Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1998, Image 38
The Keystone International Livestock Exposition is in its 42nd year at Harrisburg. The Exposi tion is recognized nationally as a showcase for the nation's top beef cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. It will be held at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg on Sep tember 30 - October 5, 1998. 1998 has been designed as “Year of the Horse”, so horse exhibitors will receive special attention as part of the effort to increase public awareness of the horse. Increased interest and entries have led the show management to expand the horse program to seven days, the Haflinger Show will be on Tuesday evening. Once again, part of the draft horse-hitch show is a qualifying event in the North American Six Horse Hitch Classic Series, and many of the county’s top rated hitches will work to earn points for the nation al event. Other livestock will also gamer international attention. The Limousin Show has been desig nated as a Limousin Medal of Excellence Show, Level 11, one of eight approved regional competi tions that qualify exhibitors for their national show. Jim Watkins of Fame Winner Hall Jim Watkins, State College, PA will be honored on Thursday, October Ist as the 1998 Hall of Fame Winner for the Pennsylvania Livestock Associa tion. The ceremony will be held at the Keystone International Lives tock Exposition beginning at 4:00 in the Small Arena of the Farm Show complex. His picture will be hung with the 28 previous winners of Uiis prestigious award. This award is given by the Pennsylva nia Livestock Association and is chosen on the following three criteria: contribution to the lives tock industry, involvement with the association and contribution to the community. Jim was bom and raised on a farm in Bedford County, PA. After graduation from high school, he attended Pennsylvania State University, majoring in Ani mal Husbandry. His college career was interrupted by Uncle Sam. He spent some time in the U.S. Army in Korea. He then returned to the university and graduated in 19S8. In 1959, he was appointed Assis tant in Animal Husbandly, serving KEYSTONE INTERNATIONAL IVESTOCK EXPOSITION NEWS The Keystone International Livestock Exposition Set For 1998 For the first time ever, KILE has been designated as an Ameri can Hereford Association Region al Show. Two Regional Shows will be featured in the junior division of the sheep department a Region al Montadale Junior show and a Mid-Eastern Regional Junior Tunis Show. Seven sheep breeds will hold yearling Ewe and Lamb sales during the week. Starting on Thursday, at 3:00 p.m., will be the Stockmen’s Trade Show. Everything from t shirts and jewelry to saddles and horse trailers will be available to purchase from the 35 vendor booths at the show. Hundreds of collegiate, FFA and 4-H students from several states always enter tire junior livestock judging and stockman contests at KILE. These keen edu cational competitions are excel lent tests of knowledge and skill, providing students with valuable experience for their futures in agriculture. Over 4,400 entries are expected for the 1998 show, which offers a record $200,000 in premiums. Along with a huge array of livestock, the Exposition will include a stockman’s trade show Jim Watkins first as Swine Herdsman and then was named as Plant Manager at the newly constructed Meats Lab. In 1971, he was promoted to Assistant Professor of Animal Sci ence. Up until his retirement in 1987, Jim had always assisted with the Meat Judging Teams and served as team coach from 1977. During those years, many honors were awarded to the Penn State (Turn to Pago A4l) FARM SHOW COMPLEX, HARRISBURG, PA September 30 To October 5, 1998 The show is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Livestock Association, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and the Pennsylvania Farm Show Commission. Published In Lancaster Farming September 26, 1998 with commercial exhibits, stroll ing entertainment, a tantalizing assortment of foods prepared by various Pennsylvania commodity groups and the Barnyard Baby Exhibit where young and old alike may touch and pet the animals. TUESDAY EVENING, SEP TEMBER 29 Due to space lim itations, one show will be held, the Haflinger Hitch Show at 6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 The Exposition officially begins at 8:00 a.m. with the Appa loosa Horse show and the Haflin gcr Halter Show. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 - The Shire and Belgian Halter TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 6 00 p m Haflinger Hitch Classes WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 8 00 a m Appaloosa Horse Show 8 00 a m Haflinger Halter Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 National Shire Halter Show Belgian Halter Show Draft Horse Hitch Show Wool Judging Opening Cermony & Awards Presentation Small Arena Stockman's Trade Show Breeding Swine Chester White, Polland China and Hampshire in order Southdown Breeding Sheep Draft Horse Hitch Show 800 am 800 am 2 00 pm. 300 pm 400 pm 4 00-7 00 p m 500 pm 600 pm 700 pm FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 Breeding Sheep Columbia, Merino, Rambouillet & Monladale in order 800 a m Breeding Sheep Dorset, Shropshire, Comedale & Hampshire in order 800 am Percheron Halter Show Clydesdale Regional Haller Show Simmental Capital Futurity Breeding Swine Duroe, Yorkshire, Landrace, Spotted Swine & Berkshire in order Stockman's Trade Show Spinning & Weaving Demonstrations- Center Mam Floor Hereford Breeding Cattle Draft Horse Hitch Show Feeder Calf Show 'Keystone Classic Swine Sale' University of Pennsylvania School of Vetennary Medicine 'Challenge of the Breeds’ plus Draft Horse 4-Horse Hitch Classes 800 am 800 am 900 a.m 900 am 1000-7 00 p m 9 30-3 00 p m 12 00 noon 200 pm 4 30 pm 600 pm 7.00 pm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 Draft Horse Youth Classes Junior & Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest Suffolk Breeding Show Stockman's Trade Show Spinning i Weaving Demonstrations Center Mam Floor 800 am 800 am 800 am 1000-7 00 p m 1100-4 00pm Shows will begin at 8:00 a.m. Draft Horse Hitch Shows will be featured at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The Opening Ceremony will be held at 4:00 p.m. with the Livestock Person of the year and Outstanding FFA and 4-H Lives tock Members being recognized. Wool judging begins at 3:00 p.m. and breeding sheep and swine judging will begin at 5:00 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 STOCKMAN'S DAY The Draft Horse Halter Show, featur ing Percherons & Clydesdales, begins at 8:00 a.m. along with the breeding sheep featuring various breeds followed by Hereford 1998 KEYSTONE INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION DAILY EVENTS ENTERTAINMENT JJ. Haggles, Clown & Magic Show Sadie Green Sales Jug Band Animals of Distinction cattle at noon. Simmcntal Cattle Futurity is featured at 9:00 a.m. Also, at 9:00 a.m. begins the judg ing of breeding swine of various breeds. Throughout the afternoon, various classes will be conducted including cattle and sheep. At 6:00 p.m. the Keystone Classic Sale will take place, which will feature eight breeds of swine. Sponsoring the “Challenge of the Breeds Show" at 7:00 p.m. is the Univer sity of Pennsylavania, School of Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center. This is horsemanship at its best as ten breeds; the Appaloosa, the Arabian, the Paint, Half (Turn to Pag* A 39) Lebanon Valley Faimer's/Fullon Bank - ’Agn-Kid Olympics’ Angus Breeding Cattle Paso Pino Horse Show Keystone Lead Line - following sheep judging Yearling Ewe S Lamb Sale Hampshire, Southdown, Dorset, Shropshire, Montadale, Suffolk & Cornedale in order 12 00 noon 12 00 noon 12 00 noon 3 00pm Evergreen Tractor ‘Pedal Power Pull" Feeder Calf Sale ■ Feeder Calf Pens - Mam Floor Draft Horse 6-Horse Hitch Show Belgian, Clydesdale/Shrre and Percheron SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Family Sunnse Service - Maclay Street Lobby Junior Beef Breeding Cattle Quarter Horse Show 'Junior Breeding Sheep Oxford, Tunis, Cheviot, Cornedale, Dorset & Suffolk in order Junior Breeding Sheep Montadale, Menno, Ftambouillet, Shropshire, Southdown & Hampshire in order 300 pm 630 pm 7 00pm 8 00am 800 am 8 00am 8 00am 8 00am Duroc Barrows followed by Cross-bred Barrows Stockman's Trade Show Spinning & Weaving Demonstrations Center Mam Floor PA Sheep & Wool Growers Association Queen Contest - Center Mam Floor Junior (4-H & FFA) Steer Show Live Hog Evaluation Contest Junior Barrows followed by Truckload ol 6 Market Hogs 2 00 p m Limousin Medal of Excellence Show 900 am 1000700 pm 11 00-4 00 pm 12 00 noon 12 00 noon 12 30 pm 1 30 p rn MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 Arabian Horse Show Keystone Arabian Horse Judging Contest for Youth - Large Arena 8 00am 8 00am Breeding Sheep Oxford, Turns & Cheviot m order Shorthorn Breeding Cattle followed by Simmental Breeding Cattle 8 00am 8 00am Open Barrows On-Fool Berkshire, Chester While, Hampshire. Landrace, Poland China, Spotted Swine & Yorkshire in order Keystone Stockman's Contest Stockman's Trade Show Keystone Stockman's Contest Awards 900 am 9 30am 10.00-3.00 p m. 2 30pm