A22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 CAROLYN N. MOYER Bradford County Correspondent TROY (Bradford Co.) Gor Wood D Holsteins of Mansfield, earned both the premier breeder and premier exhibitor banners at the Northeast Pennsylvania Champion Show at Troy Fairgrounds, Aug. 18. Topping the 25th annual show, which was judged by Paul Knight, Airville, was Olivia Courtney’s Esßern Blackstar Elsie Sis, a senior 2-year-old. She was named the grand cham pion in both the open and youth divisions oVer about 100 other entries. Named the reserve grand champion in the youth division was Stephanie Ulmer’s junior 3- year-old, Noisy Oak Skybuck Blinkin. In the open division, 4-year old Milstede Charles Abigail, owned by Del-Hollow Farm, Coudersport, was named the reserve grand champion. Hal Courtney exhibited the junior champion of both the open and junior divisions. His junior calf, Esßern Astre Dosy Daisy, was followed by Seth Ulmer’s intermediate calf, Noisy Oak Counselor Bubbles, who was the reserve junior champion in both divisions Allentown Market Champion ‘Secret’ (Continued from Page A2O) Fall Ewe Lamb: 1. Billy Leib. 2. Amanda Miller. 3. Billy Leib Pair Fall Ewe Lambs; 1. Billy Leib. 2. Amanda Miller. Spring Ewe Lambs* 1. Billy Leib 2 Aman da Miller. 3. Gene Pletz Pair Spring Ewe Lambs: 1 Billy Leib. 2. Amanda Miller. 3. Gene Pletz Pair Ewe Lambs Bred and Owned 1 Bruce Snyder. 2. Amanda Miller Champion Ewe Billy Leib Reserve* Amanda Miller. Flock* 1 Bruce Snyder 2. Amanda Miller 3 Billy Leib Get of Sire* 1 Bruce Snyder 2. Amanda Miller. Pen of Lambs 1 Amanda Miller 2 Bruce Snyder 3 Joan Harris SUFFOLK Fall Ram Lamb 1 Gregory Wenzel Spring Ram Lambs 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst 3 Walter Ernst Pair Spring Ram Lambs 1 Walter Ernst 2 Torok Family 3 Gregory Weitzel Champion Ram Torok Family Reserve Walter Ernst Yearling Ewe - 1 Torok Family 2 Torok Family 3 Walter Ernst. Pair Yearling Ewes - 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst 3. Gregory Weitzel Pair Yearling Ewes Bred and Owned 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst 3 Gregory Weitzel. Spring Ewe Lambs 1 Torok Family. 2 Torok Family. 3 Walter Ernst Pair Spring Ewe Lambs 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst 3 Gregory Weitzel Pair of Ewe Lambs Bred and Owned 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst 3 Gregory Weitzel Champion Ewe Torok Family Reserve Torok Family. Flock 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst. 3 Gregory Weitzel Get of Sire 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst 3 Gregory Weitzel Pen of Lambs 1 Torok Family 2 Walter Ernst 3 Gregory Weitzel. TARGHEE Yearling Ram 1 Samantha L Gressley 2 Samantha L Gressley Spring Ram Lambs 1. Samantha L Gressley. 2. Samantha L. Gressley Pair Spring Ram Lambs: 1 Samantha L. Gressley. Champion Ram: Samantha L. Gressley Reserve' Samantha L. Gressley. Spring Ewe Lambs’ 1. Samantha L. Gress ley. 2. Samantha L. Gressley. Pair Spnng Ewe Lambs: 1. Samantha L Gressley. Pair Ewe Lambs Bred and Owned; 1. Samantha L Gressley. Champion Ewe; Samantha L. Gressley. Reserve: Samantha L. Gressley. Get of Sire' 1. Samantha L. Gressley Pen of Lambs: 1. Samantha L. Gressley. TUNIS Yearling Ram. 1. Bobbi Griffin. 2. Bobbi Woods Capture Banners At Northeast Pa. Show Results of the show follow. NORTHEAST PA. CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW RESULTS Spring Calf: 1 Hal Courtney 2 Lacey Jenkins, 3 David Packard Winter Calf: 1 Seth Ulmer, 2 Lynn and Bonnie Miller, 3 Robert Thomson 2 Chanty Courtney 3 John Turton Fall Calf: 1 Allred and Mary Sparling, 2 Fraley Farm, 3 John Ritter 2 Stephanie Ulmer, 3 Rob White Summer Yearling: 1 Stephanie Ulmer Spring Yearling: 1 Curtis Ulmer 2 Rachel Bachman 3 Ben and Dean Jackson, 3 Enc Kenyon Winter Yearling: 1 Fraley Farm, 2 John Ritter, 3 Greta Braund, 3 Craig Sheeley Fall Yearling: 1 Keith Thomson, 2 Ryan Calkins, 3 Cooley Road Farm Dry Cow Four Years and Under: 1 Gor Wood D Holsteins, 2 Ryan Calkins 3 Amy Packard . Dry Cow Five Years and Over: 1 Gor Wood D Holsteins, 2 Del-Hollow Farm Junior 2-Year-Old: 1 David Packard, 2 Greta Braund, 3 Ben and Dean Jackson 3 Enc Kenyon Senior 2-Year-Old; 1 Olivia Courtney, 2 David Packard 3 Chanty Courtney Junior 3-Year-Old: 1 Del-Hollow Farm 2 Gen Rich Farm 3 Stephanie Ulmer Senior 3-Year-Old; 1 Greta Braund 2 Craig Sheeley 3 Randy Calkins 4- 1 Del-Hollow Farm 2 Ben and Dean Jackson 3 Gor Wood D Holsteins 5- Year-Old: 1 Gen Rich Farm 2 Gor Wood D Holsteins, 3 Del Hollow Farm Six Years and Over; 1 Gor Wood D Holsteins, 2 Gor Wood D Holsteins 3 Gor Wood D Holsteins Lifetime Production; 1 Got Wood D Holsteins, 2 Gor Wood D Holsteins 3 Del Hollow Farms Best Three Females' 1 Gor Wood D Holsteins 2 Ben and Dean Jackson 3 Pack Herd Holsteins Produce of Dam; 1 Gor Wood D Holsteins 2 Del Hollow Farms 3 Pack Herd Holsteins Daughter Dam; 1 Del Hollow Farm Gnffin. Fall Ram Lambs 1. Bobbi Griffin. Spring Ram Lambs 1 Bobbi Gnffin 2 Jaeme Griffin 3 Bobbi Gnffin. Pair Spring Ram Lambs; 1. Bobbi Griffin. 2 Jaeme Gnffin Champion Ram* Bobbi Griffin. Reserve: Bobbi Griffin. Yearlmo Ewe 1. Jaeme Griffin 2. Bobbi Griffin. 3. Jaeme Griffin. Pair Yearling Ewes; 1. Jaeme Gnffin. 2. Bobbi Gnffin. Pair Yearling Ewes Bred and Owned* 1. Jaeme Gnffin. 2. Bobbi Gnffin. Fall Ewe Lamb; 1. Bobbi Gnffin Spring Ewe Lambs: 1. Jaeme Griffin. 2. Jaeme Gnffin. 3 Bobbi Gnffin Pair Spring Ewe Lambs; 1. Jaeme Gnffin. 2. Bobbi Griffin. Pair Ewe Lambs Bred and Owned: 1 Jaeme Gnffin. 2. Bobbi Gnffin Champion Ewe: Jaeme Griffin. Reserve* Jaeme Gnffin. Flock; 1 Bobbi Gnffin. 2. Jaeme Gnffin Get of Sire: 1. Bobbi Gnffin. 2. Jaeme Gnffin Pen of Lambs' 1. Jaeme Gnffin 2 Bobbi Gnffin. BREEDS 4-H CORRIEDALE Yearling Ram 1. Travis Redmond Champion Ram: Travis Redmond. Yearling Ewe 1. Travis Redmond. 2 Tra vis Redmond. Pair Yearling Ewes: 1. Travis Redmond. Champion Ewe; Travis Redmond Reserve: Travis Redmond. SOUTHDOWN Fall Ram Lamb: 1. Joan Hams Spring Ram Lambs - 1. Amanda Miller. 2, Joan Hams. 3 Amanda Miller. Pair Spnng Ram Lambs 1 Amanda miller 2 John Hartman. Champion Ram; Amanda Miller Reserve Joan Harns. Yearling Ewe' 1 Amanda Miller 2 Aman da Miller Pair Yearling Ewes 1. Amanda Miller. Fall Ewe Lambs' 1. Amanda Miller. 2. Amanda Miller. Pair Fall Ewes: 1. Amanda Miller. Spring Ewe Lambs: 1. Amanda Miller. 2. Amanda Miller. 3. Joan Harris Pair Spring Ewe Lambs; 1. Amanda Miller 2 Joan Harris. Par Ewe Lambs Bred and Owned. 1. Amanda Miller. Champion Ewe: Amanda Miller. Reserve' Amanda Miller. Flock: 1. Amanda Miller. Get of Sire: 1. Amanda Miller. Pen of Lambs: 1. Amanda miller. 2. Joan Harris. Spring Ewe Lambs; 1. Came Hartman Champion Ewe: Came Hartman. Reserve: Carrie Hartman. TARGHEE Yearling Ram: 1. Samantha L. Gressley. 2. Samantha L. Gressley. Spring Ram Lambs; 1. Samantha L. ' ****" X 1 / ✓ Gor Wood D Holsteins won premier breeder and premier exhibitor banners at the 25th annual Northeast Pennsylvania Championship Show. From left are .Gordon Wood, Julie Wood, Ron Wood, Bill Neal, Matthew Stone, Tim Wood, Dorothy Wood, John Allen, and Tina Lehman. Alternate Bradford County Dairy Princess Melissa Croft, left, and Lycoming County Dairy Princess Melissa Daly, right, present the reserve grand champion award to CK Kerrick and the grand champion award to Olivia Courtney in the open division of the Northeast Pennsylvania Championship Show. The grand champion in the youth division was Esßern Blackstar Elsie Sis, owned by Olivia Courtney. Shown, from left, are Lycoming County Dairy Princess Melissa Daly, Bradford County Alternate Dairy Princess Melissa Croft, Stephanie Ulmer with the reserve grand champion, Courtney, judge Paul Knight, and Blue Seal Feeds rep resentative Mike Ainsworth. Gressley. 2. Samantha L. Gressley. Pair Spring Ram Lambs; 1. Samantha L. Gressley. Champion Ram: Samantha L. Gressley. Reserve: Samantha L. Gressley. Spring Ewe Lambs: 1. Samantha L. Gress ley. 2. Samantha L. Gressley. Pair Spring Ewe Lambs; 1. Samantha L. Gressley. Pair Ewe Lam be Bred and Owned; 1. Samantha L. Gressley. Champion Ewe: Samantha L. Gressley. Reserve; Samantha L. Gressley. Get of Sire: 1. Samantha L. Gressley. Pen of Lambs; 1. Samantha L. Gressley. 4-H SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP First Year; 1. Carrie Hartman. Junior; 1. Todd Lee Bennecoff Jr. 2. Sadi Heintzelman. 3. Andrew Relnert. Intermediate; 1. Amanda Miller. 2. Travis Redmond. 3. John Strawbrldge. Senior: 1. Meredith Ruzowicz. 2. Amy Wehr. 3. Adam Rabenokj. Chamolon; Meredith Ruzowicz. Reserve: Amanda Mllar. (Turn to Page A 23) 4 f
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