Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1998, Image 20
A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 22, 1998 USDA Pork Carcass Cutout Wed Aug 19, 1998 Estimated gross cutout values of a 175 lb hog carcass based on USDA cutting yield tests and carlot prices. Wednesday's carcass grades & prices per cwt.; US # 1 US #2 US #3 US #4 Change from 54.35 53.15 51.96 50.76 Tuesday's value: 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.29 Today's calculations for US #2 175 lb pork carcass: * OF FOB CHANGE FROM ITEM WEIGHT CARCASS VALUE Tuesday Skinned hams 14 20 Lb 21.01% $42.50 0.50 Loins. 1/4” Trim 14 22 Lb 20.33% $102.00 1.00 Bellies. Sdls. 12 14 Lb 13.90% $72.00 Spareribs 3.5Dn Lb 3.03% $96.00 Picnics 8 12 Lb 10.31% $2150 Butts, 1/4" Trim 4 8 Lb 7.25% $70.00 Jowl 2.85% $13.00 Neckboncs 1.52% $lO.OO Feet 1.05% $20.50 Tails 0.22% $21.50 Trim 72% 2.19% $26.00 0.50 Lard 10.85% $17.75 Total carcass % *“> 94.51% US #2 Car cass Value per cwt ■ $53.15 NOTE: Value may change without adequate test. ABCDE after quotes represents days since last actual market test Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions. Source: USDA Market News, Des Moines, IA 315 284 4460^mn— —lssoo.txt 1530 C wgs/crs Morrison Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. August 17, 1998 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 192. STEERS CHOICE 61.00- GOOD 56.00-60.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 59.00-61.00; GOOD 54.00-58.00. COWS: UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 33.00- CANNER & LOW CUTTER 15.00- BULLOCKS; 44.00-52.50. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 40.00- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 55 00-65.00; BULLS 45.00-55.00; HEIF ERS 45.00-55.00. CALVES 118. PRIME, NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE 75.00-85.00; GOOD 65.00- STANDARD 15.00-32.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 50.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 65.00-125.00. HOGS: 240. US NO 1-2 35.50-36.50; US NO. 1-3 33.50-34.50. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 18.00-26.00. BOARS: 1100-20.00. FEEDER PIGS; 24 HEAD. US#l&3 20-50 LBS. 8.00-20.00. SHEEP: 36 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS 70.00- GOOD LAMBS 65.00-70.00, SLAUGHTER EWES 20.00-3 ZOO. GOATS; 22.00-66.00 EACH. UP NORTH BUNKER COVERS | CLEAN CUT FEED Call Us For Your Bunker Cover Needs by Up North Plastics Sizes Ranging From 25 x 100 at $95,00 to 50 x 200 at $3BO 00 * DESIGN Application Specific - Designed exclusively for FEED STORAGE * MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION 2 outer white layers, 1 inner black layer bonded together * OUTER WHITE LAYERS Reflects harmful sunlight and heat from the feed being stored *■ INNER BLACK LAYER Provides a natural barrier against sunlight penetration * ULTRAVIOLET PROTECTION PACKAGE U.V protection from the sun to withstand exposure for 1 year IN STOCK READY FOR HARVEST MESSICK'S SERVING TWO LOCATIONS Rheems Exit - Route 283 RD i. Box 225 A, Abbottstown, pa 17301 Elizabethtown, PA 17022 we»t of vo/k, pa on Route 30 717-367-1319 717-653-8867 717-259-6617 BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK AUCTION BELLEVILLE, PA AUGUST 19, 1998 CATTLE 343 [SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTION] HOLSTEINS Choice 1200-1500 lbs 55 00-57 00 COWS Breaking Utility and Commer cial 2-4 38 50-42 00, Cutler and Boning Utility 1-3 33 25-38 25. Canner and Low Cutter 12 27 00 33 00 Shells down to 20 00 BULLS one Yield Grade 2 1500 lbs 44 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS 58 OQ -70 00. HEIFERS 45 00-62 00, BULLS 40 00-54 00 CALVES 93 VEALERS Standard and Good 70-95 lbs 18 00-24 00, Utility 50-70 lbs 10 00-15 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95 120 lbs 45 00-9000, No 2 95-120 lbs 30 00-44 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 95- 120 lbs 95 00-140 00 HOGS 6 BOARS 400-600 lbs 9 00- 12 00 FEEDER PIGS 237 US 1-3 19 00 35 00 - per head SHEEP 25 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 60-90 lbs 99 00 120 00, Good and Choice 50-100 lbs 75 00-95 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 25 00-41 00 GOATS 17 One Large 81 00, Large Kids 30 00-40 00. Small 18 00-29 00 - per head Pa. Livestock Auction, Inc. Wayneaburg, PA Aug. 20, 1998 CATTLE; SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility & Com mercial 34.00 to 3930; Cutter & Boning Utility 31.00 to 36.00; Canner & Low Cut ter 30.00 to 35.00; Shells 30.00 & Down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1500-200043.00 to 4830; Yield Grade 2 1000-1400 38.00 to 56.00. FEEDER STEERS: M <k L 1 300-500 55.00 to 77.00; 250-280 66.00 to 83.00; M 600-900 50.00 to 64.00; HEIFERS M l&L 1 300-500 40.00-68.00; L I 400-650 38.00 to 70.00; BULLS M & Ll3OO-620 42.00 to 70.00. CALVES: Veal Prime 68.00 to 80.00; Choice 38.00 to 70.00; Good 35.00 to 60.00; Farm Calves #1 Holstein Bulls 90-120 Few 35.00-69.00; #2 Holstein Bulls 80-100 Few 20.00 to 40.00; Beef X Bull & Hfrs./Hd. 20.00 to 100.00. HOGS: Barrows & Gilts 1-2 210-255 35.00 to 40.00, #2-3 255-280 32.00 to 37.50; Sows #l-3 300-500 22.00 to 3030; Feeder Pigs 1-3 15-20 5.00 to 17.0(yHd., 1-3 25-35 10.00 to 42.00/Hd. LAMBS; High Choice 80-100 65.00 to 77.00, Choice 40-75 70.00 to 81.00; Feeder Lambs Good 60.00 to 78.00, Sheep 15.00 to 30.00, Fat Sheep 20.00 & Down. GOATS: Large 35.00 to 12230/Hd., Medium 25.00 to 40.00/Hd.; Small 10.00 to 35.00/Hd. ■ HORSES; Horses 35.00 to 70.00, Ponies 20.00 to 50.00. Our Forage Harvester Knives Cut Through Other Brands. Good feed requires a clean cut. Knives from New Holland provide a razor-sharp cut and more These knives are built tough for longer life and lower maintenance Be sharp, take advan tage of these savings Buy now and save Take Advantage of Cash Discounts and Save Call Now and Buy Original Equipment Knives at Competitive sss From Your Leading Harvester Dealer Purchase A Set of Knives & Receive a Free Sharpening Stone & New Holland Hat Greencastie Livestock Grtcncaille, Pa. Aug. 20, 1998 CATTLE 156. COWS STEADY WITH SPOTS TO 1.50 HIGHER THAN LAST THURSDAY. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 2-4 37.5tM3.00, LOW DRESSING DOWN TO 35.25. CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 1 -3 33.00-37J0. LOW DRESSING DOWN TO 31 JO. CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 1-2 26.00- SHELLS DOWN TO 23.00. BULLS: YG#l FEW 1350-1660 LBS. 44.50-47.50. ONE AT 50.00. YIELD GRADE #1 FEW 1375-1985 LBS. 41 JO-43.00. FEEDER CATTLE: BULLS COUPLE M 2 640-665 LBS. 46.00. CALVES: 304. VEALERS GOOD FEW 130-145 LBS. 40.00-59.00; STANDARD AND GOOD 80-115 LBS. 25.00-32.00; UTILITY 65-95 LBS. 16.00-26.00. FARM CALVES: 15.00-20.00 WITH LATE SALES TO 30.000 LOWER THAN LAST THURSDAY. NO. I 95-120 LBS. 60.00- 90-95 LBS. 45.00-70.00, NO. 2 85-125 LBS. 30.00-57J0. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, FEW NO. I 85-105 LBS. 100.00-160.00, NO. 2 75-95 LBS. 40.00-82.50. BEEF TYPE BULLS AND HEIFERS 80-100 LBS. 45.00-70.00. HOGS: 0. NO MARKET TEST. FEEDER PIGS; 0. NO MARKET TEST.* SHEEP: 1. GOOD ONE 105 LBS. 55.00. GOATS: 0 BILLIES: NO MARKET TEST. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday at 4:00 pan. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction Thursday, August 20, 1998 RETURN TO FARM CALF: 50.00-103.00. GOOD VEAL: 30.00-49.00. COMMON VEAL: 10.00-29.00. CHOICE STEERS: 61.00-63.25. SELECT STEERS: 55.00-60.00. COMMON STEERS: 44.00-54.00. COMMERCIAL COWS: 35.00-40.00 COUPLE 43.00. CANNERS-CUTTERS: 28.00-34.00. SHELLS: 20.00-27.00. CHOICE HEIFERS: 6Q.00-63.00. SELECT HEIFERS; 54.00-59.00. COMMON HEIFERS; 40.00-54.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 35.00-55.00. BULLS: 38.00-47.00. All Steel, High Gloss, High Impact and Acid Resistant TGIC Polyester Powder Coated Dairy Barn Equipment HEWHOUAIID Auto release for downed cows. Adjustable neck opening for calf to cow. Heavy 1” schedule 40 pipe for uprights. All with a 20 year rust through warranty. Available now at: M Cedar Crest Equipment Two Convenient Locations SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice and Pnme 2-3 25-45 lbs 100 00-150 00, 45-80 lbs 80 00-100 00, 80-110 lbs 70 00-85 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good I 2 30 00-40 00, few to 45 00 GOATS All goats sold by the head Billies Medium and Large 75 00-100 00, few up to 130 00 Nannies Medium and Large 40 00-60 00 Yearlings Choice and Pnme 50 00-70 00 Kids Choice and Pnme 20 00-50 00 Lancaster County Weekly Review NEW HOLLAND, PA FRIDAY AUGUST 21,1998 USDA-PA Dept Ag Market News CATTLE CALVES THIS WEEK 2706 1764 LAST WEEK 2388 1730 LAST YEAR 3191 1676 CATTLE Compared to last week’s closing pnces, slaughter steers opened sharply lower with some recovery at the end of the week to close I 00 lower Western direct feedlot trade was also 1 00 lower this week at 59 00 Packers shrugged off the mid-week futures surge and maintained pressure on the mar ket, at the same time enjoying a boxed beef market that has remained strong for the past several weeks Local Holstein steers closed 50- 100 lower and limned trading of slaughter heifers was 1 00-1 50 lower The slaughter , cow market was volatile this week and ended steady to I 00 lower, despite sharply higher boneless beef pnces Slaughter bulls finished the week I 00-2 00 lower This week’s sup ply included 49 percent slaughter steers, 6 percent slaughter heifers. 32 percent slaughter cows, 6 percent bulls and the balance were feeder cattle SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1115-1460 lbs 60 35-65 50 Choice 2-3 1050-1485 lbs 59 00-62 35 high dressing 1-2 up to 64 50 and low dressing 4- 5 down to 55 75, few 1460-1615 lbs 56 75 59 75 Select and low Choice 2-3 1015-1560 lbs 54 00-60 60, few 1600-1810 lbs 47 7s 55 50 Select 1-3 920-1550 lbs 52 25-58 50 several packages returning to feed 1000-1250 lbs 56 75-60 25 LEBANON VALLEY ENTERPRISES, INC Manufacturing • Powdtr Coating • Pracaal Headlocks 608 Evergreen Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 270-6600 1-800-646-6601 (Continued from Page A 2) HOLSTEIN STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1275-1570 lbs 54 60-56 60, ideal individual 1395 lbs 57 25 Choice 2-3 1335 1600 lbs 52 10-54 85 Select and low Choice 2-3 1220-1590 lbs 50 00-53 50, 1625-1790 lbs 46 75-50 75 Select 1-2 1000-1580 lbs 46 75 50 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice fen Prime 2-4 1060-1270 lbs 57 50-60 00, couple high dressing Limousin X 1-2 1160 lbs 64 00 Select and low Choice 2-3 1050-1325 lbs 52 50-58 50 Heiferettes Choice 3-4 1075 1395 lbs 50 25-56 00 Commercial and Standard 2-4 1000-1415 lbs 42 75-47 50 SLAUGHTER COWS* PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESSING Breakers 75-80 pet lean over 1400 lbs 37 00-43 00 36 00-39 25, Boners 80-85 pci lean over-1200 lbs 35 25-39 50 33 00-36 75, Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 34 00-37 75 32 50-36 00, Lean 88-90 pet lean over-1000 lbs 32 00-36 75 29 50-33 50, Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 pci lean 750 -1000 lbs 29 00-35 75 26 00-33 25 ♦Over 95 percent of supply consisted of Holstein cows SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield Grade I 1190-2260 lbs 46 00-55 00, individual X-brcd 1235 lbs 58 75 Yield Grade 2 900-2185 lbs 4125-47 50 Bullocks Select 1-3 820-1410 lbs 47 00-55 50, couple Limousin X 1100 1245 lbs 57 25 CALVES Compared to last week, real ers closed steady to 2 00 lower but slaughter calves ended 10 00-20 00 higher The Holstein bull farm calf market was sharply lower as this week’s calves will finish-out soon after the holiday season Holstein bulls ended the week 35 00-40 00 lower m slow trading On the other hand, the Holstein heifer market post ' ed ite highest prices of recent memory this week Heifers closed as much as 30 00 higher VEALERS Good and Choice 70-110 lbs 22 00-36 00, late 22 00-30 00, few 150 2SO lbs 73 00-78 00 Standard and low Good oft 90 lbs 11 00-28 00, late mostly 11 00-22 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES Good and Choice 200-350 lbs 75 00-100 00, 350 500 lbs 58 00-75 00 Standard 300-500 lbs 50 00 60 00 RETURNED TO FARM Holstein bulls 95-125 lbs 50 00-96 00 late mostly 50 00 70 00 Plainer calves 80-120 lbs 26 00-67 00 late in the week 26 00 50 00 Holstein heifers 80-115 lbs 112 00-205 00 25 head graded 235 00-249 00 Plainer heifers 70-100 lbs 45 00-125 00 oop Stalls le design offers generous space between loops. v mg the u - lt,< k,, ° d Freestall RD 2 Box 271 East Earl, PA 17519 (717) 354-0584 —'4