Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 106
CIO-Lancatter Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998 Myers 18' Chuck Wagon, 4 Beater, Like Now.; 4240 JD Tractor. (610)489-9633. NH 1089 bale wagon, 420 hrs., 6 months warranty left, sheded, $71,000 picked up in Ohio. 1069 gas, 2132 hrs., excellent $28,000. 1063 160 bale pull type, $7,200.1033 105 bale, $4,800.1030 70 bale, $2,100. Roeder Impl., Seneca, KS, (785)336-6103. New Holland 1069 diesel, C&A, 160 bale wagon, one owner, 1839 hrs., excel lent, $35,900. New Holland 1044 pull type, 120 bale, $3,800. Roeder Imple ment, Seneca, KS, (785)336-6103. New Holland Skid Loader LXB6S, 950 Hrs. w/ Weights, Air, Boss Wheels, Good Condition Bucket & Forks, JD 70 Diesel, All Or iginal, Very Good Condi tion. (717)530-0438. Call 6 OOpm-B.OOpm NH 1047 stack wagon, ex cellent condition, $11,500 080. 717-533-5074 NH 1495 self-propelled haybme, repainted, good cond Deutz-Alhs KU-250 Tetter, excellent cond Two thrower haywagons, one metal, one oak, good run ning gear. ALSO, NH 975 Combine, FREE (717)657-1516. NH 256 Roll-a-bar Rake. Excellent Cond. 610-932-8999. NH 273 baler w/Super Sweep pickup, bale thrower w/hyd. directional kit, excellent condition, $2400 080. 215/536-3321. NH 311 hay baler, excel lent condition, $5OOO. Older 6' International com bine, great condition, $l5OO. 609-886-3149 NH 553 Diesel Skid Loader $7,800.; 340 Ford Skid Loader $3,800.; Case 1816 Skid Loader $3,800.; JO Discharrow $375. (717)354-0266. NH #5 scale (or 358 or other grinder mixers, new in box, $l4OO 080. 215/536-3321 NH bucket mounting plate (or L 785, excellent condi tion, $4OO 080. 215/536-3321. M.M. Weaver & Sons, Inc. Leola, PA 17540 C 717) 656-2321 'At ill A ' —• ttyeirsi*»c«Mt («0 BRUSH CHIPPER FOR SALE Menallen Township, Adams County, is accepting bids for a CMC Chipmore Brush Chipper with a V-4 Wisconsin Engine. Chipper may be seen by appointment at the Menallen Township Office, 170 Memory Lane, Aspers, PA 17304. Call Alan Black at 717-677-6712 for more information. The bids will be accepted until October 13, 1998 to be opened at the Public Meeting on October 14, 1998, at 7:30 P.M. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids. USED SKID LOADERS Hydraulic System Vacuum Flushing Engine Parts and Service Kubota Perkins Ford Wisconsin Yanmar Etc. Related to Skid Loaders Used Parts for Most Makes and Models of Skid Loaders Wanted to Buy - Loaders for Salvage or Repair GD Equipment 385 W. Metzler Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 717-859-3533 Hydra-Spread unloads smoothly and evenly with a simple, dependable, hydraulic push gate. Unloading speed is controlled by a precision metering valve. Floor and sides are solid, corrosion proof poly boards containing over 90% recycled material. Stronger than new and we’re helping the environment. Simple, dependable power tram. Every shaft connection from the tractor to the top beater is splmed. HYDRAULIC PUSH-GATE TYPE MANURE SPREADER HYDRA-SPREAD The simple and proven design of Hydra-Spread uses reliable hydraulic power to push the load. This feature eliminates troublesome apron chains, gearbox, shafts, and sprockets and replaces them with a simple, dependable, hydraulic cylinder assembly. Sides and floor of the Hydra Spread are made from super-slippery, corrosion-proof, high density polyethylene. The rugged efficient beater design delivers a fine uniform spread pattern. The all-welded unit frame features heavy structural sections for long life. program yearly. Always shedded, i original owner, must see! I 717/524-0325 i No Sunday Calls Please. ,v. [s' -9 I "S- * r -: % *•*** >-» Best Buys In Used Equipment CALL FOR SPECIAL DEALS - NEW TRACTORS Case 1840 um-loader Case IH 5230 Maxum tractor, cab, 4WD, 5 yr, 5,000 hour warranty IH 140 w/cultivators Case IH 2096, 2WD, cab Farmall M Tractor Case IH 5240 2WD, cab Case IH 7110, 2WD w/duals Case IH 7230. 4WD, cab, duals, 1550 hrs Farmall Cub w/cultivator, plow & snowblade IH 5288 w/duals cab, air Kubota M 4700 2WD Kubota M 5400 4WD w/LA 1001 loader Ford 6640 w/cab, 4WD COMBINES ft HEADS New Case IH 2166,4WD 20’. 1020 head, 240 hrs (demo ) JD 6600 cab, diesel Case IH 1640 combine, w/1020 gram head, 15', 1850 hrs Case IH 1640 combine, w/1020 gram head, 17 1/2’, 1300 hrs (2)CaselH 1640 combine w/1020 grain head, 17 1/2' NH TRB6 w/973 grain head, 15’ (W) IH 1420 B2O head IH 844 corn heajSßUßfth" IH 815 combine, w/820 gram head, 13' Gleaner L combine w/6R 30” corn head, 15’ gram header MF 1144 com head, 4R 36” HAY & FORAGE NH 276 baler w/quarter turn (W) IH 45 baler (W) Fox 2310 Forage Harvester, 2R (W) NH 425 Wire Baler (W) NH 718 Forage Harvester (W) Case IH 3650 Round Baler (S) NH 282 Baler w/thrower (W) Kuhn Tedder (W) LAWN & GARDEN Cub Cadet 2160 w/46” deck Cub Cadet 2185 w/46" deck & bagger Woods 6200 w/52" deck, 0 turn Cub Cadet 482,44" mower deck Cub Cadet 1 320 w/46" mower deck & bagger JD tiller fits on JD 110, 112 tractor Ingersoll 266 w/40" deck hydro w/bagger IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Ag-Ram W5OO soft hose 4"x990' Cummins diesel 200 bp engine w/Halc 60 FM7 pump Capan D2/50 PTO pump MISCELLANEOUS Case IH 1800 disc harrow, 17 1/2’ Jersey 12 ton trailer Unverferth Perfecla 11, 12' Unverferth Pcrfccta 11, ll’ Hardy air blast, 3pt, 100 gallon AC 600 no-till planter, HR double bar Case IH 4100 field cultivator w/Buster Bar 22 Cub I bot plow tor last hitch Case IH 568 seed bed conditioner, 4R Bnlhon 24' crow foot packer IH 140 4X16 roll over plow MF 620 disc harrow, 20’ IH 800 plate planter 4R, 16” w/fertiltzer, gramular insecticide FMC Sprayer, DO6O, 600 Gal Tank, 72' Hyd Boom Fnrm-Rilc,, Agricultural equipment, Supplier A Servicer 122 Old Cohansey Rd. 109 E., Avenue Shiloh, NJ 08353 Woodstown, NJ 08098 1-800-752-6373 1-800-848-5051 " > 1998 CASE CORPORATION Visit us on the Internet at http //ivvvw casecoip com CASEIN Case IH is a registered trademark of Case Corporation TRACTORS