C6-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 12, 1998 2 D J 43 snapper head $500; Gehl 315 Scavenger spreader, 8 years old, $3000; fold-up rear glass for JD Sound Guard body $lOO. 814/356-3277. JD 3010 gas, excellent, $6,295. Two to choose from. Gettysburg,. (717)337-2280 JO 336 baler, good, $2400. 717-463-3938 no Sunday JD 343 Snapper Head w/ Adapter Plate for Harves tores Excellent Condition. Call Mornings 7:30-lO'OOam (717)949-3769. JD 35 Chopper $6OO , 2rn Corn head $900.; Pick-Up Head $400.; ALL FEILD READY.; 2-Row Wide $150.; $1,600 for Package Possible Delivery (814)652-2900. JD 3940 corn chopper, SR, $5,000. Gehl self unload ing wagon, $2,500. Both in excellent condition. Case belt-driven silage blower, best offer. Sussex, NJ, (973)875-5237. JD 3960 forage harvester, long tongue, electric con trols, hay pickup head 3R corn head used 1 season 61 0/593-5279, 610/593-6535. JD 3960 forage harvester, long tongue, 2RN corn head, 5% grass head, fair condition Franklin County, (717)530-1004 JD 3970 3R corn, 7’ grass, maintenance records, 1-owner, excellent Must sell Please call 301/797-5314. JD 3970 Harvester w/Long Tongue, Heads Available, 3rn, Wide Hayhead w/ Metal Guard, Spout Track, & Hydraulic Tongue. Call Mornings 7:30-10.00AM (717)949-3769 JD 3rn Cornhead, late style w/grease bank, slip clutch 6 concave cut-off knives Call Mornings 7 30-10 00AM (717)949-3769 JD 4010 diesel, llOhp, good tires, WFE, good con dition $5BOO. 717-966-3154 JD 4010, diesel, cab, 80 hp, WF, 2 hyd., duals, aux fuel, very clean Midwest tractor, $7,00 0 410-833-9091 JD 4010, diesel, 85 hp, fender, 18.4x38, daily worker, clean, $7,000. 410-833-9091 JD 4020, side console, fac tory cab, 85% rubber, clean Midwest unit, $lO,OOO 410-833-9091 JD 4050 late model, 15 speed PS, 4,000 hrs., 18 4x38, 4 post, $20,500. No Sunday calls (717)597-5623 JD 4055 MFWD w/SGC, 15-spd power shift, 80% tires, front fenders, 8100 hrs, $28,500. 717/336-7375 No Sunday Calls JD #4O self-propelled com bine, gram head, in work mg condition. 717/224-4662. JD 4400 combine, 213 grain head, 443 corn head, heads excellent condition, $14,900 610-584-2088 JD 4400 combine, rotary screen, AC, excellent con dition, $9000; JD 4020, PS, WF, 8000 hrs, very good condition, $BOOO. 215/679-8230. JD 4230 Tractor, Quad- Range Shift, Steel Belting Track or Tire Wheels Good Condition ; MF 128 Baler, Gehl 7xl4’ Forage Wagon w/Belt Cross Con veyor , NH Super 717 Harvester, 1-2 Row Nar row Corn Head , NH Super 23 Blower, NH 479 9' Hay bine, Good Rolls ALL EQUIPMENT FEILD READY! (610)683-6577. JD 4230 w/SG, cold air, quad, 4,500 hrs , one owner, $11,900 410-833-9091 JD 4240 cab, air, power JD 420 garden tractor w/5 shift (font wts _ ia,4x3B belly mower, 1,000 hrs„ tires, 5 300 hrs„ excellent, mint condition, $4,500. (814)629-6314, 410-833-9091 . JD 4240 QR, 7200 hrs; Int. JD 4230 Burnt Cab. Quad || me spreader truck, 427 Trans., 2 remotes $6BOO, motor: case IH 900 4R JD 4 row 3 point cult $4OO, gom planter, liquid; NH 27 JD 3 point rotary hoe $475, blower; NH 852 round JD Belt pulley fcor 10 &20 ba | er AC 80 50 tractor; series tractors $175, van Dale 285 mixer wagon, 717-534-1253. 2-years old, take over pay- IT 3 • «~ * UMUgJm ms* . ,„ > \„li». dfijfc Case 1394 65Hp, Cab/Tractor4/WD, One Owner, Only 950 Hrs., AC/Am-Fm Radio Excellent. Also Case Plows & Woods 6' Mower . (717) 739-2373 IFOIR SALE (2) Badger BNIOSO Wagons on 14 5 ton gears w/12 ply tires and chute extensions @ $6 500 /each Badger 8N950 wagon on 14 5 ton gear w/12 ply tires - excellent condition @ S 5 000 Badger 8N950 wagon on 12 5 ton gear w/new 12 ply tires - excellent condition @ $5 000 Badger 8N950 wagon on 12 5 ton gear w/12 ply tires and chute extension @ S 4 500 Badger 8N950 wagon on 12 5 ton gear w/12 ply tires S 3 850 Call 301-898-7942 and leave message! e 1986 Case IH 6v % n 3700 Hrs., Being Made Field Ready For Corn -1063 | B & 1020 Headers -SP Rotor- Grain Loss Monitor - B B Extra Parts - Ear Corn Sieve - Etc. $48,000 I 1 Mt. Pleasant Farms | 1 (717) 352-3586 * I POWER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC, INC. I I I G G C jn SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES, | SERVICE AND RENTALS I (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 S (2) 75 KW AC Diesel (1) 65 KW Ford L-P-G 55 KW Chrysler L-P-G (1)24 KW AC L-P-G Used New PTO Generators in Stock 1 I New &f Llseit Transfer Switches ments. 814/652-! 0 JD 435 Round baler moni tor, like new $ll,OOO. NH 489 Hay bind, excellent $3500. NH 269 Hayliner $B5O. NH 256 & 258 rake, excellent $l5OO/$1750. JD 424 p CAH quad, Kuhn 4 basket tedder 18.4x38 tires, 4700 hours, $2OOO. Kuhn rake/tedder ;real nice condition, $1250. 610-381-3043 (215)679-2227. IH 1486 cab, duals, weights IH 1586 cab White 2-150 cab Int 1086 cab, rebuilt engine, new clutch, pressure plate, hyd pump, air compressor . IH 1086 cab 4WD IH 1086 cab IH 1066 Hydro 100 IH 986, real nice JD 4230 IH 4230 cab, air IH 886 cab JD 4010 w/4020 Engine Kit JD 4020 D JD 4040 Case 1690 JD 2940, 4WD, loader Ford 7610 cab Ford 7600 IH 766,cab CIH 885, cab. 4WD JD 2640 rebuilt engine JD 3020 IH 656 D, rebuilt hydro IH 656 D . . IH 684 4WD w/QT loader White 1370, 4 WD, Loader IH 574 Ford 3400 w/loader Int. 460 Case 1194 IF IH 444 w/loader Int. 404 (2) IH 140, nice Ford BN, Farmall A Ford 1310, 4x4. (3) NH 785 skid. FNH 885 skid loader JD 8875 skid loader, 450 hrs Case 1840 Skid Loader . NH 555 skid loader NH 452 skid loader $5,500 3New Westfield gram auger, B"xsl’ PTO . $2,600 JD F 930 mower & Snowblower $7,500 NH 782 w/770 grass head, 824 corn head, reconditioned $7,500 JD 7000, 4RN $4,900 JD 494 A Planter, Disc Openers. $5OO 12 shank chisel plows ... $1,500 White 14'disc ... . . .$9OO NH 36 flail chopper Gehl Blower #99 Worksaver HPD 20, post driver, new Rotary Mower, 7‘, 1 new 3 pt, 1 used, trail type New I'li Meyer, complete New Walco 3pt Finish Mower, 5' Used Boss "V" Plow, complete, excel cond Princeton Tree/Shrub Planter w/5 Shoes Aztec 48' flatbed trailer . Freuhoff 36' flatbed trailer 74 GMC 9500, 238 Detroit, 5+2, Good Rubber .. $6,000 1976 C 65 Spray Truck, 1000 gal tank, John Blue sprayer, 60’ hyd booms, new engine, drive tram $B,OOO 080 1975 C 65 Chevy rollback 22’ bed, rebuilt engine Wc now offer financing & lease programs 109 Quarry <Dr., ‘Bbomsbury, Ba. 17815 . (717)387-1779 * JD 4240 4-post, power shift, 18x38 radials, low hours, excellent, $20,500 814/634-5200. If| $14,500 $ll,OOO $9,500 I I $14,500 CALL $12,500 $7,500 $9,000 CALL $10,500 $ll,OOO $11,500 $7,000 $B,OOO $13,500 $9,500 $17,000 $10,500 *• , $10,500 $8,500 518,500 $11,900 060 $4,500 CALL $5,000 | sc >i iT\ $ll,OOO $5,900 $5,500 $7,500 CALL $5,900 $5,500 $3,500 CALL CALL $B,OOO CALL CALL $21,000 $ll,OOO $9,500 $5OO $5OO $2,200 CALL $2,500 CALL $2,500 $2,000 080 .$6,000 $3,000 080 $6,000
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