Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 67

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in County Stages Youth Fair Livestock Sale
Mifflin Co. Correspondent
LEWISTOWN (Mifflin Co.)
All week during the Mifflin Coun
tyk Youth Fair, folks look forward
to Friday night’s Livestock Auc
tion. Business owners and private
individuals turn out to support
area youth involved in FFA and
But this year, the sale began not
with bidding, but with an award
Sherm Click of Kish Valleky Buying Statloin purchased
Donald Stufft’s grand champion market swine for Hatfield
Quality Meats.
Rob Seitz, left, of Sunnybrook Farms purchased Nathan
iel “Toby” Houser’s grand champion market goat, shown
here by Liza Norm, right.
presentation. Juniata-Mifflin
Counties Area Vocational Techni
cal School agricultural education
teacher Mark Laub enlisted the
help of Rep. Kerry Benninghoff to
present the Teacher of Teachers
Bronze Award to fellow ag teach
er Ed Aurand.
Aurand, a teacher for 22 years,
was waiting for the bidding to start
when he heard his name called. A
surprised Aurand made his way
through the crowd to accept the
award from Laub and Benning
hoff. Laub, once a student of Aur
and’s, had submitted Aurand’s
name to the National Association
of Agricultural Educators for the
Later in the evening, auctioneer
Mark Click roused the bidding
higher for a gallon of milk that’s
usually milked from the grand
champion dairy cow. But this
year’s cow, was a dry cow. This
year’s representative gallon of
milk sold for $650 and was pur
chased by Martin Fields of Martin
Fields Real Estate. Proceeds will
go to the Fair Fund.
Bidders this year, as in past
years, could purchase an animal or
enter the buy-back program. Pro
ceeds benefited the Erika Bell
Fund and the 4-H Development
Sales this year totaled
$90,581.81. Fourteen rabbits sold
for a total of $854. Ten goats sold
for a total of $1,814.50. The sale
of 53 lambs netted $7,532.15. The
sale of 135 swine totaled
$28,598.55. Forty-five steers sold
for a total of $51,782.61.
Heidi Shaffer’s grand cham
pion market rabbit sold for
Delores Knepp, left, and Elizabeth French, center, pur
chased Beth Penepacker’s, right, grand champion market
lamb for Miller’s Diner In Huntingdon.
Greg Campbell, right, Moss’s Steak and Sea House pur
chased Doug Brubaker’s grand champion steer.
rJtIX Visidil
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998-823
$212.50, purchased by Joe
Krentzman & Son. The reserve
champion rabbit, shown by Con
nie Shaffer, was purchased by Tim
Houser Trucking for $157.50.
Toby Houser’s grand champion
goat was purchased by Rob Seitz
of Sunnybrook Farms for $7BO.
The reserve grand champion goat,
owned by Chrisy Seitz, was sold
for $365.75 to Paul Brown Exca
The grand champion market
lamb, owned by Beth Penepacker,
went to Miller’s Diner for $638
while the Natalie Aurand’s re
serve champion went to Eastern
Industries for $560.50.
Sherm Click of Kish Valley
Buying Station and Hatfield Qual
ity Meats placed the winning bid
for both Donald Stufft’s grand
champion swine and Amy Aur
and’s reserve champion. Stufft’s
hog sold for $B5l while Aurand’s
sold for $806.40.
Gregg Campbell of Hoss’s
Steak and Sea House purchased
Doug Brubaker’s grand champion
steer for $3,480. Ernie Young of
Big Valley Feed and Grain pur
chased Staci Young’s reserve
champion steer for $2,604.
Hot water coal furnace in
good cond , Harman pref’d
James Martin, RR2 Box
1195 Milton, PA 17847
North’d Co
Ragdoll,’ exotic shorthair
Norwegian Forest Kitten
Send info, price and photo
Tallon, PO Box 113, Pillow,
PA 17080 Dau Co
Head for Case 800 or 801-
B Diesel. 610-562-3965
Berks Co.
16 hp Tecumseh gas
engine, used, cond. not
important, will pick up. 717<\
822-7820 Luz. Co. ,
Oliver OC-46 crawlei
loader, prefer good useable
machine but will considei
others. 610-869-7001
Chester Co.
Manual pie sheeter in
working condition. 610-
944-6267 bef 8 pm Berks
Plymouth tractor in any
cond , literature, will pay
finders fee 419-896-2828
Richland Co. OH
Buying damaged corn anc
grains 717-426-313 E
Lane Co
Hunter for deer sheep wld
boars. Christmas trees toi
sale. Happy Hollow Hunts
717-837-3365 Snyder Co
Pepsi & Coke machine and
cooler from 50s, in any con
dition 717-533-7345 Her
shey, Dau. Co.
Reg Xoggenberg Billy,
also reg Suffolk ram 717-
244-3914 York Co.
Used cow mats 717-374-
2812 Snyder Co
3 pt hitch for JD 520/530
tractor; JD 40W utility trac
tor model H 717-249-2591
Cumb. Co
Early Harley Sportster
engine, up to 1976, kick
start, must be compl &
running rebuildable o k
610-670-9544 Berks Co
Place to trap beaver in NW
Tioga Co, prefer near
Sabmsville but willing to
travel John, morns 610-
488-1811 Berks Co
JD No. 25 3 pt corn harv,
for parts or use. Nathan,
717-445-7348 Lane Co
New Idea uni tractor. 702-
706, nice cond 717-527-
4089 Jun Co.
Railroad items wanted,
esp Penn Central & PRR
Gary Farmer, 12 Thornap
ple Dr, Marietta, PA
17547 gary @ mssme com
717-426-4409 Lane Co
Lg material bucket for
loader, It wgt 6’-B’W to
carry teed to livestock No
Sunday calls, 717-865-
0006Leb Co
NH 3 row Snapper head to
fit 890, 892, 900 pull-type
choppers 610-683-8074
Berks Co
Stone picker in good cond
717-675-0602 Luz Cr
Cat 10, compi or parts
mach, interested in Cat 15
610-935-4945 Chester Co
Need 7 pair of 6 over 6
wooden window sash, ok of
glass missing 610-689-
4814 Berks Co
Station wagon, black,
under 90,000, must be in
good shape R R 2, Box
274, Annville, PA 17003
717-865-3281 Leb Co
New Perfection and ivan
hoe kerosene cookstoves
and parts any size and
condition Gideon Stoltz
tus, RDI, Blam, PA 17006
Perry Co
Tree spade 46"-50" used,
skid steer, 85 hp or more,
used 717-574-2578
Lycoming Co
Steel wheels for 4 WD trac
tor rear. 62" high, 32’ cen
ter, front 42” high, will con
sider other sizes 717-445-
4383 Lane Co
Aluminum gram elevator in
good cond 610-683-5540
or write 379 Dunkei
Church Rd , Kutztown, PA
19530 Berks Co
Christmas tree sales items
bailer, drilling machine,
pins etc 717-252-4049
York Co
Auger on wheels, 6"x3o'
PTC or electric drive No
Sunday calls, 717-444-
3466 Perry Co
Telephone number of per
son in York County who
does custom wood planing
717-684-8780 anc Co
NH 1 row #77OR corn
head, 3-6 mos Limousin
bull, for sale, NH #489 hay
bine, MF 510 gas combine
w/12’gram head 717-345-
8815 Schuyl Co