East Central District (Continued from Page A4O) senior yearling was sired by Curt sey Duncan Jude-ET. The reserve junior champion was owned by Dawn Hcimbach of Mt. Pleasant Mills. The Snyder County 4-H member's winter calf was sired by Rock Maple Sooner Marcus. The best junior owned and bred animal of the Jersey show was owned by Selena Hollenbach of Lewisburg. Her fall calf was sired by Green wood Skyline Kent-ET. In the settlor Jersey show, S. Lynne Kcarick of Millheim took top owners. Her 7-ycar-old cow was sired by Soldierboy Boomer Sooner of CIF. It was awarded both the grand champion and the best owner bred awards. The re serve champion was owned by Matthew Wolfe of Sclinsgrove and a member of the Montour County 4-H. His senior 2-year-old was sired by AB Beretta Turbo Jet-ET. EAST CENTRAL DISTRICT DAIRY SHOW RESULTS THE SIX BREED SHOW OF ALL AMERICANS With A Focus On Youth Junior Dairy Management Contest PA 4-H & FFA Dairy Judging Forum 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 22 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 22 Sponsors. Church & Dwight Co., Arm & Hammer Products, Sponsors - Sire Power Pnnce Agn Products. Inc , Land of Lakes Milk Cooperative, PA Dairymen’s Association, Milk Specialties Company, and CHR Hanson Bio Systems Invitational Youth Dairy Cattle Judging Contest 8:00 a.m., Monday, September 21 Sponsors Agway, Cenex, Provita Animal Science Division of Monsanto PA Junior Dairy Show 8:00 a.m., Monday, September 21 Careers & Opportunities Night 7:00 p.m., Sunday, September 20 Saturday, Sept. 19 630 p m - Pennsylvania Dairy Princess Pageant, Sheraton Harrisburg East Sunday through Thursday - September 20 thru 24 12.00 - 8 00 p.m. - Country Craft Market, Dairy Activity Center Sunday, Sept. 20 12-00 - 8.00 p m - Dairy Antiques & Collectibles Show, Dairy Acitivity Center Sunday, Sept. 20 1:00 p m - Youth Showmanship Contest, Large Arena 5:00 p.m - Senior Division Fitting Competition - Small Arena - Pennsylvania Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting & Social, Room D - Pennsylvania Ayrshire Youth Meeting & Social, Room E 6:30 p m 7 00 p m - Pennsylvania Junior Jersey Meeting, Room C - Careers and Opportunities Night, Dairy Activity 7-00 p m 7:00 p.m. Center 800 p m - Junior Dairy Show Olympics, Small Arena Monday through Thursday - September 21 thru 24 800 - 8:00 p.m. - Dairy Antlqups & Collectibles Show, Dairy Activity Center Monday, Sept. 21 - Invitational Youth Dairy Cattle Judging Contest (4-H, FFA, and Collegiate) - Small Arena - Pennsylvania Junior Dairy Show, Large Arena - Milking Shorthorn Sale, Small Arena 8:00 a.m. 8.00 a m. 2.00 p.m. AYRSHIRE Fall (Sr.) Calf: 1. Rebecca Dawn Sankay. Spring (Jr.) Yaarling: 1. Jennifer M. Mc- Williams. 2. Cayce L Walter. 3. Tany Q. Haimbach. Winter (Int) Yearling: 1. Brittany Rioa. Junior Champion - Jennifer Me Williams. Raaarva Junior Champion - Rebeocan Sankay. Six yeara and Older: 1. Jennifer M. Mc- Williams. Senior Champion - Jennifer McWilliams. Grand Champion - Jennifer McWilliams. Raaarva Qrand Champion - Jennifer Mc- Williams. Beet Animal Bred A Owned - Jennifer McWilliams. Best Animal Bred A Owned (Jr.) - Jenni fer McWilliams BROWN SWISS Spring (Jr.) Calf: 1. Janelle L Risser. Winter (Int) Calf: 1. Jed Lynn Risser. Fall (Sr.) Yearling: 1. Amanda N. Hauck. Junlor.Champlon - Janelle Risser. Reserve Junior Champion - Jed Risser. Junior 2-Year-Old: 1. Jed Lynn Risser, 2. Andrew E. Wader. Senior 2-Year-Old: 1. Janelle L Risser, 2. Amanda N. Hauck. Senior 3-Year-old: 1. Melissa 0. McWil liams. Senior Champion - Melissa McWilliams. Reserve Senior Champion - Janelle Ris sar. Grand Champion - Melissa McWilliams. Reserve Grand Champion - Janelle Rls ser. Ivania ME I R Y M GUERNSEY Spring (Jr.) Yearling: 1. Samantha Kay Troxall. Junior Champion - Samantha Troxall. Senior 3-Year-Old: 1. Samantha Kay Troxall. Four-Year-Old: 1. Denaa K. Johnton. Senior Champion - Samantha Troxall. Reeerve Senior Champion - Denaa Johnton. Grand Champion - Samantha TroxelL Reeerve Grand Champion • Denaa Johnson. Spring (Jr.) Calf: 1. Tara R. Kocher, 2. J. Daniel Kenamond, 3. J. Daniel Kenamond. Winter (Int.) Calf: 1. Justin Graff, 2. An drew D. Heebner, 3. Randy S. Wolfe/ Fall (Sr.) Calf: 1. Victoria Tumoto, 2. Jo seph Palmar Spangler, 3. Susan Showers. Summer Yearling: 1 Tara R. Kocher, 2. Tracy Grose. 3. Leslie A. Kenamond. Spring (Jr.) Yearling; 1 Jennifer M. Mc- Williams, 2. Deanna S. Wolfe, 3. Ronald Hauck Jr. Winter (Int.) Yearling: 1. Leslie A. Kena mond, 2. Andrew D. Heebner, 3. Brenda Shultz. Fall (Sr.) Yearling: 1. Melinda S. Wolfe. Junior Champion • Tara Kocher. Reeerve Junior Champion - Leslie Kena mond. Best Jr. Owner/Breeder Award • Tara Kocher. Dry Cow 2-Yr. tOvar: 1. David J. Clock. Junior 2-Yaar-Old: 1. Amanda B. Shatter, 2. David J. Glock, 3. Donaa 1C Johnson. Senior 2-Ysar-Old: 1. Dianna S. Clock, 2. J. Denial Kanamond, 3. Brandon H. Pontius. Junior 3-Yaar-Old: 1. Dianna S. Clock. 2. Joseph Palmar Spangler, 3. Denial L Ran ningar. September 21-24 FARM SHOW COMPLEX 2301 NORTH CAMERON ST. HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 17110-9408 PHONE (717) 787-2905 Youth Showmanship Contest 1:00 p.m. Sunday, September 20 Sponsors Blue Seal Feeds; George & Colleen Cashed. Centre County Holstein Club; Fountain Farm, Four Co. Farm, Hubbards Livestock Transport; Jemi Holstems, Ayrshires & Jerseys; MD- Hillbrook; Mellmger Semen Sales; Nationwide Insurance, New Direction Holstems & Jerseys; William C & Lilly A Nichol, PA Diarymen’s Association, Penn Gate Holstein, Purina Mills, Inc , Rose Edge Holstems, Stonehurst Farms, Inc . and Telmark, Inc Youth Shows for Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn Regional/Eastern National Shows September 22 - 24 - Livestock Exporting Seminar - Penna Room - Judging Contest Awards Banquet, Sheraton Harrisburg East 6 30 p m, 7-00 p m Tuesday, Sept. 22 900 a m - Eastern National Ayrshire Show, Large Arena 900 a m - Pennsylvania Fall Championship Holstein Show, Large Arena 10 00 a.m - Junior Dairy Management Contest, 2nd Floor, Mam Building - Pennsylvania 4-H and FFA Dairy Judging Forum - Small Arena - Eastern National Milking Shorthorn Show - Large Arena Wednesday, Sept. 23 9 00 a m - National Guernsey Show - Large Arena 900 a m - Eastern National Brown Swiss Show, Large Arena IO'OO a m 3 00 p.m 230 p m - Moorman's Dairy Solutions - Penna Room 600 pm - All American Buffet - Dairy Activity Center 700 p.m, - Eastern National Holstein Sale, Small Arena Thursday, Sept. 24 800 a.m - Eastern National Holstein Show, Large Arena 8 00 a m. - Mid-Atlantic Regional Jersey Show, Large Arena **** - Supreme Champion (selection immediately following the Holstein and Jersey shows), Large Arena FLAM TO ATim©! HOLSTEIN Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998-A4l Senior 3-Year-Old: 1. Melissa D. Mewl lams, 2. Dianna S. Clock, 3. Brandon H. Pontius. Four-Year-Old: 1. Amanda B. Shaffer. Six Yearn A Older 1. Dianne S. Clock, 2. Jennifer M. McWilliams. Senior Champion • Dianne Clock. Reserve Senior Champion • Amanda Shaffer. Grand Champion - Dianne Clock. Reeerve Grand Champion • Amanda Shatter. Best Animal Brad and Owned • Dianne Clock. Best Udder - Amanda Shaffer. JERSEY Spring (Jr.) Calf: 1. Matthew A. Wolfe. Winter (Int.) Calf: 1. Dawn R. Heimbach, 2. Matthew A. Wolfs. Fall (Sr.) Calf: 1. Selena 0. Hollenbach, 2. Jonathan A. Dietrich. Summer Yearling; 1. Valerie Hoover, 2. Brittany Rice, 3. Matthew A Wolfe. Spring (Jr.) Yearling: 1. Terry C Heim bach Jr. Winter (Int) Yearling: 1. Jonathan A. Dietrich. Fall (Sr.) Yearling: 1. Jonathan A. Diet rich, 2. Sarah Enfley, 3. Selena 0. Hollen- BUILDINGIHE FUTURE bach. Junior Champion • Jonathan Dittrich. Reserve Junior Champion-Dawn Haim bach. Onwar/Braadar • Saltfia Holanbaeh. Junior 2-Vaar-Old: 1. Matssa D. McWil iama. 2. Jonathan A. Dittrich. Sanior 2-Vaar-Old: 1. Matthaw A. Wotfa, 2. S. Lynna Raarick. Junior 3-Yaar-Old: 1. S. Lynna Raarick, 2. Brittany Rica. Four-Yaar-Old: 1. Malitaa D. McWilliams, 2. S. Lynna Raarick. Fiva-Yaar-Old: 1. Staph an ia Lucas. Six Yaara A Oldar 1. S. Lynna Raarick. Sanior Champion - S. Lynna Raarick. Raaarva Sanior Champion - Matthaw Wolft. Grand Champion • S. Lynna Raarick. Raaarva Grand Champion - Matthaw Wolla. Baat Animal Brad A Ownad - S Lynna Raarick. Baat Udder • Matthaw Wolla SHOW Beat Animal Brad A Ownad (Jr.) - Jenni fer McWilliams. Beat Animal Bred A Owned (Sr.) - Di annan Clock. KUNE, KREIPER * GOOD AUCTIONEERS
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