Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 74
830-lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 Rd , 405 Larry Dr, Harrisburg, PA Furniture, antiques, military coll. Mh goods & misc By Ken neth & Ester Prayer Estate Kerry PaeAuctS. 717-236-3752 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat at 2:23 P.M. SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 45 mi north of Harrisburg, Buckwheat Valley, West Perry Twp. Snyder Co. PA Real estate, antiques, coll, Hh goods & more By Mr & Mrs Howard Benner Bill Sokol & Jake Aikey, Aucts, 717-539- 8519 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 610 N Market St, Selmsgrove, PA Real estate, antiques, collectibles & Hh goods By Marion Potteiger Estate Neil Courtney & Kenneth Hassmger Aucts, 717-539- 0791 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 337 E Mam St, (Rl 23), Leola, village of Barebill, West Earl Twp Lane Co, PA Real estate, Hh goods, shop items, guns, coins & 1994 Chevy pickup By Paul G & Arlene Reiff Robert E , Jeffrey R & Michael L Martin, Aucts, 717- 656-7770 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 26 N Charles St, Ephrata, Lane Co. PA Hh goods & antiques By Harold H Hess Dale L Putt, Auct SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM Horst Auct Ctr, Corner of Fit 322 8 Durlach Rd, Ephrata Lane Co, PA Antqiues Hh goods, col lectibles & tools Horst Aucts , 717-859-1331 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM Mill's Garage, 1 mi west ot Rt 72 & 3 8 mi east of Rt 934 on Rt 22 Jon estown, Lebanon Co, PA Vans storage trailers, truck parts, mili tary equip, etc By Leonard Mills Ebersole's Country Auct, 717 867-1041 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 17180 Bakersville Rd , Sharpsburg, MD Antiques, furniture glassware tools 8 misc By Dorothy E Fouch Estate A Jack Dowran & Dwayne Gossard Aucts 301- 582-2794 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 1387 Cider Press Rd Rapho Twp Lane Co, PA 6 mi NW of Man heim corner of Cider Press 8 Shumaker Rds Real estate car •ruck tools, bee 8 orchard equip quilts antiques 8 furniture By Stanley Greiner Shenk Auct Co 717 664-4574 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 12283 Dienl Ct, Glen Rock Vork Co PA Tractors farm equip , vehi cles pedal tractor, sieigh horse items hay antiques Hh goods etc By Betty Diehl 8 the Late Donald Diehl Kenneth Keeny 8 Marlette Thomas Aucts 717- 993-3448 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 3 Green Acres Ave Washington Twp Dauphin Co, PA Approx 1 acre wooded lot w/stream, Hh goods antiques coll machinery tools upholstery items vehicles, trac tor backhoe & lawn equip By Robert F Ham Mike Deibert Auct 717-425-2256 SAT SEPT 12 - 9AM 680 S Ridge Rd , Denver, East Cocalico T wp Lane Co PA btwn Den ver & RemhoWs Real estate 2 7 acres w/2 sty frame home, per sonal property, backhoe, 4 wheeler, Sea-Doo & automotive tools By George H & Sharon Griffith Art Pannebecker Auct Svc, 717-336-6983 SAT SEPT 12 - 9 30AM Side of Lee Park Towers off Lee Park Ave & Olive St, Hanover St, PA House-Moving Equip Auction By Frank Manusky Shamrock Auct Svc. 717-833-5913 SAT SEPT 12 - 9 30AM Gabelsville Athletic Club, Rt 73 3 mi west of Rt 100, Boyerlown PA Antique Tool Auction Barry Hurchalla, Auct, 610-323-0333 SAT SEPT 12 - 9 30AM 132 Fred Catlm Rd 4 mi east of Owego via W Beecher Hill Owego, Tioga Co, NY Complete farm dispersal, 63 head Holstein cattle tractors, trucks, machin ery, produce, barn euqip & shop By Alton Miller Jr Howard W Visscher Auct. 607-699-7250 SAT SEPT 12 - 9 30AM 3-1/2 mi west of Millville, PA, turn off Rt 422 to Ptne Summit Rd, follows signs to sale 6th Ann Firearms Auction 'Kapp’s Auct Svc 717 458-4384 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM 31765 Old Queen Anne Rd (All 404), Queen Anne MD Farm equip Hh goods, & shop tools By Robert & Sally Wood A Curtis Andrew Auct Inc , 410-754- 8826 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM Along Twin Valley Rd , from Morgan town Rl 23 east to left on Twin Valley Rd past Twin Valley School to sale on led PA Restaurant & deli equip antiques & Hh goods By Katie Reiss Horning Farm Agency Inc 610-286-5183 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM 391 Medford Lakes Rd Tabernacle NJ Harkers Fall Spectacular, all breed horse sale Harker s Auct Co , 609-268 0396 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM Meyers daie Ambulance Mfg , 1936 Rt 2195 Meyersdale PA Auto repair, body shop & ambulance mfg auction Harlland Machinery Aucts , 724-368-9788 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM Rt 422 E of Kittanning, or west of Ebens burg to Indiana, PA Oakland Ave Exit, right at Eat-N-Park to sale farm & landscaping equip trac tors By Bill C Rismger Mark E Dixon 111, Auct, 724-726-5732 SAT SEPT 12-10 AM New Hol land Sales Stables. Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Dairy Heifer Sale 717- 354-4341 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM Lam peter Comm Bldg , along Rt 741, behind fireball, Lampeter, West Lampeter Twp , Lane Co, PA Blacksmith articles, bulche r mg euqip primitives, antiques •urmture, advertising articles, pedal tractor old radios antique tools, safe, glassware & china By Dillich & Shaetfer’s Garage and Edna Pipkins Howard E Shaub Inc Aucts, 717-464-3541 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM Lat shmere Manor, near corner of S Progress Ave & Union Deposit Restaurant Equipment Auction September 14 - Monday -10 am H.W. Crossing Restaurant Easton, PA No Buyer’s Premium! 3701 Nazareth Rd., Easton, PA Auction of Contents, Equipment and Fur nishings, 300 Seat Dinner House, Commer cial Gas Kitchen Equipment, Grills, Fryers, SS Steam table, Gas Steamer, Refrigeration, Strong on Grade A - Metro Shelving units. Chairs, tables, decor. Tons of Small wares, Caterer’s Supplies, China, SS pans, all types of Baking and Food Service Equipment. This is a Great Sale for Caterer’s and All Types of Food Service Operators! Wide vari ety of large and small Food Service Items sold at Public Auction! Directions: I*7B to Rt. 611 Easton Exit. Terms: No Buyer’s premium. 48 hour removal, Cash, Visa/MC, PA Checks. For lists or information about all our auctions, Call or Email MARK BARANOWSKI AU 2570 (717) 657-2317 PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (1-Story Cement Block w/Stucco Bldg, w/3 Offices, Storage & Repair Garages) 1979 Kenworth & 1977 G.M.C. CAR CARRIERS STORAGE TRAILER 1988 SILVERADO PICKUP TRUCK 1974 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 19’ C-RAY INBOARD/OUTBOARD BOAT & TRAILER w/Equip. POWER & HAND TOOLS (auto & truck) LG. APPLIANCES - FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD GOODS THURS., SEPT. 24,1998 at 9:00 AM Loc: 828 South Prince Street, Lancaster, PA Real Estate Open for Inspection: Sat’s. Sept. 5, 12 & 19 from 1:00 P.M. until 3:00 P.M. or phone (717) 464- 3541. 10% down, day of sale. Balance due at settlement. Real estate to be sold at 1:00 P.M. Food served. Sale By I. Robert Fisher John Mongiovi, Esquire Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM 10613 Jones Rd, Bradshaw, MD Trac tors, backhoe, 1981 Oelorean, 1966 Renault, boat, tools & Win nebago Metzger’s Auct Svc, 410-538-5309 SAT SEPT 12 -10 AM Cl Rt 35, Portlandville, NY Hh goods, motorcycles tools, guns, car & motorcycle parts, advertising items & more By Mr & Mrs John Bennel Ray Austin, Auct, 607- 432-2686 SAT SEPT 12-11 30AM Har ford Fairgrounds, Harford, PA Northeast District Classic, calves. Heifers & more Wayne Weaver, 717-278-2288 SAT SEPT 12 -12 Noon 4 mi from Wellsboro, PA or 5 mi from Rl 15 at Covington, take Rl 660 to Cherry Flats Rd, arrows to Miller hill Rd From Wellsboro on Rt 6E to Cherry Flats Rd to Miller Hill Rd Duncan Complete Dispersal, 48 head reg Jerseys machinery, barn equip & more By R & L Duncan Inc Woods Auct Svc, Managers 717-549- 4901 ArtKlmq, Auct SAT SEPT 12 - IPM Swine Bam, Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, from Rt 72 south ol Lebanon, east on Rocherty Rd to fair grounds on right. Lebanon, PA Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire Annual Fall Sale, bred gilts, bars, open gilts, project feeder pigs By PA Yorkshire Assoc, Harry Bachman, Auct SAT SEPT 12-8 30AM & SUN SEPT 13 - IPM Nashville Fire Hall, Nashville, Jackson Twp. York Co , PA Antique furn . pat tern glassware, coll .jewelry,car, general Hh goods & more By Mary Luckenbaugh Straley Estate, 717-755-2011 CC Miller Sons, Aucts MON SEPT 14 ■ West Hemp field Twp, Columbia, PA Real estate, frame/Ranch house w/large garage on 3/4 acres, vehicles, antiques & Hh goods By Ruth M Akers Estate Witman Aucts Inc 717-665-5735 FISHER’S TROUT HATCHERY OUTSTANDING PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Fisher s Trout Hatchery with beaulitul 2 1/2 story Victorian home 10 x4O frame garage and other out buildings Approx I acre lake with fresh water stream situated on approx 72 acres of land out standing antique furniture Oak 2 pc hcnv ily carved cupboard wjth lions heads ladies heads lop por non has star design leaded glass door boilom Heavily carved lions heads 7’6 high x 16 ’ wide fancy claw tooted side board, 2 Claw toot ed oak round tables 10 pc depression dining room suite pedal car. Approx 20 old blue decorated crocks on script birds chicken tulips snake cane 2 Oak 6 slack bookcases Old signed E Graham grandfa ther s clock Early large wall oil painting on canvas Wagnerware dog bank Wagnerware flower pots, Old quilts Lehigh Canal signed William Edwards oil painting on board Floor combination safe Bally slot machine Approx 90 fancy cast iron tencmg 1984 Ford Ranger pickup truck Simplicity 14 hp riding mower Eager Beaver 12 200 GVW tandem axle trailer Case diesel 1840 skid steer loader with 700 hours (like new), Asplundh tree chipper with 6 cvl engine Com op machines Keystone No 44 RR Express tin truck 26 long Old wood rocking horse SATURDAY, SEPT. 26,1998 at 9:00 AM Located 1 miles east of Lehighton on Route 209 at the Northeast Extension of PA Turnpike Exit #l4 Mahoning Valley Exit Take Harnty Road north approx 1 mile to stop sign turn right on Fairyland Road Travel 1 1/2 mile to auction Carlon Co PA LOOK FOR AUCTION SIGNS Real Estate consists of a 2 1/2 story frame vinyl sided Victorian home Ist floor consists of modern kitchen w/dinmg room large living room solarium sunroom laundry room den office area utility room powder room large L shape open porch 2nd floor consists of 4 bedrooms library 2 full baths 2 full attics full basement oil hw h home has been completely remodeled w/new kitchen new bathrooms new roof new windows S wells on property 2 septic systems new 10 x 40 frame garage w/2nd floor numerous other outbuilding Also on property is a trout hatchery consisting of 14 concrete racewavs heavy stream running thru property approx 1 acre lake On property is a ranch style home w/Kilchen living room 2 bedrooms lull bath electric heat situated on approx 72 acres of land mostly wooded w/mature hardwood trees For inspection to see property, call 717-386*4586. Terms: 10down on day of sale in cash or certified check Balance within 60 days Real estate will be offered at I 00 p m JOHN and TAMRA FISHER Fairyland Road Lehiiihton PA IS2^ AUCTIONEERS: Robert A. Arner AU 000024-L Dean R. Arner AU 003421-L Phone 717-386-4586 Restaurant & Concession Equipment Auction September 21 - Monday -10 am No Buyer’s Premium. Carter Concessions Silver Spring Flea Market Grounds!! 6416 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA Carter Concessions has Provided Food Service for the Carlisle Car Shows and Sil ver Spring Flea Market since the beginning. A building full of Quality Commercial Equip ment sent to Public Auction l On Monday l Sept 21-10 am. Carter Concessions will SELL at Public Auction: Restaurant & Concession equipment: Stainless Steel Tables, Hobart and Globe Slicers, Hobart 20 & 30 qt. Mixers, Metro Shelving, Bam Mane Sandwich boards, Gas grills and fryers, Large Quality Metro Shelving A+, Concession equipment, steam tables, Food warmers, SS 12’ hood, Bunn Coffee Service, Hot hold cabinets Lincoln Impmger pizza conveyor, small wares, paper goods, supplies. There will be Major Commercial Equip ment sold for all types of Food Service or business. Dealers bring a truck 1 Most in Excellent Condition! To Receive our ‘Free Friday Faxes’ about all our Auctions: Call or E-mail: irections: Use 1-81, Rt. 114, Turn right on Carlisle Pike. Terms: No Buyer’s Premium: 48 hour removal, Visa/MC, PA Checks. MARK BARANOWSKI, Auctioneer AU 2570 (717) 657-2317 MON SEPT 14-9 AM. 114 ON York St. Mechamcsburg, PA Cabinet manufacturing tools, inventory, hand tools, vehicles, etc By PA Millwork & Cabinetry Co Gilbert & Gilbert Aucts, 717- 252-1656 MON SEPT 14 -10 AM In Danville from Rt 54/11 intersec tion, take Rt 11 north 3 blocks turn right to Pine St, 2 blocks on left behind Coles Hardware Restaurant Equip & Supplies, gas S elec cooking, refrig, ice cream equip, other equip & smallwares Equipment Liquida tors Whse Auct Co , 717-233- 5773 MON SEPT 14-10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Diffenbach Auction, Inc MON SEPT 14 - 3PM Murry Auct Emporium, 23 N Water St, Sale Ordered B> Refreshments Lititz, Lane Co. PA Hh goods, TUES SEPT 15-548 Alexander fum, appliances, outside & other Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat- Elmer Murry Aucts, Inc, 717- tie Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar -626-2636 ket, Inc, 717-249-4511 PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., September 19,1998 9:30 A.M. Located 1/2 mile South of New Berlin, PA, along New Berlin/Middleburg Highway. FARM EQUIPMENT Massey Ferguson Diesel 150 Row Crop Tractor with Recent Overhaul with Loader, Massey Ferguson 7’ Belly Mount Sickle Mower, N H 66 Hay Baler 4 Wheel Hay Rake, A C 1 Point Fork Lift Farm & Country 7' Scraper Blade 16 Dump Wagon IH 4 Bottom 14” Plow IH 8' Transport Disk 42’ Elevator. 12' Cultipacker, I H 249 2 Row Corn Planter N H 460 Haybme For Parts. J D 10’ Drag Harrow, 5' Rotaiy Mower 4 Point I H IPR Com Picker Works Good B'Dump Trailer, N I 2 Spinner Fertilizer Spreader, 12 Fork Lift Mask, Small Trailers Junk Pile, Stainless Steel Hog Feeder Misc Weights, 4 Point Lift Arm w/Extension TOOLS and MISC. ITEMS 12 Speed Heavy Duty Drill Press, Elec Band Hack Saw 4 Hp Portable Air Compressor Fuel Tank w/Hand Pump Garden and Yard Dump Trailer w/Hydrauhc Dump. Hydraulic Log Splitter MTD Lawn Mower, 4-1/2 Hp Gas Water Pump Test Rite Tool Chest, Log Chains Test Rite Tool Chest Vanetv of Hand Tools Hvdrauhc Tool Chest Automatic Door Openers Propane Torch Set Yale 1/2 Ton Chain Hoist Large- Wheel Barrow Wagon Load Misc Items TERMS: Cash or Good PA Check. OWNER: Mr. & Mrs. Larry Royer 717-374-5620 AUCTIONEERS: Kenneth E. Smith AUB67-L* 717-837-3535 Dennis Massinger AU2689-L • 717-837-3159 .*■ 'iicrfSlft } Restaurant Equipment Auction Robin Hood Restaurant Etters, PA No Buyer’s Premium! September 19 - Saturday -10 am Complete Demolition Follows Auction. Building Fixtures available. All GAS kitchen, 6’ Vulcan Gas grill, Fryers, Ice Mach., Bally Combo Refrig./ Freezer Walk-ins, Refrigera tors & Freezers, Hobart Sheer, Blakesley 60 qt. mixe r SS tables, counters, Soft Serve mach. Gas steam table. This is a Good Mix. of Late Model Commercial Equipment. Very Nice Furniture & Decor. Small wares, China and Stainelss Steel Pots & Pans. > Directions:»> South of Harrisburg, Use 1-83 Exit 14 Yocumtown. To Receive our ‘Free Friday Faxes’ about all our Auctions: Call or E-mail: GunAuc Terms: No Buyer’s Premium: 48 hour removal, Visa/MC, PA Checks. MARK BARANOWSKI, Auctioneer AU 2570 (717) 657-2317 ♦AUCTION SALE* FOOD BANK SUPER THRIFT FIXTURES, REFRIGERATION, EQUIPMENT TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 - 10 A.M. ON PKhMISKS 700 W. MAIN STREET PARKESBURG, (CHESTER CO.) PA FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Hollymatie Pattie Machine Hobart Band Saw Hobart FSS S Stc inter Alto Shaam Cookers Henny Penny Pressure Fryer Gailand 4 Burner Rangt/Ovcn Wonder Roast Chicken Rotisscne 2 Hobart 1871 M Stilt w/Bar Code Prmlei Ansul System & Range Hood SS Sinks Cr>si il Tips Model 500 lee Maker Hobart 5000 Tfc Scale w/Bar Code Cap Dove Slieteh Wrap Miehme Cookware Kitchenware Fedeial Piool Box Hobart Gnntler REFRIGERATED & FREEZER CASES, SHELVING 9 7 x 15 Produce Walk In Box 24 x 44 2 Tier Open Refrigerated Hill & McCray Cases 8 & 44 Sgle Tier Meat Retng Cases 8 & 24 Deli Cases 20 & 12 Retng Dairy Cases Columbus Bakery Cases 4 Sections 40 MeCiay 20 Door Ftee/ei Cases Hill Fieever Colhn Cases Am/one 18 1/2 Model RH DFR K 7 Dooi/Freever Cases Hussman 15 x 20 hcc/ei Zero Zone 16 6 Door hee/erC ises Model RM DFR KT 12 Hilt 5 Tier Smoked Meat Case 2 Dooi 12 x 10 x 29 McCray Coolei W ilk In Box 8 8 \ 17 Walk In Box Over 600 I meat Feel Gondola Shelving Large Quantity of 4 Lo/iei Shelx mg Mead/hleelra Shelving 10 U Boil Sections MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIP, BALER. COMPRESSORS 4 5000 Lb Pallet Jacks Stock Calls 1 Hintiol Insect Eleetioculors Fnviro Systems Cardboard Balci 75 Shopping Calls Comprcssois Mlill Duomalc Compress>r Systems High Boy Calls Baskets Ttays Check Out Counters Flooi Sate Drop Safe Buiroughs Micro Encoder Chak Wiitcr Calculators Desks File Cabinets INSPECTION: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14 - 10 A.M -3PM IFRMS t ASM OR CFRI Ifll D I LINDS 25 r r DFPOSIF RFQ (MINIMUM 510000) 10 ( r BUY! R S PRFMIUM ■"“■I Established in 1834 B2C^KfIEZX!D^^OEZZIHEZ3 1825 East Boston Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-2500 FAX (215) 634-0496 PA Auctioneers License No. RYOOOOB7-L