Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1998, Image 262
Page 22—Ag Progress Section 2, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15, 1998 COLUMBUS, Ohio Nation al Dairy Shrine (NDS) will hold its annual awards banquet Oct. 1 during the World Dairy Expo, Madison, Wisconsin. Activities will start at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour in the Expo Center followed by the banquet and awards ceremony at 6:30 p.m. NDS will hc-ior its leaders (past and present) and present thou sands of dollars to dairy students who will be the leaders of tomor row’s dairy industry. National Dairy Shrine is an or ganization devoted to preserving the past and molding the future of America’s dairy industry. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Wisconsin Beef Council and Provini Veal, recog nize the important functions of NDS and they are providing Veal Florenune for this year’s banquet Three awards are presented an nually to individuals who have made significant contributions to the dairy industry: Guest of Honor (one individual each year); four Pioneeers are recognized for their contributions to the dairy industry; Ag Progress Offers Tips (Continued from Page 20) sheep, dairy and beef producers will dis cuss what works for them and answer your questions The Grazing Management workshop will highlight how producers can reap profit from their pastures, daily at 2 p m Several “living demonstration areas” also will be operating continuously •Forested riparian buffers will show how plantings along streams can prevent erosion, as well as filter sediments and nutrients before they reach the water •Nutrient management will feature a manure spreader and compost pile Specialists will discuss the state’s Nutrient Management Act and on-farm composting •Grazing management will include watering systems, fencing materials and plots of various forage grasses • Manure/wastewater disposal systems will feature an on-site, liquid wastewater disposal system Visitors can talk with spe cialists about options for handling manure and wastewater •Soil surveys and soil quality will be interesting to agricultural producers, building and owners of small tracts of land Visitors can learn how to evaluate soil and improve its quality, then take home some profiles of Pennsylvania’s official state soil, “Hazleton ” A related exhibit will highlight the “Soil Survey Centennial,” a publication that defines the qualities of soil types and where each type is found •Living cover and conservation plants will feature plants that reduce erosion as well as provide wildlife habitat Visitors can see how corn, soybeans, small grains and forages can be planted into a living mulch such as crownvetch using minimum or no-tillage cropping practices Nine agencies and businesses will be located in the conservation area' the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the USDA Farm Service Agency, the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts the Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Conservation Districts and Nutrient Manage-ment, the U S Army Corps of Engineers, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Trout Unlimited and Land Studies Inc Penn State’s Ag Progress Days features more than 500 acres of educational and commercial exhibits, tours and machinery demonstrations It is held at the Russell E Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs, nine miles southwest of State College on Route 45. Hours are 9 a m ■ to 5 p m Tuesday and-Thursday, with National Dairy Shrine To Honor Leaders, Dairy Students and one Distinguished Breeder is honored. During the banquet approxi mately $20,000 is awarded to stu dents pursuing careers in the dairy industry. The most coveted schol arship is the Kildee ($3,000) and it goes to one individual each year. Seven students will receive the NDS/DMI Marketing Inc. schol arships. Five students will receive cash awards totaling $4,500 as dairy student recognition winners. Banquet tickets ($l2) are available now by contacting Na tional Dairy Shrine, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Columbus, OH 43228-9792; Phone: 614- 878-5333; Fax: 614-870-2622; or e-mail: Guest Of Honor Richard Clauss, a leading Cali fornia dairyman, cheese marketer and Jersey breed leader, has been named National Dairy Shrine Guest of Honor for 1998. Clauss, of Hilmar, Calif, started his dairy career with 20 Jerseys in 1954. Today, he and his family own the largest Jersey operation in extended hours of 9 a.m. to 8 p.m on Wednesday Admission and parking are free. For more information, call (800) PSU -1010 toll-free until August 20 or visit the Ag Progress Days site on the World Wide Web at http.//apd cas psu edu Find Out Why Thousands Of Farmers Count On BROCK For Their Feed & Grain Storage BROCK PRODUCT LEADERSHIP™ A' iWiir«Ki%lt4r wliiWnlwilw J' j * Top Quality / • Your Best Storage / Value n can’t see you AT AG I PROGRESS DAYS but I’d like to I know more about grain bins. I NAME 1 ADDRESS CITY- I ZIP PH I I □ Please send G Please call me I l jnejlterature_ _for_anjiqpo|ntment the world, with three dairies total ing more than 2,500 milking cows. Hundreds of dairy producers and students visit each year to see first-hand the Clauss family’s in novations in nutrition, housing and heifer raising. The herds have a rolling average of over 17,000 pounds of milk and 655 pounds of protein. With the philosophy that there is no need to produce something unless it can be marketed at a fair price, Dick Clauss joined with 10 other dairy producers to establish Hilmar Cheese Company in 1984. Receiving nearly 5 million pounds of milk per day, Hilmar Cheese is now the world’s largest single site, integrated cheese and whey products plant. Its products are marketed throughout the United States and internationally. As chairman of the board of Hilmar Cheese Company, Clauss has helped improve milk prices for hundreds of California dairy producers. Since its inception, the com- Jl!! , pany has paid more than $1 billion to dairymen through its cheese yield payment system, creating competition that resulted in other area plants paying higher prices as well. Clauss is also a long-time lead er and innovators in the Jersey breed. He served a combined 17 years on the boards of the Ameri can Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) and National All-Jersey (NAJ), from 1980 to 1997. Clauss is one of the few people to serve as president of both organizations, and in both capacities made many significant contributions to the dairy industry. Under Clauss’ leadership, NAJ played a major role in the nation wide acceptance of multiple com ponent pricing (MCP) of milk. As AJCA president, Clauss led the or ganization to package its pro grams registration, milk mar keting, appraisal and performance —to make them more attractive to large dairy farmers. He also helped start a business re-engi neering project at AJCA, leading to more efficient registration pro cessing. In an effort to improve the Jer sey breed and supply his dairies with top quality replacements, Clauss helped found Jerseyland Sires in 1979. Clauss is currently president of this young sire proving group, which samples about 24 young Jersey bulls each year. Among Jerseyland’s accomplishments is the development of Highland Ma- /'/ ■' // 1 @ BROCK. inc. 1248 SOUTH MOUNTAIN RD., DILLSBURG, PA 17019 Check with us or your dealer today about our early order program. / / > *' \ x gic Duncan, a former number one bull for both type and production who continues to have a large im pact on the breed Clauss’ past awards have in cluded 1995 World Dairy Expo Dairyman of the Year, California Polytechnic State University Dairyman of the Year and 1998 American Jersey Cattle Associa tion Distinguished Service Award. Clauss and his wife, Sharon, have three daughters, Kirsten Rus sell, Karen Tate and Kimberly Clauss. Distinguished Breeder Wayne E. Sliker of Top Acres Brown Swiss Farm, along with his wife, Connie, has been named as the winner of the National Dairy Shrine’s Distinguished Dairy Cat tle Breeder Award for 1998. The annual award recognizes an active, progressive dairyman who, through expertise in managing a dairy breeding herd based upon sound genetic and business princi ples, serves as a model of success for contemporaries. Wayne’s Top Acres Brown Swiss herd evolved from a late 1950’s FFA project, when Wayne was a high school student in New Jersey. Today the 200-head herd is known both nationally and inter nationally. Wayne has had 84 All Ameri cans and 78 Reserve All-Ameri cans thru the 1996 show season, considered to be more than any other Brown Swiss breeder. The majority of these animals carry the Top Acres prefix. Since he started (Turn to Pago 24) PHONE 717-432-9733 FAX NO. 717-432-8389 f-fc •W 1