Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 2
— > sLancasteS County Livestock Market Auction Lancaster Livestock Auction NEW HOLLAND, PA '' \ Monday, Sept 7, 1990 Market not repotted, federal holiday. No reoort from USDA or auction available. MON AUGUST 31.1998 ' CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP '-&3aTS MONDAYS AUCTION 24 4X2 152 LAST WEEK 415 126 40 12 LAST TEAR 107 165 CATTLE:Compared to Thursday, slaughter steers sold steady Demand wasonly moderate and trading was rather slow as the slaughter cat tle market continues its stagnant state A good offering of Holstein steers and slaughterheifers were mostly steady to firm Slaughter cow prices were firm in a verylimited test Alarge selection of slaughter bulls were mixed, as aged bullswere steady to 50 lower and bullock prices were firm Supply included 58percent slaughter steers and 10 percent slaughter cows SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1190-1400 lbs 60 25-62 75 Choice 2-51160-1455 lbs 58 50-61 50, few low dress ing 4-5 55 00-58 55,fcw 1505- 15201bs 56 00- 57 55 Select and low Choice 2-5 1005- 14801b554 00-59 25 Few Select 1-5 995-1265 lbs 51 75-55 25 HOLSTEIN STEERS:lndividual Prime 2 1555 lbs 57 75 Choice 2-5 1400-1575 lbs 52 00-54 85 Select and low Choice 2-5 1080 1595 lbs 49 50-52 25 Selcctl-2 1115-1625 lbs 46 25-49 75 SLAUGHTERHEIFERS: High Choice and Prime 2-41055-12551b56000-62 25 Choice 2-5 1090-1270 lbs 57 00-58 85, individual high dressing 1245 lbs 62 00 SelectandlowChoiee2- 51010-15651b554 25-56 75 Hcifereltes Few Commercial and Standard 2-4 990-1500 lbs 45 00-4600 SLAUGHTER COWSiPERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESSING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs 58 75- 41 25 Boners 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs 55 50-59 50 55 50-55 50Lean (Hi-Yield)Bs-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 54 00-57 75Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 55 25-55 25 5000- 55 50Lean (Light Wl)85-90 pet lean 750 -1000 lbs SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1010- 2020 lbs 46 SO-14 00 Yield Grade 2 1010- 2.1111b54l 00-46 SO Bullocks Select 1-1800- 124Slbs 46 7S S 4 00, consignment of Charolais X 109S-126S lbs S 8 00-6 S 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES Standard ISO-SOO lbs 60 00-68 00,100-600 lbs 49 00-S2 00 SHEEP: Compared to last Monday, slaughter lambs sold steady to 5 OOlower HAY, STRAW & CORN - SALE - ftp} Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM c ' GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers -Cash or Certified Checks Only Get more capacity and better service from Chore-Time’s fA (cw Next Generation bin 5 . f fi s •; iV % ft». ft | *-*- **» 7 't,' 11 { ,*>} i 4 iP y. 'Vi hf. Call for pricing on bins assembled and delivered to your (arm VINTAGE LIVESTOCK AUCTION FOR TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 08,1998 CATTLE CALVES 441 720 LAST TUESDAY 604 ' 679 LASTYEAR 562 778 CATTLE: Thcmeagersupply ot slaughter, sold mainly tosoldpackersal mostlysteadypnces Cows mostly steady The small supply slaughter heifers and bulls did not test the market trend Supply included 20percent slaughter steers and 70 percent cows SLAUGHTERSTEERS: Choice and Prime 2-1 1210-1400 lbs6l 21-62 75,coUple 6.100- 6150 Chotce2-l 1130-1500 lbs 58 25- 61 50,couple 1600-17401bs 5100-51 50 Select and low Choice 2-1 1125-1400 lbs 55 00-59 50 HOLSTEINSTEERStFew Select and choice 2-1 1150-1625 lbs 49 75-50 50 One lot Select 1-2 1085 lbs 47 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 2-1 1050-1150 lbs 5400-55 00 Few Selectand Choice 2-3 1115-1425 lb Holstems 4100- SLAUGHTER LAMBSiChoice and Prime 2- sfew 50-55 lbs 92 00-9600, package 62 lbs 92 00,70-90 lbs 79 0085 00,90100 lbs 72 OO 78 00, 100-120 Ibs7s 00- 85 00, 120140 lbs 70 0 075 00 SLAUGHTER EWES; Utility and Good 1-2 52 00-4000 Few Good 2-5 down to 2800 Aged Bucks 175-220 lbs 55 0 040 00 GOATS: All goats sold by the head Billies Large 12000-155 00 Mutton. Choice and Prime 85 0092 00 Nannies: Large 55 0062 00 Medium 45 OO 5000 Thin 55 004000 Kids: Choice and Prime 42 0 065 00 / n_.: IM; High Capacity 40° roof (left) allows more storage and stays cleaner than conventional 30° roof (right) HydroShleld* Weather, Guard prevents water from running down hopper Light Bulbs ofi A f \ 25 to 100 Watts OD V Ea. V '—- A Brass Base - 5000 Mrs. £ 1 mi Northcilti Northeast Agn Systems Inc SSUSSSSI Flywav Business Paik Delmarvo Store ' 3 ’ a pT,™? o ' ll,ooo 305 S ■BWHi Ph mh 5W 2702 Fede.aisburg MD ■■ KjflMiiil 1-800-673-2580 1-800-735-6361 jgSgl •ACCESS PLUS*permits easy clean out of the bln from the ground 4800 SLAUGHTER COWS:PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESSING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs 17 50-41 75 14 75- 17 00 Boners 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs 15 50-39 00 13 00-15 55 Lean (Hi-Ytcld)Bs-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 14 50-37 0012 75-34 50 Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 10 50-14 50 28 00-11 00 Lean (Light-Wl)85-90 pet lean 750 -1000 lbs 27 00-12 75 24 00-28 00 SHEEP GOATS 0 I 0 0 SLAUGHTER BULLS: Few Yield grade I -2 1610-2185 lbs 41 50-42 25 Individual Choice 1440 lb bullock 48 50, couple Select 1175-1185 lbs 42 00 CALVES: Compared tolas! Tuesday, vealers sold firm to 100 higher Demandgoodfor small supply Holstein heifers to return to farm, butonly fair for Holstein bulls Supply included 608 head in the State graded sale and 66 59 percent of the total supply relumed to the farm VEALERS: Couple Choice 210-215 lbs 88 00 Good and Choice 75-110 lbs 24 00- 10 00 Standardand low Good 65-90 lbs 16 00- 20 00, fewso-70lbs 10 00-14 00 RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls 140 head 100-125 lbs 83 00-97 00, 60 head 951b565 00-75 00, and 30 head 90 lbs 47 00- 4900 Plainer typebullsls head 110-115 lbs 5000 and 90 head 90-105 lbs 28 00-300010 head Holstein heifers 90-115 lbs 208 00-224 00 and 20 head 80-85 lbs 130 00 New Holland Livestock NEW HOLLAND, PA THU SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats TODAY 1511 LAST WEEK 1242 LAST YEAR CATTLE: Compared to Tuesday's light test, slaughter steers and heifers sold most- B&R CATTLE CO RDI, Marietta, PA 17547 Office Phone (717)653-8164 Specializing in Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN (717)653-5728 RON RANCK (717)656-9849 Quality Feeder Cattle Specializing In: Fresh Off The Farm Stockers and Feeders Order Buying can Eugene Martin 717-336-2690 Office 717-336-3676 Home Licensed & Bonded Contracts available call for information ■ Broiler ■ Pullfets • Call for our free brochure “What is contract production?” ilbs and save electricity Replace your bu ient Fluorescent Lights with energy efficii 13 Watts 5-7-9 Watts 5*49 ea. 5.79 ea Master Distributor Since 1982 Authorized 716 751 499 671 452 237 1500 KIRKWOOD HAY AUCTION Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 11:00 Located Rt 472 5 miles south of Quanyville or 6 miles north of Oxford comer of Rt 472 and Noble Road Lloyd H. Krelder, Auctioneer AU-00051 3L No out of state checks ly steady. Trade was active for the well rounded offering with some spots of strength on the fancier end and some pres sure on the plainer cattle. The slaughter cow market started off slow but recovered by the end of the large supply, with prices ranging steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter bulls traded 1.00- 1.50 lower. Supply included 38 percent slaughter steers and 38 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1190-1445 lbs 60.00-63.75; few 3-4 1470-1620 lbs 55.75-59.25. Choice 2-3 1025-1490 lbs 58.00-61.10. Select and low Choice 2-3 1010-1585 lbs 54.75-59.00. Select 1-3 970-1420 lbs 52.00-57.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1270-1585 lbs 51.50-53.00; few 1675-1685 lbs 49.00-4950. Select and low Choice 2-3 1175-1555 lbs 49.25-5150. Select 1-2 1055-1330 lbs 45.00-48.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Few Choice 2-4 1065-1280 lbs 56.00-59.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 1010-1305 lbs 5350-56.50; package 965 lbs 51.50. Few Select 1-3 1000-1185 lbs 51.25-5550. Heiferettes: Few Commercial and Stan dard 2-4 1095- 1250 lbs 41.25-48.50. SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs 35.75- 34.00-36.25 Boners 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs 34.00-38.00 32.75- Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 33.75-37.00 31.00-34.00 Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 30.75-34.00 2850-31.75 Lean (Ught-Wl) 85-90 pet lean 750-1000 lbs 2850-32.75 2650-29.75 SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1220-1805 lbs 45.00-53.50. Yield Grade 2 1075- 2035 lbs 3950-45.25. Bullocks: Individual Choice 3 1435 lbs 59.25. Cou ple Select 1-3 1065-1405 lbs 55.25-56.00. CALVES: There is no comparison due to Monday's holiday, but veal and slaugh ter calf prices were slightly lower. Demand was good for Holstein bull calves with slightly higher prices. Holstein heifer trad ing was rather slow. Around 83 percent of Willier, Incorporated Your Source for Quality Cattle Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers Inside Pennsylvania: 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold • No Monthly Payments SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 • Contract Feeding Programs * Marketing of Finished Cattle ■ Dairy Heifers VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTIOM STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE Selling Feeders Every Tuesday At Approx. 1 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT L. ROBERT FRAME, SR., PRESIDENT r\pt available due to the holiday \ supply returned to feed. VBALERS: Good and Choice 70-110 lbs 17.00-25.00. Standard and low Good 60-90 lbs 11.00-19.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Few Good and Choice 200-350 lbs 65.0086.00 Stan dard 200 400 lbs 50.0068.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulk 95-125 lbs 60.0090.00, few up to 95,00. Plainer bulls 80115 lbs 25.0057.00. Hok tein heifers 801 IS lbs 100.00 145.00, bid. 100 lbs 222.00. Plainer heifer calves 70100 lbs 50.00105.00. SHEEP: Monday’s auction was not cov ered due to the holiday, however, demand was good for all weights of slaughter lambs but slaughter ewe prices were slightly lower. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice and Prime 2-3 4060 lbs 90.00120.00; 6085 lbs 80.00 95.00; 85-100 lbs 75.0085.00; 105-130 lbs 65.0075.00. Consignment of plainer lambs returning to feed 35-70 lbs 70.00100.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Good and Choice yearlings and 2 year-olds 40.00- Utility and Good 1-2 30.00- GOATS: All goats sold by the head. Billies: Large 100.00-150.00. Medium 75.00- Mutton: Choice and Prime 75.00- Nannies: Medium and Large 40.00- Yearlings: Choice and Prime 50.00- Kids: Choice and Prime 40.00- Good 20.00-40.00. THIS WEEK LAST WEEK LAST YEAR CATTLE: Compared to last week's closing prices, slaughter steers and heifers sold fullv steady. Buyers showed good C. Howard Scarff, II Home (717) 445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (717) 940-2633 SALE TUE DA CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS •GET CALVES IN EARLV OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. Lancaster County Weekly NEW HOLLAND, PA FRI SEPTEMBER 11, 1998 CALVES 1666 1692 1676 CATTLE 2549 2501 3051 (Turn to Page A 24) BEEF CATTLE W. Conly Scarff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410) 790-2650 6:00 P.M (