Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 29, 1998, Image 1

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Vol. 43 No. 43
Northeastern Hereford
Breeders Hold Field Dav
WARWICK, N.Y. - Iron
Forge Farms was blessed with
bright sunshine and low humid
ity as it hosted the Northeastern
Hereford Breeders Field day
earlier this month
The day was filled with infor
mation on the cattle industry.
The many guest speakers pre
sented a variety of topics that
ranged from examining the
Hereford breed from the 'sos to
the ’9os, to demonstrations of
the advanced technologies of
ultrasound and embryo transfer
Emcee Dale Stith led off the
program with a challenge to all
bleeders to get together as one
group in the Northeast and
serve notice that there are cattle
east of the Mississippi River
Craig Huffhines, chairman of
Richard Hoffman, left, and Luke Troutman perform the twin scale propagation
expirement In the supervised agriculture experience orientations program at Tulpe
hocken High School.
Farmers Need To Sign Up
At Last, Tobacco
Growers May
Have A Market
Lancaster Fanning Staff
MOUNT JOY (Lancaster Co.)
Growers haven’t left their wor
ries in the field, not in this tobacco
growing season.
Actually, they’ve left them in
the bams.
Four to five million pounds of
Those “worries” are the amount
of pounds of tobacco that haven’t
been sold in Lancaster County.
Fortunately for most growers, the
tobacco waits, dry and “heat” free,
and can remain that way for some
time to come.
Four Sections
the American Hereford
Association, followed with his
comments on the strategy and
direction of the breed and the
roles both the breeder and
national association play in that
alliance He pointed out the fact
that northeastern breeders need
to work together as a region to
create a greater benefit for the
breeders in this part of the coun
This was followed by a pre
sentation of the breed from the
’sos, ’7os and ’9os by Dr Tom
Field of Colorado State
University His research on cat
tle from each of the above gener
ations has been conducted by
actually growing cattle with
semen from each of the genera-
(Turn to Page A 32)
For those who stripped the
tobacco wet, the material is break
ing down.
However, those worries Could
soon be a thing of the past as a new
tobacco grower marketing organi
zation, similar to a milk coopera
tive, comes into being.
Called the Pennsylvania Tobac
co Grower Marketing Organiza
tion, the idea for the organization
was spearheaded by a Lancaster
County tobacco grower and presi
dent of the Lancaster County Farm
(Turn to Page A 26)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 29, 1998
Tad Francis age 12, and Tathan Francis age 9, do a little grooming on the Iron Forge
Farm’s new herd sire OBF Mercedes Benz.
Called the Pennsylvania Tobacco Grower Marketing Organization, the Idea for the
organization was spearheaded by Jane Balmer, Lancaster County tobacco grower
and president of the Lancaster County Farm Bureau. Photo by Andy Andrews
$29.50 Per Year
Students Explore Agriculture
Science Opportu u ities
At Tulpehoekeu
host of opportunities were
explored by students participat
ing in SAE (Supervised
Agriculture Experience) Orienta
tions scheduled in July and
Students enrolled -in the
Agriculture Biology course in
the Tulpehocken School District
are encouraged to choose and
participate in one of the dates
offered. The students are incom
ing ninth graders enrolled in the
science/agriculture course desir-
U™' * £.rwl I I LID
—cine pyi copf“
ing an SAE credit and the oppor
tunity it provides
The goal of the activity is to
initiate or build on a student’s
interest by exposing them to var
ied research-related practicums
Research practicums become part
of the individual student’s pro
jects throughout the school year.
Learning to develop a career
relationship is an important
component of the project
On the day’s agenda
appeared four topics including
animal science, food science,
plant science and environment-
(Turn to Page A 32)