Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 64
820-Lancuter Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 MAIL 3X MARKET F R SALE (3 R Kubota diesel tractor L 245, 3 spd, PTO, snowplow w/electnc lift, Woods 6 ft fin ish mower,"always garaged, $6900 215-536-0598 Bucks Co Papec single row harv. W-5 grass head, good cond , $650, wagon unload front or back, $9OO 814-944-0818 Blair Co Old barn stone, 1984 Ponti ac SW. VB, Auto, PS, PB AC 145 k mi, $l5OO 060 717- 426-3168 Lane Co ACFII diesel combine w/exc 4-30 cornhead & older mod el flexhead, field ready. $10,500 Call anytime 717- 428-9138 York Co 31OD long farm IractO' diesel, PS 3 pt, high lift high low range, wide front end good cond $5OOO 080 814-948-9769 Cambria Co Saw sharpeners, Foley HGIO for 65' saw, Acme 104-31 tor 60' saw, $250 ea or $4OO for both 717-432 5410 York Co Craftsman portable air com pressor, 5 hp, 20 gal tank on wheels, very good cond , $l5O 610-756-3371. Iv mssg Berks Co 8 1 ton dump body, compl w/hoist, $3OO 080 1981 Cadillac, $l5OO 080, new comm'l roof fans, call 1 610- 689-5759 Berks Co Bou-matic double automatic parlor meters, detachers, NH3SO bu tank spreader, Patz conveyor Van Dale 62 55 shakerfeeder 717-222- 4432 Susq Co Adult spotted fallow deer. **, yearling tallow deer spotted & cream color. $l5O, free older male, gray 717-938-3007 York Co 98 Haiter Sta'lion Prospect Deluxe Sire _et's Go First Class, Dam by Ima Cool Skip Offers being taken 610-367-5898 Berks Co Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address Attach your check, $29 50 per year or $57.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $39.50 per year, $77 00 for two years) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided, write in your new address below Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Sam to 5 p m. Thursday 7 a m. to 5 p.m ■ When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to I LANCASTER FARMING I P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rhtes Effective May 1, 1998 PA, MD, OE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV □ $29.50 - 1 YEAR □ $57.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name Address RD #_ City - Zip +4 14'x70’ mobile home, per fect for hunting camp or 2nd home, must be moved, make offer After 5 pm, 717- 733-8432 Lane Co Sheep, Jacob Finn, crosses, extremely tame, great wool, must reduce flock. $65 & up Log houses and parts 717- 866-4678 Leb Co Fast hitch or 1 pt hitch for Cub, Lowßoy, $l5O Bet 8 pm, 717-529-6068 Lane Co Land in Lane Co , 32 acres 717-336-6985 Lane Co Chi /Angus and mame Anjou/Angus cows w/calves, also club calves ready 717- 949-3701 Leb Co Dion 3 beater 16 ft forage wagon, VG cond , w/roof, also Dion parts priced as pkg or seperate 717-274- 2317 Leb Co TD-9 crawler loader, $4500 Farmall M nice $l5OO, MF2135,3 pth, good $3500 tow behind york rake scraper $450 080 908- 832-0797 Hunt Co White New Zealand breed ing rabbits males & females, exc shoe records 2 solid gray mini-lop jr buck 717-865-5511 Leb Co NH 523 forage blower. $450, older Badger forage wagon on Knowles running gear $BOO 908-995-2765 Hunterdon Co Old English Sheepdog oups AKC ready to go 9/8, dep will hold 814-342-1960 Centre Co 1965 Lincoln 4 dr sedan 73 791 miles suicide doors blk leather mt, 430 cu in runs great, ong silver color $3OOO 732-329-9603 Mid dlesex Co Front mounted snow blade for JD M good working cono , $5OO 7 17-627-1687 Lane Co 11 yr Chestnut saddlebreo gelding, sound, holds hard w/teams & rear traffic S Stoltzfus, 356 Liberty Ln , Kirkwood, PA 17536 ir^ Box # State County Non-Refundable 2 reg Suffolk ewe lambs, bom 1/98, show stock. 717- 859-2953 Lane Co Chicken feeders & waterers, various sizes, good cond 610-593-5708 Chester Co Ear com for high moisture, small herd Scottish High land cattle 610-857-5977 Ans Sen/ JD 40 W/F $2BOO, IH A hi crop, $lOOO, Case Vac, $700,1887 buggy, restored, $l5OO, Apache feeder wag on, creep feeders 717-597- 5711 Frankl Co JD 3020-D WF good cond , JD 12' drag harrow, good cond 610-759-3386 Northampton Co Chevy 1/2 ton 4 WD parts, 4 spd transmn , Case front & rear axles, $350 takes all 610-253-2482 Northamp ton Co JDB3OO gram drill, 18 disc, $2OOO, IH 370 transport 10' disk, new blades, $lOOO, JD 60 tn sickle w/#3B sickle bar mower $2500 410-346- 7971 Carroll Co Roto tiller rear tine, Might MAc, 8 hp, very good cond . ask for Al or Judy 610-589- 4445 Berks Co Ear corn, KL 238 com head for gleaner K combine, 16' Hudson trailer w/ramps, 10,000 GVW, all kept inside 717-933-2295 York Co 50” Snoco gram cleaner w/8” loading auger JD 48 loader w/lg litter bucket 717-484-2233 Lane Co Paving breakers, rock drills chipping hammers, $250 & up also steels couplers, mufflers, hose swivels call tor prices 717-285-4312 cane Co Donkey Jenny 41” H. good breeder or companion nice, 4 yr old, grey, $350 080 717-244-0131 York Co 8' gram drill $B5, headlocks for 3 yead $BO used galv roofing 30 pcs 17'L Aaron King 2194 Horseshoe Rd i anc PA 1 7601 Lane Co OTHER STATES □ $39.50 - 1 YEAR □ $77 00 - 2 YEARS □ RENEWAL Fainting goat kids 1 male $65,1 female $B5, beautiful blk & wht coloring, de horned 717-569-5570 Lane Co. Seasoned hardwood fire wood, $BO per cord, 25-25 cords avail Some local deliv avail 717-361-0863 Lane Co. 1990 Olds Cutlass 4 dr, blk 146 k mi, good cond , make otter 717-866-4172 Leb Co JD gram drill, grass seed, 13 spout, good cond , $950 080 540-879-2881 Rock mgham Co Brady chopper w/Summif Hill flails, 65hp Wise eng , field ready, $4950 130 Locust St., Leola, PA 1/2 mileE ofTalmageLanc Co Harrington 4000 lbs electric hoist, 10” cold cut sew, 175CFM air compressor, JD diesel, 750 CFM air com pressor Detroit 7 45-8 am, 717-529-2282 Lane Co Badger BN 103 10 ft manure pit pump w/hyd lift ing, good shape 610-593- 6481 Lane Co Plows, Moline 4-16” 3pt lift, good, ready to go, $250 717-648-9655 North'd Co Cleaned & treated seed wheat from cert Pioneer seed @ $7/bu Sam B Stoltzfus, 74A Mcllvame Rd , Paradise, PA 17562 Lane Co A? 165 diesel 52 hp, 2700 irs , multi-power, good rub- FREESTALL -■ ■■ CLEANING IS J"STAR •Easily replaceable scraper blades , ‘Control panel features automatic timer & motor overload protection •Corner wheels with greasable bearings and seals , ‘Drive unit mounts inside or - v outside See our ad on barn cleaner chain, page B 7 LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE, GAP, PA 17527 PHONE: 717-442-8134 SALES & SERVICE MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! Please NO PHONE CALLS • Please PRINT LEGIBLY Check One For Sale I 1 Notice I 1 Wanted I 1 18 County Phone No No Phone Calls Please! ber, exc. cond., $5200. 717- ber w/hyd brakes & brake 328-5713 Frankl. Co. lock, 12 v lights, 2 seats Gehl 99 silage blower, good cond,, $750; German Shep herd Collie mixed pups, both parents on farm, $5O 717- 933-4228 Berks Co JD FB-B gram dnll, 17 disk w/grass seeder, good cond , $900; Int 1150 grmder/mix er, works good. $5OO 717- 244-3146 York Co Buffalo No 2 punch and shear, 26’x96’ greenhouse Fairbanks, 3 hp farm parts eng , antique 55" sheet met al circle cutter 215-256- 9925 Montg Co 4 Holstein Bull calves, 400 bl 65/Ib, nice and healthy on gram and pasture 717- 336-7811 Lane Co Reg Holstein bulls from Cel cius Outer & Corky, 4-9 mo , high prod’n records Enos S Stoltztus, RD@ box 38 Brogue, PA 17309 York Co Metal fruit press on legs, $45, old Lehigh Co coal sign. $95.1894 Banner root cutter, $135 610-287-9897 Montg Co Portable Lane silo fan w/gas eng , $9OO w/o eng $BOO Leroy King, 814 Supiee Rd Honey Brook, PA Chester Co Pony, sulky, new, $5OO Hechinger 12 hp lawn tractor w/bagger, $475, Miller spotwekjer lOkva $525, Lock former 10’ hyd speednotch $1750 21544309138uck5C0 New spnngwagon on rub- AD FORM Attach Your ir Farming Ma Here fiberglass shafts, $2OOO 080. 717-530-1706 Cumb. Co. JD 1219 mower condition er, good cond., S37SO,'JD 1209 mower cond for parts. 717-949-3171 Leb. Co Bolens 14 hp $4OO Cub, 169 $775, Simplicity 11 hp, $275 Cub snow blower, 4 hp, $275. After 4 pm, 717- 336-2687 Lane Co. AgWrap 5x5 3 pt round bale wrapper, $5500, MF 410 combine for parts 610- 689-5227 Berks Co 275 gal fuel tank on slide rails, $l5O 080 610-375- 7272 Berks Co ‘BB Chevy S-10 4x4 V 6, 5 spd alloy wheels, short bed, 90k mi, nice shape, must sell, $4650 080 717-733-9129 Lane Co Gas roller, $llOO, Michigan loader, $6750, 10 ft plastic layer $5OO, gym uneven bars, $5OO, manual hosp bed, $lOO 717-286-5306 North'd Co Shaver post drive, HDB, fit tings mcl , good cond , stored inside, $975 610- 926-3841 Berks Co 2-7x24 tires, $125; Farmall 230 w/fast hitch $2500, JD 2020 gas w/loader, $6500 215-598-7546 Bucks Co FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM! Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one” free Mailbox Market per month only 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached. 3) Limit; 20 words. 4) Phone number must include ‘area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements " 75 GMC 1/2 ton p/u, 70k orig. miles, good 350 eng & auto transmn. $5OO 080, msp., licensed 717- 567-6710 Perry Co 6600 JD combine, ex • shape, shed kept, $6900, 15’ flex gram head, $lOOO, bad auger, new skid plats 301-297-8501 Md Nl manure spreaderm small sz, ground drive, ex cond , detiv avail 717-724- 3242 Tioga Co Small boiler 4 ft high, 2 ft round Siegler oil stove, good cond CK King, 5131 Amish Rd , Kmzers, PA 17535 Lane Co New heavy duty alum 40 ft (adder, $2OO, C I clawfoot bathtub, $95, 2 rolls Rl3 insulation, $l5 ea Alum storm windows 610-286- 9682 Berks Co Shedland pony, 4 mos old, Olney breed, can be reg cute, frisky. Chestnut Red Iv mssg 717-336-2462 Sch Co Australian shepherd mixed pups from working mother, $5O ea 717-328-5612 Frankl. Co Fox terrier pups, cute little dogs, great pets, good for catching mice, rats & sml groundhogs ready 9/21 717-867-5774 Lane Co Mail To; Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main St. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phone Calls Please!