Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 26, 1998, Image 146

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    D2-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 26, 1998
,1 1
AC B, ong running, exc
tires, w/chams, starter, 5
disc, 5’ cultivator, $l4OO
firm 610-756-6578 Lehigh
Ml spreader, #215, com
pletely gone over & painted,
197 bu $l4OO 717-966-
2357 Union Co
1969 GMC 45’ bucket truck
aux air compressor, $3OOO,
1979 Ford 22’ van, all alum ,
$l5OO, needs brakes 717-
243-1281 Cumb Co
Ford heavy duty loader, new
6 ft bucket, hydraulic dump,
compl w/pump still on trac
tor, $l6OO 080 717-425-
2743 Northumberland Co
1000 s of used plastic flower
pots & trays many sizes
Call Jim or Iv mssg 610-
323-8545 Chester Co
8' Leer fiberglass truck cap,
blk very good cond $2OO
Eves . 717-426-2530 Lane
30” bar fold, $175, armature
lathe $75, CM Lodestar
1000 lb hoist, like new,
$650 717-273-3982 Leb
Llamas, gelding, 3 yrs old, 1
brown & white, 1 white, very
friendly, looking for a good
home 610-944-0427 Berks
Sheet metal & tinsmith tools,
maplewood lock, former 36'
lump shears rotary
machines 717-428-1562
York Co
Marvel #9 power hacksaw,
10’xlO’ cap 3 phase,
18”x1-1/2’ blade power
feed & coolant, $695 080
610-367-4139 Berks Co
Alum angle 3 x3"xl/4” s’to
12 long also flat, round
square alum brass & stain
less 1 25/lb 610-367-4139
Berks Co
Hobart 400 amp portable
welder w/mic $3200 080
or will trade for pontoon boat
or small 4x4 p/u 717-284-
2626 Lane Co
Husking unit to clean ear
corn going into crib or silo
Eli 717-442-4364 Lane Co
JD 400 grinder mixer very
good cond 717-837-3673
Snyder Co
JD 300 busker 2 row N
$3200 NH 258 rake steer
teeth, $l9OO NH 256 rake
rubber teeth, $lBOO 717-
456-5072 York Co
2 fainting goat bucks ready
for service $lOO ea also
mini horse colt buff color
white markings B/O 717
354-4929 Lane Co
Wood stove, like new 14x24
lined $lOO Formica table 6
chairs 1 board s4o,Chester
White boars 717-632-4722
York Co
Wood stove KodiaK single
door holds 26 logs $l5O
7 17-382-4143 York Co
Seed wheat cleaned &
bagged o grown from cert d
seed also rye seed earned
814-422-8527 Centre Co
JD 435 D tractor 1959 GM
diesel good worker or for
show 410-531-5073
Howard Co
Carriage tires, lights, nyd
braxes, $l3OO 060 6-8 pm
717-336-5951 Lane'Co
IQtactz n
1 ~— / \eflair
Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers
Sprayer Parts and Repair
• Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses
• Black Walnut Cracker
858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service
Kirkwood PA 17536 717 529 6553
U.L.P.A. & N.F.
er, Owner P.O. Bi
r 4-7090 Freeburg,
Grady White boat, 70 hp,
Evmrude motor, stainless
steel wash tub, 612 forge
harvester 717-964-3474
Leb Co
JD 4400 flat screen gas
combine, rough but works
good, $l5OO, Nl 325 picker,
worn husking rolls, $l5OO
610-262-8373 Lehigh Co
IH #6OO blower for sale or
rent, herd spinner seeder, Ig
Size, $lOO 610-942-2657
Chester Co
1 row potato digger on rub
ber w/power PTO 610-262-
9029 Northampton Co
3 pt post hole digger, 3 pt
boom, 3 pt platform, co-op
manure spreader, ground
drive, const trlr, 9 ton pm
dle, 3 axle 610-582-4434 or
7289 Berks Co
Honey 60 lb bucket, clover
$57 plus $8 postage 717-
957-4440 Perry Co
400 gal Girton bulk milk
tank in working cond , make
offer, 500 gal milk tank,
free Sam Zook, White Oak
Rd , Christiana, Pa
Reg Angus cows Al bred to
calve in April, sire is Century
Touchstone, 2 9 mos old
bulls 215-256-8535 Montg
Conveyor rollers, approx
500 pcs 27"Lx2”W, $lOO.
(2) desks, v good cond , $4O
ea credenza, VGC, $5O
717-656-7924 Lane Co
NH 679 spreader, hyd end
gate, exc shape 717-684-
8947 Lane Co
Clark 4500 lb forklift 2
stage, works good, Ig tires
717-369-2819 Frankl Co
Brady flail spreader 80
717-244-4655 S York Co
2 weeks vacation at Kissim
mee FL w/trade options, 15
mm from Disney attractions,
$l6 000, 2 BR, sleeps 6
717-582-9015 Perry Co
AC I-40 industrial tractor
w/ioader, runs and operates
but needs work, $2OOO 717-
677-6704 Adams Co
4-1/2 hp Clinton vertical cast
iron eng Vl2OO-1183, $25
908-766-4038 Somerset
JD 620 NFps 3 pi, PTC
$3OOO cyi 'bead to/ JD D
unstyled $lOO 315-635-
6375 Onon Co
Used tence posts $1 $2
$3 used fence wire neat
rolls rustless type 717-285-
5226 Lane Co
Gray barn siding hand
hewn beams Hemlock
rafters 3x5x22 strap
hinges floor joist, Chestnut
siding 610-369-0308 Berks
Angus feeder heifers (‘he
right kind), 65 cents ib,
Mammoth donkey jenny
colt $5OO 717-927-6712
York Co
1 *
0 1C
> IMP ' '
| New & Used [
1 Wind Mills I
I 717-354-5554 |
§ 717-354-9320 |
Alfalfa grass, haylage, round
bales, made Ist flower 717-
374-1608 Snyder Co
MF 300 combine, 11' head,
$l5OO, also straw chopper
for MF 300 $200060 717-
354-0192 Lane Co.
South bend 10" lathe, $BOO,
bunk honz mill, $2OO, forge,
$125, porter cable 4x24 new
$lOO, plunge router 717-
664-3950 Lane Co
3 beef cows, or
slaughter, $425 ea, save or
rat & mice bait, get young
cats free 717-445-7422
Lane Co
Ni 3
lew log home or cabin
BR, 2 Ba, new game
land & trout stream in Sny
der Co 717-694-3417
Mueller milk tank, 800 M
Elmer Stoltzfus, RDI Box
278 A, Mill Hall, PA 17751
717-726-3745 Clinton Co
Victor oxy-acelylene brazing
welding tips, sizes 1,2,3, 4,
5, brand new, $l5O value
$25 for set via mail 215-
536-9672 Bucks Co
16' Van Dale silo unloader,
20 ft Little Giant elevator,
single chain, Oliver 35 com
bine, 10 ft head 410-374-
2576 Balto Co
Deuce & A halts, surplus
army trucks, 6x6 10 wheel
ers, turbo diesels, many to
choose from, $2500 & up
215-598-8227 Bucks Co
Barn to be taken down, &
standing timber to be sold
80, old dry cleaning equip
814-427-7704 Cambna Co
Ford 4500 loader backhoe
diesel, VGC, good tires,
ready to work $7500 717-
566-8973 Dau Co
Airtight woodstove $lOO,
Browning compound bow
setup $lOO, Hawken 50 cal
iber percussion pistol, new
in-box $75 610-485-5714
Del Co
Feeding Expensive Feed
to Pest Birds
Avitrol treated gram baits
successfully remove pest
birds from feedlots and
farm buildings
218 Rockpomt Rd ,
Marietta, PA 17547
EPA Approved
Belarus... The Best Way
v* 1 to save money just got better
With 5.9% Financing, for 36 months!
5100 Series
Route 1. 80x2568 Frederick, MD ran?
Oakland, MD 30,-473-4260 vSJnfown™
301-334-9060 717-538-9564
Gravely walk-behind trac
tor w/snowplow, 30” mow
er. rotary ground plow, sev
eral parts tractors, 1 w/lg
wheels 814-355-1927
Centre Co
Heater, Axeman-Andersen,
automatic coal stoker, hot
water or steam for Ig. home
or church, invested $4500,
sell $2OOO 080 215-723-
2300 Montq Co
5 yr old blk, saddlebred.
traffic safe & sound, ready
to go, needs work' Call
betw 4-30 to 530 717-
656-3050 Lane Co
500 gal milk tank, does not
cool, $350 717-687-9567
Lane Co
JD 110, $375, Simplicity
Dandy-Soy Waterloo 2-
wheeled tractors, $B5 ea
no engines, antique Yazoo
w/3-1/2 hp clmton, $B5
717-567-3549 Perry Co
Int wide front end 856,
$725, 4000 tor minus
tobacco lath, 24C cast iron
radiators, 20 cents/lb 717-
252-1784 York Co
24" big double drum
sender, $3OOO 717-278-
Jd 455 $8750, JD 425
$6BOO, Jd F5lO $2BOO, 800
track vac, JD 47” snow
blower, re-cond 50” mower
for JD 655, NH L 250 skid
loader, $6500 080 215-
536-7997 Bucks Co
1 pair 13-9-36 tires, 70%
tred, 1 700 JD grinder mix
er on wheels 301-253-
5237 Montg Co
8000 Series
6.9% for 48 months • 7.9% for 60 months
961 Leister’s Church Rd,
Westminster, MD
Barsoy barley last year,
cert’d, uncleaned, $4/bu
717-336-7796 Lane Co
Int 234 2 row mounted
corn picker w/husker &
sheller unit. 717-235-3987
York Co
1 p/u bed for 1973-87
Chevy p/u, no rust, $650
814-784-5775 Bedford Co
Ong 3 pc front end
weights for 520/730, rear
wheel weights for JD
50/730 air stack JD 60 & 70
nos 215-257-6199 Bucks
Oliver #5 cornpicker, 1 row
good cond , $275 215-
536-0186 Bucks Co
Papec silage wagon, $800;
will sell box separate,
$4OO 717-386-5678 Car
bon Co
Woodstoves, back free ‘97 corn pro trailer, dull
standing or insert, $3OO, wheels, 250 miles, goose
Huntsman chunch $250 neck adj beaver tails &
410-357-5421 Balt Co ramps, 25 ft long 304-
Pony cart, wire wheels, 735-3352 Preston Co
$65, pony saddle, new $B5, Manure spreaders, Ml
sgl pony harness, $9O, dbl ground drive, buy, sell,
pony harness w/collars trade, repair 717-786-3387
717-336-7273 Lane Co Lane Co
18 Ig open Holstein St Bernard pups, reg black
heifers, $750/ sale stables, mask, also 6mo old St
Oct 3, NH 5717 Harvester, Bernard female, reg For
2 row N, see operate, info, 610-926-6447 Berks
$lOOO, barn flooring 717- Co
354-5697 Lane Co
Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces
Cut Your Heating Costs With Our
Outdoor Furnace
• Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal
or Wood by-products
• Multi-Fuel Model Bums Wood,
Coal, Oil or Gas '
Adapts io any existing heal system Installation & Accessories Available
<T Gettysburg-New Oxford ’J>
ill Is there anything you can do to stop 5
u the rising cost of fuel £
u| propane prices? x
■ j
1 sms 1
‘ a # t 1
•Z • Simple year ‘round installation ** S
HI • Heat multiple buildings OUTDOOR HEAT INC. t
X • Adapts to most heating systems Rod or Kathy
HI • Most attractive stove on the 34 Valley View Road, Mohnton, PA 19540 m
jj! market 610-856-1386 \>\
Ik » Available in air pump We Service All Outdoor Wood Furnaces ,
Yearling Peruvian Paso fil
ly, world champion blood
lines, both sides, Peruvians
are the Rolls Royce of gait
ed horses, $3500 717-
784-8193 Col Co
Woods RM-400 finish
mower, Cat 1 3 pt hitch,
540 rpm, exc cond . $9OO,
barely used Greg, after 7
pm, 610-683-6756 Berks
Perennials, reasonable &
unusual Hellebor, Game
cock, Ins, Daylilies, Myrtle,
Epimediums, Lamiastrum
& others Alxo boxwood
610-983-9550 eves
Chester Co.
Chevy, 4x4, 'B9 S-10
Tahoe, red, 5 spd , am/fm
cass , long bed, 84k, great
little truck, bed liner, $3500
610-444-3825 Chester Co
Grain dryer farm fans. 320 J
cont. flow, stage auto, 415
bu cap. r -760 hrs t VGC,
$13,000 or offer 717-684-
3129 Lane Co
Gram dryer farm fans, 320 J
cont, flow stage auto, 415
bu, cap 760 hrs , VGC.
$13,000 080 717-684-
3129 Lane Co
Volkswagen dune buggy
pipe frame tow bar, extra
parts, too fast for my kids
Jay, 410-658-2069, Iv
mssg. Cecil Co
Morgans, show mare,
rides, drives, Bay 14 3H
gelding, $3500 080,
Chestnut, 15 3H, $4OOO,
18 ft. stock trailer, $3OOO
717-235-2950 York Co.
Snowplow blade, 9'-long,
32” high, power angle
$275, 1981 MIXIOO Yama
ha dirtbike, not run for
awhile, $l5O 717-367-
5165 Dau Co
1943 'wartime” JD B, new
045" over motor, tires,
metal, straight, over $3500
invested, all receipts, sacri
fice, $2700 610-982-5312
Bucks Co
Boilers, Burnham PFSIO,
1 6 million bfus, output, oii
fired, $2OOO or BO 609-
451-3561 Cumb Co
9000 Series
RD 2, Box 160
Meadville, PA
Offer ends October 31,1998