Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 03, 1998, Image 152
D4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 3, 1998 450 C crawler | , .$ nT-SM-WT | Q J —— condition, $23,500; Lull I QQ I RftflK I.rkfirlf>r I Cat OS, excellent condi- model 644 Highlander 11, B * * ooun L/uauc | < j t \ w/or ton. good U/C. 9K Cat 977 33' reach, Perkins diesel jj BaCkhOC EROPS, 2 WD, Std. Hoe, B i i CASE W3 ° 4X4 WHEEL LOAPER -* 2 3> so ° >, > Kg |?S n 787 SgKSwITiS cSndmo“ 00 o C 'ood er tM | VG Cond. With V.G. Tires, 3,550 Hrs., | > } j Heavy Equipment Loader Parts, Inc. 080. 610/821-7873. like new. JD parts or re- $19,500 080. B One Owner $ 18,500 B i t 10070 Allentown Blvd , Grantville. PA 17028 i > 1986 Chev S/A dump, store, $l2OO-$9OO. 301/627-6021. B Bi i (717)469-0039 (800)446-0505 \> 4 diesel, air shift 5+2 trans, 410-835-3035 B OOSf/O4 c air brakes, excellentl Only FO RKLIFTS Solid $ air 70,000 orig. miles, one owner, $14,000. (215)257-3616. 450 JD track loader, over hauled engine, new clutch, $6OOO. 717-379-3489 DO Case W 252 vibratory roller, Hatz diesel engine, good condition, $7500. 215-482-8597 953 Loader LGP 1986 ER OPS New Engine 60% UC $49,000.; 1988 D-3 Dozer, New Tracks, Fresh Engine. DROPS $25,000. (410)257-3285. AC HD 11 Dozer. 12 ft hyd Blade manual angle blade, 6 sp. trans w/very good undercarriage, good turbo eng. $8,500 leave mes sage 610-944-9124. Asphault roller, 1-ton Ea ger Beaver Koehler en gine, electric start, hydro static, excellent condition, $2850. 610-965-5266 Austin Western Pacer 300 power grader, CMC 471 engine, good tires. Interna tional S 8 flower log skid der, new tires, runs good. 717-769-6366 Baker 8000 lb. forklift, LP, triple mast, SS, PS, auto, cushion tire, $2300. 717-949-3582 Bobcat skiddy 450,1997, 200 hours, perfect for tight areas, kept inside, $7,500. (610)754-7805. CAT 518 log skidder, excellent rubber, good con dition. Call 717-758-3277 Case 450 dozer w/6-way blade, very good condition, $1 2,500 080. 717-529-6000 5839 Case 580 K 4WD, cab, ext. hoe, Wain Roy $23,900 5785 Case 850 D Dozer $37,900 5721 1993 Case 590, cab, ext. hoe, 4wd...541,500 5549 Case 450 Dozer, 6 Way Blade $10,500 51821989 Case 1845 C, Uniloader, Aux hyds ut bkt, 475 hrs. (+2100) $12,500 Vernon E. Stop Co. 5859 Urbana Pike Frederick, Md. 21701 3Ol-663-3185 FORKLIFTS 2,0001015,000 LB. S2,DOG & upwards GAS/LP-DIESEL-ELECTRIC Cushion-Pneumatic-Rough Terrain New Komatsu Forklifts Available PA INDUSTRIAL EQUIPIVSENT (610) 369-9778 CUSTOM SQUARE BALING Custom Baling for Corn Fodder Bale Size 3’x3’xB’ Will Travel tired. Priced for immediate sell) Excellent conditon. 215-937-1146 FOR SALE: 1986 Chevy Dump, C-70,; Tri-Axle Tag- A-Long,; 450 JD Track- Loader (71 7)249-6069. Ford 3000 gas tractor, low hours, 8-speed, PS, good 717-949-3582 Ford industrial loader w/ pump off of a Ford 3000, $lBOO. 717-949-3582 Forklift Wholesalers 2000 to 92000 Lb. Lifts Avail able. 70 in Stock. Sale- Rental-Finance w / Warranty. Chalk Equip ment (410)686-6800. General 9 ton tag-along trailer, good condition, hyd. brakes, $2,800. (215)257-3616. Hyster A 66 construction forklift, Perkins diesel, 4WD, 32' lift, 6000#, $12,000. 717-752-7131 Ingersoll Rand air com pressor, looks rough, runs good. Paving Breaker and Temper, 85CFM, $5OO. York Co. 717-755-8170 JD 350 C loader, 4NI bucket, nice machine, needs pins & bushings, $9500. 610-944-9871 evenings. JD 350 crawler loader ser ial #15423, lOOhrs on steering clutches & brake lining, SOhrs on rebuilt in jection pump $ nozzles, tracks 90%, pads 50%, new teeth & shanks, all cy linders repacked and new hoses, $7OOO. 610/647-8377. Best Buys In Used Equipment Check Out These Miscellaneous Machines From Binkley & Hurst Bros. Inc. Case 580 E 2WD Cab & Heater UT 4087 Good Rubber, Standard Hoe, Clean Used Truck Body UM 3786 22’ Flat Bed, Wood Floor $6OO - Ask For Dean Choice - $19,600 Each John Deere 210 C 4x4 Backhoe with Cab UT 3989 - 60 HP Range, Ask About Good Financing Was $21.800 NOW $19,600 BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. (717) 626-4705 Ford Model 3500 Industrial Loader Tractor UT 4085 Gas 2WD, with Shuttle Shift, Rear Counterweight, No PTO Check Out This Rig From Binkley & Hurst Bros. Inc. □ iSMi 3] 1H Model 2275 Tractor with NIC 290 Cummins Diesel with 60,000 GVCW, 10 Spd Road Ranger with Hyd System to Operate Hyd Tilt Trailer, Included is a 28,000 GVW Drop Deck, 30’ Trailer with Approx. 7-1/2' Top Deck over Fifth Wheel, Hyd Tilt and Winch, Great to Haul Farm Eq, & Round Bales Ask About Financing $11,900 For Complete Rig Ask For Dean or Eddie 1987 4 Wheel Drive Cab JCB Model 14008 Tractor Loader Backhoe ‘v’ UT 4032 - Nice Tight Machine. Check About Long Term Quick Financing Approvals With Good Credit. Let’s Get Together Now! Was $21,000 - NOW $19,600 DM Mack Diesel Tanker 1983 Model with 237 Motor & 6 Speed Trans., Includes Low Hole, with Engine Jake Brake, with Husky 4000 Gallon Tanker Top Fill Ask For Dean. Nice Cat 951 C Crawler Loader Rebuilt Torque, Very Good Condition, 75% U C $lB,BOO Farmers! Check This One Out! Ideal Machine To Rip Out Rocks & Tree Roots Cat 9418 Loader With Rear Mounted Ripper Ready For Work Come A See