BADGER’S AGRI SERVICE INC. • 717-432-8377 Harvestore Unloader Parts and Service "CHAIN 48“ * The only stainless stee 1 Pin and Bushing Cutter Chain available * thicker side bars Not affiliated with A O Smith Harvestore Products, Inc RUFF-TUFF Poly Silo Liners i>£ Give your old silo a new life ! Improve forage quality and silo life The original silo liner, white 4 mil laminated poly material mrnfk > AARON GROFF & SON 103 Clearview Drive Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 354-4631 (800) 468-4909 H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 15 Big standing Black Wal nut trees, you cut and re move. 610-250-5890 25* Trusses, $25/ea. Tin, 16*. 18’L, R Max I - . 2x10x20, 2x8x15. 2x10x15, 2x4x16, 6x6x14 Cypress, 1x6x12 ceiling board. 610-932-2508 2-Pegged timber barns for sale. Excellent condition. To be removed from site. Located within 1/2 mile of Exit 12.1-83 North of York, PA. Call 717-741-3841 make offer! (3) Corn bam type sheds w/valuable lumber to be torn down & removed. Le banon Co. 717-867-1625 Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 Antique wide plank floor ing, hand hewn beams, full line restoration material and services. Bam frame and bam home conversion. 25 years experience. Call (688)261-4284. BARN FLOORING: new, kiln dried, T&G Y-pine 2xB's for floors and stalls, also plain 2xB's 2x6's 2x4's. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717/354-0192. Barns, Factories, Ware houses, Log Cabins WANTED (or Salvage. We buy building. Fully insured since 1983. Call 717-993-9037 B grade glassboard and fastening accessories. Glenn Beidlet, Frebburg, Snyder Co., PA, (717)539-8993. CECO... KIRBY... CORLE... Steel buildings and components. Retrofit steel re-roofing. Com merce, Industry, Ag. Supply or supply erect. Standard or custom. Com plete or addition. Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd.. Coatesville, PA 19320. 610-942-2591 1-800-942-2591 Voice Mail or Fax White Cedar Log Home. Build yourself! Call for log prices. 717/354-3105. Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3‘ 900/ft; 3’/.’ $l/ft; 4’ $1.20/ft; 5‘ 51 ,50/ft; 6‘ SI -60/ft; 7* $ 1.80/ft; 8’ $2.00/ft Vinyl coated also available. (717)822-7820 7-Bam or after spm, leave message. Double hung storm win dows with screens, (2)63x26, 51x28, (5)63x28, (4)63x34, (4)67x34, (2)67x26 overall height and width, $2O each 080 717-336-3557 Flooring, 4-12* wide plank, T&G, timbers, Locust/ Cypress decking, porch floor, siding, fence boards. 4' thick ridgid foam insula tion. 610-565-6038. solid Iwood floorini 3/4* T&G. 3,4,&5* widths, rustic white oak $2.25/SF #1 ash $2.85/SF, select red oak $3.00/SF. West minster, MD, (410)875-1321. Masonry work; brick, block, stone, concrete. New & re paired. 25 years experi ence. Small jobs wel comed. Contact Richard Jones, Delta, PA, 717-456-7523. Metal roofing and siding, 25 year warranty, low costs, quick delivery, (717)622-3461. OUTDOOR FURNACES Classic stoves are a safe efficient answer to your heating needs. Please call for free literature. Installa tion and accessories avail >blr K S ffr able. ,tauffer (717)539-4606, (888)539-4606, (717)539-4703 fax. Antique heart-pine resawn flooring-kiln dried, T&G, custom widths and lengths; wide boards available. Also, resawn antique oak and chestnut flooring and salvaged original pine flooring. 717-374-7122, fax 717-374-2368. Paint $4 gallon; Latex or Oil, Interior & Exterior. Many colors. Call 717/944-5389 Plywood, large amount available. 1 V x 4 7 ’/•" x 3 9 VS’, IVt’x4l’x39’/«’, $4/per sheet 610-488-1632 Plywood, some light stains, Luwan, 4xB sheets: 1/B’, $4,3/16’$5. Vi’oaksliced 4xB $9. Call for skid lot prices. 717/354-3105. POLE BARNS—6Oft. X 100 ft. ’MORTON' (nails). You remove quick. $11,500. (302)998-9563 Delaware Pre-engineered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Gulf States Dealer. We will build from your plans or will design. WEAVER CONSTRUC TION, East Earl, PA. 717-445-5165. Structural repairs of bams, houses, garages. Call Woodford Bros. Inc. for straightening, jacking, ca bling, foundation and weather related repairs. Free estimates 800/653-2276 odford WANTED: Old bams and mushroom houses to dis mantle for building mater ial. (610)367-8193. ACR Metal Roofing Dist, Agricultural, Commercial & Residential Metal Roofing S Siding Low cost, Fast delivery, Free info. Call (610)670-6523 130 Bran Rd, Sinking Spnng, PA 19608 | WANTED \ Old barns f Granaries { Outbuildings i FOR PAY FOR SALAVAGE $ OR TO BUY $. f We recycle i history, 23 year \ experience. « Terms neg. { INSURED and { REFERENCES, \ (Will travel anywhere) i 828-743-6408 « kJ The \ Old Mule £ PAYING UP TO $2.50/sq.ft for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pine and oak siding 1* & thicker. 800/765-3966. NATIONAL SALVAGE Free demolition plus cash for the right barns or farmhouse. ALSO, we buy wormy chestnut lumber, oak beams and wide board siding.' Paying top $ if you remove. [330) 922-9844 br over 30 Lease financing for the farm oral marketplace Buildings svt & used Equipment Vehicles 800-451-3322 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ 5” SEAMLESS K GUTTER if if Installed Professionally if By Owner Operator if •Jf “Hastings Colors” JL + BUILT-RITE ENTERPRISES ± T (717) 336-6215 T J Fax (717) 336-4475 J * Chestnut Woodworking • Call Bob (860) 672-4300 Rocky Ridge Construction Pole Barns, Horse Barns, Dairy. Masonry and Concrete. Agriculture and Residential. Benuel K. Lapp Coatesvllle, PA C 610) 383*5047 i % ?V‘& '] -V ’. , r V, ’ ;X H U: &- 1 WINDOWS New Construction and Replacement Windows Custom built locally in Ephrata, PA, to your specifications All vinyl windows with 7/8” Thermopane glass Tilt, slider, casement, picture, bay', bow. FREE ESTIMATES RONAFA INDUSTRIES (717) 733-7534 I- WANTED TO BUY: Old at tic flooring and log houses. Lane. Co. 717/626-4520. WANTED TO BUY: Locust Fence Posts. 3'x6*. T or B‘. Paying $5.75 410-833-9091 Stone & brick repointing on old houses & barns BUENA VISTA RESTORATION 717-442-9735 WANTED: CHESTNUT Boards & Beams will buy any amount looking for steady supply Also Wanted Flooring • Chestnut, Oak & Pine v, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 3, 1998-09 Western Sugar Pine WANTED: Will buy Cherry Lumber «2 com. nice lumber. Prefer dry kilned. Ixl2s. Must Sell. Lane. Co. Must be at least 6-months 717-687-0830 air dried. 717-334-0249 Industrial Paint Liquidation Just received thousands of gallons of highest quality industrial grade paint from military base closing and cancelled government contracts These paints were designed for extreme duty in military service, making them far exceed typical application in commercial or farm use Buy now while available-most can be stored for several years Epoxy - $!4/gal. Polyurethane - $l2/gal Alkyd Enamel - $lO/gal Specialty Coatings $lO-$l4/gal $4O to $6O value. Call for color availability. 10 gallon min. purchase. 2 locations - Honey Brook and Bridgeport, PA Heritage Equipment, Inc 610-942-4116 iil MssM I SMUCKER CONSTRUCTION Z AGRICULTURAL - RESIDENTIAL t SPECIALIZING IN POLE BUILDINGS £ DAN SMUCKER Z 135 CHURCHTOWN ROAD 717-768-8606 | NARVON, PA 17555 FAX 717-768-3264 fiC ’ POLE BUILDINGS "KOHLER & KOHLER" WE SPECIALIZE IN POLE CONSTRUCTION 1 We're Building Our Business On Customer Satisfaction And Quality Construction We Are Prepared To Meet Your Building Needs At Saving Prices Please Call For Your Free Estimates (717) 252-2874 SK
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