Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 78
B344.anc«ster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. WED SEPT 23 - 9AM 109 N Maple Ave, Leola Lane Co, PA Farm Equipment Auction trac tors truck lots farm equip Wol qemulh Auction 717-656-2947 WED SEPT 23 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co Pa Quilts craft auction A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc WED SEPT 23 -10 AM Wolqe muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave Leola. Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Aucl WED SEPT 23 -11 AM 363 Georgetown Rd, Strasburg, Lane Co, PA Herd Dispersal 70 Head, 41 mature cows, 12 bred Heifers By Hannah Fisher Mel Hoover, Auct. 717-354-8397 WED SEPT 23-3 30PM From Selmsgrove, west on Rt 35 sale in right just before McAlislerville Real estate, antiques, coll Hh goods, etc By Children ot Irene Ramsey Kenneth Hassmger & Neil Courtney, Aucts , 717-539- 8791 WED SEPT 23 - 7PM Shenan doah Valley Lvst Sales, 1044 Edom Rd, Harrisonburg VA Purebred Angus sired feeder sale 540-434-5582 THURS SEPT 24 - 8 30AM Noville Penna, Inc , R R #4 Honesdale, Wayne Co , PA 30 mi NE of Scranton, PA Liquida tion Auction, 45,000-50 000 Blue Spruce & Fraser Fire & other vari eties Reimold Bros Auction & Marketing Service, 1-800-772 7653 THURS SEPT 24 - 9AM 828 S Prince St, Lancaster, PA Real estate comm prop, car carriers trailer, pickup. Triumph, boat w/trailer power & hand tools Ig appl furniture & Hh goods By I Rooert Fisher Howard E Shaub 1717:464-3541 THURS SEPT 24 - 9AM Take Rt 472 south to Oxtoro, PA turn south to S 3rd SI go thru the Borough approx 1-1/4mi,turn left to Waterway Rd to property on left Carpenter tools antiques & Hh goods By Robert M Brown Estate Kreider, Kline &Good Aucts THURS SEPT 24 4PM Btwn Lancaster & Leola turn off Rt 23 near Sunset Valley Motel, south on Hartman Station Rd to 950 Hartman Station Rd Lane Co PA Farm & lawn equip many types of power & hand tools trac tors trailers & guns By John H Martin Robert Martin & Sons and Randall Ranck Aucts THURS SEPT 24 6PM Mifflin Co 2-1/2 mi east ot Milroy along Siglerville Pike PA Real estate valuable farm lana 36 acres By John & Melva Worley 717 667 2518 MarKGlick Auct THURS SEPT 24 6 30PM From Ephrata Rt 322 W 4 mi to Clay, right to Cleanvew Rd left to Hillcrest Dr to West Church Rd turn right to property on left Clay Two,Lane Co PA 1 Acrecoun trv property w/2 1/2 sty frame house By Daniel K & Ella B Newswanger 717 733 0359 Aaron E Martin Auct Svc FRI SEPT 25 High Field Cow Dispersa' For mfo Amen ’3i Angus Han o' Pane 816 c 32 08 1 1 -Rl SEPT 25 9AM jhOSPreti «anev Ro Ottsville °A Cai naoer trucKS farm uactor oick jps car antqiue i 4 modern lai rn ractory & equip Byuonn m Siw °rt Excavating Ralpn W Zetlie TOyer Auct Co 610 395 808 a PRI SEPT 25 0 30AM Kemerei farms Kemerei Ro _airobe Westmoreiano Co dispersal 8C neao Bv hq» KemererSc Richard Kemere' a 4 42u 449 i_uce Auers c Ri SEP" 25 IAM Dundee rates Co N't Ret'.pment AuC' sheep tractors iarm molements 5.4 C years o‘ tools & accessories By Mi S Mrs Jack Sullivan pt ung Aucis me PRi SEPT 25 MAM Lebanon c airgrounds Lebanon pa Dis tiict Relief Heifer Sale aprpox 75 head Bv Churnh nf the Brethreri Bob Lemz Chairman C RI SEPT 25 I PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 717 249 4511 FRi SEPT 25 5 30PM Bareville Fire Hall 211 E Mam St Rt 23 Leola Lane Co PA Large Toy Auction Wmross Ertl Nascar Beanie Babies Hess 8 more Randy Stoltzlus 8 Richard Harry Aucls 717 656 8919 C RI SEPT 25 6PM New Hoi land Sales Stables Inc 1 01 W Fulton SI New Holland Lane Co PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717 354 4341 FRI SEPT 25 8 SAT SEPT 26 9 30AM 219 Jubilee Rd (Little Bntan/Waketield Area) Southern Lane Co PA Real estate 126 acre w/1830 brick home tractor tools Hit & Miss engines guns woodworking shop w/access 1000 items antique turn stoneware slipware iron brass r-overlet & more By Mr 8 Mrs J P Wilkins Jeffrey Edgar White side 6lO 932 2368 C R|" SEPT 25 4 30PM 8 SAT SEPT 26 ■ 9AM 15 mi north of rni ccdt oc e qhpm Porru Carlisle, PA ,n the village of lan- ™ S | P . T c 6 O P R e " a y , disburg Antiques coll, Sat 4M?m2sW home blSfk Even Posts, Hh goods & tools By AM a r? yS 7i7 7 e ß q^S n Ed ShUll ' acrls Slourt AUCI, 717-789-4100 ney& Kenneth Massinger, Aucts, 717-539-8791 : RI SEPT 25-12 Noon. SAT PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT.. SEPT. 19. 1998 9 am. Loc: 71 Truce Rd, New. Providence, Pa Take Rt 272 11 Miles So of Lancaster turn East'onto Truce Rd approx 3 Miles to sale on left Large Bow Front China Closet, Sm Oak Roll Top Desk, Fiddle Desk, Empire Bureau, 3 Dressers, 1 w/Claw Feet, 6 Decor Keyhole Plank Bottom Chairs, Spool Bed, Double Bed, Chest of Drawers, Maple Table w/8 Boards, Oak Swivel Cane Chair, Piano Stool, Washstand, Oak Plank Bottom Chair, 2 Cane Bottom Chairs, Folding Table & Chairs, Sofa & Chair, Reclmer, Wooden Rocker, Oval Table, Floor & Table Lamps, Coffee & End Tables, Oval Walnut Beveled Mirror, Plant Stands, Jardinieres, 2 Air Conditioners, B&W TV, Oak Shelf Clock, Mantel Clock, 2 Quilting Frames, Sewing Stand. Elec White Sewing Machine, Flatirons, Griswold Skillets, GE Elec Stove, Side By Side Refng & Freezer, Upright Freezer, Vacuum Roseville Candleholders, Misc Japan Plates, Pink & Green Depression, Misc Glassware, Nippon, Bavarian, Flowing-Blue, Finger Kerosene Lamp, Homer & Laughlm Berry Set, Glass Basket, Gold Trim Glassware, Silver Seal Alum , Silverware, Agate, Pressure Cooker, Pots & Pans, Food Grinder, Otd Ice Cream Dipper, Crocks, Wooden Ironing Board Fisher Family History Book, Titanic Book, Historic Inventions Book, German Books, Lots of Good Old Books, Music Books, Old Childrens Books, Games, Misc Tin Toys, Mini Tin Tram, Rulers, Lrg & Sm Marbles, Records & Cabinet, Baskets, Quilts, Linens, Burlap Bags, 2 Watering Cans, Corn Chopper, Fishing Rods, Brass Scales, Fans, Wheelbarrow, Elec Drill, Skill Saw, Table Saw w/Motor, Misc Hand & Garden Tools Many more items too numerous to mention No Out of State Checks Lunch Sale held under tent ELLA S. MAST ESTATE Martha A. Ressler, Exc. 717-786-3006 Auction Conducted By Lloyd Kreider, Randal V Kline, Roy Good Jr Ph 717 786-3394 LIC #5131 #499L #2116L ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION COZY SE* COUNTY FARM BE. SAT.. OCT. 24.1998 at 1:00 pm Centre Twp., Berks Co., PA Tuin oil Rt 61 at Shoemakersville traffic light onto Noble Si & left onto Main Sticct then light onto Miller Street & Shocmakcisvillc Rd lor appiox I mile Turn light onto Noith End Rd for appiox 1-1/2 mile & light onto Ri\ei Rd lor appiox 1/4 mile to lane on left Watch loi signs RE me ATI AL ESTATE: Consists ol a 42 auc lann with large 2-1/2 stoiy tiamc home a 44' x 76' pole ham & shop a 24 \ 46' garage a 16 \ 43' pavilion <k an IS \ 24' swmiming pool Home has a modem oak kilehcn olliee huge living mom lots ol closets loi stoiage. 4 bediooms. 2 lull baths piopane heat This piopeitv has high tensile fencing all aiound and is ideal loi special ized fanning a gieal hoise hum oi | ust nice coun ti\ living and is veiv well kept Real hstale is veiy secluded <Y piivate with heautilul landscap ing Don t miss this oppoi (unity to bid on a leal nice counliy piopeily You must see to appieu ate NOTE: Real estate sells absolute above $265,000 minimum start hid! FOR INSPEC TION OF REAL ESTATE: OPEN HOUSE; Sal Seplembet 26 & Sun Seplembet 27 - Sal . Octobei K) & Sun October 11 - I 00 -500 PM TERMS: l() f r clown, balance on ot belote lanuatv IS 1999 (Ownei financing available to qualified buyet V/< broker pat He ipation tinned by registei with auclioneet ) BRUCE & CAROL HOFFMAN >. Kenneth P. Leiby, Auctioneer i IIT PA L#AUOOS4I-L (610)562-3929 S leiby Jason K. Leiby, App. Auctioneer A “cI ER AA002421-L SEPT 26 - 9AM & SUN SEPT 27 - 12 30PM 1302 Axemann Rd, Bellefonte, Centre Co, PA Estate Auction, frog coll, glass, sewing, buttons, cooking, bed ding, atmques, ass boxes, turn , coll, post cards, books, leftovers, vehicles guns, trams, tools motor cycles, garden tractor, & more By S John & Ruthe B Gray Estate Col Samuel J Gray, Auct 814- 355 9668 TERMS BY KREIDER, KUNE & GOOD AUCTIONEERS DEI) 33 ACRE SALE FOR: AUCTION 1514 Marietta Ave, West on route 23 past Wheatland 1/2 mile Sat., Sept. 19,1998 at 9 AM China & Glassware: carnival, willow ware. Wedge wood. Stangl pottery. Hall's Roseville, depression. Nippon, Nontake, pressed glass, satin, sterling salts, etched glass, cookware Antique & Collectible: Dill’s plug tins, brass hells, Capl Midnight cup. Mickey Mouse cup. Monkey iron hank, agate, carved wood animals, early baskets, old violin, wood buckets, costume jewelry, watches, opera recoids. lots ot hard wood picture frames & prints, souvenirs Irom world travels, Goebel figurines. Aunt Jemima plastic, Mr peanut. JFK memorial album Furniture: Mahogany drop leaf/4 chairs, china cup board. matching buffet, 3 walnut side chairs, Victori an low back sofa, walnut table, ball & claw dresser with mirror, dbl bed & dresser, single bed post bed, 3 early painted ladder back chairs, early oak childs high chair, goose neck rocker, plank seated rocker, pine blanket chest, tea cart table, picnic & patio set Tools & Equipment: 2 wheel chairs, wet dry shop vac. Ext & step ladders. Port TV, golf clubs, GE pow er tool kit GE room Air conditioner, and & garden tools Many more useful items will be sold! Sale For: Stanton C. Martens Good Food b\* Walters ZONED R-3 128 M/L ACRE FARM “Known As The Fichthorn Farm” East Cocalico Township PUBLIC AUCTION MON., NOVEMBER 16, 1998 Auction Time 2:00 P.M. DIRECTIONS: From Ephrata or Exit 21 of Pa Turnpike, take 272 North to 897 North approx 1 mile, turn left onto Smokestown Road to 227 Smokestown Road, Remholds, Lancaster Co, PA with a large eat-in kitchen with modern cabinets, liv ing room, family room, large summer kitchen with cast kettle furnace, upstairs has 3 bedrooms & full bath, full basement with original base for a walk-in fireplace, 200 Amp service, 6 yr. old well with new pump, 3 yr old roof, electric and coal heat Sandstone Smoke House and Spring House with fancy sandstone horse fountain and a strong spring, also fancy sandstone entrance to farm from Rt 897. CARRIAGE MUSEUM BUILDING: 30 xso' with T&G flooring and full cellar also 24’x30' Blacksmith Shop with Forge. Large Bank Barn: Approx 38’x65' with sandstone gables with steer pen with a 60’ bunk feeder, 20’x70’ Harvestore Silo. 2 STORY BARN: Approx. 36’x44’ adjacent to the above barn attached by lean-tos with barnyard, also a 24’x30’ 2 story barn along Rt 897 2 STORY EQUIP. SHED; Approx 32’x60’ with 60’ attached corn crib and 2nd floor storage 2 STORY HORSE POWER BUILDING: Original building in very good condition plus other out build ings all in good condition NOTE: Farm has graded contour for a 'h mile horse track Approx 100 acres tillable, 20 Ac woodland, 8 Ac pasture This is a good producing sandstone farm with many possibilities including historical restoration, horse farm, and possibly development with over 1 mile of road frontage OPEN HOUSE: Sat, October 31, 1 00 PM to 300 PM Sat, Nov 7, 1 00 PM to 300 PM or by appointment Balance of farm can be seen any time For appointment, more information or help to obtain financing call Aaron E Martin, Auct at (717) 733-3511 TERMS: 10% down payment day of auction, balance at final settlement on or before March 1, 1999 Attorney Michael P Kane (717) 299-5251 Auction By AMOS B. & NORA B. HOOVER (717) 484-4849 Professional Aaron E Martin auction service AU-OOB2tO-L [ u C ll()\Hßs] Claude F. Bechtold 1928 Creek Hill Road 717-397-9240 AU2176-L auctioneering 410 West Church Rd Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-3511 WILDLIFE PRINT AUCTION SAT, SEPT. 19,199 S - 10:3 o am American Legion post 272, Lingelstown (Hbg, Area), PA. (1/2 block north of 1-01 Exit 26) NED SMITH R. C. KRAY 40 some pcs. some 20 pcs. Dutch Country Bear Country - Twin Bluebirds Trophies Old Orchard Buck Work’en the Cattails Big Red Battle Cry River Otters Wilderness Spirits Windfall Woodcock Secret Crossing Big Woods Bobcat Etc Autumn Descent | CARL BENDERS~j December Snow Close to Mom Suspicious small Talk Plus others On the Old Farm Door Plus Others | ROBERT BATEMAN Pair of Skinners Otter Study Plus Others Other Artists Include: Rob Stine - Bob Sopchick - Robert Packer - John Seerey-Lester - Wayne Meineke - Losch - Feaser - Arbogast - Killen - Isaac and others including 1987-88-91- 92-93 series Prints of the West Branch Chapter of Duck Unlimited. For complete catalog call or write ADAMS iSyjCTIOIN SALES SERVICE AY-000143-L Public Auction Sat Sent 19. 1998 - 9 AM Location; Due to selling their home & moving, will offer for sale at Meeting House Rd., RD #2, box 808, Thomasville (York County), Pa. From York take RL 234 west approx. 8 mi. to Big Mount Rd. or east of East Berlin take Rt 234 approx. 4 mi. to Big Mount Rd. Go north on Big Mount Rd. approx. I mi. to Ist crossroads & turn right onto Admire Rd. Go approx. 1/2 mi. & turn left onto Meeting House Rd. Sale 1/2 mi. on left. Numerous WATER PITCHER SETS including Imperial Ins tie rose, cohalt hobnail, Impenal grape, coball carnival old quilt, Mangold tree bark, Wreath cheny. Amethyst carnival dahlia, inverted thistle, cobalt field tlovvei, deal hanging chenyTpmk carnival tigei lily, lustre rose smoked carnival, purple slag old quilt pattern, cobalt maple leaf, crystal, Fenton & others not mentioned Hall sautumn leaf dinnerwate pieces (bowls cups plates, etc ). candlewick pcs, Fostona, 6 pink depression w mes. 38 pc set of pctalware, I S pc lithopane tea set, many pcs of i aised gold, Fenton, centei handle cake plate, blue ovei lay hud vase. Rosso chickens, frosted 7 pc |uice set, 12 black carnival beei steins, mini punch bowl sets, mantel clock. Dee in the meadow 3 PART RELISH DISH, dee in the meadow' dann tasse pot, cups & saucers, glass baskets, crocks, Lewisbeny col tee mill, carnival luckei cars chick salts 3" chickens on nest, colonial dolls & elephants. 8 hoise pulling a beer wagon Diet/ lanterns, pedestal lamps (Aladdin, Magnet), hanging lamp with brass lonic, Gone with the Wind lamps. Cupid Cionc with the Wind lamp, pink, & green depression lamps slap lamp, Aladdin lamp shade & othei various lamps, lamp pats lamp chimneys FURNITURE WEAVER PUMP ORGAN WITH ORNATE GALI LR't BEVELED MIRROR (real nice), TROLLEY WAGON mlg b\ NRG Co of Yoik, ‘S ft long, showcases oval & sq tiont china closets, Ige clawtoot table (in the lough), high chan w itlt ongmal sttawbeny design, oak diopleat table oak washsl.utd 6 plank bottom chans, 2 blanket chests 6 leg walnut diopleat table waterfalldiessei w/itunoi, waterfall, 1 lullsi/c beds, old bureaus, chest of dtawers. locking chan, sola &. lose seat, 2 May tag dryers. Maytag w ashei Mortal k stove Hotpomt nnciouave, Kelv letng RCA llooi model TV w/remote (leal nice), dehumiditei, elect sew machine Woolnch hunting out lit LAWN EQUIP.. ETC CUB CADUI 1220 HYDRO 44' RIDING MOWER 22 push mowci B'alum stepladdei 8 alu l-biake alum turn a slittci (acton loldci. \inyl siding tnm table, wheelbanous Frank B Bent/ kettle tuniace, blk bulchct kettle, butchei kulles picnic tables, Ige picnic gull, E\ Cell ht-powci cai washei TERMS OF SALE: CASH or GOOD CHECK. Anj state ments made auction day supercedes all printed material. Not responsible for accidents. owners; GEORGE (Pud) & MI RI AN (Mim) BERKHEIMER Meeting House Rd, RI) #2, Box 808 Thomasville, Pa. AUCTIONEER; MIKE STERMER, LIC. #2959L STERMER S AUCTION SERVICE 6264 Big Mount Rd., East Berlin, Pa. 1 13 16 PH: (717) 292-2245 208 Maple Street Millersburg, PA 17061 Ph. (717) 692-3076 Coll. COLLECTIBLES