Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 12, 1998, Image 101
Harvestore 2090 & 2055, both w/Goliath unloaders, make offer. 301-834-7246 HERCULES, CONIJINEN tai Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Hesston forage wagon, 16’ with roof, 12 ton running gear, ML tires, $2OOO. 610/593-2274. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month ao risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 Hydromac Skidloader, 20HP, Gas, Runs Good. $2,800. (717)369-4115 IH 120 Forage Wagon, 3 Beaters, Roof, Heavy Duty Punning Gear, Excellent Condition. Call Mornings 730-10 : 0 0 a m (717)949-3769. |H 1420 combine, 15' 820 flex, excellent low hour 1-owner machine. 302-378-4726 IH 1466 tractor w/IH cab, air IH 674 tractor w/2250 loader. IH 881 chopper, w/2RW com head, 3RN com head, windrow com head. Butler 25,000 bushel bin, air flow floor, Kansen continuous flow grain dryer, 1,000 bushel stor age bin for dryer and all augers Included. 304-267-6098 IH 1566, clean Midwest unit, cold air, 20.8x38 radials at 70%, front weights, 540/1000, 3 pt., dual hyd., 160 hp, one owner, clean m & out, $lO,OOO. 410-833-9091 IH 300 utility, new T/A, good running and working tractor, $2OOO. 717-337-3093 IH 45T baler, $l5O 080. 1952 Farmall H $1,500 080 JD B factory wide front and 3pt. AC B w/ mower. Lancaster, (610)273-3310. IH 466, 20.8x38 at 50%. cab, 3 pt, 140 hp, $7,500. 410-833-9091 IH 5088 cab tractor, air, heat, music, 20.8R38 tires, 12 front weights, 540-1000 PTO, 2 remotes, new paint, 135 hp, 2566 original hrs, excellent shape, $24,900. Farm Equipment Repair, Carlisle. PA 717/249-2317. IH 560 Diesel, recent over haul, T/A, P/S fast-hitch & remote hyd. A GOOD RUNNER! Call Mornings 7.30-1 0:0 0 AM (717)949-3769. IH 56 Blower, Original, Used Very Little. Call Mornings 7:30-10:OOAM (717)949-3769. IH 650 forage harvester; (2) IH forage wagons; IH 82 combine. (717)362-8597. IH 684 Year-round Cab w/ Air, 2600 hrs, $7,900. (410)452-5198. IH 706. diesel, NF, 3 pt., $3,500. 410-833-9091 IH 720 forage harvester, 2R adjustable corn head, w/5’ grass head, electric controls Included. Automa te roller mill w/shp motor. Dairy equipment 2" stain less pipeline- 600 gallon bulk tank. Make offer. East ern Berks Co, (610)845-3731. IH 786 fender tractor, 80h p, $6,800. (814)467-8839. IH 806 gas, NF, 3pt, dual outlets, 540/1000. York Co. 717/225-4921. IH Hail chopper, half wore °ut, shed kept. Call for Price. AdamsCo, (717)359-5707. IH Silo Blower $800; IH 55 Chisel Plow $900; Auger PTC Driven. 41.5’ $1,000; Forage Wagons: Badger Dion, (610)681-4134. ■ID 1000 3btm 3' 12"-16" Jrlp plow, excellent shape; IH 510 4B 16* trip plow, lood shape, $5OO. 717/366-2204. IH 886 w/4 post. IH 1086 w/oab. IH 1066 w/cab. IH 674 D. F-300, PS. fast hitch. 717-966-3483 IH 966 fender tractor, good condition, $6,900. (814)467-8839. DOZERS Cat D5-H LGP 1987 Cat D3-C RENTED 1996 Cat D3-C 1996 Cat D3-B 1984 Cat 03-8 LGP 1986 SCRAPER 1986 Cat6l3-C EXCAVATORS Cal 330-1 RENTED 1996 Cat 325-L 1995 Cat 325-L RENTED 1994 Cat 325-L RENTED 1993 Cat 315-L RENTED 1996 Cat 312-L RENTED 1994 Cat 231-DLC 1990 Cat2ls-BLC 1985 WHEEL LOADERS Cat 988-C SOLD 1990 Cat 980-C 1988 Cat 980-C 1988 Cat 980-C 1979 Cal 966-C 1968 Cat 938-F 1996 Cat 930 1977 CAT IT-28-F 1995 TRUCKS Cal D2S-C COMPACTORS Cat 815-B RENTED 1993 Cat 815-F RENTED 1996 Cat 815-F RENTED 1997 1988 Lancaster Farming g 1 E Mam St _ Ephrata Pa 17522 ■ 717-394-3047 g or Lititz 717-626-1164 ■ FAX 717-733-6058 g PHONE HOURS _ Mon , Tues , " Wed & Fn ■ Sam to spm _ Thurs * 7am to spm ■ OFFICE HOURS g Name - Mon thru Fn Aririrpqq_ Bam to spm ■ «aaress— The lollowmg categories ■ City are available for your y classified advertising ■ ■■ l In Section C Deadline _ Please publish mV- Thursday morning at 9 of r , each weeks publication | starting with the 1 - Equipment g # I enclose. 2- Eq Wanted " •arm Eq Wanit The Icl'coii g categories are available for your « classified advertising “ in Section D Deadline | Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week s publication ■ la-Construction Equipment g 3- and Untoaders 4- and Supplies ■ 5- Equipment _ 6- Equipment ■ 7- Equipment mm 8- ■ Ba-Exotic Animals | 9- 4 Mules 10- & Goats I 11- m 12- Breeding ■ 13- Eq & Supplies | 14- & Supplies 14a-Ratltes 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20-Lawn & Garden 21 -Services Offered ■ 22- Work u 23- Wanted ■ 24- Wanted p 25- Opportunities 26- J ■ 27- _ 28- ■ 29- m 30- " 31 Notice ■ 32- 32a-Antiques ■ 33- Vehicles _ 34- * 35- & Trailers g 36- Estate Int. 966 w/cab, 9Shp, nice, $7800; Farmall 504 utility w/3pt & PS, $3800; Farmall 340 w/fast hitch, $3200; Farmall Cub w/Woods belly mower, $2600; Ford 2000 w/PS & live PTO. 610/562-4464. f * < 'jL* cab, 6 way blade, U/C 90% left, engine & transmission rebuilt 1996 canopy, 6-way blade, 500 hours. canopy, 6-way blade, 838 hours . canopy, 6-way blade canopy, 6-way blade, good U/C . cab, good hitch, tires 45%, painted 74.000 lbs 24’dig depth, 2200 hrs 60.600 lbs, 10'6” stick, 2,000 hrs 60.600 lbs 10’6" stick, 32" bucket, 2,195 hrs 60.600 lbs long stick, 32" bkt, 5,000 hrs 35.000 lbs, 8’ stick, 35” bkt, 28" pads 28,300 lbs 1,376 hours, NPK hammer long stick, heavy lift, 37" pads, 56" bucket 9’6” stick, 24" pads, 24" & 42” buckets cab, air, 7yd spade nose bucket, tires, 70% cab, GP bkt, new 29 5x25 Mich, painted cab, GP bucket, 29 5x29 tires cab, GP bucket, 29 5x25 tires cab, GP bucket cab, GP bucket, excellent, 1300 hours cab, GP bucket, real clean, nice loader cab, GP bucket, forks, good condition hitch done m 1997, good tires, 9,000 hours canopy, no tilt 4000 hours, good condititon canopy, tilt, 800 hours, good condition cab, no tilt, A/C, 800 hours We Now Accept Visa & Master Card Aft CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK fs* \ MAIL TO f K LANCASTER FARMING A f PO Box 609 Ephrata PA 17522 > NOTE Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets □ Check Enclosed □ Visa(l3 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) (Be sure to include all numbers) Exp Date Box Replies Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming $1 50 per ad per week additional This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement 36 37 3* 39 40 (PHONE NUMBERS COUNT WORD^ JD 1209 MoCo, good ma chine w/bad roller, extra gear boxes and parts, $lOOO takes all! 973-875-4822 JD 2020, diesel, 1,100 hrs. w/belly mower, no 3 pt., Live PTO, power steering, $5,750. 410-833-9091 '4* t ** v $58,000 P.O.R. $52,000 $16,500 $25,000 $72,000 $174,000 $139,900 $139,500 $105,000 $98,000 P.O.R. $78,000 $35,000 P.O.R. P.O.R. P.O.R. $49,000 $25,500 $102,000 $33,500 $79,000 $82,000 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY State Phone( ) word ad times issue Classify under Signatun JD 2510, gas. NF, $4,250, 410-833-9091 JD 2840 High/Low, Dual Outlets, 18.4x34 Tires 80%. One Owner, Nice Condition, $8,900. (717)369-4115. m r> CRAWLERS Cat 973 (3) Cat 963 RENTED Cat 963 Cal 963 Cat 963 Cat 963 SOLD Cat 963 Cat 955 Cat 953-C Ca1953-C Cat 953 Cat 953 SOLD Cat 953 SOLD Cat 943 SOLD Cat 943 Cat 939 BACKHOEB Cat 446 (10) Cat 426 Cat4l6-B Ca1416-B Cal 416-B PAVERS BG-245-C BG-240 BG-225-B Cat AP-200-B GRADER Catl2-G BRAND-X Bobcat 753 1991 DynapacCC-21 Roller 1978 NPK4X Hammer 1993 CaseSBOK 1989 Komatsu PC22OLC-3 1987 Komatsu D-37-E 1989 P.O.R, P.O.R. P.O.R, Call 215-245-2749 Fax 215-245-2863 PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1991 JD2I6 Flex head $2500 good condition 610-489-7831. JD 2RN corn head, late style, w/slip clutch, new paint, excellent condition. (717)776-3359. 1987-88 call for specs & Maintenance History 1992 canopy, GP bucket, U/C 50%, 5700 hours 1988 cab, GP bucket, U/C 50% 1965 canopy, GP bucket, 75% U/C 1963 cab, GP bucket, engine & trans rebuilt 1997 1983 cab, GP bucket, engine rebuilt 8/96, trans rebuilt 10/96, U/C 35% 1983 canopy, GP bucket, U/C 25% remaining 1968 soft cab, runs & operates 1996 cab, GP bucket, 700 hours 1996 cab, GP bucket, good U/C, 2950 hours 1992 cab, GP bucket, fair U/C, 4300 hours 1990 cab, 4-1 bucket, painted 1986 canopy, GP bucket, fair U/C 1990 canopy, GP bucket, good U/C 1984 canopy, cab, GP bkt, $12,000 m repairs 6/97 1994 canopy, GP bkt, good U/C, Exc Cond '9O-93 cab, 4 WD, E-Stk From $33,000 1990 cab, 4WD w/a new NPK H4XE hammer, 1502 hrs $64,000 1 996 cab, 4WD, E-Stk, standard, 602 hrs $48,000 1996 cab, 4WD, E-Stk, turbo, 487 hours $48,000 1 995 cab, 4WD, E-stick, 606 hrs $49,000 1996 1986 1993 1992 10'-20' Extendamat screed, grade & slope, 900 hrs P.O.R. 10'-20' Extendamat screed, grade & slope P.O.R. B’-16' Extendamat screed, 4435 hrs $85,000 9'-12 Screed, 1452 hours, excellent cond $25,500 1980 cab, air, 14’ blade, 17 5x25 tires, painted $57,000 GP bucket, aux hyd 55” Double Drum asphalt roller, painted $13,500 will tit any Cat 416, Case 580, JD 410 $12,000 cab, 4WD, lines for hammer $22,500 24" bucket, 32 pads, lines for hammer $28,000 canopy, 6-way blade, U/C 50% $22,500 j CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES f 49c per word per week -1 or 2 times \ 44c per word per week -3 or more times h 11 word minimum £ Words 1 Time 2 Times \ up to 11 5.39 10.78 » 12 5.88 11.76 i 13 6.37 12.74 ( 14 6.86 13.72 \ 15 7.35 14.70 * 16 7.84 15.68 i 17 8.33 16.66 i 18 8.82 17.64 r 19 9.31 18.62 \ 20 9.80 19.60 SECTION D - WEDNESDAY AT 4 00 P M SECTION C - THURSDAY AT 9 00 A M OF EACH WEEK S PUBLICATION JD 300 Corn Pickei Head Field Ready! Forage Harvester, 7' Super 717, YC CHOICE! IR/2R or P Head. (717)776-6 (717)776-5456. Even! Ea. $51,01 $102,01 $44,01 $47,000 $49,000 $49,000 P.O.R. $lO,OOO $134,000 $115,000 P.O.R. $67,000 P.O.R. $45,000 $41,000 $51,000 $3,000 5? 3 Times 14.52 15.84 17.16 18.48 19.80 21.12 22.44 23.76 25.08 26.40 DEADLINES 18-CI ir, ’1