279 A row crop & cattle farm. Has creek through middle. Has hurley and dark fired tobacco base, located west of Christian Co., Trigg Co., KY. For more information call or write: STANLEY FRITZ REAL ESTATE & AUC TION, 1005 S.Virginia ST.. Hopkinsville, KY 42240 502-885-3117 nights Stanley Fritz 502-886-4216 Kenneth Jones 502-886-3797 David Watson 502-885-5600 29 Acres Colerain Twp., Lancaster Co. w/storage buildings. 41 Acres Lower Oxford Twp., Chester Co. w/bam, septic & well. Fi nancing available. For in formation call 610/932-4050. Tioga County. 33.8 mostly wooded acres, secluded, views. Trout stream & golf course nearby. Deerfield Twp. $25,000. ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE CO. West field, PA 814-367-5380 4 acre farmette w/2 story aluminum siding house 4 large BR and 2 baths, large frame bank bam and other out buildings. Rental sign for $2,500 yearly income off exit 14 of PA turnpick in Franklin County, $115,000. Call anytime, (717)349-2533. 61 Tie Stall Barn, Silos, Manure Pit, Hiefer Shed. Pasture for Rotational Grazing. 80+ Tillable Acres Available, or Consider Sell ing Crops to You. Located in Amish/Mennonito Com munity of Penns Valley, Centre County, PA. (814)349-8201. 75 acre dairy farm, 60 acres of fertile crop land, Southeastern York County, large frame bam and silo, 2 large houses, calf barn, chicken house, machine shed and shop. Must see to appreciate 717-382-4233. 80 Acs. w/150 year old home, $159,000. Addi tional listings call 804/376-5380 or Web Site.www.stauntonnverrea Ity com. Bedford Co. 91 acre dairy farm for rent. Recently re modeled 4BR house. 130 cow free stall bam. Turn key operation without cows 814/652-9087. Berks County: 33 Acres. Excellent location near RT6I. Nice park like set ting. Major building im provements. 2 deeds, 12A plus buildings, 21A land. All useable land. Perimeter fencing. Ideal for special ized farming or private country living. 21A could be sold to waiting buyer. $319,000 . total. 610-926-3841 Horse Farm in Berks County for sale. 28 stall barn w/attached arena, 70x160 wash stalls, obser vation room, office, stalls are 12x12 w/automatic wa ters. Stone farm house, ex cellent shape, built approx. 1850. For more information wnte to; Lancaster Farming (Q-200), POB 609, Ephrata, PA, 17522. Horticultural supply firm SEEKING property within 15 mi radius of Lancaster. Approx. 4 acres w/approx. 400’ road frontage needed. Interested parties call (717)295-9808. Juniata Co. 10A woodland, dream log ranch home, 4BR, 2-bath, finished base ment, walk to pnme hunt ing, $150,000. Want to know more? Call Pat Knouse, 6RI 717-436-5757 CENTURY 21-G&B ASSO CIATES 717-527-4127 LAND FOR SALE 80 acres, 35 tillable, balance in mountain land. Located in Oliver Twp, Mifflin Co, just off Rt 22 on Jacks Mountain Rd. 717/899-7617. Land for sale Clearfield Co, 700 acres prime hunting near Rt. 322, 1-80, paved road frontage borders property. 814/342-2310. Mt. Cabin s For Rent ■ McClure, PA Mifflin County On 315 Acres, Utilities. One Hr. To Penn State. Hiking, Swimming, Biking, Hunting, Fishing, Skiing. OPEN ALL YEAR-WEEKLY I WEEKEND RATES 717-658-9555 UP STATE NEW YORK Dundee area, 100 year old home on 1.6 acres, must sell to settle estate. Two story, structurally sound. Price $43,000. Call 607-243-7285 f 165 Acres - Potter County \ (t Cabin, Barn, Pond, Stream, 2/3 of Property j * Good Level Farmland Excellent Topography For Camp Sites, Recreational & Residential I Uses, Possible Airplane Landing Site VA Miles Of Road Frontage Adjoins PA Fish Hatchery, 12 Miles North Coudersport Financing Available $150,000 Owner 610-458-5323 Lewis County New York Farm - 193 Acres. Rotational Grazing, Gravity Manure Storage, 48 Stalls, Mattresses, Large House, Nearby Farms For Sale 315-376-3413 6.34 ACRE FARMETTE Shippensburg area, 3 year old brick Rancher, 5 acres fenced. Barn w/water & electric, hay loft, storage area, and 2 fin ished stalls with room for more' $145,000 Brenda Bodner, CRS, QRI mb fssf ERA Penn Ist Realty v (717)264-7999 Ext 111 U 3 |TThinking of selling your farm or business?? -j f Save or Eliminate Capital Gain Tax j jl Doan IRC #lO3l exchange l f 2 A new strategy within the Internal Revenue code -- i No need to reinvest in other real estate 1 >) Give me a call l ) (717) 671-0655 > John B Niesley, reb I 4340 Crestview Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112 90 Acres - Potter County Sportsman Paradise One of the Greatest Areas for Wildlife. Excellent Topography for Campsites - Adjoins Pa. Fish Hatchery. Mostly Wooded, 1 Mile of Road Frontage on Hard Road. 12 Miles North of Coudersport. $85,000 Owner 610-458-5323 H Dairy & Grain 322 A, 210 T. 64 stanch. « barn 34x140, 3/4B 2 st home, near ►< m Livingston, Wi. h Lafayette Co. 234 A beef setup 210 T. m m excep land, 210A/CB, barn 3 silos, bunk, m m lg. lot, 2 st. home NE Cuba City. m || Mclntyre Realtors || K 319-556-1600 K Processing Plant For Sale « y 3,000 sq ft block and frame building on 1 j ? acre lot, along major highway, US#3O, A tf East in Lauchhntown, PA Plant is set up for \ f game processing and chicken and turkey j [, processing Has (2) walk-in freezers, (2) j walk-in coolers, smokehouse, gas hot-water $ heat, city water Building was built 1982 4 \ (814) 629-9040 ] Great location with 2 houses on 4.35 acres. Large split level home & a fixer upper, as is 2-story, 4 BR w/barn. Potential for horses or in-home business. Within 10 minutes of Lancaster, PA. Call Nelson Hess TOWN ft COUNTRY REALTY Office 717-299-4885 Ext. 124 • Home 717-898-8871: r liuTembtfum 1 Y Amish setup in Georgetown area. 35 ► stanchion bank barn w/500 gallon tank. A Heifer and tobacco sheds, 10x60 and M ► 14x60 cement silos. Level fields, lime- stone soils. Additional acres available. 9 4 year old 6 BR house in excellent condi- ► tion. Must sell! A $530,000 1 ► Ask for ERVIN A (717) 768-3620 or (717) 397-3571^ \ CYBER-LINK REALTY LTD. \ ; 717-812-1900 J YOUR OWN PONDEROSA - Picture perfect' J « White board fence, 12 plus acres surround this g * very well maintained 2 story home with 4 b * bedrooms, 2 full baths, plus a beautiful bank b * barn with horse stalls Land/woods tillable and ” S pasture $197,500. HURRY! MLS #807370 S 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Yates Co., NY Farm, 59 acres, 57 tillable, Honeoye soil, barn, 16x70 mIo, corn shed, gram bin, machinery shed, fully insulated woodworkig shop, road side stand with all utilities, 2-story house $195,000 negotiable Elam N. Fpx 728 Rt. 14A PennYan, NY 14527 315-536-0943 14’x36’ Could be used for office and/or hunting cabin or single as living quarters unfinished on inside $5,000 610-286-5409 Farmette Charming 100-year-old restored stone farmhouse with lots of amenties, on 10.2 peaceful secluded acres next to Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, northern Lancaster County. 3400 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, cherry kitchen, finished basement, 5-stall horse bank-barn split rail fenced pastures, spring house $385,000 Serious inquiries only. (717 FOR RENT: 73 Acre dairy farm Capable of handling 175 cows, free stalls, double 6-milkmg parlor, 4-silos, 44x400 broiler house under contract. Lower Dauphin Co., PA. 717-367-3814 FARM FOR SALE Clark Co., Wl 400 Acres w/approx. 300 tillable. 200’ stanchion barn, 4 silos, pipeline, manure system, machine shed. 3 BR ranch home. Nice location.' All feed & standing crops included. 715-255-8735 :c«,€vct- 733-9196 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 22, 1998-D39 mk 80 Acres - - Bareland 160 Acres - - Bareland and pasture ' 68 Acres - - Pasture (recreation) 148 Acres - - Cropland, woods, pasture, , older buildings | 287 Acres - - Dairy farm with equipment GOVERN AND GOVERN 515-985-4030 Juniata Co. Real Estate Sales Lancaster County; 8+ acres zoned agriculture Could be your horse farm or any agn use Just minutes 1283 quick commute to Lancaster or Harrisburg Asking $149,900. Hunting Cabin, Furnished, on t 1/2 acres, Mifflin Co Just $24,000 Choice Wooded 2'h Acre building sites Southern exposure, great view, easy access and private 8+ Acre shade mountain good hunting land, easy access Borders SGL $25,000 3BR Rancher near Richfield w/25’x35 multi use building Other Homes Available Choice 10 Acre Farmette, 3 BR home, large bank barn, fenced meadow w/spnng fed stream, ideal horse or hobby farm Just $127,000 Call Charlie Brooks - 717-436-8431 R M Walters Real Estate 717-436-8839 f M MlS o & INSURANCE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Versatile 177 acre property! Would make a great facility for horses, sheep or beef Mix of long slightly rolling fields and woods, private setting Newer cape cod home $199,900 #1486 187 Acre Dairy Operation. Newer barn and home 68 milking stalls, 37 heifer stalls, 3 silos, 4 commodity bins, machinery shed Additional acreage available $244,500 #1523 18 Acre Farmette with remodeled colonial style home, stream, outbuildings, off hard top road $115,000 #1493 ROCK BOTTOM PRICE lor this good one man dairy Barn has 52 tie stalls on 2" Suige pipeline tiled mangers rubber mats, 2 Pal/ cleaners, mow conveyoi 14\40 and 16\50 unloading silos plus 17\40 Harvestoi 40\b4 machine shed with paved apron Beautiful 42x40 heated shop Very good 4 bedioom home with I 1/2 baths and lueplace All buildings in good condition 111 acres well drained sill loam with 189 more available Hurrv lor $llO,OOO. Mort Wimple Associates 'J^eaf‘Estate Sales - :Management FREE FARM u s ROUTE 20 CATALOGUES SLOANSVILLE N Y 12160 Internet Page (518) 875-6355 http//www albanynet/-wimple/ fax (518)875-6749 Graham-Swigart fonhin/-- 15 N. Dorcas Street Lewistown, PA 17044 1111 1 717-248-9696 1-800-921-2123 83 Acres With Priceless Views There are lots of possible uses lor this parcel Build your dream home, raise horses or livestock gentleman I arm, or subdivide This parcel has it all - wooded tillable liclds small creek and a million dollar \ lew Call C Lure $120,000 Mountain Ground S acres m Big Valley. located between Belleville and Greenwood Furnace Stale Park Nice cabin site No electric available Casy access to Route Call Jami $27,500 Private - Quiet Setting Non-Dairy Farm with 2 barns a pole barn and an on site pond House tcalurcs 4 bedrooms large living room with fireplace, summer kitchen and much more Call Mark $265,000 REDUCED! SPACIOUS 3 STORY brick home with 5000 sq ft of living space on 22 acres close to local hunts Asking $325,000, LM#1074529 29 ACRES OF QUALITY FARMLANP - Includes 1 ’/? acres of woods at back of property Listed in Ag Preserve Off Route 41 near Octorara High School ML#1075600 LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION - 29 acres waiting to be developed Many possible uses under the R-3 High Intensity Residential Zoning High visibility area, $435,000. ML#1078961 (717) 442-4114 www.Hostetterßealty.com
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