Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1998, Image 9

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    Va. Feeder Sales
Richmond, VATue August 11,1998
IM)A VA Dept of Ag Market News
Summars ol Livestock Auctions bv Areas
Northern Virginia Livestock Summary
Including I ront Royal, Rockingham
Shenandoah and Winchester Virginia for the
cuck ot August 3 8, 1998
I ceder Cattle 328 Head
Sleers MedALge 1 Small I Med&Lge 2
200 300 87 00 300-400 83 00 -
4OO-500 62 00 - 80 00
89 00
60 00-64 00 500-600 57 00-69 00 53 00
S 7 50 55 00 -59 00 600-700 66 00
SS oo 59 00 700-800 6100-63 25
800 900 56 00- 58 75 -900-
1000 55 00 1000-1100 55 00 -
55 50
Heifers Med&Lgc 1 Small I Med&Lge 2
100-400 64 SO - 75 00 59 50 58 00 400-500
19 50 ■ 64 00 52 50 59 75 500-600 52 00 -
(,2 00 52 00 - 54 50 600-700 55 00 -
7OO-800 57 00
S 8 75
4s 00 800-900 56 25
Bulls Med&Lge I Small I Mcd&Lge 2
UlO 400 72 00 - 82 00 70 00 400-500
Ml 2s 70 00 54 50 58 75 -61 00 500-600
>0 7s -52 00 600-700 53 50 62 00
s 4 50 - 55 00 700-900 46 50 - 57 00
Slaughter Cattle 201 Head
SI lughler Cows 159 Head
\' L
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Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 32 00
40 SO Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 31 00
40 00 Caimer and Lou Cutter 1-2 28 50
34 25
Slaughter Bulls 42 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300
lbs 42 25 46 00Yg 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 42 50
48 75 Yg 1-2 1600 lbs and over 43 25 -
49 75
Baby calves returned to larms 9 head new
born to 4 weeks 7 50-29 00 per head Over 100
lbs 25 00-75 00 per cwt
Lambs Total Receipts 239 Head
Slaughter Lambs 161 Head
New Crop Choice Fi-w Prime 1-2 Few 3
91-110 lbs 69 00 -78 00 Choice Few Prime I
-2 Few 3 90 lbs 66 25 Good and Few Choice I
-2 91 -95 lbs 62 50 -65 00 Feeder Lambs 54
Head Medium Large Frame 1-2 70-85 lbs
71 00- 71 75 Medium Large Frame 1-2 60-70
lbs 76 00 Slaughter Ewes and Rams 24 Head
Ewes Choice 2-4 15 00 -20 00 Utility and
Good 1-3 17 00 -25 00 Cull and Low Utility
1-2 22 25
Va. Feeder Sales Report
Richmond, VA
Tue August 11,1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Summary of Livestock Auctions by Areas
Southwest Virginia Livestock Summary
Including Abingdon Livestock Exchange and
Hollins Virginia lor the week of August 3-8,
1 eeder Cattle 994 Head
Steers Med&Lge I Small I Med&Lge 2 •
200-300 72 00 -77 00 66 00 71 00
Hrtan Knvm and Ka\ Ijotlv Cjett>vun Farm Grinvillf N\
Serving all
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£OO-451-3322 ****
300-400 77 00 - 85 50 65 00 - 70 00 74 00 -
78 00 400-500 64 00 - 77 00 50 50 - 68 00
71 00 -73 00 500-600 65 00 74 00
68 00 - 71 00 600-700 57 50 - 70 50
7OO-800 53 00 -69 00
800 900 55 00 - 59 00 -
Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2
200-300 55 00 - 63 00 300-500 45 50 - 64 50
500-700 40 00 - 56 00 700-900 42 00 - 52 00
Heifers Med&Lge I Small I Med&Lge 2
200-300 59 00 - 63 00 - - 55 00 - 61 00
300-400 61 00 - 64 00 55 00 - 59 00 59 00 -
62 00 400-500 56 00 - 64 50 56 00 - 59 50
60 00 v 63 00 500-600 57 50 - 60 25
57 00 -61 50 600-700 55 00 63 75
54 00 -60 00 700-800 53 50 64 75
- 800-900 48 00- 58 00
Bulls Med&Lge I Med&Lge 2
200-300 71 00 - 77 00 61 00 - 70 00 300 400
69 00 -75 00 64 00 - 7100 400-500 6100
-69 00 62 00- 66 00 500-600 54 50- 65 00
58 00 -62 00 600-700 57 00 58 00
Slaughter Cattle 182 Head
Slaughter Cows 154 I lead
Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4
33 50 - 39 50 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3
32 00 - 39 00 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2
20 00 - 35 50
Slaughter Bulls 28 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300
lbs 42 00-48 00 Yg 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 43 00
-48 00 Yg 1-2 1600 lbs and over 41 00 -
49 50
Baby calves returned to farms 12 head
newborn to 4 weeks 30 00-30 00 per head
Lambs Total Receipts 5 Head
Slaughter Lambs 5 Head
New Crop Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 95-
125 lbs 71 50
Goats 95 Head (Sold by the Head) Billies -
Large 51 75-Medium 30 00-Small 1100
-20 00
Summary ot Livestock Auctions by Areas
Central and Southeast Virginia Livestock
. *>
Andrew Elizabeth
McLean Anderson
Delmarva IVlmarva
410-827-5052 410-651-4128
Southwest PA.W V
Frank Hunter
Northwest FA
Va. Feeder Sales Report
Richmond, VA
Tue August 11,1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
< , '‘V
f 1 \ \
Lisa Francisco Sonnen
Northeast PA North NJ
Summary Including Lynchburg Virginia for the
week of August 3-8, 1998
Feeder Cattle 566 Head
Steers Small 1 Med&Lge 2
300-400 72 00 - 79 00 400 500 57 00
- 62 00 64 00 - 69 50 500 600 - 58 00 -
74 25 600-700 57 00 - 66 75 700 800
55 00 -59 SO 800-900 --57 00
Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2
300-500 44 00 - 52 00, 500-700 43 00 - 53 00
Heifers Med&Lge I Small I Med&Lge 2
300-400 43 00 - 51 00 52 00 - 58 00
400-500 57 50 - 61 00 40 00 - 51 00 55 00
61 00 500-600 - 51 00 -57 00 58 00 -
61 50, 600-700 —5400 - 59 25,
700-800 55 50 47 00 - 54 sfl 800 900
_ 47 00
Bulls Small I Med&Lge 2
200-300 65 00 -66 00 67 00 - 71 00 300-400
55 00 -60 00 64 50 -81 00 400-500 55 00 -
63 00 63 00 -68 00 500-600 54 00 - 6100
5o 00 - 68 00,600-700 59 50-6600
700-900 54 50 62 50
Slaughter Cattle 88 Head
Slaughter Cows 72 Head
Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4
28 00 - 35 00
Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 29 00
35 00
Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 28 00 - 28 50
Slaughter Bulls 16 Head, Yg 1-2 900-
1300 lbs 35 50- 43 50, Yg 1-2 1300-1600 lbs
44 50-47 25, Yg I-2 1600 lbs and over 43 00
-47 00
Cows returned to farms 18 head - Medium
I, Large I and Large 2, 800-1250 lbs 32 00-
39 00 per cwt
State Graded Feeder Cattle 180 head sold
at Lynchburg, Virginia on August 3, 1998
Steers 110 Head Heifers 70 Head
Steers Med&Lge I Med&Lge 2
400-500 70 00 - 76 00 69 00 - 72 00 500-600
69 50 - 76 50 70 00 -72 75,600-700 65 00 -
70 2 5 69 00, 700-800 60 00 - 64 50 62 75
Heifers Med&Lge I Med&Lge 2
400-500 58 50 - 59 50 59 75 - 60 00 500-600
59 75 - 64 50 58 75 - 63 00 600-700 57 00 -
60 00-
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: |
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15, 1998-A9
Va. Feeder Sales
Richmond, VA
Tue August II 1998
USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News
Special State Graded Slaughter Cow Sale
Dublin Virginia on August 7 1998 84
head sold
Slaughter Cows 84 head
Breaking Utility and Commercial 2 4
28 SO - 3a SO
High Dressing 13 50 - IS 7S
Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 28 SO -
IS 00
Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 23 00 - 27 50
Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2
200-300 SS 00 -63 00 100-500 4S s 0 64 SO
SOO-700 40 00 S 6 00 700-900 42 00 -S2 00
Heilcrs Med&Xgc 1 Small 1 Mcd&Lge 2
200-100 S 9 00 63 00 —SSOO- 61 00
100-400 61 00 - 64 00 S 5 00 - S 9 00 59 00
62 00 400-500 56 00 - 64 SO S 6 00 - S 9 50
60 00 - 63 00 SOO 600 57 SO - 60 2S
S 7 00 -61 SO 600 700 SS 00 -63 7S - _
S 4 00 - 60 00 700-800 S 3 so - 64 7S
BOO-900 48 00 - 58 00
Bulls Med&Lge 1 Mcd&Lgc 2
200-300 71 00 - V 00 61 00 - 70 00 300-400
69 00 -7S 00 64 00 -71 00 400-500 61 00
-69 00 62 00-66 00 500-600 S 4 SO-65 00
58 00 -62 00 600-700 57 00 -58 00
Slaughter Cattle 182 Head
Slaughter Cows 154 Head
Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4
33 50 - 39 50 Cutler and Boning Utility 1-3
32 00 - 39 00 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2
20 00- 35 50
Slaughter Bulls 28 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300
lbs 42 00 - 48 00 Yg 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 43 00
-48 00 Yg 1-2 1600 lbs and over 41 00 -
49 50
Baby calves returned to farms 12 head
newborn to 4 weeks 30 00-50 00 per head
Lambs Total Receipts 5 Head
Slaughtcr Lambs 5 Head
New Crop Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 95
125 lbs 71 50
Goats 95 Head (Sold bv the Head) Billies
Large 51 75-Medium 30 00 Small 1100
- 20 00