Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1998, Image 63
TOURS Tickets are required for research tours. Get free tickets at the corn crib at the top of Main Street. Tickets are not needed for conservation tours, but please arrive early at the Conservation Edu cation Area to be assured a place. General Research Leave from the corn crib at the top of Main Street This 30-minute tour gives you an overview of research conducted by Penn State's Depart ments of Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology and the USDA Pasture Re SURGE * Individual Indexing Parallel Stall THE ‘ULTIMATE’ PARALLEL STALL FEATURING INDIVIDUAL INDEXING AND INDIVIDUAL RELEASE ML \ > V * % C. *ii '•* * - > h A R. *■€* The MAGNUM SERIES of parlor stalls are internationally designed, engineered and manufactured to provide maximum longevity with minimal maintenance, regardless of herd size. We at Babson Bros. Co. know, that of equal importance to equipment durability, are four other points to focus on: Cow Comfort; Cow Positioning; Operator Safety and Throughput Capabilities... BRANDT’S iSUREEf FARM supply 1 Elizabethtown, PA 1-800-872-7478 717-367-1221 MOUNTAIN VIEW LONGACRE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY, INC. SERVICE, INC. Rd 1, Box 1392 Hamburg, PA 610-488-1025 No other milking equipment and supply company has more experience, expertise and commitment in its ability to deliver service, knowledge and merchandise. All of this contributes to the well-being of cows and the profitability of your dairy. VISIT OUR DISPLAY ON EAST STH STREET AT AG PROGRESS DAYS - AUG. 18. IS A 20 Magnum 40 V k • .< I * *'a * *■ fi^f search Lab. Buses leave every 20 minutes from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with tours until 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Potato Research Leave from the corn crib at the top of Main Street Visit Penn State's horticulture, plant pathology, and entomology farms and see variety trials; in sect and disease control studies; and uses of growth-enhancing technology, including drip irrigation, colored plastic mulch, and row cov- ers. This two-hour tour departs at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday. ‘h HOSTETTER . FORSHEY’S, INC. SURGE 110 Forshey St Rd 2, Box 749 Martmsburg, PA Annville, PA 814-793-3791 717-867-2896 Bally, PA 215-845-2261 Ag Progress Section 1, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15, 1998—Page D / ' / J A Jm 4 ** "* ‘Mi : * 'V; iljL-II ■ } |.^ - i I» • • 1 4 * lg * JIM’S SURGE SALES & SERVICE 215 Oak Bottom Rd Quarryville.PA 717-786-1533 Forest Stewardship Leave from the Conservation Education Tent This walking tour will highlight woodlot man agement. Forest landowners, children, and any one interested in forests can enjoy a walk in the woods with resource professionals ready to an swer questions about trees and forests A "dis covery" event will provide insights into how a forest grows and develops. Buses to the trail leave daily on the hour from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with additional tours at 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Conservation Leave from the Conservation Education Tent Learn how various conservation practices pro tect soil and improve water quality See the effective use of crop residue management, contour strip-cropping, buffer strips, cropland terraces, waterways, and diversions Buses leave daily at 11 00 a m and 2 00 p m Wetlands anti Stream Corridor Management Leave from the Conservation Education Tent Learn how -stream crossings, streamhank fenc ing, and restored wetlands can help \ ou better manage vour streamhank corridors Buses lea\ e at 10 00 a m and 1 00 p m daiK Manure/Compost Pad Leave from the Conservation Education Tent Obserce a stabilized pad that can be used to store bedded pack manure or create compost Experts will explain how this facility is con structed and maintained This tour will be held twice daily at 10 00 a m and noon 63