Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 190
D46-L«ncaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 Wi Smgk fathei wisl farmh< the ( Mam | Scl \ Excel h (71 rapt to Rent le, professional ,*r w/2 children shes to rent a louse or home in country within iheim Central ;hool District lent references Call .7) 664-4822 Morns or Eves. Amish Country Fr * f^T' 5 ' . nA . Willow Hill Area 63 Acre Dairy Farm, lOO’xlOO’ Bank 51 A extra rental i Bam, 50x50' Equipment Shed, ground possibility 35 2 ,600 sq. ft. Frame Dwelling, stall modern dairy barn, __ T ,.. * „ . bulk tank, heifer shed, 18x32 Kitchen, Stream & Pasture. implement sheds, room Only $215,000 for 10 horses, corn barn and other build- ■BMjjjjjj| Huor 9f) (Yonrc mgs 8-year old 6 BR Jtruiz large farmhouse “It’s a great farm'" lyl f Z' To see this farm, call mKrnti C£TltT(ll(PsL. jUTTttS 717-397-3571 Ammon K. Graybill Jr. Inc. FARMS 4 SALE Lancaster & Chester Counties 87.7 FARM - Amish equipped Newer farmhouse, bankbam w/43 cow set up, new horse barn, and 2 silos 50+ Aues tillable, balance in pasture Ready to go' Kirkwood-Taylona area Asking $450,000 53.2 Acres Ground - Good mix of tillable, pastuie and wooded acreage Stieam on property 1 Convenient to Andrews Bridge Hunt Some deed restnctions manv possibilities Chnstiana/Nme Points area Asking $275,000. 3.9 Acre Farmette - Historic Faimhouse, 34x110 Pole Barn, 25x40 Barn and more 3 Aues fenced pasture, convenient to Fan Hill Equestnan Cenlei Oxloidarea Asking $178,000. 108.4 Acre Farm - Laige Farmhouse, bankbarn, 2 stoiy shed building, 3 silos and moie 78± aues tillable. s+/- acres pasture. 25± acres woods Pond and 2 stieams on pioperty Gum Tree/Paikesburg aiea Asking $895,000. 95 Acre Farm - Amish equipped home, bankbarn w/36 cow set up. Equipment shed, other shed building and silo 50 acre tillable, 5 Ac pastuie, balance Fairmount/Little Bntian area Asking $380,000. 72 Acre Farm- Large brick bankbarn and miscellaneous, shed buildings, 65 acies Good level ground. Farm is m Ag Preserve Oxford area wfefng $500,000. Call Christ Taylor BEILER • CAMPBELL REALTORS 49-1619 1-800-529*1118 61Q-93M000 717-! 187 Acre Dairy Farm In Lower Snyder Co. 120 Acres Tillable. 2 Sty. House w/4 Bdrms., Barn, Sheds, Silo, 40 Milking Stalls w/ Pipeline And Auger Bunk Feeder. $475,000. Central Penn Assoc., Inc. P 0 Box 245, Selmsgrove, PA 17870 (717)374-2121 QntlllKL| Call Larry Shaffer ■ """TT* (717)539-8492 central penn associates, inc CENTRAL VIRGINIA: Farms and land available from 5 to 500 acres, reasonable prices, very low taxes, farmer friendly communities, agricultural economy, free catalog. State Wide Realty Co. Farmville, Virginia 804-392-6163 Farms & Rural Properties Low Prices, Low Taxes, Free Catalog State of New Jersey State Agriculture Development Committee PUBLIC AUCTION October 28, 1998 Permanently Preserved Farmland 120 Route 545 (Bordentown-Georgetown Road) Chesterfield Township, Burlington County, NJ) • 167± Acres, some prime & state-wide important soils • Historic Farmhouse • Detached two-car garage with apartment • Quonset Hut with shop • Bordered by country club, creek forest, farms Minimum Bid; $584,500 For Details Call: (800)474-5314 , FARM LISTIN LANCASTER COUNTY 110 acres of prime farmland (no buildmgs, 92 acres tillable. 8 acres pasture with stream, Amish neighbors $700,000. 38 acres. 28 acres tillable. 10 acres woods and pasture with small stream, can be subdivided Perc standard system. $269,900. 54 acres, 37 acres tillable, 11 acres pasture, 4 acres woods, bank barn, shop, 2'A story brick 4 BR dwelling built 1854, oil HW, cast iron 8.8. heat $358,000. 5.4 acres with 3 BR A-frame dwelling, central air, some open, woods, stream, secluded, must see to appreciate. $250,000. SNYDER COUNTY 2.7 acres, 2/’ story 4 BR dwelling, vinyl siding, new replacement window, new furnace 1992, plenty ot game, would make a good church camp, etc $84^900-Reduced to $79,900 IMM HOMESALE SERVICES GROUP 1255 S Market St Elizabethtown, PA, 17022 717-361-HOME 717-665-HOME 717-367-1112 (Fax) 1-800-850-1069 (PA Only) 717-367-3500 or 717-653-6600 Gene Kreider, Realtor 717-898-2345 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ if CENTRE COUNTY ★ 100 SITE Located on 150 acres near Penns Creek Pool, i store hiking trails and owners home Great 7 investment property Call Mike Dellinger if (717) 243-6400 or 240-8361 X 182 ACRE FARM - NEW LISITNG 7 if 2 houses. Orginal farmhouse and newer ranch if ★ style Large barn and other outbuildings 61.JL. acres tillable 20 acres pasture 98 acres” if woodedland No zoning Call Cliff Dellinger^ (717) 243-6400 or 240 8217 ★ CUMBERLAND COUNTY FARMS ★ ★ HOG FARM Pnvate location on 32+ acres. 44x384 barn.JL , plastic lined lagoon pond 30x40 block . IT building and easy trailer access LocatedW ★ next door to the turkey farm listed below Call for details ★ T .TRY FARM JL Three modern barns, most conveys contract to qualified buyer W building site Located on approx 11 acres W ★ Other farms surround property SellersJL will consider offers Price reduced. . ★ WANTED ♦ JL Farms 100 acres or less Operating or not . Cumberland, Franklin or Perry Counties J WAYNE DEAKIN J j r —s 15 state Avenue Suite (Crisis * J 1 ' (717) 243-6400 J ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ CHUCK 717/665-3322 REALTORS 1 Rapho Street • Manheim • PA • 17545