Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1998, Image 42
A42-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 26, 1998 New Direction Holsteins Exhibit Grand Champion Of State Fall Show (Continued from Page A2B) Natema, owned by the consortium of Alex Claypoole, Mark Camp bell and Doug Beatty. During the show, she placed second in the 125,000-pound milk production class, a show class rec ognizing outstanding living pro duction and type. According to the show announcer, the 10-year-old Nate ma, a two-time grand champion of the Fall Championship (1994 and 1995) had ntade more than 137,000 pounds of milk in her life. PA HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION FALL CHAMPIONSHIP (Firtt tkrt* placm/t) OPEN DIVISION SPRING CALF: I.Kristin McCaulsy, Woodbine-No Das Fabulous; 2.Sarah Day, Tri-Day Imagine; 3 Justin Hall, WoodbioaND J R J Frosty-ET. WINTER CALF: I.David Day. Trt-Day Deleutabie Ade«n-ET; 2.Robstt Kyis Burdet ta. Windy-KnoH-Visw RKB Paxy; 3-Amanda Coultar, OCoultar Prestiga Meatynn. FALL CALF; I.David Day, Tri-OAy Prin cess Adean; 2 Arrian da Cessna, Oakhavsn Milan Patience; S.Kevm Doebenanar, Queens-Manor Vanity. SUMMER YEARLING: I.Amanda Cess na, Brush-Creek-Vu Storm Spirit: 2.Heidi Alderfar, Du-Mar Broker Larrah; 3.Paul Mil lar&C Lodbell&R Fran. Roo-Hil-Val S D Prize. SPRING YEARLING: I.David Day. Tri- Day Belle AdeemET; 2.Erin Shaw. Linden- Lock Jolt Stella; SJonathan McMurray, Never-Rest-M Jumpshot Reba. WINTER YEARLING: 1 Joseph Parker, Lilburn Stardust Lilac; 2 Robert Kyle Burdet te, Wlndy-Knoll-View RKB Peskie; 3.Kaue McKissick, Scottown Counselor Pretty. FALL YEARLING: I.David Day, Tri-Day Adean-ll; 2 Jamas Justin Burdette, Wmdy- Knoll-View JJB Ping; 3Janmfar Ulmer, Juniper dale Skybuck Sybil. JUNIOR CHAMPION; Joseph Parker, winter yearling. RESERVE JR CHAMP; Robert Kyle Bur dette, winter yearling. JR BEST THREE: t.Tn-Day Holstains; 2.Windy-Knoll-View; 3.Globe-Run Hdsteins. DRY COW, 4 A YOUNGER' I.Clayton Wood, Penn Gate Thor Darling; 2.Gor-Wood- D Hdsteins, Innstyla Tess; S.Dianne Clock, Walnut Hills Stardust Brook. DRY COW, 5 A OLDER; 1 Maggie Moors, Amoore Algonquin Maddy Jo; 2 Sara Ruffarv ar. Pen-Cd Ram bo Ddly-ET; S.Scott Walton, Tower-Vu Lmcdn Fran. KEYSTONE 3-YR-OLD FUTURITY; 1 John Pannings, Pann-Gata Jed Abbeys; 2 June Boyar A John Haar, Sunnybend Jump For Joy-ET; 3-Dwight A Harvey Stoltzfus, Sd- Id Gdd Lmdy Dream. JUNIOR 2-YR-OLD: 1 .Sarah Day, Tri-Day BC Venus-TW; 2.Dale Hostetler, Dale-Pride Malachite Alva; S.Clayton Wood, Penn-Gala Skychiel AB Abbey. SENIOR 2-YR-OLD: 1 .McCauieyACon nellyAStrouse, Harvue Encore Party; 2.obvia Courtney, Esbern Blackstar Elsie Sis; 3.Scott Walton, Fountain Farm Emory Emelina. JUNIOR 3-YR-OLD: lAmy Jo Hartman, Parnell View Stardust Derry; 2.Mark Camp bell A Alex Claypoole, Lyn-Haven Hurrican Taylor; S.Steva A Chris Wood, Penn-Gate Skychiel Finesse. SENIOR 3-YR-OLD: t.Tom McCauley A Fred Strousa, E-Ricks Stardust Taz; 2.McCaulay A Connaly A Hill, M-Tsx SS Oliva; 3 Stave A Chris Wood, Pann-Gata Jed Penelope. Buyer Don Mangel of Mangel Bus Service and Miss Crawford County Lauriel Gillette congratulate Tyler Good on selling his reserve grand champion market hog for $5.70/lb. 4-YR-OLD: I.Tom McCauley I Fred Strouee, Dandyland Starbuck Maggy; 2.Robert Gin, Penn-Gate Jed Ducheu; S.Claypooie & Campbell & Beatty, Campbell- Run RBB Dixie. 5-YR-OLD: I.Tara Kocher, Ore Farm Vin tage Jasmine; 2.David Miller, MS Clmtdale Raider Patches; S.CampbelltConnely aStrousetTodd, Kerrose Flyer Lauren. AGED COW; 1 Amy Jo Hartman, Parnell View Jethro Sibyl; 2 Jim I Kim Grove, BRKN- Mirror Boutonnier Tara; S.Claylon Wood, Penn-Gate Skybuck Angel. 125.000-LB. MILK; 1 Aaron Eaton, Bent- Creek Topgun Northstar; Z.Claypoolel CampbeUt Beatty, Wind-Drift AJ Natema; S.Slsve A Chris Wood, Penn-Gate Starbuck Finesse. SENIOR CHAMPION; Tom MeCauley a Fred Strouse, 4-year-old. RESERVE SR CHAMP; Tom McCauley a Fred Strouse, senior 3-year-old. GRAND CHAMPION; Tom McCauley a Fred Strouse. RESERVE GRAND CHAMP' Tom McCau ley A Fred Strousa PREMIER BREEDER; I.Pann-Gata Farms; 2.Tn-Day Hdsteins; 3.Pamel-Vua Hdsteins. PREMIER EXHIBITOR; I.Pann-Gata; 2.CampbeU Run; 3.Tri-Day Hdsteins. BEST BRED, OWNED: Amy Jo Hartman. Parnell View Jethro Sibyl. BEST THREE SENIOR; I.Penn-Gate Farms; 2.Campbell-Run Hdsteins; S.Globe- Run Farms. PRODUCE OF DAM: 1 .Penn-Gate Farm, Penn-Gate Starbuck Finesse; 2.Penn-Gala Farm, Penn-Gate Foreman Abbey; 3.Autumn View Holstein*, Autumn View Odyssey Angel. DAM, DAUGHTER: 1 PannGate Farm; 2Autumn View Hdsteins. JUNIOR DIVISION SPRING CALF; 1 .Saray Day; 2 Justin Hall; 3.Nloda Bussard. WINTER CALF; I.Robert Kyle Burdette; 2.Amanda Coultar; S.Elizabath Oonmgar. FALL CALF; I.David Day; 2Amanda Cessna; 3.Kavm Doebenanar. SUMMER YEARLING; 1 Amanda Cess na; 2.Heidi AMerfer; S.Sarah Wanner. SPRING YEARLING: I.Enn Shaw; 2Jonathan McMurray; SJessica Eshelman. WINTER YEARLING; 1 Joseph Parker; Z.Robert Kyle Burdette; 3.Katie McKissick. FALL YEARLING: 1 James Jusan Burdet te; 2Jenmfar Umar; 3.Lon Connelly. DRY COW, 4 A YOUNGER: I.Dianna Clock. DRY COW, S A OLDER; 1 .Maggie Moore; Z.Sarah Ruffaner; S.Scott Walton. KEYSTONE FUTURITY: I.Rachel Bach man; Z.Charann Foster. JR 2-YEAR-OLD: 1 .Nathan Weidarspahn; Z.Matthaw Martin; SAmanda Cessna. SR 2-YR-OLD: I.Olivia Courtney; 2.Scott Walton; 3.Matt Bean. JR 3-YR-OLD; 1 Amy Jo Hartman; 2.Shel by Allen; S.Melissa Hostler. SR 3-YR-OLD: I.Curtis Reichard; Z.Michelle Walker; S.Matt Bean. 4- 1 .Enc Hixson; 2.Ryan Calkins: S.Daphne Ddl. 5- YR-OLD: I.Tara Kocher; 2Amanda Cessna; S.David Day. AGED COW: 1 Amy Jo Hartman; 2.Dianne Clock. 125,000-LB. MILK; 1 Aaron Eaton; 2Amy Tnmmer. SENIOR CHAMPION: Amy Jo Hartman, aood cow RESERVE SR CHAMPION: Amy Jo Hart man, junior 3-year-dd. GRAND CHAMPION: Amy Jo Hartman. BEST BRED A OWNED: Amy Hartman, GRAND CHAMP: Amy Jo Hartman. j „ PREMIER EXHIBITOR: Amanda Cessna. PREMIER BREEDER; David Day. Penn Gate Farms of Littlestown Is named premier breeder and exhibitor of the Pen nsylvania Holstein Fall Championship. Showing their banners are, from the left, Clay ton Wood holding the breeder banner, Steve Wood, judge Brian Garrison, Corbin Wood holding the exhibitor banner, Chris Wood and Bob Gltt. The winner of the George M. Knight Jr. Total Performance Award Is Wind Drift AJ Natema, three-time former grand champion of the state Holstein Fall Championship with 135,000 pounds milk lifetime. At the halter is leadsman Harvey Clem. Represent ing the Knight family are, from the left, Candice Knight, Cameron Knight, Shane Hall, Tracy Knight holding the trophy, Justin Hall, and Christina Knight. Crawford County Holds Livestock Sale MEADVILLE (Crawford Co.) Auctioneer Sherman Allen, Conneaut Lake, started the sale off by getting buyers in the mood for some tasty steaks, lamb chops, or barbecued pork by dressing up as a chef and appar ently it worked because the bid ding was lively. During the evening 103 4-H and FFA market hogs, 51 steers, and 31 market lambs were sold to the highest bidders. Josh Erickson poses with John Altmyer of Custom Fab Trailers who purchased his Grand Champion Hog for $6.75/lb. and Miss Crawford County Lauriel Gillette. ■ .