Page "26—Ag Progress Section 2, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15, 1998 National Dairy Shrine (Continued from Pege 25) Kildee Scholarship Christopher Holcomb, Newber ry, Fla., has been selected to re ceive the prestigious Kildee Scholarship from the National Dairy Shrine. The $3,000 scholar ship is awarded annually for ad vanced study by students who have excelled in dairy cattle judg ing. A graduate student at the Uni versity of Florida studying dairy nutition, Holcomb also serves as coach for the university’s dairy judging team. Holcomb received his first re gistered Guernsey as a gift at the age of nine. Since then he has been raising, showing and judging dairy cattle around the country. He took individual placements of first high in oral reasons and second high overall during the 1997 National Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Contest, as well as third place m the 4-H judging competition at the 1993 World Dairy Expo. In addiuon, Holcomb has held numerous leadership positions within both 4-H and FFA serving as a local president of both or ganizations. He was a member of the Florida State 4-H Dairy Judg ing Team that won in national competition and toured Europe on a goodwill mission. At the University of Florida, Holcomb achieved a 3.2 grade point average while serving as president of the university Dairy Club, an ambassador for the Col lege of Agriculture and first vice president for the Southern Region MR. FARMER! You cannot afford to guess when it comes to feeding your livestock. The same is true when it comes to your fertilizer program, which means more profit per acre. Here’s why our customers report more profit per acre using the Gro-Mor Program. ✓ 1 On the Farm Consultation ✓ n A&L Labs For Soil Test ✓ “I Time Tested Crop Programs ✓ ~i Trailer Load Cost Saving Discounts ✓ 1 Early Cash Discounts Stop In At Ag Progress Days and Let Us Show You Why So Many Farmers Can't Be Wrong Gro-More is Known For Service and Performance iml of the student affiliate of the American Dairy Science Associa tion. The Kildee Scholarship is named for H.H. Kildee, longtime dean of the College of Agriculture at lowa State in Ames, lowa. Kil dee was an outstanding judge of dairy cattle and a strong supporter of student judging programs and activities. Student Recognition Contest The annual student recognition contest honors the top graduating seniors in the nation who are plan ning careers related to dairy pro motion. Cory Meyers of St. Thomas, Pa., is the 1998 contest winner. As the top winner, Meyers re ceives a $1,500 cash award which will be presented at the National Dairy Shrine awards banquet in Madison, Wis., during World Dairy Expo. Meyers began his commitment to the dairy industry as a young boy watching and working beside his father and uncle at Meyers Brothers Dairy. Since then Cory has taken on nutritional, reproductive, and health management responsibili ties at the dairy that are helping in crease the rolling herd average while maintaining functional show-type cows. By setting and prioritizing goals with his strong work ethic, Meyers has found himself at or near the top numerous times. He was a successful dairy judge as a 4-H member and Penn State student, and shared his skills as a GRO-MOR PLANT FOOD COMPANY, INC. 281 FARMLAND ROAD, LEOLA, PA 17540 (717) 656-4166 Call Toll Free: 1-800-322-0060 . Dealerships Available In Select Territories Cory Meyers teaching assistant for Penn State’s Dairy Cattle Evaluation class. Active in the Penn State Dairy Science Club, Meyers chaired the Nittany Lion Fall Classic consign ment sale. He also was active in Alpha Zeta, Ag Student Council, American Dairy Science Associa tion, Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Association, Concert Choir and Glee Club. Fascinated with the links be tween nutrition, environment and health in dairy cattle, Meyers’ goal as a future veterinarian is to help producers overcome the lim iting factors to their dairies. Jennifer Rishel, of New Colum bia, Pa., and Brian Christiansen, of Turner, Oregon, tied for second place. Jennifer Rishel Jennifer Rishel has no reserva tions about what her future will hold as a dairy producer. A gradu ate of Delaware Valley College, POLE or STEEL a better pole Hv H building concept ■■ IB YOU NEED A BUILDING! Let’s Talk About It! See Us at East sth Street During Ag Progress Days • 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FOUNDATION CREWS • ERECTION CREWS WE HAVE THE RIGHT BUILDING TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! f~i can’t see you at the AG ~j PROGRESS DAYS but I’d like to know more about buildings. | NAME j ADDRESS I CITY. ZIP PH ■ □ Please send n Please call me ■ me literature for an appointment I—i —— —_ ——. ——J Doylestown, Pa., Jennifer has rounded herself very well for her future as a leader in the dairy in dustry. Rishel has prepared herself with exposure to many different styles of dairying. She managed a 40-cow grazing Ayrshire herd with her brother, worked at the Delaware Valley College free stall dairy and was an assistant herdsperson in a tie-stall opera tion. While at Delaware Valley Col lege Jennifer was an integral member of the dairy judging team. She was 3rd place individual and a member of the Sth place team at the 1997 North American Interna tional Livestock Exposition Col legiate Dairy Judging Contest. She also shined as sth place indi vidual and on the 4th place team at the 1997 World Dairy Expo Col legiate Judging Contest Along with her upstanding leadership skills as a 4-H, FFA, %/gfVarco-Pruden metal building systems INDUSTRIAL / WAREHOUSE / RETAIL / INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS m i™. 1248 SOUTH MOUNTAIN RD., DILLSBURG, PA 17019 Dairy Club and other college or ganizations member, Jennifer challenged herself even further. She made the dean’s list seven consecutive semesters and was re cognized in ’96, *97 and ’9B in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. Brian Christiansen Brian Christiansen plans to put his degree and experiences from California Polytechnic State Uni versity with a breed association or an AI company and in the long term return home to his family’s growing dairy. While a student, Christiansen was a dairy cattle judge. Dairy Club secretary, ADSA under graduate paper presenter, FFA Chapter vice president and an ac tive member of Alpha Zeta and the Oregon Holstein Association. As a herdsman at Cal Poly and his family’s dairy, Meadowood, (Turn to P«fl« 28) PHONE 717-432-9738 FAX NO. 717-432-8389