Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1998, Image 72
824-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 MAIL ;■ X MARKET i F R SALE B B Franklin trees starting to bloom, now fifteen gallon pot, grown, $35 ea , over 5 ft tall 609-358-6644 Salem Co , NJ Sweet corn crates, over 2,000 wooden crates, set up and knocked down, 50 ea Call after 6 pm, 908- 475-2151 Warren Co JD 110 and 112 h L&G yel low and white decks, snow plow, Woods 5 ft 3 pt, and 10 ft brush hog mowers 609-538-0853 Mercer Co A frame gantry crane, alu minum construction w/V 2 ton hoist, $390, 24” planer, 3 phase, $435 717-428- 2563 York Co Garage door, B’xl4’ color white (metal), 3 yrs old, compl w/track 717-336- 1571 Lane Co Mennomte carriage, 2- seater, steel wheels, brakes on front, fair shape 717-445-6880 Lane Co Emus, white geese and Seabnght chickens, pis Iv. mess on answer mach 610-255-3430 New Castle Co.DE 12" Vernier height gage satin finish, like new, $5O, 3/8 toolholders, $4 50 ea 717-336-3276 Lane Co Alaska stoker stove 70 16 Hopper 60,000 btu, $4OO 717-653-4623 Lane Co Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $29.50 per year or $57.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV (All other areas - $39.50 per year, $77 00 for two years ) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided aod check the proper box below • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a m. to 5 p m Thursday Tam to 5 p.m. I When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancaster Farming mailmgLlabel here and mail the whole form to: i LANCASTER FARMING RO. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone; 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 I L. PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING; (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rhtes Effective May 1, 1998 PA, MD, DE, NJ, NV, OH, VA, WV □ $29.50 - 1 YEAR □ $57 00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name Address RD # City Zip +4 _ Equip for 2 wheel Gravely rotary plow, rototiller, gear reduction hubs, 48 inch doz er blade, cult, $3OO 080 717-766-2222 York Co Incubators/hatchers $225 ea , 8’ truck cap, was on ‘9l Ford, $5O, everything like new Eves 607-734-1765 ChemCo 1989 Nissan p/u truck, 5 spd , ext cab, good cond , must sell, best offer over $4OOO After 6 pm 610- 268-0332 Chester Co 1984 La Strada travel trail er, sleeps 6, a/c, awning, refnd , shower, toilet, clean, good cond , 20', $2650 717-625-4446 Lane Co Baled hay NH 350 grinder mixer, Ford corn picker, 3 hay and 2 gravity bin wag ons, Ford baler 717-939- 4213 Dau Co 10x35 metal silo w/chute, doors, roof outside, ladder, safety chage, good cond , BO No Sunday calls, 717- 432-3338 York Co Reg Tenn Walker, 1H 450 diesel loader, 2 row corn picker, Farmall H 2, 1 for parts 717-875-4569 Sch Co Silomatic model 2600, 20 ft silo unloader, compl, good cond , 717-355-2838 Lane. Co Corn Binder w/hyd wilt sell with or without engine Abner Lapp, 309 Clearview Dr, Quarryville Box # State County Non-Refundable Flashy 1992 reg AQHA sor rel mare, 15 2h, exc all around western horse for tail, show, rodeo, $2200, neg 717-724-3740 Tioga Co Woods RMSOO 3 pt, 60" fin ish mower, good cond , $550 610-759-7714 North hampton Co Case 4208 backhoe/loader for parts, all cyl good, engine shot, $l2OO 080 717-386-5856 Carbon Co IH 205 combine w/cab, 10 ft, grain head, good cond, deliv ery available, $l5OO 080, Case DC good, $l2OO 717- 386-4091 Sch Co 914 series Ford belly mount finishing mower, like new. less than 40 hours use. $l5OO 060 717-938- 9857 York Co Grinder mixer OMC 95 two gravity gram bins 3-1/2 tons Farmaster bedding chopper 717-738-3104 Lane Co NH Super 717 harvester w/#737 direct cut head $l,OOO, also flat bed dump wagon, $5OO 717-359- 5068 Adams Co JD 60 ps, 3 pt, ready for show, $5,000, round wide front for JD 2 cyl , $500; Lincoln gas welder, $lOOO. 717-944-9155 Dau. Co. Manly 40 T hydraulic press, $B5O, Blackhawk comm’l eng. lift, $225, both good shape. 301-854-6431 Howard Co. OTHER STATES □ $39.50 - 1 YEAR □ $77.00 - 2 YEARS □ RENEWAL 2 horse bobsled, 11’ box, $650, Hammond organ spinet, $l5O 717-786- 7930 Lane Co Marvel #9 power hacksaw 10”x10” cap, 3 phase, power feed & coolant, 18''x11V 2 " blades, $695060 610-367- 4139 Berks Co 1970 Inf 1600 Loadstar hay truck, new 24' bed, VB, 5x2 good tires, ps, truck too Ig 717-366-2173 Sch. Co Int 1310 12’truck, Irish set ter male, from Ireland, 1 yr, $250, trained reg basset puppy, female, $250 717- 589-3941 Perry Co Amana 10 cu ft chest freezer, like new, $l5O, c i clawfoot bathtub, $95; 200 canning jars, 70 quarts, 130 pints, $25 for all 610- 286-9682 Berks Co Electric hospital, Pegasus air mattress, and air tank, (like new), wheelchair and walker, asking $lOOO for everything 610-678-5916 Berks Co 2 Dorset rams, ready to breed, One is 1 yr., other fall born. After 4-30 p m 717-633-9859 York Co Berg bam cleaner, comfort stalls, 2” ss. pipeline, claws, feeder wagons 717- 837-3395 Snyder Co. Soda machine, 6 selection, new compressor, a good summer money maker, $3OO 717-763-8194 Cumb Co Male Boer goat kid, $l5O, Forney welder, 140 DC w/3000 watt generator, 9 hp, new. $1730. 717-866- 2246 Leb. Co. MF 540 combine, 1/43 com head, 1859 13’ flex head, also extra tires & nms, 23 1 x 26. 717-799-5247 Col. Co 1988 Dodge 3/4 ton pick up, $2OOO, Berger transit, $225 717-286-1993 eves Northumb Co. Want an algae free farm pond"? Invest in swans, nothing works better! 717- 532-7341 Frankl Co. 2 Holstein cows, coming 4th location, big and fancy, due Sept Ist Stephen F. Stoltztus, 1724 Valley Rd . Christiana Lane Co. 1940 Ford Dump truck, not running, but compl., flat head, VB, have title. 301- 829-0130 Carroll Co Male 8 mos. black fainting goat, no papers; will trade for female or sell $f 426-3992 Lane. Co. 1979 Dodge Clubcab 4x4, 3/4 ton, VB, auto, many new parts, completely gone over, exc cond., must sell, $4250 08 0 717-687-0706 Lane. Co 11 16V2 ft Tobacco rails, BO 717-653-4598 Lane Co bsssS^ 140 1 old 4 legged bath tub, $lOO, 1 hot water radiator, 30” long, 36” high, good cond , $lOO 610-444-1490 Chester Co Goats, 2 yr red/white, doe, $BO, 1 yr choc./white Wether, $6O, Reg Polled Fainting buck kids, blk/whf, $BO 717-244- 0561 York Co Delta jig saw, 1/4 hp motor, heavy duty, $175, Crafts man drill press, floor mod el, heavy duty. $275 cash 717-394-7798 Lane Co Little David 20' bottom silo unloader, Jamesway water bowls, free mulch John Glick, 2285 E-town Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 Lane Co 88 Ford F 250, 7 3 DSL $3200; 84 Chev C 20,6 2 dsl utility body, $2400, Cat 12 grader, $3200, Line SA2SO dies, bad welder, $650 410- 378-2785 Cecil Co. V-belts, new C-sizes, B sizes, 60 to 195, about 150+ belts, total, 1 buyer gets all, new coal grates for furnace works boiler 410- 398-7680 Cecil Co Generator, 2 skw, 5 hp B&S, $150; 2 rotaßy lawn mower, exc cond , $5O ea 410-357-8508 Balt. Co. McCormick Deering 10-20 runs, steel wheels, no sheetmetal, $950; 1963 Cub Cadet, 70 8 hp, extras, $3OO, trade on hit & miss engines. 717-966-1249 Union Co 6 Limousin breed age heifers, open black & red, purebred, very strong breed traits. 717-374-8914 Snyder Co. Reg. gray Brahman and Charolais cattle. Bred cows, heifer, calves, tame, priced to sell, loveable black gelding llama. 410- 658-3169 Cecil Co Michigan 55A loader, 4 WD rebuilt diesel, w/forks, $6750, Brouwer walk-behmd gas roller, 450 lbs, 55 hp Honda, nice, $llOO 717-286-5306 Northumb. Co. Same Saturno #BO tractor, 4WD, $5OOO, good cond , Kewanee 12 ft transport disk, $9OO, good cond 717-933-8962 Berks Co. Massey Ferguson 255 diesel tractor with loader and forks, 4000 hours, $6200 or BO 717-246- 2083 York Co JD lawn tractor, excellent cond , garage kept, 42” deck, 5 spd , great lawn mower, $l5OO, 12 5 hp. 610-273-3854 Berks Co Ceiling fans, 2 feed bins, dumping station, best offer 717-664-4857 Lane. Co Rissler 520 TMR cart, 25kw, Onan PTO genera tor, Farmmaster Hammer Mill, Rissler conveyors, double chain. Before 8 a.m 717-966-1711 Union Co. Morgan gelding, 2 yr old, well built and mannered dark chestnut, asking $9OO Ervin Hoover, 328 W. Maple Grove Rd., Denver, Pa. 17517 (1 mi. west of Bowmansville) Lane. Co. 786 diesel, dual remotes, engine rebuilt, 2 PTOs, 3 point hitch, asking $10,500, Iv. mssg. 814-486-0677 Cameron Co. Caterpillar D 2 Dozer in good cond., 12" diameter, 40 Schule pipe, Gabion wire baskets, telephone poles for pole buildings. 717-467-3921 Schuyl. Co. 5 5:25-5-50x18 Firestone Mud Grip; 2 5 25x5:50x17 Champion, 2 6-40:15 Deluxe W/W, $lO ea.; $6O all new 717-244-5016 York Co Cummins 1 hole corn shelter, Fairbanks platform scale, 1 2 horse plow, sandstone grinder. 215- 357-2692 Bucks Co. Manure spreader, metal ground dnven rubber, 4x12 ft. 2 bottom, 3 point plow, trailer, 2 axle, 2 cement mixers on wheels 610- 363-9411 Chester Co. Woods RM6OO rebuilt 1150.00; IH 2 rw. planter, $350, 5’ pull type disc, needs repair, 195.00 610- 942-7096 Chester Co. JD 140 tractor w/48” mow er, (4) 225-60 R-16” all weather tires, 650 McCul loch, 20” chain saw, Eager Beaver, 12” c-saw, gas weed eater 717-665-5848 Lane. Co Clawfoot tub, rolled edge, very good cond , you pick up, $5O 080 Between 10 am and 5 p.m. 610-775- 1824 Berks Co. Wisconsin eng , V46OD, 60 hp, good cond., $750. 215- 757-2140 Bucks Co. SCa iQft Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Sprayer Parts and Repair • Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses • Black Walnut Cracker 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service Kirkwood PA 17536 • 77 7-529-6553 Scandia wood/coal stove w/glass door. $125. Call 717-834-9378 after 7 p.m. Int 56 forage blower, good cond., $7OO, Int. truck w/16A dump body, $750 717-354-6544 Lane. Co Ferg 30 tractor w/Sauder loader, and tire chains, $2650; Farmall H 1,000 MF wheel weights, $125 717- 582-8354 Perry Co Stone cabin 8.4 acres well, septic, electric, fireplace, 4/10 of (remote) mite road in shade mountain $59,900. 717-837-3150 Snyd. Co Beagle Border Collie mix dog, 3 yr. old male, 45 lb , friendly, watch dog type 717-665-7828 Lane Co. Black Hawk Potor Power 10 ton w/2 rams, $100; L 6 tap die set in wood box, $lOO 717-339-4847 Northumb Co. Whirlpool 30 pint dehumid ifier, good cond.. $BO. 717- 445-6142 Lane Co Antique 1941 Chevy stub nose farm truck, 14’ bed, solid wood sides, 6 cyl, 4 spd.., needs restoration $l6OO. 717-677-7840 Adams Co. Dining room set, table w/2 leaves, 2 captain’s and 4 mates chairs, med finish, like new cond., $l9O/all 610-926-5935, after 5 p.m Berks Co. 1982 Lincoln Towncar, auto, 302 motor, loaded, 1990 Ford conv. van, high top, auto, captains sofa bed, 61k mi, $9OOO nag. 610-488-6084 Berks Co. Construction trailer, 3 axle, deckover, 18 GVW pintle ramps, good cond., also 3 pt scoop, & post hole dig ger & boom 610-582-4434 or 7289. Berks Co JD manure spreader, 2 hay rakes, 2 bucket mixers, young goats, chickens Call for details, 717-624-1533 Iv. mssg Adams Co. 1985 Ford truck parts, rims, head, pipe, hoses, catelitic converter filters, 1966 Chevy II parts and body 717-548-3936 Lane. Co. tCLLZ