Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1998, Image 264

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    Page 24—Ag Progress Section 2, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15, 1998
(Continued from Page 22)
showing, he has 42 two-year-olds
nominated for these awards.
The herd has also produced 10
National Total Performance win
ners in seven consecutive years.
Currently there are 52 animals at
Top Acres who are themselves
National Total Performance win
ners or the daughters or grand
daughters of National Total Per
formance Winners. More cows
have appeared on the Cow Per
formance List from this herd than
from any other Brown Swiss herd.
The strong breeding program at
Top Acres has led to 58 sires
placed in A 1 service. In the top 25
Net Merit Brown Swiss sires in
the February summary, eight
came from Wayne Sliker’s “Pri
cella” family.
Over 70 all-American nomina
tions have come from his “Snow
storm” family.
He currently owns one of the
highest scored Brown Swiss at
EX-94. Wayne has exported cattle
and embryos from his herd to
more than 12 foreign countries.
He was one of the first to export
Dairy Farmers
Invited To PDPP
Annual Meeting
EMLENTON (Clarion Co.)
Pennsylvania dairy farmers are invited to
a free luncheon and informational meeting
hosted by the Pennsylvania Dairy
Promotion Program Board on Thursday,
August 20, on the grounds of Ag Progress
Days, Rock Springs
This will serve as the annual meeting of
PDPP and a great opportunity for dairy
farmers to learn about their dairy promo
tion check-off programs
Scott E Higgins, CEO, will review the
PDPP Board’s efforts throughout 1997 to
increase demand for milk and dairy prod
ucts. including the “got milk 9 ’’ and “Behold
the Power of Cheese’ advertising cam
paigns Higgins will also highlight the pro
motion group’s school food service initia
tive and their emphasis in building
demand for milk in schools
Reservations are requested by calling 1-
800-292-MILK by August 15
PDPP contracts with ADADC Mid East
to implement advertising, promotion, mar
keting and nutrition education programs
on behalf of dairy farmers in 33 counties in
western and north central Pennsylvania
National Dairy Shrine
To Honor Leaders, Dairy Students
embryos to the United Kingdom.
Wayne and his wife, Connie,
also manage Modem Associates, a
cattle sales business. Through this
service he has helped raise over
$lOO,OOO for the National Brown
Swiss Youth Fund at the Fun Sale
at the National Brown Swiss an
nual meeting.
With an appreciation for quality
cattle, Wayne has been a national
and international judge for all
Starting with state FFA secre
tary and president and an Ameri
can Farmer degree in high school,
Wayne has earned numerous
awards and recognitions. He
earned the Klussendorf Award in
1986, the Ohio Progressive Breed
er Award, and was named to the
Ohio Slate University Dairy Sci
ence Hall of Service.
The home team at Sliker’s
225-acre farm at St. Paris, Ohio,
includes his wife, Connie, an ex
pert calf raiser and sale clerk, and
son, Kevin, an automotive techni
The 1997 herd average for 65
cows was 20,720 milk, 973 butter-
fat and 786 pounds protein, with a
herd classification average of 89
Wayne is known as a supporter
of youth programs, shows and
sales, through promotion and ad
vertising. In support Wayne’s
nomination, R. Peter Heffering
said, “Wayne is one of the finest
showmen in the business, and
most important always conducts
himself as a first class gentleman.
Wayne has accomplished all the
goals one could expect to attain in
a lifetime of working with cattle.”
On July 1 the Slikers sold 95
head in the “Top Acres Sale” for
an average of $6,110 per head, the
highest average for a herd sale in
the history of the breed.
Four Pioneers
Four pioneers of the dairy in
dustry have been selected to re
ceive Pioneer Awards from the
National Dairy Shrine, the “Hall
of Fame” of die dairy industry.
The 1998 award recipients are;
Clarence Boyke, Hilton Boynton,
Harold Kaeser and Marshall Mc-
Cullough. Their portraits are to
hang in the National Dairy
Shrine’s Visitor’s Center and Mu-
Thanks to us low-profile design and standard
creeper speed, the 45 PTO hp White 6045 can
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Whether you choose a 2WD or PFA model,
you'll have 12 forward and 12 reverse speeds, for a
wide variety of applications, including bam cleaning
and other tight quarter chores You'll also get
2095 S Markets! RD 1 - Off Rte 125 700 E Linden St
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seum in Fort Atkinson, Wis,
“Clarence personified the uni
versal law of giving,” was how
one nominator described pioneer
award winner. Clarence Boyke of
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Living
the life of a dairyman, a family
man, a businessman and an agri
cultural leader allowed Clarence
many successful experiences.
The Vir-Clar herd developed by
Clarence, his wife Virginia and
their son Gary, always rises to the
top of state and even national type
and production rankings. The “Vir
Clar” prefix has graced several
Artificial Insemination sires prov
en in the United States and over
Boyke’s pioneering spirit led
him to be one of the earliest
United States breeders to promote
international marketing of United
States genetics. This spirit carried
him overseas and brought numer
ous guests to the United States.
The leadership skills of Boyke
were exemplified through his role
on numerous boards especially
with Artificial Insemination com
panies. He helped to lead East
hydraulic wet disc brakes, for longer life, and a
mechanical differential lock that lets you match trac
tion to ground conditions, for maximum efficiency
But, most importantly, you'll get all this
maneuverability, efficiency and performance in a
tractor that's the most rugged, reliable workhorse in
its class In fart, we back it with a 2-year, 2,000-hour
warranty, to prove it
So visit your White dealer today And test drive
the tractor that's sure to be a perfect fit for you
Central Breeders, Select Sire, Inc.
and Select Embryos, Inc., through
major changes in the dairy indus
try, and was instrumental in the af
filiation of East Central Breeders
with Select Sires in 1977.
These contributions were re
cognized by the National Associa
tion of Animal Breeders (NAAB)
when they presented Boyke with
the honor of Distinguished Mem
ber Director in 1995.
Clarence’s dairy, A. 1., and com
munity experiences were honored
in 1993 as the World Dairy Expo
1993 Dairyman of the Year.
His wife, Virginia, was also
honored previously at World
Dairy Expo as the Dairy Woman
of the Year, and they are only the
second husband and wife team to
achieve such an honor. Virginia
currently resides in Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin, where they raised their
three sons and two daughters.
Hilton Boynton is a 4-H Club
agent, an extension dairyman and
a university professor.
Boynton was raised in South
Hadley, Massachusetts, where his
(Turn to Pag* 25)