AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 26, 1998 P IJ ■ ~ 2^ Peaceful Sapphire September’s birthstone, the sapphire, was dedicated to Apollo, perhaps for its heavenly blue color or possi bly for its extreme hardness, second only to the dia mond. St. Jerome insisted that anyone wearing a sapphire could make peace with his enemies, however, so the oretically, Apollo wouldn’t __ have needed the gem to wear into battle. For us mere mortals, the sapphire was supposed to help gain favor with the gods Pope Innocent II had these stones set in all his SJ? bishops’ rings The gem was also consid ered a hedge against unchastity and evil. Virtue is like a rick stone best plain set. us- Mark your calendar to replace watch batteries annually. Cape Breton Creamed Cabbage t small cabbage salt and pepper, to taste 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons butter legg 1 cup cream Cut up cabbage and steam until tender (under 10 minutes). Drain, then season with salt, pepper, vinegar, and butter. Beat egg and cream, and stir into the cabbage mixture, reheating briefly to just warm. Do not boil! or population this tali through Spring of 99 Neede Hog Finishing Barns 1000-4000 Head Capacity No experience necessary We Provide: Single source of pigs High Health pigs Fixed contract payment Assistance in obtaining financing Successful record in industry Long term contracts Finishing Barn Ownership Benefits Steady, positive cash flow Building equity in facilities Excellent Part-time income x Purina Mills, Inc. 1 -800-873-5300 Yom Kippur, Sept. 30 - Francis Bacon Contact OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS if St. Michael (Sept. 2Q) brings many acorns, Christmas will cover the fields with snow. Muck rain in October, muck wind in December. Warm October, cold February. Got a Question? Every day, the editors of The Old Farmer’s Almanac answer a question on the Internet All questions are archived there as well See Web site address below I Weekly Summary Livestock September 18. 1998 12 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 4660 Compared with 1602 heat) lasi week and 6162 head a year ago Compared with last Fuday's sum mary slaughlei steers and heifers un evenly steady, si cows weak to I 00 lower, instances 200 lower, si bulls steady to weak SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice & Prune 2-4 60 00-61 75, Choice 1-1 57 00-61 60. Select and Low Choice 2-1 54 00-61 60, Select 1-3 50 75-58 00, few Standard 1-2 42 50- 52 00 H3LSTEINS High Choice and Pi tine 51 00-57 00, Choice 2-3 49 75- 54 60, Select 1-2 45 50-50 50, few Standard 1-2 17 00-47 00 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 55 00-61 00, Select 1-1 52 00-57 00, few Standard I -2 40 00-52 50 COWS Breakers 75- 80% lean 35 00-40 50, few to 12 00, Boners 80-85% lean 10 00-18 50, Lean 85 90% lean 26 50-15 75, few to 24 00 Shells down to 1 5 50 BULLS Yield Grade I 1000-2400 lbs 41 00-52 00, few 55 75, Yield Grade 2 900-2000 lbs 16 50-45 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Latgc I 275-500 lbs 60 00-75 00, 500-800 lbs 54 00-64 00, Medium and Laige 2 150-750 lbs 42 00-57 00, HEIFERS Medium and Large 1 100-500 s 54 00-66 00, 500-800 lbs 40 GO -56 00 Medium and Large 2 275-650 lbs • Auto*, VK * y < ' t-arry WW® 6 (717)252-9668 field service POULTRY HOUSE DIMMERS ALARM SYSTEMS INLET & CURTAIN CONTROLS MOTOR CONTROLS ELECTRICAL CONTROL WIRING shop service ELECTRONIC SCALES ELECTRIC FENCERS WELDERS & GENERATORS BATTERY CHARGERS CUSTOM BUILT CONTROLS and much more! located m eastern York County, PA 298 Ducktomi Road lark, P 4 I "-TOO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE •Mmminiicm tmhfmmmm «w ■ IO'M «* M hRM« fW»OHW< WINN «MM “"** Bovina RMnotrachaitls- INCREASE PROFITABILITY I Raapiratoru SantlSUr** 3 ' I Virus Vaccina ■MM k.«M «* UN Vvm #015136 Cattle Master 4 10ds *15.89 .-y #0151 37 Cattle Master 4 25 ds *39.65 #015082 Bovi-Shield 4 10 ds *8.29 #015083 Bovi-Shield 4 50 ds *38.65 H #015085 Bovi-Shield 4&L5 #015090 Bovi-Shield 4&L5 #175600 Ralgro Implants #175630 Ralgro Magnum HARDWARE 1739 West Main Street, Bphrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-4241 1-800-453-9243 3 00-58 00, 500-800 lbs 40 00-56 00, BULLS Medium and Large I 275-650 lbs 50 '<o-65 00, few to 75 00 Medium and Large 2 100-500 lbs 45 00-55 00, 500-800 lbs 40 00-54 00 CALVES 1148 Compared with 2119 head last week and 1112 head a year ago , VEALERS steady Good 110-150 lbs 50 00-65 00, Standard and Good 70-115 lbs 19 00-3000, Utility 55-100 lbs 10 00-22 00, few to 5 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bull calves weak to 10 00 lower, Holstein heifers 10 00 to 40 00 lower No I Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 40 00 88 00, No 2 85 125 lbs 10 00-55 00, few to 22 00. No I Holstein heifers 80-125 lbs 120 00- 202 50, No 2 7 5-120 lbs 60 00-115 00, few to 40 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 75-120 lbs 50 00-110 00 HOGS 1728 Compared with 456 head last week and 1591 head a year ago Bar rows and gilts steady to I 50 higher, sows 200 to 500 highei BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% lean 220-265 lbs 27 50-29 00 few to 29 75 45-50% 210-280 lbs 26 00-28 00, 40-45% 220- 120 lbs 25 00-27 00 SOWS US 1-1 100-500 lbs 14 00-21 00, lew to 24 00. 500-700 lbs 16 00-24 00 BOARS lew 8 00-14 00 FEEDER PIGS 304 Compared with 240 head last week and 294 head a year ago Feeder pigs US 1-3 25-50 lbs 8 00-17 00, 50-75 lbs 12 00-25 00 per head All cattle are: * Vaccinated and boostered with Fort Dodge products for IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, Lepto, Clostridials, and Pasturella; * Dewormed with Dectomax * Implanted with Synovex-S * Individually tagged * Weaned for 30 days and started on feed * All cattle are M and L feeder grades and #1 muscling scores. Offering: 70 head of Black and BWF steers plus 5 smokes average averaging 650 lbs. * approximately half M-1 and half low-end L-I’s * sired by Angus bulls with few Angu/Gelbvieh * high performance expected in the feedlot and on the rail 30 hdad of Black and 3 Red Angus X steers averaging 520 lbs. * high percentage M-I's and few L-1 ’s * sired by Angus bulls with few Angus/Gelbvieh * excellent small lot of backgrounding calves 33 head of Black and BWF calves averaging 480 lbs. * sired by Angus bulls with 3 Angus/Gelbvieh * offered choice and privilege with previous lot Weighing conditions: 20 mi. haul to Green Co. Fairgrounds during the week of October 12. These are designed to be problem-free feeder cattle that you can unload, feed and forget Known records over the past 4 years of the Roundup show there has been fewer than 0 5% of the calves being treated after sale and zero death loss Many of these calves are from known, high marbling genetics Contact Dr. John Comertoril at 814-863-3661 lor more information. 5 ds.. ,*4.75 10 ds.. ....*8.99 -* "sa^sr 100 ds... ...*122.95 WE SHIP SHEEP 2262 Compared with j 2 SO head last week and 2354 head a year ago Slaughter lambs steady to 500 higher SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 40-60 lbs 85 00-125 00, 55-85 | b , 68 00-100 00 mostly 70 00-90 00 80 120 lbs 65 00-85 00, few to 55 00 Good and Choice 40-70 lbs 60 00 90 00, 60-120 lbs 55 00-75 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 20 00-45 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 2034 Compared 1417 last week and 1709 head a year ago Feeder pigs 500 to 15 00 higher US 1-2 30-40 lbs 33 00-52 00, 40-50 lbs 34 00-57 00 50-60 lbs 40 00-6100, 60-70 lbs 50 00-54 00, 70-80 lbs 48 00-5100 Slaughter 20-25 lbs 8 3 00-90 00, 25-55 lbs 30 00-70 00 per hundred weight Pennsylvania Feeder Calf Roundup Teleauction Feeder Calf Sale 1 p.m. September 29,1998 Call 304-472-5300 * Mostly M-1 ’2 Sale Price Good Until September 30,1998 Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00 am to 9:00 pm Sat. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm sb mmm hs
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