A2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 19, 1998 Lancaster Livestock Auction New Holland, PA Monday, Sept. 14, 1998 Cattle Calvea Hogs Sheep Goats Monday's Auction '< 632 72', 26V, $BO, 394 Last Week ' 595 44 ' 15 402 ,122, Last Year - *> • 901 89 535 567 CATTLE: COMPARED TO THURS DAY, SLAUGHTER STEERS SOLD MOSTLY STEADY TO JO HIGHER. MARKET INDICATORS WER VERY 6 GOOD FOR LATE LAST WEEK AND EARLY MONDAY AS BOTH FUTURES AND WESTERN CASH PRICES WERE HIGHER, BUT BY THE END OF THE DAYS TRADING LOCAL STEERS MANAGED ONLY A SLIGHT GAIN AND FUTUR4ES ENDED UP CLOSING LOWER. HOLSTEIN STEERS SOLD STEADY TO FIRM AND SLAUGHTER HEIFERS WERE STEADY. SLAUGH TER COWS SOLD STEADY FOR THE MOST PART WITH A LARGER OFFER INGT OF BEEF-TYPE COWS THAN USUAL SLAUGHTER BULLS WERE ACTIVE AND 1.00-2.00 HIGHER. SUPPLY INCLUDED 58 PERCENT SLAUGHTER STEERS AND 15 PER CENT COWS. SLAUGHTER STEERS: HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1150-1435 LBS. 60.00-62.75. CHOICE 2-3 1115-1485 LBS. 58.50-61.60. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 960-1525 LBS. 54.00-60.25. FEW SELECT 1-3 1000-1520 LBS. 52.25-57.00. HOLSTEIN STEEERS: HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1225-1645 LBS. 53.00-54.10, IDEAL INDIVIDUAL 1225 LBS. 57.50. CHOICE 2-3 1315-1600 LBS. 51.50-53.25. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1270-1475 LBS. 49.35-52.00. SELECT 1-2 1220-1540 LBS. 46.25-48.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 2-4 1140-1240 LBS. 59.60-60.35. CHOICE 2-4 1100-1300 LBS. 57.75-58.75; FEW 975-1045 LBS. 55.00-56.00. SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 2-3 1035-1405 LBS. 50.25-56.75. SELECT 1-3 920-1425 LBS, 47.75-54.25, PACKAGE RETURNING TO FEED 1030 LBS. 45.75. HEIFERET TES: AND STANDARD 2-4 LBS. 36.75-45.75. SLAUGm ER COWS; BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN. OVER 1400 LBS. BULK 36.00- LOW DRESSING 34.00- BONERS 80-85% LEAN, OVER 1200 LBS. BULK 34.25-38.75, LOW DRESSING 32.50-33.75; LEAN (HI-YIELD) 85-88% LEAN. OVER 1200 LBS. BULK 33.00-36.75, LOW DRESS ING 31.00-33.00; LEAN 88-90% LEAN OVER 1000 LBS., BULK 31.00-34.50, inw DRESSING 28.50-31.75: HAY, STRAW & CORN - SALE - Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers -Cash or Certified Checks Only Get more capacity and better service from Chore-Time’s 9\[ezVNext Generation bin - j Contracts available s' Vp call for information ■ Broiler ■ Pullfets • Call for our free brochure High capacity 40 roof (left) “What is contract production?” allows more storage and stays cleaner than Replace your bulbs and save electricity a conventional 30° roof (right) 7--''l with energy efficient Fluorescent Lights M 1 5-7-9 Watts 13 Watts >=/ \ - ;l( \ 5.49 ea. 5.79 ea. ,‘ s - * 4>' ' r ~~~ i t 4 V 1 ' HydroShleld Weather, ~ % A iV ‘I Guard prevents water from Light Bulbs Q/J A 4'*w f, f <Tf running down hopper I \ 25 to 100 Watts OO V Ea. •• |K I IP Brass Base - 5000 Mrs. ' | I—i.. . ‘ , > ’ , j I | Authorized Ma.fpi- njstributoT Since 1982 | f Northeast Agn Systems Inc ip ST • ACCESS PLUS* permits HES SB Ca "'° r Se g re°d n .o n y S ou a r S f S a e r' edanll —i l-800-735-636. Lancaster County Livestock Market Auction ■ikTx..*.-. ■. 1 ' S".t' ........... i ... Vintage Livestock Auction TUESDAY SEPTEMBER IS 1998 CATTLE CALVES SHEEP GOATS TODAY 533 796 0 3 LASTTUESDA Y 443 721 0 1 LAST YEAR 628 726 I 0 CATTLE Compared to Monday, slaughter steer prices held steady The market did well to remain unchanged since buyers turned up the pressure and supplies were not quite as fancy as usual Holstein steers and slaughter heifers were not well tested Slaughter cows sold steady to weak, instances I 00 lower on the leaner-type cows and slaughter bulls were scarce Supply included 27 percent slaughter steers and 68 percent slaughter cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1180-1450 lbs 60 50 64 75, ideal individual 1460 lbs 64 25 Choice 2 3 1120-1495 lbs 58 50 61 50, lew high dressing 1-2 1230- 1440 lbs 61 75"-62 75 Select and low Choice 2-4 1095-1500 lbs 5 5 50- 60 25 consignment of aged Herefords 3-4 1305-1580 lbs 46 00-50 75 Few Select 1-4 1285-1495 lbs 54 00-57 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS Couple Choice 2-4 1510-1560 lbs 52 00-52 50 Cou ple Select 1-2 1495-1660 lbs 46 75- 47 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Package Choice 3 12SO Ihs 57 10 Heilerctles Package Choice 3-4 1090 Ihs 49 00 SLAUGHTER COWS PERCENT LEANWEIGHT BULK LOW DRESSING Breakers 75-80 pci lean over 1400 Ihs 35 75 40 00 33 75 35 SO Boners 80-85 pet lean over 1200 lbs 34 50- 37 7S 32 00 35 00 Lean (Hi-Yickl) 8S 88 pci lean over-1200 Ihs 32 75- 34 75 30 00 33 00 Lean 88-90 pet lean over 1000 lbs 30 75-34 00 2K 00 32 00 I can (Light Wt) 85-90 pet lean 7SO -1000 lbs 29 00-31 7S 25 00 30 00 + SLAUGHTER BULLS Nol tested FEEDER STEERS Medium I 400 47( lbs 65 00-66 00 FEEDER BULLS Medium I 235-42' lbs 50 00-50 50 CALVES Compared to last Tuesday vealers sold 4 00-6 00 lower as a largt number sold tor slaughter Demand fo Holstein bulls and heifers returning to feed was only moderate, despite a good crowd of buyers Holstein bull prices were 10 00 15 00 lower and heifers were 35 00-60 00 lower than last weeks active market Supply included 681 head m the Slate graded sale and 62 percent of the total supply returned to the farm VEALERS Individual Prime 140 lbs 72 00 Good and Choice 75-110 lbs 18 00- 26 00 Sta ndard and low Good 60 90 lbs 10 00-15 00 RETURNED TO FARM Holstein bulls 95 lbs 50 00-55 00. 100-125 lbs 7100-88 00 Plainer type bulls 80-115 lbs 24 00-50 00 Holstein heifers 80- 115 lbs 147 00-190 00 Plainer heiters 70-85 lbs 65 00-135 00 LLAMAS Individual male (brown and white) 210 00 New Holland Livestock NEW HOLLAND, PA THU SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats TODAY 1200 778 587 332 LAST WEEK 1511 716 751 499 LAST YEAR 1618 668 263 160 CATTLE: Compared to Tuesday, slaughter steers sold steady to firm. Buyers were fairly active but the quality was somewhat lacking with as many Select cattle on hand as anything else. A good offering of Holstein steers sold .50 to most ly 1.00 higher and slaughter heifers were steady in a light test. Slaughter cow trading was mixed; the leaner cows sold weak to B&R CATTLE CO RDI, Marietta, PA 17547 Office Ph0ne (717)653-8164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN (717)653-5728 RON RANCK (717)656-9849 Quality Feeder Cattle Specializing In: Fresh Off The Farm Stockers and Feeders Order Buying caii Eugene Martin 717-336-2690 Office 717-336-3676 Home Licensed & Bonded KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 11:00 Located Rt 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford comer of Rt 472 and Noble Road Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer AU 000513 L No out of state checks JO lower, while the fleshier cows (1® 53 than 85 percent lean) were JO higher. Slaughter bulls sold steady. Supply included 36 percent slaughter steers and 37 percent slaughter cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1080-1430 lbs 60JO-63J0. Choice 2-3 1030-1465 lbs 58.60-61.60, few low dressing 3-4 57.75-58.75; 1500-1725 lbs 55.25-58 JO. Select and low Choice 2-3 1075-1485 lbs 54.75-59.75. Select 1-3 1020-1440 lbs 52.00-57.75. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1370-1570 lbs 53.25-55.85, ide al individual 1485 lbs 57.00. Choice 2-3 1295-1615 lbs 52.00-54.60. Select and low Choice 2-3 1220-1523 lbs 49.50-52.00. Select 1-2 990-1310 lbs 47.00- 50.50. 25 head Large 2 feeder steers sold on the farm, sight unseen 975 lbs 50.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple pack ages Choice, few Prime 2-4 1115-1160 lbs 58.10- 58.85. Few Select 1-3 1190-1400 lbs 52.50-55.75. Heiferettes: Few Com mercial and Standard 2-4 1030-1285 lbs 43.25-44.75. SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs 36.50-40.50 33.75-37.25 Bonets 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs 34.73-38.50 32.00-35.00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 33.00-35.75 29.75-33.50 Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 30.25-33.75 27.75-30.75 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 pet lean 750-1000 lbs 28.75-33.00 25.75-29.25 SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1045-1600 lbs 46.50-55.00. Yield Grade 2 955- 2290 lbs 39.50-47.00. Bullocks: Select 1-3 1005-1290 lbs 49.00-56.75. CALVES: Compared to Monday’s auc tion, vealer and slaughter calves sold 3.00- 5.00 lower. Demand was light for Holstein bull calves returning to feed and prices were 6.00-10.00 lower. Holstein heifer trade continued active and prices were ful ly steady. Around 75 percent of supply returned to feed. VEALERS: Good and Choice 70-110 lbs 16.00-24.00. Standard and low Good i|iuiaiaiai3i3i3iaaii;iiaauiuiuiuiuiiai3iaiaiaiaiaauicii:iuiuiL-iUiuiuiaiaiaiauiu|u|uiMu|uiu|C|a|iai!|i=ia|c|i-THHHiai;ißL •Willier, Incorporated Your Source for Quality Cattle g Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers I BIWIBB!HIB!W : CATTLE BEEF CATTLE □ i I ; ■■ • C wmm^^ ■■ b Inside Pennsylvania; 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 1 Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 B J BiL>iL-iLTLgnLiLtLn:iL;uiiuiL»iL:iiaL-iL-iLamaLaamaiamLimLnL>iLiLiLn:iLmiLt^L-ti.iL-|LnL:n:|UMmi:u:iLJiL-minLnL»iuiL:iLnu|L-|LiL: QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold » No Monthly Payments SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff C. Howard Scarff, II W. Conly Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Home (717) 445-4355 Home (410) 838-5883 Fax (410) 877-7802 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (410) 790-2650 Mobile (717) 940-2633 » Contract Feeding Programs ■ Marketing of Finished Cattle ■ Dairy Heifers VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE Selling Feeders Every Tuesday At Approx. 1 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT L ROBERT FRAME, SR., PRESIDENT BUS (717) 442-4181 BUS (717) 768-8204 HOME (610) 458-8518 IRWIN MARTIN, FIELD REP (717)336-7538 TRUCKING SERVICE -if KENNETH E. HERSHEV, FIELD REP. AVAIL-LOCAL & I (717)442-4874 LONG DISTANCE / (RT. 10 MILES EAST /I \ LANCASTER IN / H LJ i 60-90 lbs 11.00-16.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Few Good and Choice 200-350 lbs SS.OO-65.00; 350-500 lbs 48.00-SS.OO. Standard 200-350 lbs 45.00-55.00; 350-500 lbs 40.00-50.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls 95-125 lbs 40.00-68.00. Plainer type bulls 80-115 lbs 22.00-45.00. Holstein heifers 80-110 lbs 120.00-190.00, few to 215.00. Plainer heifer calves 70-100 lbs 80.00-125.00. SHEEP: Compared to Monday's auc tion, slaughter lambs sold steady to weak with a larger offering of light weight lambs than on Monday. Slaughter ewe prices were steady to 5.00 lower. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice and Prime 2-3 40-60 lbs 90.00-125.00; 60-110 lbs 70.00-85.00. Good and Choice 1-3 40-60 lbs 70.00-90.00; 60-110 lbs 65.00- 75.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Good and Choice yearlings and 2 year-olds 40.00- Utility and Good 1-3 30.00- COATS: All goats sold by the head. Billies: Medium and Large 75.00-100.00, few to 125.00. Nannies: Medium and Large 40.00-60.00. Yearlings: Choice and Prime 40.00-60.00. Kids; Choice and Prime 35.00-50.00. Good 20.00-35.00. Lancaster Co. Weekly NEW HOLLAND, PA FRI SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 CATTLE CALVES THIS WEEK 2366 1890 LAST WEEK 2676 1667 LAST YEAR 3233 1686 CATTLE: Compared to last week’s closing prices, slaughter steers sold .50 higher. The modest gain took all week to accumulate as buyers were simply never forced into a heated competition to fill their needs. The Western fat cattle market has jumped 4.00 in the last two weeks with the bulk of this week's sale? posted at 60.00 SALE TUESDAYS CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS •GET CALVES IN EARLY OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. (Turn to Page A 42) 6:00 P.M
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