Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 40

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    A4O-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, September 12, 1998
Co.) The East Central District
Ohiry Show was held recently
here at the Beaver Springs Fair
One hundred sixty-two animals
were cataloged for this year’s
show. John Burkett served as the
type judge, Paul Neer was the
showmanship judge, and Sue Sell
ers was the fitting judge.
Jennifer McWilliams of Beav
ertown owned the grand champion
and reserve Ayrshire.
A 7-year-old cow sired by
East Central District Dairy Show best owned and bred
animal of the show (senior animal), Jake Myers - Sire Pow
er, Dianne Clock, Holstein junior 3-year-old.
East Central District Dairy Show grand champion Guern
sey, Samantha Troxell, with a senior 3-year-old and reserve
champion, Denae Johnson, 4-year-old.
From the left, Amanda Shaffer holds the halter of her reserve grand champion Hols
tein of the East Central District Dairy Show, while Dianne Clock holds the halter of her
grand champion.
East Central
Monteith Star Jewel was selected
as the champion. The West Snyder
FFA member’s junior yearling
was selected as the reserve cham
pion. The animal was sired by An
drossan EV Kates Trident and was
also named as the best animal bred
and owned within the breed. This
junior yearling was later named
the best junior owned and bred
animal at the show. Rebecca San
key of Clearfield County was
awarded the reserve junior champ
ion of the Ayrshire show. He
senior calf was sired by Corey-
District Show Posts Results
Farms Rebate.
In the Brown Swiss show, the
grand champion was owned by
Melissa McWilliams of Beaver
town. Her senior 3-year-old was
sired by Towpath Telstar Aytola-
ET. The reserve grand champion
and junior champion were both
owned by Janelle Risser of Mid
dleburg. The reserve grand cham
pion was a senior 2-year-old sired
by Trout Run District Blend and
the junior champion was a junior
calf sired by Rivervale Master
Blaster. The reserve junior cham
pion was owned by Jed Risser of
Middleburg. The winter calf was
alos sired by Rivervale Master
In the Guernsey show, Sa
mantha Troxell of Middleburg
owned both the grand champion
and junior champion. The grand
champion cow was a senior
3-year-old sired by Dan Ba Lee
WCA Star Wars. The FFA mem
ber’s junior champion was a
junior yearling sired by Rozelyn
Prince Jay-ET. The reserve
champion of the show was owned
by Denae Johnson of Lewisburg.
Her 4-year-old cow was sired by
Nells Glow Admiral Magic.
There was a large Holstein
show, especially in the junior
classes. This year’s Holstein
junior champion was owned by
Tara Kocher of Mifflintown. Her
summer yearling was sired by
Marcrest Encore. The Juniata FFA
member who owned the best own
er bred animal in the junior show.
Her junior calf was sired by Roy
brook Vintage-ET. The reserve
champion of the Holstein show
was owned by Leslie Kenamond
of Mifflinburg. Her animal was
sired by Carnation Counselor-ET.
In the senior division th« top
awards were presented to Dianne
Glock of Juniata County. The FFA
members’ junior 3-year-old was
sired by Browndale Stardust. It
was named as the grand champion
and the best owner bred animal of
the Holstein show, and the best
senior division owner bred animal
of the East Central District Dairy
Show. The reserve champion ani
mal was owned by Amanda Shaf
fer of Beavertown. The Snyder
County 4-H member’s junior
2-year-old was sired by Wa-Del
Mystique-ET. It was also named
as having the best udder in the
Holstein breed.
Within the Jersey breed, this
year’s junior champion was own
ed by Jonathan Dietrich of Mif
flinburg. The FFA member’s
(Turn to Page A4l)
East Central District Dairy Show best owned and bred
animal of the show (junior show) Jake Myers, Sire power,
Jennifer McWilliams.
East Central District Dairy Show, reserve champion
Brown Swiss, Janelle Risser, senior 2-year-old and. grand
champion Brown Swiss, Melissa
East Central District Dairy Show reserve champion Ayr
shire owned by Jennifer McWilliams (Shown by Melissa
McWilliams) Jr. Yearling and grand champion,, Jennifer
McWilliams, an Aged Cow.
East Central District Dairy Show reserve champion Jer
sey, Matthew Wolfe with his senior 2-year-old and grand
champion Jersey, S. Lynne Rearick, with an aged cow.