mos..
No Sunday calls, 717-345-
2656Schuyl Co.
Male Fox Terrier pup, 2-1/2
mos. old, $35. 717-867-
1501 Leb. Co.
VanOale TMR mixer in good
cond., w/beam scales. 717-
532-7499 Frankl. Co.
NH455 skid loader cab
enclosure, new tires, 2350
hrs , Kubota diesel, rebuilt
bucket w/teeth, asking
$B6OO 080. 717-444-3887
Jun. Co.
Standard bred trotter, Bay
gelding, 4 yr old, 15.3
hands, sound, uses power
lines, $2500. 717-354-0038
Lane. Co.
Gooseneck flatbed, 18 ft.
trailer, 12000 GVW option
gram sides, old iron fence,
18 seebons, 42”x7’ per sec
tion 610-767-6864 Lehigh
4 wheel steenng MTD 12/40
lawn mower w/bagger, loves
hills & curves, good mower,
$895 080. 717-653-4598
Lane Co.
1991 F 250 4x4, VB, 5 spd.,
cap, 70,000, $9300 MM
self-propelled Unisystem, 2
rw com picker, works good,
$650. 610-926-3355 Berks
Polled red fullblood Sim
mental bull, quiet, few bred
females, must see, show
Heifer prospects l Can deliv
er 610-469-1766 Chester
Co _____
IH 56 blower, silo ready,
$lOOO 080. 717-653-8092
Lane. Co.
510 combine &one for
parts; heads 4 RN 4 RW
soybean; 1974 LBOO Ford
w/grain dump, other misc
equip. 717-229-2531 York
Good used 42” Cornell
blower, good shape 717-
Mechanics tool box,
Kerosene heater, used one
season, roof racks to fit E
series Ford van.
834-9668 Perry Co.
6.9 acre lot, 5 acres open,
rest wooded, road frontage,
std. septic, nice location,
ready to build on. 717-484-
2227 Berks Co.
85 Chevy Bonaventure, 12
pass., 5.7 L VB, 42K miles,
AC, cruise, must see, $5500;
‘BB Ford E-150 VB, auto, AC.
runs great, no rust, $2500.
610-255-4432 Chester Co.
1931 Model A Ford, 5 win
dow coupe, partially
restored, compl. car,
$5OOO. Eves., 609-567-
0470 Atlantic Co.. NJ
Centaur tractor, old model
kv, copper tub wash
machine, wnnger type, pn
ma, some horse drawn
equipment. Call 7 a.m., 609-
561-7623 Atlantic Co., NJ
Hay & straw for sale at bam,
also firewood, cut last win
ter, ready for winter burning.
717-235-2444 York Co.
2 GQF Incubator, like new
cond., elec, controller, auto
water & clear plastic door
w/extra trays, $6OO. 717-
656-7440 Lane. Co.
Gledhill leaf vacuum, munic
ipal type, 4 cyl. continual
eng. w/clutch, recent over
haul, runs great, deliv. poss.
814-472-8068 Cambria Co.
Angus bull, purebred green
house 30x60 heat & ventila
tion w/controls, cold grames,
14x100 air blast sprayer.
610-932-9249 Chester Co.
Hay, all types, Ist & 2nd cut
ting, timothy grass, mulch,
landscape hay, some 4x4
2nd cutting grass wrapped.
717-324-2168 Lye. Co.
AC spinner plow for WD,
snap coupler 3x14 plow.
Snap coupler blade, want
AC #7 hay rake 301-662-
2857 Fred Co
Rototiller, $450, 48 blower,
$450, disc, $150; garden
plow, $lOO, 1 pair 800x16
turf tires $BO All from Case
444 717-444-3606 Perry
12 ft. flail chopper/mower,
ideal for cornstalks, 1000
rpm, good cond, $750,
AQHAyearling filly, big, pret
ty, $l5OO. 717-275-4776
North’d Co.
D4E Hyster Winch in good
cond., w/out levers, $950.
John L. Stoltzfus, 19180
Back Rd , Doylestown, PA
17219 Frankl Co.
Appaloosa mare, black &
white leopard, 15 hands,
20+ yrs , exc child’s trail
horse, light duty only, shots
& coggms, $650 717-361-
9030 Lane Co
2 horse trailers, 1 bumper
hitch custom made; other is
12' Goose neck, new tires,
sanded and primed. 717-
776-4446 Cumb. Co.
40 cow mats, good cond,
$lO ea. 080. Lv. mssg.,
717-365-3659 Dau. Co
Heater B&B wood splitter,
new stove, 73 Dodge truck,
old horse head stand, old
saddler bench, 2 whole com
sheller. 717-865-5424 Leb.
885 Case Int. 2,050 hrs.,
exc. cond., 1540 Gehl blow
er, exc. cond., 2 1200 bu.
corn cribs. 717-272-4786
Leb. Co.
Farmette, house, barn, Ig.
pond, around 2-1/2 acres in
Windsor Twp. 717-244-
8141 York Co.
206 Ml manure spreader in
good cond., $lOOO 717-
629-1944 Monroe Co
Fresh pressed cider, bulk,
$1.50/gal. every Weds., No
2 apples, $3 a basket; No. 1,
$5 a basket. 717-354-7209
Lane. Co.
Black 9 yr old double reg.
good trail horse, very
smooth, $2200. 717-756-
2549 Susq. Co.
Hockey boards, 46 12’
2”x10” w/hinges and pins,
used only 6 times, ask for
Mark. 717-445-6548 Lane
JD444 cornhead, exc.
cond , $2500 080, also
rotary gram cleaner, double
screen, good cond. $5OO
410-835-8587 Wicomico
Timber harvester, portable
band mill, 24 hp, Onan gas
motor, hyd. dogs turner, etc ,
exc. cond, must see,
$16,500 080 814-472-
. .7259 Cambria Cp. .. .
Air compressors, very small
& portable, 50 psi rating
good, for crafts, hobbies, fill
ing small tires, used in exc.
cond. 717-467-3921 Sch.
Yugo cars, 2 1986, both run,
4 cyl„ 4 spd., $5OO for pair.
717-648-4484 Sch. Co.
Heavy duty 5” rubber wheel
casters, $12,150 lb. capaci
ty, digital scales, legal for
trade, like new $375. 717-
656-7353 Lane. Co.
JD 4000 row crop diesel, 3
pt., dual remote, $7500; Jd
210 lawn tractor, 36” cut;
$850; Oliver corn planter.
717-445-4336 Lane. Co.
1 7-1/2kw onan power tak
off generator, like new,
$5OO. 717-755-8170 York
High moisture ear corn,
ready early Oct. $6B/ton out
of field. 717-786-9070 Lane.
Australian cattle pups, from
working mother, nice around
children, $5O, ready. Benuel
Miller, 54 McCoury Rd., Not
tingham. Pa. Chester Co.
Rubber belting steel wheels,
63” high, 16" wide, 36” cen
ters; front wheels, exc. cond.
717-354-8990 Lane. Co.
Log home, 3 BR, 2 Ba ; John
Wayne Comm. Gold Duke
3240 cal; old saw blades to
paint on. 717-694-3417
Snyder Co
1 Benz butcher furnace and
kettle, new 1 3 ring gas burn
er, 1300 lb anvil w/eagle on
side 717-933-8530 Berks
50 ton wheat straw, 4x4x6-
1/2 ft. bales, $45 per ton,
want Kuhn 7301 rake 717-
334-1824 Adams Co
New Oaten tires and rims
from ‘79 Ford p/u, 95016.5,
$4OO. 717-336-6981 Lane
3 Hereford heifers due
w/2nd calf, March 1, has
heifer calf by side, $1450
firm, del. avail 717-469-
7351 Dau. Co.
NH 1 row Snapper head for
790 NH harvester, mcl sev
eral screens. 717-328-5389
Frankl. Co.
Poly farm ag-bagger, VGC,
full hyds., tunnel clean out,
8’ mach, 200’ cables,
repainted, cable rewind,
heavy duty, asking $10,500
717-988-6225 North'd Co.
1 black swan w/red bill,
male, $l5O 717-837-3243
Middleburg, Snyder Co
2 purebred Nubian billy
goats, 1 brown and white,
other black and white, 6
mos Old. 717-334-7804
Adams Co.
‘B9 Chevy p/u, exc. shape,
V 6, 4 spd., granny PS, PB,
air, cruise, 95K miles, 2 WD,
AM/FM stereo, cap liner.
717-252-1905 York Co
Quilted orange jackets, 2-x &
3-x only, $7 ea., also brown
quilted pants, 2-x & 3-x only,
$3 ea., Can ship UPS; pure
bred billy, kinder breed, bom
1/15/98 tame. 610-944-9973
Berks Co.
Farmall 706 D runs & oper
ates good, Ford 3000 G,
needs valve job, Oliver 88g
for parts or repair. 610-837-
6019 Northampton Co.
8 ft. dump body w/hoist, tool
boxes, ladder rack, pallet
jacks, alum, dock plate, 11
step rolling staircase. 717-
467-2240 Sch. Co.
JD ground drive manure
spreader steel wheels, good
cond., extra parts, $600; 2
steel spoke wheels, $5O.
610-767-4735 Lehigh Co.
MF 204 loader tractor shut
tle clutch works well, $2500;
Hobart welder as-is, $2OO.
717-629-0676 Monroe Co.
Snowplows 12' grader blade
p/a $1200; 11’ state blade
p/a $1100; 10’ m/a blade,
loader att $450; 10’ oneway
$400; 8' vee low profile.
$6OO. 717-726-7545 Clinton
Antique Aschbach walnut
player piano, needs some
work, $lOOO 080, over 200
rolls avail. 610-395-1639
Lehigh Co.
Sears 8 hp chipper shred
der, like new, $375 Call after
5:00, 814-234-2725 Center
Oliver OC-3 loader, runs
good, $lBOO. Call dgys,
609-587-0448 Mercer Co.
1991 Ford Fl5O custom,
39K, $6BOO, 1992 Pontiac
Grand Am, 6 cyl., garage
kept, $4200, both great
shape, current msp 610-
469-0327 Chester Co
Life magazines 1936-1946,
exc cond., annals of Colum
bia & Montour Counties,
Vols 1 & 2, JH Beers, 1915
717-275-0415 Montour Co
Tires, 10 - 00x20 ply on Bud
wheels, $lOO ea , 160 CFM
Schramm compressor,
$l5OO 080,472 eng $2OO,
3 spd. Cadillac transmn,
$lOO. 717-369-4941 Frankl
2 180 bu. gravity wagons, 1
w/5 ton gear, $500; 1 w/7 ton
gear, $6OO. 717-872-6733
Lane. Co.
1936 AC W-C parts tractor,
motor not stuck, need rear
wheels. $lOO 717-786-
7590 Lane. Co.
Rye seed, cleaned, bulk
6.00 bu. 609-859-3673 Burl.
Co, NJ
Lg. airtight wood stove,
$2OO, 9x5 bow window,
$lOO, (mobile). 215-598-
7033 Bucks Co.
Bee equipment, 200 plus,
brood boxes & comb
supers, most w/comb foun
dations never used, $250
717-365-3733 Dau. Co.
Small grain rye seed,
cleaned & bagged; wooden
com cnb in good cond. 610-
856-7542 Berks Co.
Brown Dekalb sexsal pul
lets, ready to lay Oct. 28 (10-
25: $4 40, 25-100. $4.15,
100+: $3.95) Samuel Lapp,
1598 Noble Road, Kirk
wood. Pa. 17536
Triumph BSA, Kawasaki,
Norton, Honda, AJS, Suzu
ki, James, Yamaha motorcy
cles & parts wanted, any
cond. 717-656-4403 Lane
2color Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 3, 1998-821
‘9O Jeei
sport, auto tans., air. 4.0 1984 Subaru wagon, 4 WD.
n!^rt P rAnH tit turbo,auto.slooo;elec/hyd.
£,, c “ nd ' 717-425-2194 $30 0; disc sender,
!i o tt. dCo - $275: JD29O com planter,
Elec, hospital bed w/Pega- $5O. 717-692-4648 Dau.
sus air mattress and air Co
pump; wheelcl
lair; wal
pole, 35' $650; Mitsubishi,
Tyler wheat seed, last year tractor, 20 hp, diesel, 4 WD,
ced'd., cleaned & treated, 5' mower. 3 pth, $4500
$6OO/bu. 717-445-4051 steam Jenny, $lOO. 215-
Lanc. Co. 968-7976 Bucks Co.
Bicycle. 19305, made by Reading tool body for full
Western Flyer, has front size short bed truck, Jacob
wheel drive, pedals on front son hyd. & broom, 64”, like
wheel, exc. cond., $275. new, 12” Ford bucket. 610-
610-678-4394 Berks Co. 326-4969 Berks Co.
NH com drag elevator, $125 English Mastiff female, Akita
OBO; egg carton transport, female, should have pups
45° turn, $lOO 080 717- soon, other breeders, must
665-3132 Lane. Co. sell Nine y/o stdbrd. car-
Dry mixed firewood, cherry, r,a 9® horse. 717-786-3915
locust & oak, $B5/cord. You Lane. Co.
haul, call after 4 pm. 717-
354-7717 Lane. Co
claw foot bath tub, $lOO.
2 painted rocking chairs, 410-398-9290 Cecil Co.
some pottery collectibles 0 - . .
Roseville, Vanßnggle, deco- d 9 ® grown
rated redware.2ls-945- -in
caqo Ri irkc Pa from CGrtO. SGGQ, $6/DU
5093 Bucks Co. 717-246-1741 York Co.
6-200 eng., low mileage, _ .. . . . B
$l2OO, D4C 40A nagle ™
blade, like new, $9950 Dav
ey gas compressor 105 bndge, Rd, Narvon, PA
rotary 2 wheel $2200 717- '
323-1342 alter 5 pm Lyc,
Taylor Dunn elec 4-wheel
cart, w/chager, good for
warehouse or farm. $6OO
610-269-6777 - 8 am-5 pm
Chester Co.
Reg 5 yr. old kid broke paint
4 yr black 4 wht sox, big
blue eyes, 2 yr (7 yr & 5 yr)
Tenn Walkers, ex trail 717-
875-4569 Sch Co
s'xl2' platform lift, 30' reach,
18 hr Wisconsin 2 whl dri
ve, 18 hr. Wisconsin 2 whl
drive tow bar mcl, $3750
610-469-6362 Chester Co
Border Collie lab mixed
pups, ready Oct 1, 2 horse
bumper hitch trailer, ele
brakes, $6OO 080 610-
857-0561 Chester Co
Columbian wood/coal burn
ing stove, good cond , white
enamel, 44” L, 27” W, 33" H,
$3OO. After 6 pm. 410-357-
5425 Balt Co
Farmall Cub w/snow plow,
cutter, plow, very good cond
$3OOO 080 973-383-0755
Sussex Co
Woods 6’ finish mower,
model RM6OO, very little
use, exc. cond , $lOOO. Lv
mssg., 973-366-3217 Morns
Ferguson tractor, real good
cond., w/flail mower lights,
asking, $2600, 150 plane
brood Frazer Malvern, also
900 Ford tractor 610-644-
0747 Chester Co
Graverly L=Ll & LB, also
attachments & parts Call for
details, 610-767-9026
Lehigh Co
Nubian buck, 3 yr old, long
deep body, black w/white.
many beautiful daughters,
champ bloodline, $250
610-326-9475 Chester Co
Antique Borbell parlor stove
w/mckel & chrome trim,
coal/wood, exc shape,
$6OO 080 717-729-8668
Wayne Co
3 round corn cribs, 1200
bushel. $350 080 Christ
King, 900 Barnsley Chnme
Rd . Oxford, PA 19363-2903
Chester Co
Valve seat grinding set,
good cond., w/steel chest,
many stones, manurels,
pilots & dresser, $3OO 304-
262-2748 WV
717 Uni-combine for parts,
Case Model F 34,2 row com
head, 10 ft. truck camper for
parts. 410-922-5180 Balt
*55 Int chisel plow, 9 or 11
shank, 3 pth high clearance
410-836-3622 Harford Co
Sawmill lumber, 8"x12”x18,
good solid beams, pine
3"x8"x18', also metal angle
pipe tube 410-666-2316
Balt Co
Mounted 1 row Ford corn
picker, 3 pth, $5OO, AC 9 ft
haybme, $250, both work
ing 717-359-4548 Adams
1967 Dodge army truck, all
wheel drive, dump, 318
motor. 19,000 gvw, 1975
equipment trailer, 18,000
gvw, both $5500 717-993-
6015 York Co
[er Farmall Cub, $800; F/29
Riteway model 37 wood &
coal stove, $150; cast iron
12 steers, wormed & vacci
nated, broilers live or
dressed Eli Fisher, 556
White Oak Rd , Christiana,
Pa. 17509 Lane Co
Reg Belgian stallion, red,
sorrel, 6 mos old Elmer K
Better, 5647 Umbletown
Road, Gap, PA 17527 717-
442-8546 Lane Co
323 Weaverline feed cart,
stainless steel bottom,
charger mcl $5OO 717-486-
8578 Cumb Co
Mighty Mac sprayer, 25 gal
B&S engine w/carte, exc
cond , $375/lb McCormick
hit and miss eng , $375
717-567-3778 Perry Co
1987 Plymouth Voyager
van, 7 pass, good cond
high mileage, black $825
neg , alum cap S-10 p/u,
$35 717-694-3268 Jun Co
Ml loader 506, VGC, no
bucket Eves, 717-249-
4667 Cumb Co
200 bales Timothy alfalfa
hay, 2nd cutting, no ram,
very nice, $3 50/bale. Lewis
berry area 717-938-2487
York Co
AKC breeders, English Bull
dogs, $lOOO ea, AKC
Boston Terriers, $3OO ea .
same Satumo tractor, 4WD,
80 hsp. $5OOO 717-933-
8962 Berks Co.
Snow fence wood, 5 wire, 4
rolls, 4’x2s’, good cond,
$55; Ford 501 sickle bar
mower, good cond , $lBO
717-292-2939 York Co
Mobile home trailer frame, 2
axles, 80, 40 ft long 609-
467-2529 Gloucester Co
Surdiac coal stove, good
cond , $250 Jesse K Lapp.
91 N Soudersburg Rd,
Gordonville, Pa.
Western saddle w/silver,
very good cond , $3OO 717-
665-2922 Lane Co
1720 Cub Cadet riding trac
tor, 17 horse Kohler twin cyl
46" deck hydro trans very
good cond $925 717-786-
4337 Lane Co
7 yr old Haflmger gelding,
rides .drives, single or dou
ble, safe & sound 717-435-
0353 Lye Co
Stratford wood coal stove.
$500; want D S Machine
ceiling fans, good cond.
After 7 pm. 717-687-9004
Lane Co
Beautiful 15 mo old Brah
man bull, out of reg stock,
$B5O tame 814-643-2489
IH 830 forage harvester,
3RN corn head, & hay head,
$2OOO 814-448-9252
Huntg Co
Nl horn loader 505, fork,
bucket, & 6-1/2’ scraper
snowblade, fits Farmall H &
M, others $375 610-944-
9162 Berks Co
IHC #l6 forage
harvester/corn head, MH
corn picker, Foley belsaw,
carbide grinder 717-324-
2191 Lye Co.
JD A runs good, JD L,
restored w/cults automatic
1200 roller mill w/blower
610-593-6731 Chester Co
Antique oak bureau w/mlr
ror, 1800 era, very nice
cond., must see, $875. Call
after 5 pm, 609-486-1507.
Burlington Co.. NJ
‘B7 Ford Bronco, 4Wd, stick
insp. through 3/99, 138 K
miles, good cond., sale rea
son, move up. Asking
$2695. 610-286-6515
Chester Co.
White Eskimo pups, $10,12
wks. old. Isaac Fisher, 235
Summit Hill Rd., Quarryville,
Pa. 17566 Lane. Co.
233 Int. co n picker w/sheller
attachment, $750, fast hitch,
3 bottom plow, $250. 717-
259-9457 Adams Co.
18 kw Wmco generator,
PTC, $l4OO 080. 717-272-
1755 Lab. Co.
1956 Int. Cub. high-clear
ance w/cult, very good
cond., wide axle, $3OOO
080 609-455-2368 Cumb.
JD 51R SZAR 54 60 730
Std. 830 Std IH46W-4
W6TA MTA D, 2 cubs. 410-
239-7989 Balt Co
Saanen buck kids, ready for
breeding, mothers are milk
ing, $2500 to 3000 lbs. 717-
292-5058 York Co.
1996 Dodge Ram 4x4 SLT
Laramie, loaded, exc cond ,
48,900 mi, red, mcl. bedlm
er & trailer hitch. 717-637-
8700 York Co
Pulling tractors, Farmall
Super M, Oliver 77 Farmall
ADI, Farmall BN, Case Vac,
stuck Case 300, runs Late
eves 540-752-2720
Stafford Co
Quarter horse mare, trail
rides or lessons, pony mai
black & white, rides or dri
ves both child safe 717-
626-1626 Lane Co
MC 6758 gram dryer, PTO.
1976, 30 ft. corn elevator,
AC TL 12 payloader, 2 yd
bucket, cab extend reach,
diesel 717-529-2196 Lane
1989 Arctic Cat Jag, deluxe
440 cc extra seat, back rests,
hand & thumb warmers,
$2200 717-665-5877 Lane
Int 55 chisel plow, 7-tooth, 3
pt hitch, $950 080 717-
Front end loader for Dl7, Nl
wheel rake 717-437-2636
Montour Co
Peck stow and Wilcox mod
2 AW circle shear, good
cond . 28” capacity, $lOOO
315-757-0338 Bucks Co
Flock reduction, Jacob ewes
& Jacob-Menno x, $45-$75,
purebred, reg.. Black Finn
sheep ram triplet, $l5O
304-267-4754 Berkeley Co ,
Trailer,dualaxlel6-1/2ft by
7-1/2 ft low profile w/ramps,
elec brakes, $l5OO 610-
756-4251 Berks Co
Farmall C, restored. $lBOO,
Farmall H, restored, $lBOO,
to 20 Ferguson restored
w/plows, $3OOO. Eves , 814-
447-3928 Huntg Co
Maytag wringer washer,
cider press. 2 6” gram
augers, 8' small chisel plow,
atlas shaper; Nl com picker
parts 610-926-3284 Berks
Feeder cattle, 10 steers, 5
heifers, home raised, mostly
Angus cross, 700 lb , 65
cents 610-683-5436 Berks
IH 205 combine w/10 ft
gram head & cab, VGC,
$l5OO 610-689-5361 Berks
1978 Chevy 1/2 ton p/u, 4x4,
$l5OO, 500 gal gasoline
tank w/pump, $3OO 410-
592-2157 Balto Co
25kw Wmco PTC generator
on trailer, $l4OO, 200,000
btu, Hired Hand LP gas,
space heater, elec ignition,
$2OO 717-933-9201 W
Berks Co
Wmco 20,000 watt gen ,
$1650, Dyna-Hoist 1500 for
p/u truck, $2200, Ford trac
tor, gas w/mower blade
717-684-5510 Lane Co
Mill stones, various sizes, all
good Call for details, 814-
277-5505 Eves Clearfield
Case 1816 skid loader
needs seal in hyd pump
$2BOO 717-993-5119 York