Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1998, Image 28
A2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 26, 1998 New Direction Holsteins Exhibit Grand Champion Of State Fall Show (Continued from Pago A 1) Foster Jr and John Foster in of Petersburg. Judge for the show was Brian Garrison of Tiffin, Ohio. For junior champion of the show, Garrison selected a winter yearling, Lilbum Stardust Lilac, a Browndale Stardust daughter own ed by Joseph Parker of Greenville. It was bred by Charles Whitely & Son. The yearling won an All- Pennsylvania honor for Parker. The reserve junior champion of the show was also a winter year ling, Windy-Knoll-View RKB Peskie, bred and owned by Robert Kyle Burdette, of Mercersburg. A Juror daughter, it tied with the junior champion for All- Pennsylvania honors. Both of the junior champion ani mals were also the junior champ ions of the youth division of the show. The senior and grand champions of the youth division were both shown by Amy Jo Hartman of Par nell View Farm in St. Thomas, near the Mercersburg area. Her 8-year-old aged cow, Par nell View Jethro Sibyl, was named senior and grand champion of the youth division. The Hanover Hill Jethro daught er also earned All-Pennsylvania honorable mention, and was the best bred and owned Holstein in both the open and youth division shows. Ironically, on Monday, before another judge in the state Junior Dairy Show, Sibyl didn’t even place in the top three in her age class. Hartman’s junior 3-year-old, Parnell View Stardust Derry, also bred and owned, was named reserve senior and reserve grand champion. It is a Browndale Star dust daugther, and the dam was Windy-Knoll-View Gold Dolly, one she purchased locally. Hartman is in her last year in 4-H and said the double win of the youth division championship made her feel “pretty good.” It was her first win of a grand champion ship at a state championship show. “We are having ajierd dispersal, so it’s even better. This is probably the last time I show them," she said. The complete dispersal of 150 head of registered Holsteins, of all ages, includes their 65-head milk ing string. They have one Excel lent animal (Sibyl the aged cow), 17 Very Goods and 40 Good plus, and the herd carries a 106 BAA. The sale is set for 10:30 a.m.. The best bred and owned animal of the 1998 Pennsylvania a Holstein Fall Championship Is exhibited by Amy Jo Hart* man, as state Dairy Princess Jennifer Dotterer presents the blue glass embossed and decorated vase trophy. Showing the grand champions of the Pennsylvania Hols tein Fail Championship show are, from the left, Kristen McCauley, Mylln Good, Alan McCauley, Fred Strouse, state Alternate Dairy Princess Megan Meyers, James Burdette serving as leadsman of the reserve grand champion, Sandy McCauley at the halter of the grand champion, state Dairy Princess Jennifer Dotterer, Judge Brian Garrison, and Tom Oct 31. Her parents, Carl and Deanna Hartman said they are not selling the farm, but are getting out of dairy production. Amy Jo is a sophmore at the Penn State Monte Alto Campus pursuing a degree in business and finance. Her brother Jamie Hart man is a dairy nutritionist Another highlight of Tuesday’s 18th state Fall Championship was the Keystone 3-Year-Old Futurity, with a first prize of at least $l,lOO. There were nine entries and the winner was Penn-Gate Jed FM Abbeye, owned by John Pennings, with the Penn-Gate Farm in Lit tlestown. The Juniper Rotate Jed daughter was bred by Chris Wood, who with husband Steve and father Bob Gitt operate Penn Gate Farm. Penn-Gate Farm again captured the fall championship show’s pre mier breeder and exhibitor awards, honors based on the number of ani mals exhbited and how well they placed in the show. Another annual award made during the state Holstein fall championship is the George M. Knight Jr. Total Performance Award, a memorial award pre sented by the surviving family in honor of Mr. Knight. The award is based on show placings and lifetime production. The winner was Wind Drift AJ (Turn to Pag* A 42) From the left, John Penning holds his rosettes for owning the winner of the 1998 Pennsylvania Holstein 3-Year-Old Futurity, while Steve Wood serves as leadsman, and Is joined by state Dairy Princess Jennifer Dotterer, and Judge Brian Garrison. Feed Saved is Profit Made Farmco's efficient feeders put feed into your animals, not on the ground. 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Dealer Today Richard Kenworthy George Gross, Inc Bernardsvtlle NJ • 908/766 0063 Dover PA • 717/292 1673 Curts Welding Rome PA • 717/2472539 Erb & Henry Equipment New Berhnville PA *215/367-2169 Fields Implement Eighty Four, FA • 412/222-1154 l-ARMCO MFC. 2937 Irishtown Road • Ronks, PA 17572 • 7177768-7769 9Uh round rwm* Gunther Heussman Inc Longeneckers Inc Emmaus PA •215/965 5203 Williamsburg PA • 814/793 3731 Glenn Wagoner Marshall Machinery Darlington PA *412/827 2184 Honesdale PA • 717/729 7117 Kellers Farm Machinery Newswanger Machinery Quakertown PA •215/536-4046 Kutztown PA •610/683-5970 Lapps Barn Equipment Gap PA *717/442 8134 Leaders Farm Equipment Everett, PA *Bl4/652-2809 Lebanon Valley Implement Richland PA • 717/866 7518 Reiffs Farm Service Shippensburg PA • 717/532 8601 Romberger Farm Supply Khngerstown PA • 717/648 2081 Rovendale Ag A Barn Watsontown PA • 717/538 9564 Wyn Koop Farm Equipment Marlon Center, PA • 412/397 4960