Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1998, Image 2
s LANCASTirt County Livestock Market Auction a *■ v ♦ , ii '> , ** i ' j f* LANCASTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION MONDAY AUGUST 17, 1998 CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP GOATS MONDAYS AUCTION 44 10 279 152 LAST WEEK 4 473 251 LAST YEAR 208 420 CATTLE Compared to Thursday, slaughter steers and heifers sold I 00- I 50 lower Trading was mostly moderate on the good offering except for light- weight Select cattle, for which farmer feeders showed good demand Holstein steers were 50-1 00 lower Slaughter cows sold steady to 50 lower, while slaughter bulls were fully I 00 and instances 2 00 lower Supply included 68 percent slaughter steers and 9 percent slaughter cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1140-1430 lbs 60 35-62 50 Choice 2-3 1050-1475 lbs 59 GO -61 50, few high dressing 1-2 up to 64 00 and low dressing 4-5 down to 55 75 Select and low Choice 2-3 1060- 1540 lbs 54 00- 59 25, few 1600-. 1810 lbs 47 75-55 50 Select 1-3 1050-, 1385 lbs 52 25-57 75, several pack ages returning to feed 1025-1215 lbs 56 75-58 35 HOLSTEIN STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1275-1570 lbs 54 60-56 60, ideal individual 1395 lbs 57 25 Choice 2-3 1385-1555 lbs 52 10-' 54 00 Select and low Choice 2-3 1220-1440 lbs 5125-5300, 1625- 1790 lbs 46 75-50 75 Select 1-2 1000-1580 lbs 47 25-50 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice, few Prime 2-4 1060-1270 lbs 57 50-60 00, couple high dressing Limousin X 1-2 1160 lbs 64 00 Select and low Choice 2-3 1060- 1295 lbs 52 50-58 50 Heiferettes Choice 3-4 1075-1395 lbs 51 25-56 00 Commercial and Stan dard 2-4 1000-1415 lbs 42 75-47 50 SLAUGHTER COWS PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS IMG Breakers 75-80 pci lean over -1400 lbs 38 75-41 25 37 25-39 25 Boners 80-85 pci lean over -1200 lbs 36 00 39 00 34 50-36 00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs 35 25-37 75 34 25- 35 00 Lean 88-90 pci lean over -1000 lbs 32 50-36 75 30 00-32 50 Lean (Light Wt) 85-90 pci lean 750 1000 lbs 3100-33 50 28 00-3175 SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield Grade 1 HAY, STRAW & CORN -SALE- Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM c ' GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717) 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers -Cash or Certified Checks Only Get more capacity and better service from Chore-Time’s 9\[ezV Next Generation bin V- *5 > HydroShleld* Weather, Jt»i T|*fW, •*. *s’ ?I*J; W«w' jl| Guard prevents water from rUnnln9 dOW " hopper Call for pricing on bins assembled and delivered to your farm VINTAGE LIVESTOCK AUCTION TUESDAY AUGUST 18, 1998 CATTLE CALVES SHEEP GOATS TODAY 571 731 6 LASTTUESDAY 531 771 LAST YEAR 620 47 CATTLE Compared to Monday, daughter steers sold fully steady Trade was fairly active, after Monday's ower market, and a few early sales showed moderate strength Holstein deers and slaughter heifers were not well tested Cows 50-1,50 lower Slaughter bulls were mostly steady in ight test Supply included 32 percent 872 48 1190-2260 lbs 47 00-55 00, individual X-brcd 1235 lbs 58 75 Yield Grade 2 900-2025 lbs 41 50-47 50 Bullocks Select 1-3 820-1245 lbs 47 00-54 25, couple Limousin X 1100-1245 lbs 57 25 SLAUGHTER CALVES Good, few Choice 350-500 lbs 58 00-70 00 Stan dard 350-500 lbs 50 00-60.00 SHEEP Compared to last week, slaugh ter lambs sold mostly 300 higher and slaughter ewes were steady to 200 higher SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice ajtd Prime 2-3 Few 60-70 lbs 91 00, 70-80 lbs 85 00- 88 00, 80-100 lbs 78 00- 82 00, 100-110 lbs 79 00-84 00, 120- 140 lbs 68 00- 72 00 Few Good and low Choice 40-50 lbs 72 00-76 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 1-2 32 00-38 00 Few Good 2-3 27 00- 35 00 Aged Bucks 220-27 C lbs 37 00-40 00 GOATS All goats sold by the head Billies Large 95 00-110 00 Mit ton Choice and Prime 79 00-84 00 Nannies Large 52 00-56 00 Medium 42 00-48 00 Yearlings Choice and Prime 65 00-72 00 Kids Choice and Prime 50 00-65 00 Good 38 00- 46 00 High Capacity 40' roof (left) allows more storage and stays cleaner than conventional 30° roof (right) •ACCESS PLUS'permits easy clem out of the bln from the ground. 629 693 kirkwood —x rzssr HAY auction 3; B&R CATTLE CO I Hay, Straw and ;; r DI , Marietta, PA \ HWIH Grain Auction ~ 17547 HSBI mj-f EVERY TUESDAY { > Office Phone; \ 11:00 <> (717)653-6164 \ Located Rt. 472 5 miles ;; Specializing in X south of Quarryville or 6 miles < > Stockers & X A north of Oxford corner of 11 Feeders* T «’ Mr Rt 472 and Noble Road ;; JOHN BOWMAN f Lloyd H. Kraider, * [ (717)653*5728 JD Auctioneer < ► dam DAMAir e AU-000513L <► rwnnAW,R a No out of state checks (717)656-9849 q ■ I - - tammmmwmnmmLi Quality Feeder Cattle Specializing In: Fresh Off The Farm Stockers aod Feeders Order Buying can Eugene Martin 717-336-2690 Office 717-336-3676 Home Licensed & Bonded Contracts available call for information ■ Broiler ■ Pullets * Call for our free brochure “What is contract production?” ilbs and save electricity Replace your bul lent Fluorescent Lights with energy efficii 13 Watts 5-7-9 Walts 5.49 ea. 5.79 ea /“N Light Bulbs ( \ 25 to 100 Watts V Brass Base - 5000 Mrs Master Distributor Since 1982 Authorized iMnrtheiltl Northeast A 9 rl Systems, Inc S JJJ SSQffiSfi Flyway Busmen Park Mrravo Slrae Aft Z*™u*r 1 305 UniversityAve S ■iSiia . F9 “: a T J 5 Bjyjjjl 1-800-673-2580 1-800-735-6361 IBP*! •laughter steers and 59 percent cows SLAUGHTER STEERS. High Choice and ’rime 2-4 1125-1460 lbs 60 35-64 10 Choice 2-3 1125-1455 lbs 59 25- >1 75, few high dressing Charolais X 1- 2 1235-1435 lbs 61 75-64 50, few 1515-1615 lbs 57 00-59 75 Select and ow Choice 2-3 1055-1525 lbs 55 50-59 7 5 Few Select 1-3 1 150-1550 bs 52 25-56 75, couple packages 1550-1560 lbs 49 25 dOLSTETN STEERS Select and Choice 2-3 1360-1550 lbs 5125-53 75 Cou >le Select 1-2 1350-1450 lbs 48 GO -19 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Select and ow Choice 2-3 1205-1325 lbs 54 50- 58 00 Heiferettes Few Choice 3-4 1100-1280 lbs 50 25-56.00 ELDER STEERS Medium 2 package >35 lbs 53 75, few 790-890 lbs 50 50- 50 75, package 1025 lbs 52 00. SLAUGHTER COWS*. PERCENT LEAN •VEIGHT BULK LOW DRESS NG Breakers 75-80 pet lean over -1400 lbs 35 00-39.75 Boners 80-85 pet lean over -1200 lbs 36.00-39 50 34.00-36.00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean rver-1200 lbs 34.00-37.25 33.00- 16 00 Lean 88-90 pet lean over -1000 lbs 32 00-35 00 31.00-32 00 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 pet lean 750 1000 lbs 29 00-33.50 26.00-31.00 ♦Over 95 percent of supply consisted of Holstein cows SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield Grade 1-2 555-1990 lbs 41 75-47 50 Bullocks Couple Select 2 1340-1410 lbs 52 25- 54 00 CALVES Compared to last Tuesday, vealers sold 2 00-5 00 lower with good demand Trade was moderately active for Holstein bulls returning to feed with demand very good for Holstein heifers with small supply 20.00-35.00 higher Supply included 641 head in the State graded sale and 77 percent of the total supply relumed to the farm 36* Ea VEALERS Few Choice 180-260 lbs 73 00-77 00 Good 140-260 lbs 34.00- 62 00 GoOd and Choice 75-110 lbs 26 00-32 00 Standard and low Good 60-90 lbs 18 00-25 00, few 60-65 lbs 10 00 RETURNED TO FARM 195 head 95- 120 lbs Holstein bulls 81 00-89 00, with 20 head 110-115 lbs 96 00, 40 head 90 lbs 57 00, and 30 head 85 lbs 32 00-40 00 90 head plainer calves 100-115 lbs 62 00-67 00 nd 50 head 90-95 lbs 29 00- 30 00, 25 head 90-115 lbs Holstein heifers 235 00- 249 00 and 12 head 80-85 lbs| 162.00 New Holland Livestock Auction NEW HOLLAND, PA THU AUGUST 20,1998 USDA-PA Dept Ag Market News NEW HOLLAND LIVESTOCK AUCTION FOR THURSDAY AUGUST 20,1998 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats TODAY 1271 742 385 198 LASTWEEK 1242 715 507 184 LASTYEAR 1535 751 237 178 CATTLE. Compared to Tuesday, a very attrac tive supply of slaughter steers sold .50 higher Despite the moderate gain, slaughter steers are still 1 00 lower for the week with no sign of breaking out of this present depressed market Holstein steers and a limited test of slaughter heifers were mostly steady A good offering of slaughter cows sold mostly I 00 higher and slaughter bulls were steady to 1 00 lower Supply included 43 percent slaughter steers and 34 percent slaughter cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1115-1440 lbs 60 85-65 50, mostly 62 00-63 00 Choice 2-3 1075-1485 lbs 59 75- 62 35, few high dressing 1-2 up to 63 50 and low dressing 4-5 down to 57 25, few 1460 1615 lbs 56 75-59 10 Select and low Choice 2-3 1015-1560 lbs 55 00-60 60 Select 1-3 920-1425 lbs 53 75-58 50, few returning to feed up to 60 25 HOLSTEIN STEERS High Choice and Willier, Incorporated Your Source for Quality Cattle Licensed and Bonded Cattle Brokers daiuv in ii i rs j Inside Pennsylvania: 717-626-3113 FAX: 717-626-1260 Toll-Free Outside of PA: 1-800-485-2233 QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold • No Monthly Payments SCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealers • Licensed & Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Scarff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 ■ Contract Feeding Programs ■ Marketing of Finished Cattle ■ Dairy Heifers VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION STEERS, BULLS, HEIFERS, COWS, FEEDER CATTLE Selling Feeders Every Tuesday At Approx. 1 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT L. ROBERT FRAME, SR., PRESIDENT BUS (717) 442-4181 BUS (717) 768-8204 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Select and Choice 2-3 1095-1275 lbs 57 00-59 50 SLAUGHTER COWS* % Lean Weight Breakers 75-80 pet lean over-1400 lbs Boners 80-85 pet lean over-1200 lbs Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 pet lean over-1200 lbs Lean 88-90 ptc lean over-1000 lbs Lean (Lgt Wt )85-90 pet lean 750-1000 lbs •Over 95 percent of supply consisted of Holstein cows SLAUGHTER COWS* Breakers 38 75-43 00 36 00-39 00 Boners 35 25-39 25 33 00-36 75 Lean (Hi-Yield)34 00-37 75 32 50-34 50 Lean 33 00-36.00 29 50-33 50 Lean (Lt-Wt) 32.00-35.75 28 50-33 25 *Over 95 percent of supply consisted of Holstein cowS. SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield Grade I 1200- 1820 lbs 46 00-51 50, individual 2425 lbs 43.00 Yield Grade 2 1165-2185 lbs 41 25 47 00 Bullocks Few Select 1-3 1105-1400 lbs 49 00-55 50 CALVES' Compared to Monday’s auc tion, veal calves sold 6 00 lower and slaugh ter calves were steady to S.OO lower m a light test Trading was slow for Holstein bulls returning to feed and prices were 1000-2000 lower Demand continues to be very good for Holstein heifer calves and prices were as much as 40 00 higher Around 83 percent of supply returned to feed. VEALERS: Good and Choice 70-110 lbs 22 00-30 00 Standard and low Good 60-90 lbs 11 00-22 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES. Few Good and Choice 200-350 lbs 75.00-95.00 Standard 300-500 lbs 50.00-60.00 RETURNED TO FARM Holstein bulls 95-125 lbs 50 00-72 00, few up to 77 00 Plainer calves 80-120 lbs 26 00-50 00 Holstein heifers 80-115 lbs 130 00-205 00 Plainer heifers 70-100 lbs 80 00-125 00 SHEEP Compared to Monday’s auction, slaughter lambs sold mostly steady to 500 lower Slaughter ewes and aged sheep were fiillv steady C. Howard Scarff, II Home (717)445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (717) 940-2633 ALE TUESDAY; CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS •GET CALVES IN EARLY OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. Bulk Low Dressing (Turn to Pago A2O) BEEF CATTLE W. Conly Scarff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410) 790-2650 6:00 RM O’'/ naiauiu c D D C jug