Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 05, 1998, Image 47
Our early morning quiet isn’t necessarify. Even when the noisy, giant fan blowing air across the cows at the barn to counter the. steamy humidity is silenced by cooling breezes, other sounds invade that space between dawn and sunrise. The milking sys tem motors, pumps, and com pressors hum a steady, dull background. Jarring noises of an eighteen-wheeler connecting with a bump in the interstate pavement floats up through the ‘holler.’ And a chorus of assorted bird songs float down from the maple canopy, including the chirps of the cardinals demanding a bird feeder refill. Often during this “quiet” time UIKUmnED FREIGHT CO. ILIQUIDdTIOn SdLESiNCj | 4 DRAWER CHES Pine Finish and Brass Hardware I Reg. Ret $149 95 ' CASH PRICE WITH COUPON i $69.95 *39,04 r (CANTED) FRONT CURIO "I Oak or Cherry Finish - Your Choice I - 5 Glass Shelves I - Two Doors I - Lighted Interior ' - Mirrored Beck I Reg. Retail $599.95 | With Coupon $159.88 Volume Buy J BUNK BEDS —■» Choose From Sculptured or HpBBL I w/Bookcase Headboard. JQm i Includes Ladder and safety \ACJ J rails, Bedding Sold 1 Breaks Down To Twin Size IJO7 'v^f r u'i Reg. Retail $599 95 Bs&iic- - v f A Cash Price ~-4jilCl'' $209.95 J?Z_±2 — GLIDER ROCKER Available In Blue, Beige, Green Reg. Retail $149.95 With Coupon $98.04 t==============-===#J [home computer CENTER CLOSEOUT Reg. Retail $1,329.90 Mlf I A* 1 1 White Washesd Oak Flnlth I With Coupon | I $299.95 Wholeaale/Must Goll I r - metaiTfuton - Whlta/Green/Black I -#?»_ with 8” Futon Mattresa R *9- R «K" $639.95 $259.95 j With Coupon $159.95 L #2J 1“ *. £ W SECTIONAL “j " •'* SLEEPER I P-> 3 Featuring a Loveseat I Ij, r \ w/Slde-By-Slde Ivi s Recllnera and Center | I -*■»" Console Plus Sofa Dealer Refusal _ _ . w/Hlde-a-Bed | Reg. Retail $2389.95 I Our Cash Price $1049.95 1 With Coupon $889.04 ,«I of day, I log onto the computer to access e-mail and check a couple of regular websites on the Internet. But, on one recent rare occasion, the dial-up failed to make connection. No e-mail or www-website checking in that early morning quiet time. As the day wore on, though, websites turned up with embar rassing frequency. For as long as I can remember, this phenome non has occurred annually, as the summer wanes and wobbles toward fall solstice. Reality is, the entire farm has become one big web network. And there are umpteen addresses of the sites, accessible through fww. Farm Wide Web. One, website, located right on the front door and visible to all [sofa & LOVESEAT CLOSEOUT, ! Green - 'wSPIH DON'T MISS \W& thbh Reg Ret $2lOO i Tr^ZP I RECLINER CLOSEOUT U /7)\ I Available In Four Colors //V/ //I I Reg.Retails6B9.9s CTVT /lJ I | Our Cash Price $299.95 j i coupon $ 259.95^^p^ #2 i I r FUTON SOFA fif CHAIR CLOSEOUT 1 I White, Green, Black Comes w/8" Futon Mattress & I f Wo ar* ■ four store chain not affiliated with any other stores A r Store* in LANCASTER • YORK • CARLISLE, PA • ELKTON, MO LANCASTER STORE HOURS Mon -Ffl 9-9 * S*l 0-6 • Sun Noon-S who pass through, could be labeled fww.frontdoorwreath. Host for this website is a small, front-door spider. Its dusty web is neatly woven around the circle of grapevines shaping the door decoration, and carefully attached in among the fluffs and folds of the fading pink paperhusk bow. From this lair, the spider awaits the assorted bugs it may snag as they are attracted to the porch light and become its breakfast guests. A sort of spider fuiw.bugbuffet. Not too far away is another web location, fww.bath roomwindowscreen. This site, originally installed to discour age insect pests, instead sup ports a couple of patches of web woven by a cousin to the front door resident. Surrounded by the patchy web, the spider host enjoys a view of the backyard framed by trees and the vista of contoured fields beyond. A more highly developed site, with oodles of links to web hosts, caught my attention recently while milking. Several large vented sections in the dairy barn ceiling connect with fans installed high up in the barn attic. It’s part of the ventilation system designed to continually 5 DRAWER CHEST Maple Finish L—” I Reg. Price: $399.95 I Cash Price: | $59.95 br- ' Closeout CLOSEOUT PRICE I CASH PRICE $74995 Chair Mattress ■ a Reg. Retail $989.95 1 Low Price $479.95 I I BIO SELECTION OP 3 an to 5 at METAL BUNK BEDS 3019 Hampland Road, Lancaster 397-6241 • N* flslunSs NoExehanf** For jwrcha*** with • chMk, hrlng FINANCING » N* Exchsnq— *l««n llcmim ins ghoiw numbtn AVAILABLE *• *•' • Cash A Carry V S exchange the body heat given off by cows with fresh outside air. At fivw.blockbamventila- Hon, horde of webweavers has strung sites across the four-by four, metal, louvered vents, con structing huge spider metropoli tan areas. Their combined efforts, further layered with fine dust rising from the sawdust bedding we use, providing an efficient barrier to air circula tion. The long-handled shovel that is part of our regular milking equipment, used to clean stalls before attaching the milking machines, proved to be a great way to connect with this web site. And wipe it off the network. But not without a shower of dust as the site collapsed into limp lumps of unwanted webbing, that site has been reopened as fww.airmovesagain. To be honest, the longer one Order a copy of your credit report each year from one of the major credit reporting bureaus. If incorrect information is in your file, take the necessary steps to correct it • Experian Consumer Assistance - $8.56, PO Box 2104, Allen, TX 75013-2104, (888) 397-3742 Ltncnter Farming, Saturday, September 5, 1998-B3 surfs around the farmstead, the more websites become apparent, there’s fww.SpanUhmo»s, the visual effect rendered under the old barn by colonies of spinners. At fww.frilly fences, our artis tic arachnids have woven fanci ful, symmetric webs among the split-rail that surrounds the yard, truly lovely sites when the dew which gathers on them sparkles in the early-morning sun. And a vast website exists at fww.pureorganicplants, our backyard and garden where the absence of pesticides encourages spider creations hanging on everything from the seven-feet sunflowers to the diminutive and dainty gerbera daisies. Indeed, our Farm Wide Web is getting highly cluttered and is badly in need of some cleaning up. There is an effective web virus that should do the trick. You can access it at fww.broomsweepsclean. Credit Reports • Equifax Information Service Center - $B, Attn: Consumer Department, PO Box 105873, Atlanta, GA 30348, (800) 685-1111 • Trans Union - $B, National Consumer Disclosure Ctr, PO Box 390, Springfield, PA 19064 (800) 888-4213