Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 03, 1998, Image 145
CALLING ALL HART-PARR, OLIVER and CLETRAC OWNERS! THIS ASSOCIATION IS FOR YOU! For a FREE Application . Blank and More Details Write To; HART PARR OLIVER COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION KM/1 PO Box 685 Dept LF v 1 ■ LJ Charles City, IA 50616 - Leaman Tractor Parts 329 Brenneman Rd., JSk Willow Street, PA 17584 (Lancaster Co.) J 717-464-2874 Fax 717-464-4130 TumMlMißnnMinMilidr iwaatiiUMia TORQUE AMPLIFIERS & CLUTCHES ★ 5 Year Warranty (Complete Unit) ★ Heavy Duty Dana Sprag ★ Price $695.00 ★ 20 Years of Proven Results' Same day center housing rebuilding, flat rate labor charge $ 125 00 + parts • IH 2350 loader w/86 senes mounts • IH 784 tractor w/2255 quick attach loader (will separate) • IH 544 utility, gas, gear dnve w/loader • IH 1460, 1979, w/gram platform & 6R com head • 1991 Magnum 7140, MFD, fully equipped, 3800 hrs, 18x42 tires & duals, very clean, reduced to $43,500 • IH 1086 cab, air, w/duals, very clean • IH 1086 cab, air, non T/A. good tractor. 1981,20x38 tires, $11,700 • IH SMTA recent engine & TA fresh paint. very nice cond • Case 1594, cab & air, PS, fresh engine & trans, new paint, make offer •CaselH 5140, MFD, HOPS, Power Shift 1-of-a-kind Perfectly restored IH 330 utility w/fast hitch & TA (not cheap) Fuel pumps, injectors and turbos foi most brands of tractors - 1 year warranty. Engine overhaul kits for most tractors - Perfect Circle, Reliance & Navistar. Call for competitive pricing. USED TRACTORS • IH 756 diesel, 38” wheels, sharp original, WFE, 3 Pt hitch • IH 1066, cab, air, very clean, 1975 • Farmall cub w/hydrauhcs • Farmall 300 w/fast hitch, fresh paint • Farmall 300 just in for parts • Himcker Year-a-round cab to fit 656 thru 686 very nice cond • Agco Allis 5680, MFD, 80hp, aircooled w/1700 hrs„ heavy duty loader & creeper trans • Artsway loader (quick attach) off of JD 4430 $1,500 • Komatsu K2O dozer 6-way blade, 875 original hrs„ LGP Tracks, like new cond We Now AccO). mmx. ENGINE PARTS liter Faming, Saturday, October 3, 1W&-C49 DISCOUNTER L&m SOUTH FORK HARDWARE FREE XTx' Ul | SOUTH FORK PA 15956 BROCHURE 800-417-1314 www. ti ,< TRACTORS MJO 2950 diesel, MFWD, cab, air, 4400 hrs nice M JD 750, diesel, 4x4, w/60” mower, nice H Ford 4000 select-o-speed, gas M JO 455 diesel riding mower, nice £4 Kubota L 2350 diesel, PS 25hp, 4x4 w/loader M JD F 935 diesel w/72" front deck w/snowblower M HAY & FORAGE MIH 600 blower NH 455 sickle mower, pull, nice MJDI2I9MoCo9 late model MNH 790 harvester elec controls, good cond mJO 435 round baler, HNH 276 baler w/chute mum H NH 144 hay inverter, like new MNH3II baler w/chute late model NH 570 baler w/chute ►4 JD 346 baler w/#3O thrower very nice MJO 150 blower, late model 1000 RPM H JO 514 hay head w/clutch ►1 TIM ARF PniIIPMFUT >4 lILLAut tUUiriWtHI ►4 White 588 plow, sxlB Siawdriirve coulters $2,750 >4 MJO 8300 drill, 18x7DD, w/grass, nice $2,150 M M IH 710 plow, 4xlB SRS $1,650 m MIH 710 plow, 5x1 6 SRS EBBS $1,850 ►4 IH 55 chisel plow 71, pull-type $l,OOO M Glenco 7T soil saver, goodcond s3£off $3,500 M H Glenco soil saver. 71 S3OB $2,500 ►4 Athens 7T chisel plow, 3pt $BOO M M Brady 10T chisel plow, 3pt $B5O M M Howard 4' tiller, 540 RPM, 3pt, new tines $B5O m M|H 720 sxlB SRS $2,200 M ” Dunham 11' packer, good cond $575 M (2) Bnllion packer pups, 3 $375/both M Gehl 125 Grinder & mixer, hyd drive scales very nice $5400 00 $22,500 M $6,950 M CALL h CALL M $10,500 ti $5,950 M M $1,650 M $750 K $2,950 M $2,700 M $8,900 M $1,950 M $2,400 (4 $3,950 M CALL K $3,700 M $1,650 M $650 M