Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 108

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    Cl2-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998
HG, OC-3, OC-4, OC-6 Our Specialty
1450 Diamond Station Road, Ephrata, PA 17523
Monday To Friday
We Ship 7 A.M.-5 P.M.
UPS Daily Evenings and Saturdays
By Appointment
I& T
Corn Binder
Smoother operation results in uniform solid bundles
Better ejection of bundles results in the elimi
nation of an assistant on the loader under most
• Powerful 13 HP Honda engine along a SStfa.
with nine gallon per minute hydraulic
system operates the unit with convenient
controls to raise and lower the head ~ *
. . . . Features interlocking
• The aluminum loader features a conveyor bolt3m cham and s 8„
belt not chains to carry bundles to the sharpening carbide
wagon cutting disks
I & J Manufacturing • 5302 Amish Road • Gap, PA 17527
(717) 442-9451
4801 S. STH ST., EMMAUS, PA 18049 610-965-5203
JD 4650 Cab, Air, Power Shift, MFD, 20x42 Duals, 3000
1-Owner Hrs., Excel. Cond.
JD 4450 Cab, Air, Power Shift, Triple Hydraulic, 2500
1-Owner Hrs., Excel. Cond.
JD 4640, Cab, Air, Quad Range, 20x38 Rubber, Triple
Hydraulics, Good Condition
1982 JD 4440 Cab, Air, Quad, 4000 Hrs., Exc. Cond.
1982 JD 4240 Cab, Air, Quad, Very Nice
JD 4430 Cab, Air, Quad, Good Cond.
1977 JD 4230 Cab, AiEBBd, 4300 1 -Owner Hrs.
JD 4320 Cab, Air, Dual Hyd., 38" Rubber, Good Cond.
JO 2950 Open StatiowwiQ Hrs., Very Nice
JD 2840 w/Roll Guard & Canopy, Good Cond.
1991 JD 2555 Fender, 2600 1-Owner Hrs., Excel Cond.
JD 2755 Cab, Air, MFD, Hi-Lo, Dual Hyd., Good Cond.
JD 4050 Cab, Air, Quad, Very Nice
1981 IH 1486 Cab, Air, 4G3535., Good Cond.
1981 IH 1086 Cab, Air, 3800 1-Owner Hrs., Excel. Cond.
IH 735 5-Base Variable Width Spring Reset
IH 720 sxlB Spring Reset Onland Hitch
Case IH 14, 5-Shank Subsoiler w/Buster Bar, Excel
IH 720 sxlB, S.R. Hill Side Hitch
IH 710, 4xlB Spring Reset Hillside Hitch
JD 950 15' Roller Harrow, Exc. Condition
Glenco 9 Shank Stretch Frame Soil Saver, Good Cond
JD 215 12' DiSsQE)
Hutchmaster 11' Heavy Weight Offset Disc
JD 3 Pt. 8 ShaESSDisel Plow
White 588 sxlB Spring Reset
1996 JD 5400, Hydraulic Reverser, MFD w/540 Loader,
Excellent Condition
1996 JD 5300, MFD, w/540 Loader, Excellent Condition
JD 2640 Hi-Low Indept. PTO w/146 Loader, Good Cond,
Nl 319 mounted corn
picker, good condition. 12
row husking bed, new,
make offer. Bring tractor,
will help mount. Carroll
Co., MD. 410-848-7965
Nl 3231 R com picker, later
model, excellent shape,
shed kept, $1800; Massey
468 4R corn planter for
parts. $lOO. 717/378-2470.
Nl 323 picker, like new,
$3200; Nl 323 picker, real
nice, $2800; Nl 323 picker,
very nice, $1900; Nl 323
pinker, real good, $1275;
Kilbros gravity bin, heavy
gear, $975. 610/562-4464.
Nl 325 2RN picker, nice
$2,500. Nl 311 2RW
picker, $5OO. Winpower
50/30 PTO generator, ex
cellent, $l,BOO.
Nl 325 com picker, 12 roll
bed, 2RN, good condition,
$3OOO 080. Call evenings
Nl 354 tandem spreader,
new web, $1995. Smoker
30’ hay or com elevator,
$5OO 717-362-4265
Ml 36’ grain hay elevator
w/I'/? hp electric motor. Nl
323 1R corn picker. 5
shank Bush Hog high
clearance chisel plow. Mif
flin Co. 717-899-7749
Nl 660 Harvester, 2rn Com
Head/Hay Pick-up Head,
1000 RPM, Shed Kept,
Ready for the Field! Call
Mornings 7:30-1O:00AM
Nl 708 Uni-system, 1300
hrs, 767 superchopper,
3R-WN corn head, hay
head. 717/865-4650.
Nl and Uni Equipment; we
have the new and used
parts and equipment you
need. We ship UPS daily.
Country Sales and Service,
(2) JD 243 2 RN
(2) JD 244 2 RW
(3) JD 343 3 RN
(1) JD 344 3 RW
(5) JD 443 4 RN, Hi tin
(2) JD 443 4 RN, Oil Bath
(3) JD 444 4 RW, Hi Tin
(3) JD 444 4 RW, Oil Bath
(2) JD 643 6 RN, Hi Tin
(6) JD 643 6 RN, Oil Bath
(2) Case IH 1063 6 RN
(1) IH 943 4 RN
(1) MF 1143 4 RN
(1) AC 430 4 RN, Fll Series
(1) AC 438 4 RW, Fll Series
(1) AC K 330 3RN
(2) JD 915 Flex Heads
(2) JD 913 Flex Heads
(6) JD 213 Flex Heads
(5) IH 215 Flex Heads
(2) IH 820 15’Flex Heads
(2) IH 820 13'Flex heads
(1) AC 13’ Flex Head, Fll Series
(1) MF 9113 Flex Head
(1) JD 13’ Rigid Head
JD 3950 Harvester, Good Cond.
NH 326 Baler, Hyd. Tension, Quarter Turn Chute, Good
JD 7' Pickup Head w/Gauge Wheels
NH 479 9’ Haybine, Good Cond.
Harrisburg i
17 178
29 South
- i
S. 6th Streot
S. Sth Street
Heussman, Inc,
JD SP Harvesters W/KP #5200,5460
Lancaster Silo Co., Inc.
2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lancaster, PA
(717) 299-3721
IH 1086
2700 hrs., 1 owner, 140 hp, cab, air,
looks new - clean & very nice
$17,500 will trade
JD 5460 self propelled, clean
> 1 > JD 3970 w/KR 3 row head.
' I Excellent Machine
4- (2) JD 3950 w/processor
JD 3 row corn head
2008 Horseshoe Rd., Lancaster, PA
JD 2RW Green Corn Head
Brady Flail Chopper, Good Cond.
Ford NH 488,9’ Haybine, Cut 60 Acres
NH 488,9' Haybine, Very Good
Ford NH 162 4-Star Tedder, Excel. Cond.
Land Pride 15’ Batwing Mower, Good Cond.
NH 770 Open End Pickup Head
JD 335 Round Baler, Excel. Cond.
NH 477, T Haybine, Good Cond.
JD 327 Baler w/30 Ejector, Electrical Controls, Excel
NH 489 Haybine, Good Cond.
JD 336 Baler w/30 Ejector, Good Cond
JD 670 Rake w/Dolly Wheel
(Displayed Inside Building)
1660 Axle Flow, Cummins Engine, 1400
1992 Case IH
Hrs., Like New
1992 Case IH 1640 Axle Flow, Cummins Engine, 1300
Hrs., Like New
1987 JD 6620 Titan 11, Hydro, 2300 Hrs., Fully Equipped,
Excel. Cond.
1984 JD 7720 Hydro, Heavy Rear Axle, Chopper, 24x32
Rubber, Excel. Cond.
1982 JD 4420 Cab, Air, 1900 Hrs., Dial-A-Matic, Chopper
23x26 Rubber, Very Nice
Deutz Allis Gleaner Fill, Cab, Air, Hydro, 23x26 Rubber,
Hill Side Air Flow Attachment, 2200 Hrs., w/Deutz
Allis 315 Flex Head, Very Nice
JD 8300 24x6 a&wilrlll. Good Cond.
JD 7000 4 Row Corn Planter, Dry Fert. Mon. Ins/. Good
IH #BO Snow Blower, Excel. Cond
IH #5O 12’Stalk Shredder
Axle Mount 18x38 Duals For JD 4430, IH 1066,1086, 986
JD 350 3 Pt. Sickle Bar Mower, Very Nice
McGee Double Auger Snow Blower
Westindorf WL42 Quickattach Loader, To Fit IH 966 Thru
1586, Almost New
JD 300 Husker w/2 or 3 Row Head
Nl 325 2RN, 12 Roll Bed, Late Model
Nl 325 2RN, 8 Roll Bed
Nl 324 2RW, 12 Roll Bed, Late Model