A24-Lsncsster Farming, Saturday, October 3, 1998 Pfautz Enjoys Champion Swine Limelight At New Holland ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Co.) Kevin Pfautz waited patiently, watching as his sister, Lisa, won champion swine at the Ephrata Fair the previous week. This time, it was Lisa’s turn to wait and congratulate her brother, as Kevin picked up the large championship trophy Tuesday evening at the New Holland Far mers’ Fair. Kevin, 16, son of Rick and Sue Pfautz, Lititz, showed a hog that was “longer-bodied, an ultra lean pig, with a larger framework than the others in the show ring,” according to Nelson Beam, Elver son, judge. Kevin, a sophomore at Warwick High School, showed the light heavyweight division champion, a gilt from a Hampshire/Duroc sow bred to a Yorkshire boar. The fam ily raises only show hogs. As for Kevin, he plans to show at Man heim, the Keystone International Swine showmanship champions at New Holland. From left, Cory Slmo, Junior champion; Rachel Brubaker, amateur champion; and Dean Llvengood, senior champion. Elsie Wolff (Continued from Page A 1) served on the All-American dairy show improvement com mittee since the committee began in 1988. Elsie and her husband, Scott have bred several Excellent Guernseys on their Hollow View Farm in Quarryville, Lancaster County. When asked how to keep the All-American dairy show grow ing, she said, "The youth are the future and we need to keep encouraging them and showing them what a great way of life the dairy business can provide." If her past accomplishments are any indication, we can be sure she will work to encourage young people to be a part of the dairy industry that she loves. The image award is given each year to someone who has worked diligently to improve the image of the All-American show, now in its 35th year. The award, a hand-crafted stained glass hanging mirror, is inscribed; "Awarded to an individual who has enhanced the image of the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show by significant con tributions toward its reputation, Livestock Exposition, and Farm Show. Reserve champion went to last year’s grand champion" of the show, Patrick Good. Patrick, 19, is the son of Amos and Pat Good, Lititz. He showed a crossbred gilt Judge Nelson Beam enjoyed the overall leanness of the hog, “just a real complete pig,” he said. There were a total of 72 hogs and 30 exhibitors. Following is a list of show placings. NEW HOLLAND FARMERS’ FAIR SWINE SHOW RESULTS MARKET SWINE Lightweight Ctaui 1 (220 toe.): 1. Dean Livsngood. 2. Juttin Martin. 3. Chad Hipptnit—l. Oast 2 (220-222 Iba.): 1. Radial Brubak er. 2. Jake Brubaker. 3. Jason Martin. Clati 3 (224-228 lb*.); 1. Jake Brubaker. 2. Jaeon Martin. 3. Juttin Martin. Lightweight Champion; Jake Brubaker. Reserve: Dean Uvarigood. Middleweight Claes 4 (230-232 toe.): 1. MitchaM Hershey. 2. Gary Martin. 3. Justin Martin. Class 5 (234-238 lbs.): 1. Patrick Good. 2. Crawford 4-H Cheese Yield Auction Diane Kolinowski thanks buvers Greg McKean of McKean and McKean Buying Station and Margeret Jfij* vmh nSiLt Kenny h McKean of McKean Surfine for buying her cheese at the Cheese Yield Basket which brought $750. Crawford County 4-H Cheese Yield Auction for $750. Andrew Gerhart 3. Todd Stoltzfus. Class e (238-240 lbs.): 1. Lisa Pfautz. 2. Angela Hoover. 3. Clint Stewart Middleweight Champion: Patrick Good. Reserve: Andrew Gerhart Light Heavyweight Class 7 (240-244 tot.); 1. Lisa Pfautz. 2. Nathan Hoover. 3. Andrew Gerhart Class 8: 1. Kevin Pfautz. 2. Gary Martin. 3. Angela Hoover. Oats 0 (248 toe.); 1. Rachel Brubaker. 2. Jenn Hughes. 3. Zack Stoitzfus. Light Heavyweight Champion; Kavin Pfautz. Reserve: Gary Martin. Heavyweight Clots 10 (2SO-254 lbs.): i. Chris Good. 2. Gerald Martin. 3. Sarah Boyd. Clast 11 (254-2 SB lbs.): 1. Angela Hoover. 2. Sarah Boyd. 3. Todd Stoltzfue. Class 12(280-270 toe.): 1. Nathan Hoover. 2. Jenn Hughes. 3. Mke Hoahour. Heavyweight Champion: Chris Good. Reserve: Angela Hoover. GRAND CHAMPION MARKET HOG Kevin Pfautz RESERVE Patrick Good SHOWMANSHIP Seniors: 1. Dean Livengood. 2. Sarah Boyd. 3. Amy BoAingar. Champion: Dean Liv«ngood. Juniors: 1. Cary Simo. 2. Eric Obar. 3. Clint Stewart Champion: Cory Simo. Amateurs: i. Rachel Brubaker. 2. Mirdtel Hershey. 3. Todd Sloltzfut. Champion: Rachel Brubaker. Grand champion maifcet hog at the New Holland Fair was exhibited by Kevin Pfautz. left. Nelson Beam, right, Judged the show. Reservo champion market hog at the New Holland Fair was shown by Patrick Good, left. At right is Nelson Beam, show Judge. * «» ma wm *>
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