’ New York State camp situated on 105 acres o< prime hunting land. One-room cabin provides the basics. Exceptional wildlife, wooded hilltop location just over PA line. Very private setting. Call Beard Real Estate (814)258-7117. . | Northeast lowa & DAIRY FARM I FOR SALE I Double 13 milk parlor || House plus other § bldgs & silos. Call for jj more information on H this farm or other farm e listings e CARAWAY REALTY, INC, E 501 E. Quarry i Maquoketa, IA 52060 j Ph: 319-652-0000 I ]L-inamamiaiiiiaiauii3iai3qi.iu(p Cumberland Co. 80 acre limestone farm. Good barn & house. 9 miles west of Carlisle. Easement rights not sold off. $395,000 717/776-2230 ITHEIHUiIIiEItiISEiaHEEEEIHUaEE I For Sale. Exceptional | | dairy farm, 160 acres a | more or less, located a |on the South side of a I Lancaster, Wl Farm a I includes large 2 story a Jhome, double 4 milking a parlor with 54 cow free r stall barn, 3 silos with' ■2 . HS *v REAL ESTATE CO. 213 ACRE DAIRY FARM - Near Westfield in Tioga County 150 acres tillable, 7 wooded balance pasture <l5O additional acres available lor lease for nominal lee 2- story farm house 65 stall barn plus additional box stalls with 8 unit pipe line, 1000 gal tank 3 unloading silos 30x126 heifer barn loafing barn for 25 cows 40x130 drive through equipment bldg 36x70 metal implement bldg & various out bldgs Great value for pnce (290,000 CLINTON COUNTY • Duplex bordenng Young Womans Creek in North Bend near Renova Good fishing 4 hunting (45,000. CLINTON COUNTY ■ s'/, wooded acres in Whiletail Mountain Forest Good campsite (11,700 149 ACRE DAIRUOrfft Near Westfield (139,000.90**^ CENTRE COUMljhJ^^ acres near 'iilnn gifßSwtfed Plus ranch style OgtWraorage bldg (190,000. RESTAURANT - Located in E Waterford, Juniata County Great living quarters on 2nd floor Equipped kitchen, air conditioned restaurant seats 60+ Turn key business (159,900. CLEARFIELD COUNTY - 10 acres off Congress Hill Road Good for camp or permanent home Public water A elec tric (45, DM. CENTRE COUNTY • 3 acres in Brush Valley Good building site Perced for standard septic Off Rt 192 belween Centre Hall & Rebersburg $39,000 3-3/4 ACRES - In Eagles Nest Forest Dev between Blanchard A Mill Hall Short distance to Foster Sayers Dam Good camp site (14,000 CENTRE COUNTY - 44 5 partially wood ed acres Near 1-80 4 wheel drive need fd Suited tor camp (55,000 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL - 4 5 acres, cleared A level Near exit of 180 in Centre County Possible railroad siding Good visibility (239,000 132 ACRES In Nillany Valley Centre County All wooded Great lor develop ng (158,400. Bellelont (814) 355-6500 Perry Co. 200 acre dairy farm, 180 tillable, balance woodlot & pasture. Level limestone soil. 40 tiestall barn, 1- 1/2" pipeline, 5 milker units, loose housing & heifer pens, large tile milk house, 950 gal. Mueller tank, 2 machine sheds, 3 silos, other out buildings, 10 room house, 1 bath, 2 yr. old vinyl jJTL’ siding building in very good cond. (717)789-3223 95-100 ACRE FARM Limestone and shale soils. Perfect for but not limited to beef/hogs/horses. Bank barn, stor age sheds, pond, 2 hog feeders Approx 30 acr es fenced. House has 3 bdrms, 2 full baths, beautiful white birch cabinets in kitchen, front porch overlooks the pond. Swan passes with sale of property! Call for details or a personal tour! Brenda Bodner, CRS, GRI A ERA Penn Ist Realty 115* wars (717) 264-7999 Ext. 111 JHf [0 . nnis 45 PENNA FARMS CUMBERLAND COUNTY South Middleton Township 164 acre general farms, limestone soil, 2'U story stone farmhouse, circa 1700’s, 4 bedrooms, new pole barn, farm borders 3 roads, 12,950' of road frontage North Newton Township 161 ac former dairy farm, 52 stanchions in barn, dairy equipment (old), 10x50 silo, 20x70 silo, 4BR farmhouse, shale & limestone soil ADAMS COUNTY Strabum Township exquisite 1700's restored farm house with 49+ acres 31 tillable acres & 16 wooded 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 7 fireplaces, onginal floors, solaruim, art studio, 42x90 “Morton" building & 25x30 horse barn 6 miles from Gettysburg Call Kay for details. Farms - Land - Farm Appraisals Give us a call 1 Charles Wenger, GRI 717-263-0945 Wilbert Diehl 717-486-8534 GEORGE L. EBENER & ASSOCIATES REALTORS 139 W. High St., Carlisle, Pa. 717-243-6195 FREESTALL WITH PARLOR #1560 - FREESTALL 44’ x 144’ barn, freestalls, bunk down center Double 4 parlor, 1500 gal tank also attached two story barn - 36’ x 108’ ties for heifers and calves Main home is very nice nine rooms, five bedi corns Two tenant houses 350 acres of land All for $235,000 #l5Bl - 200 ACRES, gently rolling land all m one block Very quiet location, nice views. 52 cow barn, pipeline plus all bam equipment, heifer and dry cow barn Good tour bedroom home, fantastic buy' $130,000. Crops available #1589 - ABSOLUTE SHOWPLACE, Just listed' Owner is retiring A beautiful two story barn, 99 tie stalls, cows and heifers, big machinery bldg and shop, manure lagoon Very nice 10 bedroom home, paved driveways, 280 acres of flat land You can’t see a nicer farm $275,000. POSSON REALTY and Auction Service 787 Bates Wilson Road, Norwich NY 13815 (607) 334-9727 hltp-//w\\u nonvuh net/psro.ilU TAKE YOUR PICK of the BEST VALUES IN THE AREA Mohawk Valley Region 160 acres. Mostly open rolling meadows and pasture. Good 10 room Federal style home. 2 story bam well suited for livestock or horses. Several good outbuildings. REDUCED to $89,500. Same area. 171 acres with 140 open acres. 2 ponds and stream. Large level fields. Good 1 story barn with 52 tie stalls plus 32 youngstock stalls. 2 silos with unloaders. Good 8 room home with many improvements. Lots of potential here for only $85,000. FMIS6. See it on our web site. Amish neighborhood. 124 acres of mostly open level meadows. Productive fields. 7ac of woods. Large federal style home in the process of remolding with all original woodwork. 2 story bam with dnve through stable. Great views and nice setting. Asking $124,900 but anxious for an offer. FMIS7. See it on our web site. We have many more of all sizes. Let us know what you are looking for. Check out our web site Valley View Realty Sharon Springs, NY 13459 Phi) King, Broker Tel. 518-234-7676 ww w. valley viewrealty com ONE OF A KIND PROPERTY built in 1997 with finest workmanship and materials Ceramic Tile foyer, kitchen & baths Master suite with Jacuzzi, additional bedrooms have their own bath In addition, there is an 8 stall horse barn with fenced paddocks. 2 Bay storage barn with hay loft Fenced riding ring 5 acres fenced pasture in 3 paddocks Motivated sellers asking $375,000. HUSTONTOWN AREA Recently reduced Rustic 2 story Log & cedar sided home Three bed rooms, 2 5 baths Situated on 50 5 acres, 10 acres are cleared Easy access to PA Turnpike $164,900. MERCERSBURG AREA Franklin County Nice farmette with great country location All brick 2 story home featuring 4 bedrooms, 1 5 baths, laundry area Situated on 25+/- acres $225,000. For additional information on these or any of our other rural listings call: Smith & Associates Real Estate BH&G uritm Mercersburg office (717) 328-3133 Smith*"' Chambersburg office (717) 264-4300 —Greencastle office (717)597-8161 fjm Jnj| IB W [Lite] IflnH 111/ 11 Central Avenue Wellsboro, PA 16901 Wilkinson-Dunn Co. (717) 724-5921 W-1157 3 to 4 bedroom home on one-way street in Wellsboro Interior freshly painted, remodeled bath. Some new carpeting. 2 car garage. $65,000. W-1212 Commercial Property For Sale. 7460 sq ft., open interior, access to mam highway. Septic and well central air, some coolers included, Plenty of parking. Keeneyville. $70,000. W-1213 former Drive-In Theatre For Sale. 9.16 acres commercially zoned. Septic and well. Located on major East - West highway. $lBO,OOO. W-1214 Land available in Boro of Wellsboro. An unbelievable 12.6 acres. Boro Sewer available Build your dream home today' $29,000. W-1215-1218 (4) Building lots for sale just out of Wellsboro Borough limits Most are wooded. Ranging from 2.89 acres to 4 01 acres. Public sewer available. Call For details, these will not last. Ranging in price $20,000-$35,000. W-1219 Opportunity Knocks' Established tavern in great location on Scenic Rte 6 close to entrance of PA Grand Canyon West Rim All equipment in place to serve full menu along with Bar Business Includes 2 bedroom living quarters $150,000. BERKS COUNTY. LENHARTSVILLE 118 acre horse farm, 55 acres tillable Bank bam w/14 stalls, good riding ring Stone farmhouse w/three bedrooms. Separate two bedroom apartment Tack shop business PENNS VALLEY CENTRE COUNTY; 64 5 acre farm, 58 acres tillable, 15 agrfMdWe, large t.hree bed room house, 75x73 bCnUirosilos, implement shed & other buildings. Includßs add’l 16 Ac. tract for a TOTAL of 80 acres Upper George's Valley CENTRE COUNTY SPRING MILLS AREA: Seven miles to Coburn, four miles to Centre Hall, 65 acres, 60 acres tillable, 10 room house, 44 stanchion bank bam, new smaller barn, 12x50 silo, other farm buildings CLINTON COUNTY North Bend Area, 291 acres of woodland Bear, Turkey & Deer have been seen on property. Excellent hunting or recreation property. No buildings. $515 per acre. South Central Virginia "Virginia’s tteartCand” FARMS, LAND, HOMES Low Taxes, Fresh Air & Country Living RE/MAX Advantage Plus 201 A Street Farmville, VA 23901 804-392-1999 'http://rcalestate.farmville.net' H MIS RFAI TOR E 0 ill -ICUb >t OMO«TUMIT» Each office independently owned and operated. <ftHE KINDERHOOK GROUP, INCO> REAL ESTATE sZasui Hudson River Valley, Columbia County, New York 230 Acre Farm, Mam House C 1840, open fields & pasture Totally equipped for Dairy, 6 Barns Suitable for a variety of livestock. Milk Parlor, field sheds, 3 other dwellings, 9000 feet of road frontage, all accessi ble Old Chatham Hunt Country 30 mm Albany, 30 mm Pittsfield, Mass. One of Columbia Counties Prime Farms, Prime location $1,200,000 THE REAL ESTATBRS OF MANSFIELD 1671 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA 16933 (717) 662-2138 » Evening (717) 662-2363 A FRAME Frame camp on 2+ acres w/small deck near Hammond Lake & Ives Run State Park Electric on site Privy included but approved for pressure dose mound Asking $37,900. M-1125 Approx 187 8 acres in Tioga County PA west of Wellsboro near Little Marsh Mix of woods pasture & tillable Fields Borders 3 roads w/2 streams thru property Old 2 story 4 bdrm home needing repairs Great hunting area 1 mile from State Forest $129,900. M-1142 149 88 surveyed acres in Covington Twp bordering paved road between Mansfield & Blossburg Approx 90 acres of hayfields &60 acres of woods Great hunting w/deer. turkey & small game everywhere Old trailer w/well & septic Was $144,900. reduced to $129,900. M 1007 In Morris Run. PA. on 2 64 acres just minutes to State land hunting Nicely remodeled mobile home w/addition Upgraded sewer system & municipal water Taxes approx $2BO p/f. Just $29,900. M-1143 85 85 surveyed acres on Rt 549 between Mansfield & Roseville Nice housing in area to protect your new home Investment Some timber value in 30+ wooded acres Approved pcrc site Gas. elec , phone on site $74,900. M-831 HEW HOME w/STREAM 8t POND New 1-1/2 story log-sided home over full ready to finish walkout bsmt 2to 3 bdrms, 2 baths Approx 1.500 sq ft Open & wooded areas on approx 9 acres being surveyed Will include 2 car garage w/breezeway under construction Wellsboro schools $135,000. M 1139 Beautifully remodeled 2 story. 3 bdrm. 1-1/2 bath home Detached 2+ car garage w/3 bdrm apartment overhead Modern fully equipped dairy facility w/150 head capacity & 3 silos Could easily be stripped &/or converted to horse complex, recreational getaway etc Approx 93 acres between Wellsboro & Cowancsque Lake Asking $275,000 as is Will negotiate price w/out equip/silos etc M 1081 15 35 all wooded acres close to state forest near Blossburg PA Approved sewage site w/privy permit purchased & included Shale driveway into campsite Just $16,950. M-1002
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